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About PurpleTree

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  1. I have a few friends from Brazil and want to visit. But yea crime is wild in many places there. An American who travelled most over Latin America told me the only place he got robbed was Brazil. (By Brazilian kids with guns basically)
  2. I mean Zuck already stole Facebook from those posh twins. He played woke-ish and then turned into Rogan guy brolygarchy jiu jitsu type of guy and kissed Trumps ring. And the way Bezos (one of the richest men) treats his workers? Drivers are forced to pee in bottles because of the stress. When workers wanted to unionize in Quebec, Bezos just left the state. Because he wouldn’t be able to mistreat them the same way.
  3. Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice can’t put the blame on you Fool me 3 times F the peace signs load the chopper and let it rain on you
  4. To me if you are a Maga or a Putin guy if you at least do some consciousness work. Even semi serious once in a while take some psychedelics or do inquiry or meditation, question your beliefs or whatever it’s ok, it’s all i could ask for. But if you are Maga or Putin and you don’t do any of the work and are just here to defend your ideology and argue with people then i have zero interest or energy to deal with it and glad we have the ignore function.
  5. That’s why i‘m asking. You can do whatever you want but then i‘ll probably just put you on my lovely ignore list.
  6. Yes the thing with the pyramids is ultra fringe i think. I‘ve heard afro centrist like black israelites claim their ancestors built the pyramids. Although they’re usually from west Africa and there are no pyramids. And maybe nazis because they think indo europeans did everything. Abd as you said Hungarians although i’ve never heard their claims. Not even Italians or Greeks claim the pyramids.
  7. I‘m sure it’s a fringe element everywhere but it’s not mainstream like in Hungary or Nazi Germany or now MAGA. I mean the last A stands for again no? Let‘s get back to dreams of former glories and harmony and stuff?
  8. I did the breathing for a while. And i still do it from time to time against anxiety. To me it seemed a little problematic how it was called „the Wim Hof“ breathing and everything was built around him as a person. Just seemed a bit ego centric.
  9. Do you do spiritual and psychedelic work? Or inquiry? Or are you just here to spew silly right wing maga gaga stuff?