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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. Looks nice but seems like empty talk
  2. Hardliner rightwinger zionists need islamic extremism and hamas needs hardliner zionists they actually love each other also there’s a thin line between anti israeli/anti zionist/anti semitic or anti jew and both islamists, bigots and zionists use this thin line to their advantage
  3. If they were cool they would just make a caricature of dutch people, dutch king and jesus or something. But they aren’t cool, they’re whack ?
  4. Je suis charlie ? it’s not necessarily that islam is the problem, extremists are the problem. But Islam seems to produce many extremists
  5. The taste of mushrooms or ayahu is worse
  6. ketamine isn’t even a real psychedelic it’s a horse dewormer or cat anesthetic either one of those
  7. Ok that makes sense. Often the people who were muslims and or had bad experiences become the biggest opponents. Which is fair. I’ve seen videos from a guy. He used to be a muslim extremist and then went to jail. Now he is one of the biggest opponents of islam and islamic extremism in europe and says they should be kicked out of europe. He became a christian. He always quotes the quran against muslims in debates/fights. To me growing up non religious all this seems quite silly
  8. You lost your mind? No mind sounds great also Ketamine can be a bit addictive i guess for some but you’re gonna ruin your bladder and regret it.
  9. what if israel bought a piece/peace of land for palestinians in argentina or something? Obviously not happening from both sides but it could be niiice
  10. Yea but to be fair many people in Europe view the USs role as world police critical. I think the biggest anti war protest in my country was against the US Iraq invasion.
  11. And what did gandhi and jesus say?
  12. It’s the gesture not the peanuts « pal » but every peanut is infinite potential
  13. Nah she was nice and those peanuts were lovely. I hope she and her fam are fine.
  14. There was another israeli chick she bought peanuts for me and brought them to me to the beach. Say something about that you brute
  15. One if not the hottest female populations. There was this Israeli woman she was so hot i almost fell for her but i was too shy to bother her. I hope she’s fine
  16. I’ve recently traveled to latin america. There were so many Israelis. They’re quite beautiful honestly. But they often stay together
  17. Will you want to then kill me and parade me you brute?
  18. Your past? It’s gone you don’t remember it look around, what is this reality? look closer because you don’t really remember what it is. just this
  19. maybe they were partying for the freedom of palestinians. i’m assuming those partygoers weren’t right wingers there have been many protests inside isreal for palestinians
  20. Who are you? You don’t really remember also you don’t remember your fears and preferences
  21. What’s israel and palestine? don’t really know, just random letters forming words
  22. Yah that’s why i said oil is holding them back. It’s like a handout by god/the government, can make you lazy and complacent