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Everything posted by Mesopotamian

  1. Yes in the absolute sense, no country is a real countries, but there are indicators, and meters. If we have to pretend there are countries at all, we should have a look at the meters. Those in first world countries who complain are bitches and morons, have no idea how is it like in other countries. Let's make indicators talk. just a quick example, On Transparency,org, Iraq scores 20/100, while countries like Germany scores 80
  2. What happened is meant to happen don't blame the US for anything. If anything the US has been a great defender for stability in our modern world. The insurgents after 2003 have been willing not only to kill American troops but to kill the Iraqis. They wouldn't mind killing a hundred Iraqi if they could kill an American soldier in the process. There has to be blood in order to bring Iraq to this level of stability we see today, but in the meantime the high coast as I mentioned is because you keep enforcing the idea that Iraq is a country and it should stay a country forever, and it only needs some work here and there to be a functioning country. It turned out it needs blood d shed of millions to keep it appear as a country. Just let it disintegrate officially and enter an Era of darkness for a while, cuz the iraqi people themselves they need to see that it is costly to try to keep this fake image. But now we have Biden in power, biden is going to further spoil the situation by doing everything he can to keep the country glued. Of course there will be new genocides as a result of this.
  3. Finally someone gets what I mean. Thank you. I was just talking to the only person I trust my little brother and I told him that practically you can turn a piano into a bus school, and there will be a great delusion about it, but you put wheels to it, a driver seat, and you use it to transfer 50 people each day. If will be as legit as a real bus if everyone talked about it as a bus, but imagine the suffering it will create for everybody.
  4. I will do whatever I can within my moral system in order to obtain a new passport and citizenship without depending on the Iraqi system. If I had to promote gambling and pornography for money, I would do it. This will spare me the fake identity imposed on me right now and help me disassociate further from this great delusion. I have no hope in receiving a passport unless I get involved in corruption and bribery, and then I would hate myself for it it is extremely against my morality to deny all these principles in order to get the most lousy passport on earth and be a part of that delusion where genocides and wars happen frequently. I have managed so far to disassociate myself by claiming I am a citizen or a slave of the city I live in. It is hard to go back to be a citizen of Iraq again.
  5. You want to attribute it to stage green why? Why you think highly of yourself? a democracy even is a fluid idea, Spiral Dynamics is a new invention and it is flawed. You most certainly want to attribute good stuff not only to this model, but to the stage you like the most?!?!?!?!?!? George Bush wasn't at stage-green when he was a president, not until his recent years when he becaeme an artist.
  6. I don't, I lost my passport, since I became an atheist once, and then I had stage-green American friends at some point, then I had a GF, and I clashed with my family and then now I am the black goat, living in a hotel room alone. There's no permission to rent a home for singles, cause we are at an era where not only against LGBTQs, but where singles are considered evil to society. The are, as well as terrorists, denied the rights to rent a home, and therefore I don't have an address card (cuz everyone should have one), and this in turn takes away all my rights. NO home, no passport, no opening business, no car ownership, not even renewing my citizenship documents and get the new ID. It is not a country, It is a Kingdom, with peasants and kings. You want to see it as a country because it serves your personal agenda I guess. but do a little research and I can help you see (by answering your questions) how the idea of a country is forced down its throat.
  7. No you don't Spiral dynamic is a fucking model that doesn't apply everywhere. These stages are mere projections of the mind. We have democracy, and I love George Bush, he's my hero indeed. I love him and hold him high in my heart. I hope I meet him one day and thank him for his courage to step in and remove a moron line Saddam
  8. It was pain at some point, then now it is not. Maybe the bitterness because of people who want to push this idea on everybody like a religion, A country is just a FUCKING CONCEPT. no more than that. You think countries are real? Some countries though have spent tremendous effort to look as a unified country, but this won't work in every part of the world. Go back read my post, I basically have no civil rights in today's Iraq. No rights at all. No passport, no rights to rent a home, no rights to buy a car, no right to speak without getting killed, no right even to move freely from city to city. If I go out from my city to another one, at least 10 checkpoints will check my name and see if it on the list of terrorists, so basically it is very fragmented country, you have no right to move, no right to speak, and if you unlock other basic rights like renting a home, then you need to be a believer and married in a mosque or a church, otherwise nobody will give you permission to even rent a home, and no home owner will rent you one. We are at point where not only LGPTQs are not accepted, but singles are considered evil, so you have to marry and have kids. Needlesee to say there's no public transportation system between cities, and as I said, each city is its own state. I hope you read those twice before asking cuz I won't elaborate further if you can't image what I am telling you. Don't give me advice.
  9. Why you are trying to push a concept down my throat ha? can't you just stop pushing these concepts and fantasies to everybody's throat? I'll tell you why, people like yourself have been responsible for genocides not too far from where I live.
  10. It won't develop, just stop your delusions. It just won't. Try to entertain the idea that because the concept of a country is imposed and pushed down the throats of the world, some "countries" might never ever evolve, but they can create chaos and unnecessary pain and suffering. Your will for Iraq to evolve will result in a genocide one day.
  11. I actually hate to even begin to converse with stage-green people. I find stage green as dogmatic folks. So sorry I cannot continue answering your primitive questions.
  12. I am telling you it is not a country, and if it is not a country, it is certainly not mine. The city I live in is my country per say, and it is in a sense more of a country, than the country itself. There's no grief.
  13. I was sitting on my sofa eating some snacks, and listening to part 3 of Leo's questioning of Science, and it all were going great and fun, while Leo roasting science and scientists, until he reaches the part where he says "All science is imaginary" I jumped out my sofa screaming "Fuck you sir, SCIENCE IS REAL!" And I came to write my experience, oh boy, it really hurts my mind, it hurts a lot to just hear anyone says science is imaginary, and yes I haven't done a scientific experiment in the lab, but it hurts, it hurts really bad. I have strong urge to deny that statement just because it hurts to start contemplating it. Nevertheless, I feel lucky to be able to receive this gift of shared idea and I think that to know is better than ignorance, at least this idea is real or is it?
  14. I was watching a documentary about Adam Smith, and in that documentary discussed how the founding fathers relied on smith's philosophy heavily. It also talks about the congress library, and how it was re-established after the British burned it in 1815, and how Thomas Jefferson has donated his own books to be the core of the new library of congress. I sensed that the founding fathers are like the modern day's prophets, or the saints of America, because the way they talk about them , and the way they want to preserve their possessions, like for example how they are trying to re-assemble the original library of Jefferson since 2/3 of its books were burned again in 1850s. It is similar to how other nations take care of what left of their founder's life. I remembered when Leo talked about Structure VS Content, and in a sense Muhammad and his inner circle are considered the founding fathers of Islam, so as Jesus and his disciples. I can see now that there's little distinction when it comes to which school is better, America, Islam, or Christianity, while before, I would see America as a progressed place or nation, while Muslims and Arabs are backwards closed-minded people/nations. I came to believe that what the fathers of these schools have done is giving their nations a blueprint of how to progress, but there will always be there sort of infinite amount of work or improvements to be done.
  15. With videos like these, you blur all the lines, and you prepare for new ideas to flow freely. Man, just the notion that a tribal man 200,000 years ago was doing science, this gives me hope that Muslims of today whom I live among are also open for science. Here's another concept, how do you view the flow of advanced technology to all around the world? people who are still stage orange, blue, are sold advance technology, and they don't have the necessary discipline to use it. What happens if you sell Ferarries to people in the Sahara, take their camels and sell them the new cars?
  16. I though this is interesting to share with you guys. During the Olympics, a body builder has requested asylum during a press conference, Video says it happened in Atlanta during 1996 Olympics, and Auday (Saddam's son, you cannot mistake him in the video) he was the head of all sports institutions back then, he was pissed off, and send to bring the parents of the athlete at 5 AM from a different city. Those parents have absolutely no fucking idea that their son has requested asylum, and the video opens with Auday telling the father about this 'new trend' as he calls it. He said what about your son who has this new trend? He's now a runaway and speaks badly about the Iraqi government, and Saddam Hussain. the father was shocked as you can see. Then the video progresses with more details, and shows an interview with the athlete himself later after the fall of the regime. Then It shows Auday discussing with his officials who were trading accusations of who is responsible, and the mother of the athlete talks about that night when the security forces got them out of their beds at 5 AM while telling them a different story that "Audai will give them an acknowledgment for theirson's achievements achievement" Then after that it ends with the new decision that all the athlete who go out of Iraq should have someone close to them to sign a paper stating that they will guarantee their return or else face a death sentence. At one point, they mention that Audai ordered the cameras off so that he can threaten them all of beheading. Also he kept asking about the athlete's wife, mentioning that everyone is looking for her, but they are unable to find her. Also on camera he shames the father, saying that only a dirty house would produce a dirty son like his.
  17. @Michael569 I don't care. This book is absolute garbage, I wrote here so that people will stay away of it. It almost feels like gossip stuff. If you care enough to prove it is a good book, I challenge you to bring me one advance tip of how to be a better person from the book itself. It sounds weird that you care so much to disqualify my opinion in the book, it is as if it touches something in you. It is just a book, let it go, and it is a total garbage.
  18. @Jodistrict Thank you so much for elaborating and recommending a book.