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About PurpleTree

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  1. Yea but i also think that “guard” is what causes a lot of suffering.
  2. Agreed. Why do you think it’s good to have a strong identity?
  3. Trying to fix yourself or fix the world or your surroundings will seemingly never work. All this playing chess against yourself in your head is going nowhere. All of this trying to land somewhere. Make it right. Finally get it is seemingly an illusion. All of this fighting with your thoughts or feelings is going nowhere. Because there is seemingly already no you to really do that. It’s a mirage.
  4. True but the article says LSD not LSA.
  5. At some point you get a belief and then you just keep confirming it. Could be anything from “i’m a loser” to “Mexicans are lazy” to “Islam is true” It’s just egoic pattern/sense making of the surroundings by the mind. But it certainly does keep us trapped. I just now looked up if Leo has an episode on it and surely enough. But I don’t really remember it and will listen to it again.
  6. You can’t argue with ideological group think people imo. They are like donkeys. Although donkeys are nicer.
  7. Of course from a Russian perspective it would be cool. The guy speaks from a Russian/Putinist perspective basically. That’s why I have him on ignore because it’s useless to engage.
  8. To me all that sounds quite ideological. And not necessarily true. Yes there was colonialism and so on and it’s part of the equation. There were empire everywhere. In Europe in Africa in Asia in Mexico and the Americas before the settlers. But imo western countries got better living standards through innovation. You fail to mention that. The amount of innovation from some of the small European countries. The amount of nobel price laureates per capita. Japan for example was very colonial for a while. But imo they prospered mostly through innovation. Can you name me countries that aren’t “barbarous”?
  9. It’s useless. These guys come with an agenda/ideology and a victim mentality.
  10. So how are these countries some of the most barbarous? Also what do you mean by barbarous? Edit ok i read your explanation/idea. But i don’t agree with your view at all. For example Russia. Very “barbarous” in foreign policy yet the populace doesn’t have that much freedom for self development or how ever you put it. Or would you say Canada is still very “barbarous” in its foreign policy compared to lets say Iran, North Korea, Somalia?
  11. Like Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Singapore, Finland for example?
  12. That’s all true. But France has also done great things. The number of things that were invented in France in the last few hundred years is crazy and humanity is a lot better with these inventions. That’s what haters fail to acknowledge. Things like photography, cinema, blood transfusion, modern dentistry, aspirin, rabies vaccine, antibiotics, tuberculosis vaccine, submarine, helicopter etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_French_inventions_and_discoveries
  13. It wasn’t funny after a while so i deleted it.
  14. Friend don’t be jealous. We all committed crimes. Everybody is a potential nazi or genocider. Everything you use right now is invented from the west. Your language, your screen, your internet. I say the west is better and you say your place is better. Let’s agree to disagree broski 💜
  15. Yes that and the settlers also snatch territory for Israel right? So Bibi and some of his gang is probably in favour of that. It’s just a very bad situation.