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Everything posted by Batman

  1. @itachi uchiha Tell me, does Hezbollah holds ethical code that prohibits its members from using their weapons against innocent beings? I highly doubt that. But show me.
  2. It saddens to see that this forum is occupied by such low consciousness and ignorant members such as @itachi uchiha and @Husseinisdoingfine. I really hope you will mature one day. You are obviously one-sided, biased, and unable to see the big picture. Hezbollah fires, intentionally, on Israeli civilians. Including women and children. The respect you give such a vile "organization" will forever disconnect you from Consciousness. Don't fool your self, it is a terrorist organization.
  3. @Nivsch I totally get what your saying. I agree that there many orange-green located in central of Israel. But they are very, very, very dogmatic regarding their views. Whether it is a lawyer, high-tech worker, vegan, hippy, or what not - they all seem to express a very exclusive state of mind, closed-mindedness and rigidity of beliefs. I am afraid it is the egoic shell that was indoctrinated in their childhood and adolescence, where they were impounded with concepts and beliefs about how haunted they are, and how everybody is seeking to destroy them. I also met amazingly loving and high consciousness individuals from Israel. But it is rare. The most I would consider barbarian, religious fanatics or sick materialists.
  4. Not really. I would consider it pretty dark: - Tons of national egotism around being the "chosen people" by God, which creates an artificial sense of entitlement; - Lots of collective trauma due to holocaust and other events where they were persecuted for being Jews; - Extremely militaristic society. They are very influenced by their military service, where they are brainwashed by 18-21 year old commanders/officers; - Total Social Division and discrimination. They put so much emphasize about being Arab/Jew, Secular/Religious, Black Skin/White Skin, White Collar/Blue Collar, Rich/Poor. It is true that without the influence, protection and support of USA, Israel would have been a 3rd world country. They do prosper on high-tech companies, but this because they have an extremely materialist society in Tel-Aviv and its surroundings. People there work on a 50-70 hours weekly. I consider the Israeli society to be sick with too much ego agenda and poor in spirituality. It will be extremely rare to find a stage turquoise consciousness in an Israeli. There are many stage green individuals there. Those who posses yellow capacities and system thinking, usually use it to make money and not advance the society. Generally speaking, it is a very Red-Blue society. I'm not blaming them, of course. It is just what it is. The state of consciousness of the collective society in Israel is low due to past collective trauma (which they work hard to maintain), poor education and conditioning, constant conflicts with Arabs, and a mandatory military service. They also suffer from a profound sense of separation, which is easily noticed in their being.
  5. @itachi uchiha Grow up, mature. It is obvious that both sides are not acting in accordance with the Truth. Murdering civilians is no better than conquering occupied land.
  6. You suffer greatly from lack of Consciousness. I hope one day you will be less ignorant. And yea, as long as a belief in separation continue to serve as the foundation for any human association - country, corporation, nationality, etc. - those conceptual associations will always strive to preserve the imagined separation at the expense of those who are allegedly distinct from them. Both Israelis and Palestinians don't get that they will continue to suffer as long as they keep holding to their stories, rather than seeing that the entire existence is the infinite imagination of God. The only reason for war is lack of Consciousness. Which is what Israelis and Palestinians suffer from, deeply.
  7. I recommend both, they compliment each other. I never done nor inquired into the program you mentioned, but I know Julien Blanc is an RSD instructor. As far as I know, much of the PUA community and RSD material is based on manipulation tactics and strategy, whether it is manipulation of internal state or of the environment. Sorry to break it to you, manipulation will not transform you, because you are already manipulating your internal state and the environment. Real transformation is about maturing, not adopting new ways of relating to circumstance. If you want to mature, you need to let go of your self induced childhood patterns. Psychedelics will show you some of this and connect you, at least temporarily, to a more integrated and honest experience of life. If you want real "growth", it is about becoming as honest as you can be, and becoming conscious of all the patterns you adopted throughout your life, and deciding whether to drop them or not. It is also about bringing to your Consciousness everything that your repress. If this type of work interest you, I invite to research "shadow work" and contemplation of unconscious mind. Psychedelics accelerate this process because they increase Consciousness by showing you the content of your subconscious mind, which tends to dominate your experience and fixate your life to a certain form. In my personal experience, Ayahuasca is the most transformative psychedelic. Ayahuasca provides not only ego death (when needed), but also forces you to deal with your emotions. It will also show you the deepest material of your unconscious mind - the deepest fears, sorrow, pain that you hold. Ayahuasca is not a walk in the park, it is serious emotional work. But it is worth it.
  8. The experience of being limited is manifested by Consciousness. The same way Odysseus ordered his sailors to plug their ears with beeswax and tie him to the mast, so the Sirens songs won't make them steer the ship towards their doom, Consciousness creates limitations to "enable" the game of life.
  9. I also get some form of sexual arousal when vaping DMT. @mojsterr DMT is indeed weird and unexpectable, especially when it is vaped and the trip is short and intense. It is really hard to "know" or "interpret" the realm of the trip, and psychonauts develop all the time all sorts of theories regarding the matter. I suspect that it reveals both personal and collective subconscious material. The more the trip deepens, the forms you become conscious of in the trip will get more archetypical and sacred in their nature - some sort of a blueprint of the capacity to cognize "material" reality. So, if your subconscious hold "negative" ways to relate to reality, such as thought forms or emotions, DMT might bring them to your cognition. That is what Psychedelics do, generally, they bring the unconscious mind into Consciousness in all sorts of ways. It is very possible that you are going through personal subconscious material that is buried and what you truly wish for is to cognize it so you can let go of it. This is why integration is so important - you are using the trip experience/lesson to "look" for your unconsciousness in daily life. Regarding your trips - it sounds to me like you feared that you took too much, and that fear manifested as voices telling you about this. The fact that it was the sound of a woman might suggest your overlooked need for motherly guidance or protection, or for other forms of female energy of supervision and care. But those are only speculation, it is for you to find out why the trip manifested the way it did.
  10. How is it any different then going to Ayahuasca/5-MEO ceremony, receiving legal services or purchasing vegetables in the supermarket? The vehicle for the transmission is a life form, do you really expect it to give of his time and abilities for free? It also needs to survive as human being. On the contrary, if the transmission was for free, that would jeopardize many more people who are not in a place in their life to encounter such a transformation. When you pay for something, you should consider what are you paying for. It is money "out of pocket", so you will deploy your skepticism carefully and research well before the transmission. Free transmission are far more dangerous IMO.
  11. Transformation process is accessed via diverse means. If your purpose is to return to who you really are, it is more about letting go or releasing the adopted patterns that dominate your experience. Of course, you can always transform by adopting new patters, which may or may not be useful for your self agenda, but that transformation will be shallow. You are already you, but we hide this from ourselves and others because we want to manipulate reality to fit our agenda and ideals. You don't have to move a finger to be who you already are. However, we engage in so many activities (thought & behavior patterns) that conceal or hide the real you. The process of bringing all patterns to our cognition - becoming conscious of our unconscious aspect of mind - is the ultimate and deep transformation most "seekers" really strive to. For example, when you become conscious of your aversion from certain activities or specific other because you fear them for some reason, you can let go of this aversion and experience or confront the situation as it is. There are multiple and diverse aspects to the subconscious mind, and bringing all of it to the light of Consciousness is serious work (which I highly recommend).
  12. They can provide powerful insights into self and mind, which facilitates transformation of the individual. They can also reveal deeply buried subconscious material that you hide from your self because you don't want to confront with. They can provoke powerful ego death, which will reveal your true identity. They can also encourage creativity, connection to other and environment, clarity of thought and perception, forgiveness, compassion, and many other traits that are inherent to your nature but are buried under the plethora of concept you regard as your self. They are not magic pill, definitely. Truth and insights which gleaned under the effects of psychedelics must be assimilated in day to day life by you. Even though many psychonauts claim that psychedelics transformed their life, it is rarely the case. Mostly, even after amazing trips, the mind will reassemble back to its prior architecture. Unless the trip is integrated via letting go of old patterns, psychological treatment, contemplation and meditation - it will remain as experience. A mind opening experience, perhaps, but not a life transforming one. Permanent and healthy transformation comes about through persistent process, not the temporary experience activated by the absorption of external molecular structures. This is not to say, that you cannot create a positive and persistent transformation right now, "off the bat". It is actually possible, but this possibility is rarely accessed.
  13. Why do you assume there is a point to something? If life and existence are ultimately pointless, then they lack any charge whatsoever. It is like building a sandcastle on a beach - it only has meaning if you are attached to it in some way or assign value to it. Life and existence are precisely like sandcastles, one day something or someone will come and destroy them. They will return to infinite consciousness the same as the sandcastle returns to the sand. Attaching to life or assigning meaning to it is a choice, whether it is a conscious or unconscious choice is up to you. What I am saying is that life is completely meaningless, which is the platform for the meaning you choose to assign to it. Meaning is created and only exist in a subject-object relationship. In this case, life is the object and you are the subject of it. When you awaken, you realize the there is no distinction between subject and object, and that you are life and existence. You were never separate from those. As long as you participate in the "game" of life, you will attribute some meaning to it. You can awaken and see that life is meaningless and lacks any charge, but choose what value to assign to it from a more conscious perspective. You can also awaken and go to sleep again which happens to most people who don't awaken deeply. So there is no point, unless you create it. Existence is completely pointless, which is what allowing the creation of meaning or purpose. You are God, playing in the sand of Consciousness, building infinite sandcastles that all of which will return to the infinite "sea" of Consciousness.
  14. Religion is based on faith, which premise is in contradiction to the possibility of becoming conscious of Absolute Truth. So in the context of becoming conscious, no religion can deliver. In the context of directing an individual life, or guiding a massive collection of individuals to cooperate efficiently and in accordance with the Truth, I don't know. God has no religion.
  15. You already don't exist. Existence is only real when you believe in it. It is equal to dreaming, the dream is only considered real when you are not conscious it is a dream. But yea, it is rather hard not to "fall for" the illusion of reality. It is brilliant and convincing, but really there is nothing there. Appearances and the meaning we assign to them are magic. When ego doesn't get what it wants, it can develop a disposition of being fed up with "existence".
  16. Well, you can create a distinction between Consciousness and Ego/Mind. But this will be artificial and limited because Consciousness is the source and nature of all distinctions. Consciousness is Absolute, Infinite and Nothing, so you can't distinct it from anything at all. It isn't finite, has no parameters, and cannot be in relationship with anything. Ego is a collection of thought forms that persist. The ego "traps" Consciousness under the illusion that it is the Ego. So what you actually looking for is awakening - becoming conscious of the nature of reality, and dispelling the illusion of the "I" thought that pretends to be someone. Keep in mind that ego cannot think. Thought doesn't have the capacity to think of themselves. That is a function of Consciousness. So you see, ego is the persistence of specific conceptual identity - made of thought forms - that Consciousness believes itself to be or identifies itself in.
  17. @Razard86 Seeking is just thought forms and activities of egoic tendencies. You aren't any of them. If you are conscious of your need to be right, you can end it at the moment you are conscious of it. This goes for every thought form. When we are identified with thought forms, they can go on automatically without us being conscious of them. IMO, the framework of debate is already based on conflict where the purpose is that some opinion will ultimately be declared as "the better one". When this is the framework for communication, the participators will almost always deploy egoic manipulations to win the conflict. I would suggest reframing any presentation or communication of opinion as sharing or exchanging, rather than debating or preaching.
  18. By becoming conscious of it deeper and deeper. If you are using other's presence to feel better about your self, I would consider you someone who feeds on the energy of others. This is actually not so rare in modern cultures. The primary function of ego is to feed of another. If you are strongly attached to your thought forms, you are probably engaging in activities and manipulations that reinforce your thoughts and beliefs regarding yourself, which usually includes consuming the energy of others (whether it is by communicating them your opinions and beliefs without being open to hear their side, or by arguing with them, making them feel weak, drawing them to your ego activities, etc.).
  19. How could there be free will if there is no one? Decisions are functions of conditioning and preferences, not free will. Don't mistake who you are with your character, which is comprised of body and conditioned self-mind. From the "vantage point" of Nothing, which is what you really are, all the conditions of your character are invented. So conditioning and character can change either by adopting different ones or by dropping the existing ones. God isn't taking you anywhere. You are already where you are, which is nowhere. Don't be hard on your self, we all make "mistakes". That is life. I suggest to drop the victim mentality, it is a futile and childish emotional disposition towards life.
  20. How can you be alone when there is no other? Aloneness is only possible when there is another that is absent. Ego is a function of survival. A form the has the capability to distinguish itself from its environment with thought, that is a complex organism as ours, can create a dense and "solidified" sense of self. This is empowered specifically in developed cultures with complex social hierarchy that instigate the creation of many distinction between selfs.
  21. Only you can inspect the belief or suppressed material that the dream represents, because it is buried in your Consciousness. Running away from someone or something may reflect avoidance tendency, or a belief that you are weak and so incapable of handling some matter or conflict. You can try to "remember" the dream and try to glean whether there is a belief, a thought, or a feeling that is "assimilated" in it.
  22. Other pov's is just Consciousness being trapped within the dream of believing to be a self which as a life story of its own that is played in relation to others. Or in other words, it is Consciousness playing the game of being individual in a world of separated people. When Consciousness "wakes up", so to speak, it is revealed that it was just a game. All the so called "POV's" are just Consciousness ability to trick itself into believing it is separate. There are no others, only Consciousness (YOU) that plays with itself in different forms. Even though this explanation is as clear as it gets, without "getting it" on "awakening-level", it will remain just intellectual understanding in the mind. With the direct experience of Truth, it is revealed that you are simply tricking and playing with yourself forever. But again, do not embrace this chatter as a thought structure, a belief, or any mental activity of any kind. It does no good to hold the Truth on a conceptual level. YOU should become directly Conscious of this, which can only be done if you dismiss everything that was communicated to you by others and be open to the possibility that you can become conscious of the Truth for yourself.