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Everything posted by A_v_E

  1. this is whole imaginary, but I understand that it doesn't mean anything to you, because words have litteraly no meaning but the ones you're dreaming for them.
  2. @ivankiss there is no insanity/sanity but I m not sure you're ready for this discussion
  3. @Leo Gura the french empire await your coming. the vibe of our tough love may heal you Eating this good bread with high quality cheese is the key to healing.
  4. that's made with IA it's a reload of this original video : Also the guy who made the first video did that about "ethics" and AI ( generative image in this case ) this isn't conspiracy, this is what the military complex is working on. maybe the first video is a bit overly sarcastic. But that sounds like an awesome plan to exert a new level of control. goes well with this tweet : "driven by love" well.. what love sir ?
  5. this is why I got full enlightment with only LSD in fact after 3 trips. my brain was already anti hypnosis. but this destroyed all beliefs and thoughts forever.
  6. this is fucking based. Listen this. the only worth self work is first cultivating health. health is the PRIME. don't neglect, sleep, and maximize your "power food". I don't say leo fucked it up by eating garbage in his youth, but there is still odds it may have played, so take care. I started taking high care of my ears after hearing the first beggining of tinitus for producing music. would rather not be a musician to preserve my earing health...
  7. @Leo Gura we just need AI cybercops then to counter AI with more AI. weapons change but not the players, you care about evil andrew tate, what about evil cops abusing us more aswell. like my dad use to say, life is about blue vs red, but they all fucking crooks.
  8. @Carl-Richard "safety concerns" sounds like bullshit to me. ho poo poo guy is going to be unsafe by reading bs on internet what a dangerous world for poo poo guy to read words on a screen omg kids use to play with sword at 12 like 3 decades ago. WTF DID HAPPEN TO REALITY
  9. Cynic use to say to not be attached to any value and to detach from the desire to fit in anything. Maybe go buy some sex if that's so much taking up your mind. Nothing wrong with it or just drop your need and see it as a parasitic authority. Become God cease to wish for monkeyness
  10. @Holykael yeh but god is in each man, the justice of man can also then sometimes be the justice of god.
  11. @Rafael Thundercat Maybe the self deception is believing there was some to begin with.
  12. in real life. someone you can watch in the eyes and know fully, this is me, this is god .. and feeling fully, without a need for expression or talk, all this infinite love crashing into one another. understanding the total relativity of both experience, the cessation of judgement, the cessation of time and the pure seeing of the divinity. Just two dreams of nothingness recognizing the nothingness in each others & only deep tears of sincere joy come from the total realization of an infinite nothing merging into one. Have you felt those moment of pure egolessness with someone before ? would you like to have one ?
  13. @Inliytened1 you are giving your authority away to a belief that "nothingness" matter more than the rest. you are giving away your authority to belief in "nothing matter" and all this crap. no the reality is that some people here are wasting their unique life to feedback on their non senses to feel at ease having useless life. the epitome of nihilism, so few will of power that your only way is to carve for you the ultimate pathetic belief system to cover yourself with soothing lies that if introspected will be seen for what they are , belief in brainwash buddhist whacko meme.
  14. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4vDD0sAv3/ ( the high quality is on instagram/ and will be for official "solid release" ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoFiyYHMQXP/ my 2 latest release ( a lot of photoshop been going on to get those results and a lot of upscale, more than 60 for each of them and more than 12 been used for getting a cohesive wholeness ) the 3rd one is on the road !
  15. Same is authenticity is really what makes me have respect for him despiste the relative value we may not share at times. I m all open to be convinced though, that's also great that we don't share same perspective but that leo can be open toward divergences in opinions and viewpoints. This forum and the people attracted toward this work is really great, it helped me a lot in my own enlightment, in fact, probably as much if not more than psychedelics. One critic would be, he shall push more for the ubermensh part of reality, at first it was his thirst for getting ahead of the curve that attracted me to his work. And his attraction toward powerful dream goal like changing society, becoming more knowing. All this seems like core of the good about his work, I just hope he doesn't forget himself in the process of becoming. to deconstruct sandcastle is the easy part and only the early stages, but to build strong sandcastles that can hold against the wind, that is the real task of living like a true god.
  16. @Inliytened1 Joe rogan is deeply enlightened, In fact everyone really is, I only see light everywhere, the universe is infinite light.
  17. I asked in DM if they ship to France, they told me yes. but 350$ for 1 once of possibly homegrown mushroom seems a high cost for me. did someone try delivery through outside USA ? would be interested to know
  18. 1) thinking you could make a top 100
  19. don't worry, once you awaken you can dream moral back, just you'll have to dream them from a perspective that isn't as close minded and blinded by primitive ego vision. it's seems that it is more easy to be subjective once you're truly objective. but the problem is that ego think right now that being objective isn't a subjective
  20. it's ok to send it to me I've heard, instead, if you got too much.. that you can throw it on others dreams. Cause I've a big dream too !
  21. Your bias is too prefer cheese over kiwi. And the reason for this bias is non sense. In my case I like both
  22. We all live in our semantic context salad. The more you learn about learning others tongues/langage the more you'll get how it's still just relative integer of noises. All world simulations are very differents. You shall see more that langage don't exist and that only synchronicity with the moment does.
  23. @Breakingthewall Understanding properly our entire motivational/incentive system and the flimsy consistency of all our phenomenology.
  24. @VeganAwake nice words I like this. But your nickname looks so dogma though haha. @Razard86 true I think. But .. what's the truth ? And what's the relative in your words ?? @Rafael Thundercat maybe the truth is that you just used words to dismiss the 'physics' of the situation when you was with this girl . Like being in head instead of eyes and body. Words are cheap against the real truth of the moment you where locally in. Sometimes our mind cloud judgement for a false idea of the truth. Though words have definitely power in the right context and used at the right time, or it seems so.