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Everything posted by PurpleTree

  1. “Vance scolding Europeans about free speech” Putin must be coming all over himself happily because of this US administration.
  2. Not making concessions to Putin before talks start. Not cozying up to Putin. Would be a start.
  3. I don’t like Bolton obviously but i think he’s right with his assessment here. First Americans asked European NATO countries to spend 2% of their gdp on defence. Then 3.5 and now Trump is asking for 5%. Which is basically impossible. Trump knows that and is just looking for a way out of NATO. The US spends around 3.5% on defence and their spending is crazy obviously. They bomb everbody. Pew pew
  4. Psychedelics? Nah bro sorry you can’t have that. It goes against our “stability”
  5. Have done that before years ago too. Made milk kefir and mostly water kefir with grains. Also thinking about buying milk kefir grains again.
  6. To this point. You could say that China building camps for Uighurs and clamping down on democracy and freedoms in places like Hong Kong is stabilisation. And that clamping down on press freedom and artistic freedom is stabilisation. The problem is that the people on top are also just (greedy, corrupt, opinionated, opportunistic etc) humans. Hey bro just give me some of your freedoms for stability and safety. You might end up in a gulag but it’s not personal.
  7. What a traitor to Canada this guy eh. Also probably the benzo addiction and carnivore diet messed his brain up. Also he is close with Rogan and them so they probably talk about this crap behind closed doors.
  8. I haven’t watched it but let me guess. He said Canada should join the US and bow down to Trump the orange hope? Probably also said something about lobsters or marxism.
  9. Gosh you’re going on ignore friend. I don’t mind a Trump supporter that much but this is lunacy cult trash ^
  10. It’s sad the US basically betrayed Ukraine. Let’s see what happens. Ukraine somehow getting nukes is almost their only hope imo. (which is very unlikely)
  11. There was likely not that much choice/free will involved in voting for this or that anyway.
  12. I try to boycott Chinese product.
  13. You guys are losing the plot. It’s not about “morally superior activism” It’s about not supporting a lunatic ass*hat with your money = capitalism.
  14. ^ the King of Jordan is blinking S.O.S. ”save me from this Orang Utan”
  15. Donald Trump is really bringing the world closer together. To unite against his shenanigans.
  16. There are multiple things coming together. Social media, fake news/disinformation/propaganda, people living in different realities, divided society, the rise of China, broligarchy, ai, and now Elon buying twitter and now part of the government with his bs etc.
  17. It doesn’t have Gasolinaaa
  18. Sure. But now this is also a big problem since the hype man went a little bit fascist-ish. So now the hype man and leader is dragging Tesla down with hos antics. Unless right wingers and MaGA start to buy EVs en masse. (hint: they prefer gasoline)