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Everything posted by Mesopotamian

  1. It took me a long time to finally realize that I am living in a Psuedu-Country that's Iraq. I am tired to hear about westerners having the notion of how "they fucked up Iraq". Let's just go back to the basics. A "Country" or "Republic" is a concept, and this concept was imposed during the 20th century, then international laws were put in place after World War II in order to support it. Iraq is one of those countries where the concept has been heavily imposed on it. Until the beginning of 20th century, Iraq was a collection of tribes, scattered between small cities spanning over a large region of land, and then the British gave it its first government, then its first king (or in reverse), after that it has been living in unstable times since then, we had communists, then socialist Bathists making countless bloody revolutions, and then we had 4 wars in 4 decades, starting from the Iranian war, then Desert Storm, then Iraqi Freedom, and then ISIS. Today Iraq enters its 5th major wave of instability because of low oil prices, and while oil makes 95% of its income, it has no industry, and no solid economy. The economy, after Saddam has gone, depended on state-sponsored jobs, which paid about 6.5 Millions employees, in a country that has 40 million, and majority of those employees has jobs that serves the expansion of the population, not jobs that produce any product or services, not for them or the rest of the world. We are very closed country, we have self-imposed walls on our societies where no mixing in societies can happen, and certainly not with the outer world. Let's dive deeper, those "Iraqi" people actually do not have any credit for discovering oil, and no credit on developing oil technology, and then Saddam Hussain stole the oil facilities when he ended the monopoly of international companies in 70s. So the oil Industry is stolen entirely. So nothing has been truly earned by "Iraqis", not the independence from the Brits, not the money that's flowing from deep, not the oil technology, and the Iraqis didn't struggle to earn all of these. Therefore right now, Iraqis are like millennials, they are entitled people and majority have no fucking idea about anything. They are a bunch of morons indeed (I used to be one). And in my opinion, disasters are going to continue to hit this "country" until someone realize like "wait a minute, there's something wrong"! America Didn't Fuck Up Iraq, But Created A Working Democracy (in my opinion) Yes we now have a functioning democracy! Except that the nation is split, and there are two levels of citizens, the first class citizens (anyone who is an official and have bodyguards) and then the slaves (like me) The first is living a democratic life, with lots of freedoms, and they have their own palace, safe haven, which is the "green zone", and there are peasants like me, who have no rights at all as citizens, and that's vivid in my case, cause I have no society to belong to, cuz I don't give a damn about the culture an I always been a rebel. The first class citizen can have freedom of movement, and speech, but I don't have freedom to do anything, not even rent a place, this is why I am living in a hotel room. Finally, Is Iraq a 3rd world country? This is a funny term indeed, and whoever coined it is a funny person. Because it admits that there are legit countries on one hand, and on the other hand, there are 'other' types of countries, and from here, I invite you all to deconstruct this delusion and stop seeing some countries as countries, they are certainly something else, maybe a freak, or I don't know, but they ARE NOT a countreis. I won't talk about the technology that has been sold to Iraqis, it is one reason why their life is better, but without a real country at all, many of them will suffer, simply because the fact that their number has increased while their income source "the oil" decreases in prices with no hope of it ever gaining its momentum in the next few years. It is the uncontrolled sale of technology, including medical technology, that's also a factor in the misery of Iraqis. Had there wasn't such technology and medical knowledge, it would have been a different situation where numbers of people are fewer than now, and they would have a hope to survive, but this is what science does I guess.
  2. I mean they should not form. States should not form. Iraq should get back under international guardianship officially, and they should try to work it according the principles of theories like Spiral Dynamics. Cuz right now it is practically under under international guardianship. This should be official
  3. @neutralempty I mean it wouldn't take too much effort and time before my ideas (which I admit some of them are dogmas) to spread along the population, and God knows what type of havoc will occur when (I think you who mentioned earlier) people that are less developped suddenly realize that they were living a lie that's imposed upon them, and this lie IS the main cause of their misery
  4. But like, why you are thinking about creating states? I mean why your mind is directed towards this? I hope you notice how you are tryinmg to cling to the concept of state while I am mentioning my bad experiences about it. I am thinking when you drop a cup of glass on the ground is shattered to pieces, you won't necessary try to build small cups out of it. And the next step is actually not my responsibility alone. It is your responsibility as much as it is mine, because I do have a limited knowledge in building states, and all I saw is a negative implementation of it, which greatly diminished my freedoms as a human being, but on the other hand, it happened that I had an access to a forum like this one where people of higher knowledge than mine meet and discuss. I would imagine that if you guys want to put Iraq into a good path, you should sponsor my life, and be my teachers/supervisors/and even assistants sometimes because here I am representing a mindset of a rebel that's fed up with everything around him and want things to change even at a greater cost.
  5. I have no plans yet other than letting people realize and see what I see first. I think people are smart enough to know what they should do, but sometimes the impose a state of delusions upon themselves.
  6. I promote them online to the world through my SEO abilities, and I get bitcoin in return, it will help me one day when disaster hit again. I want to shatter the delusion of Iraq as a state or a country, cause the map is not the territory. All we have now is a map, and everyone wants to make the territory fit according to it. I want people to get closer to the truth, and the truth will liberate them.
  7. Thank you for your empathy, yet you are going back to the same old argument. Our societies will not develop, not fast enough. You are creating a delusion. You are telling me that I should wait until the universe grant you this wish. I mean the subject in hand doesn't fit the definition well. The creation of Iraq happened artificially. The concept is heavily imposed over this piece of land, and millions of people can't see that there's no compatibility between the territory and the map. You and other millions are thinking otherwise, that since it has a map and is registered in some organizations, then it should rise to that lever. Well it doesn't, and those millions you are crying they are dead because of that. Iraq doesn't have what it takes to be a functioning country, but I wouldn't say it is a failed state, it is not a state at all. It is a collection of provinces ruled by military force of over 700K armed personnel that makes up tens of armed formation, in addition to coalition-led forces of what, say 30? 40? or 50 countries? Yes it's fucking delusional, They were rallying because these rallies reflects their tribal nature, and they rally all the time in Newruz and burn fire and dance around it. These people have no connection to anything modern, and it is just utter disgusting to to integrate modern concept like a referendum. But it happened anyway. And they suffered, and that's because again people who push them to believe their delusions and announce it to the world, so the referendum was one of those things that backfired. Like who else than delusional people would do such a move while they are surrounded by good established nations who don't want that to happen? They have nothing ok? they can't make their own pasta, they just can't. A pasta is a simple product. you cannot find Kurdish pasta! Come here to Kurdistan, you can see like 80% of food is imported, because this is how they satisfy Iran and Turkey and stay in power, they import all the food from there. You jusc can't be that stupid to see that people who can't make their own food, and who's peshmarga are nothing but lazy ass people to have independance. Just get it out of your mind. I am sick of this, you are litteraly paving the way to the next genocide. Some people with same mentality like yours come here and share time with Kurds to "brainstorm" delusions. And you are pushing them to make the next genocide. At this point I am thinking I should block you real soon, cuz it is impossible to make you get away one inch from your initial position.
  8. UPDATE TO MY THEORY: IRAQ SHOULD NEVER ALLOWED TO BE A FUNCTIONING STATE FOR THE SAKE OF UNIVERSAL GOODNESS Thanks to the two American wars on Iraq on the 90s and 200s , the possibility of Iraq becoming a functioning state is greatly diminished. And you people who cry about those who died, and fantasize about a parallel different outcome full of unicorns and rainbows, You most certainly know nothing about how different Iraq is. It is more an animal kingdom than a place to live peacefully. I mean what's the odds that someone from Iraq would be wise enough and guide the vast resources of this country towards peace and love for all mankind? The west literally created modern Iraq Iraq, and gave it oil technology for free, it established the foundation of corruption in this country, Anybody who comes and rules Iraq would not be able to resist creating evil for the whole world, and that's what was happening with Saddam Hussain. He couldn't even rise to stage-orange sort of dictator, but stayed full of delusion and shit, but back then is ass was sitting on a good percentage of the world's oil. I am so glad and relieved that this Iraq is on a path of disintegration, and it warms my heart that it would happen. For those who don't want to see this happening elsewhere, you should seek for better understanding, and try to think about the possible impact before exporting new technologies to places that are not developed enough.
  9. I need you to stop believing what you are believing. I've met countless people in person who have same ideas like yours. From many countries and continents. It doesn't matter if you are from America or Estonia, you all share he same mentality, you want to babysit kurds, and you think you know better than everyone. Yes you were trying to lecture me, downsizing my suffering, and also my person gains out of this situation that freed me from Sadam and his family. I am 100000000x times better now. I don't have to sign a paper that let's the Iraqi intelligence to search my PC whenever they want as a condition of giving me access to one-way internet connection at home. I could right a book about how my life is better now, but I want to focus more on how to deal with the current situation that I found myself in. I need people to stop blaming the west for the miseries of Iraq, and start finding a real solution, solutions that works, because this can't continue forever to be apologetic to Iraqis in general, and to certain groups in Iraq, you are trying to impose victim mentality and this will only make things worse for us, and also for you, because you will keep seeing shit happening that doesn't ake sense.
  10. I am under the impression that it won't be too hard to bring this to people's attention. If millions are dying because to keep a notion alive, and if everyone is blaming something for that, then it is my turn, I blame the delusion, and I want it to stop. People have to understand, either to make things work, or to let go of their notion of Iraq as a country. I cannot live this lie anymore. I am so cornored that if I go for vacation, I might return and the tell me that for reason or another I cannot stay in the hotel that I am in right now. As I mentioned, I have no documents, no passport,, and I am promoting gambling and porn websites because the shit that happens here scares me, and I need to get some money for the future. Others are committing suicides in alarming rates. In 2019 500 people killed in protest juet because they are delusional and they think they can protest and fix things, so the militias that are in power killed them like sheeps. (According to Aamnesty International 500 or 900, you can look it up). So there's so much energy spent on keeping this delusion alive.
  11. HI, thank you for writing, I don't think I can ever be offended if you keep writing to me. I live among Kurds after I fled ISIS from Mosul before they arrive, and I love Kurds, some of them became my new family now, of course I have to act as conformist to be accepted as a friend. Kurds are living the nested delusions, They think that one day they can cut pieces of four countries and join them together. In fact there's no unity between one city and another even in say Iraqi Kurdistan, You would be amazed to hear racism some of them speak against Kurds of other cities. I am sure if you had chatted with them, you would sense the racism towards Arabs, and a similar but lighter version towards each other. The government they have is a weak lose management system, they are bunch f tribal people who are dressed in stage-orange capitalist business suits, with tribal mentality. They are not loved by majority, but they are there because people are afraid of chaos, although there are some attempts to revolt lately if you follow the news. There's no democracy in Iraqi Kurdistan, and it is ruled through families who inherited power. And, it is a pain in the ass to move from one city to another, which only consolidate the separation and division between people. There's no stage blue like for example Iran, and the country has no clear direction. Zero industry, and all heavily depended on aids from Baghdad, and they are playing a devilish role actually because they Wan to be the balancing power, but they don't give a shit about pushing forward, not for them or for the rest of Iraq. They fighting ISIS is a myth actually. They fled and let down the Yazidiz to be massacared because they are heavily under-trained, and good portion of lands under their control fell to ISIS. I was there, and I know I shouldn't trust them while I was in a town on the out skirt of Mosul where they were illegal situated because they wanted to claim portion of Mosul to join theirdream region, so I fled deeper to their capital, slept the night, and woke up again to the news of the town fell to ISIS. They fought ISIS ony after the international coalition was formed, but before that it was all retreats, and a part of why ISIS came to be the way it is because of their carelessness and selfishness, because they are thinking that they have a piece of the cake of oil money, and then they were asking for land according to constitution, and they cared nothing about anything that was going on in Iraq back then, even the extreme instability in the nearby Mosul, which sometimes they feuled ISIS with money through smuggling and other activities.
  12. Well, it is nice to hear that people are getting along after deporting the most problematic, but for my new notion of no Iraq, I am betting my future on it. There's no room for 'maybe'. See I've told my story for countless people and how I ended up isolated because I took the good side and tried to work on myself and gain my freedom within my society, but nobody seems to care! I've lost all my civil rights in this country, and I am 3rd class citizen now. I cannot have a passport, and I cannot buy or rent a house, or buy a car or start a business, all because of the rigid society which requeres that someone belongs to a family, and I is locked, I cannot change it. When I tell my struggling, people sometimes have the audacity to tell me at least where you live is better than North Korea! But when I started saying Iraq is not a state or a country, we are finally talking. At least there are two people who are arguing here otherwise, which means my argument might have some validity in it. I am freed from a dictator but then trapped in my society, and everybody blaming the process that freed me, and wanting to keep this society with all its fault alive, on hope that we can fix something here and there and make it work, I want to shatter this concept, and I want to regain my freedom back.
  13. @Hatfort "think it's very different international interventions in conflicts that are already happening than invading other countries with lies for hidden economical and geopolitical interests" I think there are many similarieis also. And nobody is truly an angel. It is all deception of the mind. This is how it works, politicians are always humans and willing to lie. If you are not ready t accept this, then leave the society and go live in a cave. One thing I am clear out of Leo's videos is that we will need like another 300 years o reach better situation. It is utter delusion to expect things to go perfect for everybody not in my life time and not in yours, so I believe you have to accept that and free yourself of the delusions of he past and the future, because if you are unable to free yourself from the delusions, you won't be able to free others from it, cuz remember it is all delusions that makes the situation worse. People think that plastic is making things clean thus saving their health, so they use more of it, they are being delusional and unaware of the damage they are causing on the long term form them and the next generations. Also people want to see other unified, a massacae happens because of that. The Yazidis towns were under the military and security control of Kurds when the Kurd fighters left them to ISIS and fled the land. They were not ready to fight for them, not prepared for that, because they don't give a shit about them. I am telling youKurds don't give a shit about each other (their sub-groups) When you push for them to unify under a modern invention that's a sate, you're trying to achieve something out of your egotistical mind. So here's the message, free yourself from delusions, so that you know how it works and the dynamics of it, and then you can help others free themselves too. This is the only way for truth.
  14. @Hatfort I love what they did anyways. Things became much better and life got much more interesting for me personally than when Saddam was in power. I don't care how many people died. Saddam Hussain unlike say UAE or SAudi rulers have proven he's not reliable and he has to go period. I never ever regret what has hapenpend, but what I regret is the stupidity of, yet again, guys like you, because you are stil clinging to an idea of "if Bush had not invaded Iraq" You did choose this point in time and you decide it to cast the blame on it ignoring everything else. I am telling you it is so stupid to choose one point in time. Why don't you choose the point in time when Obama did let a genocide happened in Iraq, when in 1 day, 5000 Yazidis were killed and 3000 women enslaved? Why Didn' you choose a point when 1/3 of Iraq was occupied by ISIS while obama was watching? I know your whole identity hinges upon this, an I will not regret pushing you into an early life crisis for this, cuz you are wrong. I love George Bush, and he's a saint in my eyes, and I saw people who are way more evil than he ever was or could ever be. In fact I will order his book of paintings that he did and hopefully I can get it signed while thanking him for saving the young me. YOu know why? because for me everything has passed. AS I mentioned, Iraq now is not a country anyways, but I am here, and I am developing myself and growing in knowledge and wisdom, and this is all what matters to me. But to you, you are imagining he existance of nations like Iraqis and Kurds, and all you care about is for these nations to be well and happy, maybe ust maybe because your ego cannot deal with the fact that you as an American, you are also responsible for demolishing some nations, like the original indians, and you don't want to happen again, especially with nations that you know and love, It is your issue that you are unable to live with the fact, and maybe because you want things to be ideal and you think you can achieve that, and for this I invite you to look at the success story of Japan after WWII , the prosperity of nations like South Korea and other nations supported by western powers. It is disgusting that you try to lessen what I could have been through if I joined the Iraqi army. Cuz You have no idea about how bad it is jst to join the army in Saddam's time. It would have been another shocking experience that I managed to avoid by the bliss of the Iraqi Freedom Operation.
  15. I can't remember who recommended this book, but I feel serious discomfort when I try to read it. I tried to go through it, and whenever my eyes are on any paragraph, I see nothing new, no methods, no intelligence, just nothing. One silly story to remember is when a boss and his team discussing who's the one to blame for failure, and the author instruct not to make a joke on expense of the member they identified as a weak point, imagine reading a chapter in order to get basic stuff like that!
  16. No it is not. I was months away from being loaded into a truck and sent to serve I Saddam's army, when Bush announced operation Iraqi Freedom. 20 days later Saddam is gone! He brought me freedom from a dictator. I wish I can meet him and thank him. These are my true feelings.
  17. Kurds are primitive tribes, the are wonderful tribes, but they are tribes. Anyone of them would want to punch someone in the nuts if they hear him speak in a dialect that's not his. At best cases they have three languages and tens of dialects. so STOP imagining them as a nation, you are hurting them, you are causing their next genocide. literally you are making the way for the next Kurdish genocide, while still the blood of then called "Yazeedi Kurds" (because they were used as a card), the blood is still wet, the slavery they went through is still going on. Stop projecting the notion of a nation upon these tribes. Just get it, you are so egotistical that you look to me like an adult who thinks he's responsible for a kindergarten. You think you know way better than Kurds, but you are hurting the shit out of them.
  18. It's fucking not fair in any way possible. I hope one day you get it. Stop pushing your trash country dogma into people's throat. Iraq was created by Brits, it is fucking not working, now folks like you are so egotistical, they think they have the solution for this, which is: Let's divide them!!! Then magically, somehow, after we give them each their own state, they are going to live in harmony! I am telling you these people, the best of them are still loyal to tribalism, they are not even yet at (Stage blue), and you egotistical people want to export your shit to them. It did happen because of people like you, I was there (here) when it happened. I watched it day by day as it unfolded. It took me few years to understand. It is your willingness to do some work here and there to make it better, these delusional egotistical views which is not compatible in any way with nations who live in Iraq, it is the first reason for genocides . The west gave us states and countries, and then you want to create more of it! This is utterly stupidity. Stop pushing your dogmas into us. you caused us to be bipolar cuz the tribal norms are sometimes much stronger than the new westernized laws imposed on us. I invite you to come live as an Iraqi and try to start to understand how this polarization between tribalism and modern laws are fucking us in the ass. It is not working. You are trying to maintain a fake Façade of modernism, but this is not for us. you are fucking us hard, and you will always be unsatisfied, unfulfilled and get ready to hear about bad news and genocide. As for me, I am going to work to deconstruct this illusion called Iraq, I will convince people about this and push back against people like you. I know now how to disable your fake support for minorities, because it is not a support at all, it is not but driven by your ego to impose your own dogma. If I tell you that individuality is suppressed and gays are killed, and young people have no right to decide their fate, would you ever care for this? of course no! I've told my story to countless people, and everyone distanted themselves from me. So in reality you don't care a shit about minorities, but you care to impose your own ideas driven by ego, thinking that you are doing good. I don't hate people like you, but I know now how to disable them and their sneaky work. The yazidi genocide happened when Democrats where in power, when Biden was in power ok? don't ever forget that, cause George Bush is my HERO!! and one day I will miss the days of Trump. I hope he bomb Iran before he leaves power and give them a lesson they never forget. Cuz people like Trump and Bush, they know how to deal with the situation better than those with delusions about how they will do some work here and there to repair the situation.
  19. I love the war. I see that whoever does not see it as a necessity is a delusional retarded person. You represent the opposite of what I mentioned in my original post. I think The genocide of the Yazidis happened because of people like you. It is because you push kurds to adopt yet another delusion to have a country of their own. The Yazidis have been used as a card to enforce this fucking genocidal delusional narrative.
  20. My Bible note is a book called "influence" . I am reading around 10%a month just because every chapter is an absolute mind fuck. Based on scientific research. I can't remember the name of the author. I believe starts with Robert. I am outside right now
  21. I am kind of being delusional now that my 'God Self' asked for the pandemic to happen. Since I detached from my society and lived in a hotel. I needed time to sort my life and work on myself. I've always wished that I could live a life of a monk, separated having a distance from society. The hotel I am living in, is like a solitary place, and the stage-blue owner is busy defending his name and tribe that he neglects the business side. I am living in a floor mostly empty for myself. Yet before the Covid hit, I was forcing myself to go out more often just because I thought the people at the hotel are judgmental, and I needed to go out in order to avoid questions about me. Sometimes i used to go wonder in the city, in the gardens or in the malls for hours per day to give the impression that I am a normal conformist. When the pandemic happened. Everything is changed, and I saw it a chance to stay at my room for most of the time, and I even got praised by people in the hotel for my "astonishing ability to #StayHome". I now have plenty of time to work on my problems from past life. IBS, Sleep disorders, anxiety, low self-esteem, business ideas, and many others. #2, I never had a hair cut at a salon for about 15 years now. When I was younger, textbooks and newspapers were warning of AIDS, and I figured out that it could be transmitted by barber tools, so I never went there, yet just about a month before the pandemic, I decided hey, let's try it once again, let's sit and make another person take care of that, and the pandemic hits, and it was like the message from the universe to me that I should go back to cutting my own hair. #3 Most of the time in the pandemic, I was able to maintain good social distancing, due to being isolated from public. #4 It serves my egotistical agenda to transform people to science believers, just a bit, and change the way their minds work on a large scale, since now they will be forced to be exposed or should I say bombarded with practical scientific information. I think this will make my life better on the long run. Right now, I cannot but entertain the idea that it is working for me! but I also wonder what will happen if I get it one day...
  22. I would like to share this video of Teal Swan, a member recommended her channel a month ago, and I have to say, what she's giving is high quality teaching into understanding oneself. I am not sure if this is her method or someone else, because she didn't credit anyone, Same member also shared a demonstration for Teal with one of her followers where they demonstrate a dialogue between the different conflicting parts of one's psyche. I've tried the method, and I founded many opposite parts in myself and by making recognizing them and making them talk to one another, I was relieved and immediately stopped many behaviours I wasn't able to control. I've been informed that this is an example of the "Shadow Work" that Leo mentions sometimes in his videos. Here's a complete playlist on the subject
  23. I take seriously everything you wrote, the problem though that I cannot see a clear path to "salvation" in many of your suggestions at this moment. But because you've mentioned them, They will always be on my mind, and maybe one day, some of them will make sense. I've never thought I could lead a militia for example. For now, I am living in a hotel, and there are people who care about my physical survival, and I care about theirs, and it is one of the best places I've lived so far. I have access to cheap goods, and the room is priced fairly. Water and AC, and I have plenty of time to rise to stage-orange and do consciousness work with the available means. Also I don't think there's luck at all. One hidden message I have got from listening to countless arguments by Leo is that fulfillment and sometimes even survival business is nothing but random.
  24. You mentioned details that indicates that you have researched this subject and the conditions of life in Iraq. Thank you for your wishes. I am doing my best to use the time to elevate myself, and detach from this country. I might need a lift later in one way or another, I need to get my freedom of movement in this planet back.
  25. @Gesundheit Have a look on Amnesty human rights report , it says 500 people were killed in demonstrations in 2019 alone, along with other sad facts