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Everything posted by Mesopotamian

  1. Are you willing to try method told by Dr. Mandel? All you need is a couple of spoons..
  2. It's going alright more or less thank you for asking! I did a trip to a nearby country for two months, lived there and back now to Iraq.. how's your life going?
  3. I wanted to share this with you guys, The best thing that I am trying to learn as I am maturing up is to live my life as a character in a novel. I am trying to have less control over the narrative of my life. One method to do this is just to try to embrace what life throws at you, swim with the current, resist less, and bow more for circumstance and people who come in your way. One thing though I was and still trying to achieve is to calibrate my value and moral compass, be oriented towards truth, love and kindness. What this approach enabled me to do is to observe more, and learn from my observations, understand how reality works, and all of that wasn't and won't be available to me if I had an agenda, which could act like a filter to reality, in many times distorting how I perceive it. Terms like success, dating, sex, marriage now have different meanings when I seek the truth, and I've notices that many of those if not all of them are social constructs that I needed to avoid in order to grow up in character. I was able to get different definitions for things that make sense to me. For example the country, is an imaginary circle you draw around a group of people or a nation, and when I started to draw this circle closer or smaller, my country became my city, and my nation is the people whom I interact with on a daily basis. That did liberate me from my past conviction that I am doomed because I am from a less respected country.
  4. I guess it's an act of balance, and courses, knowledge, and theory is of utmost important too, however sometimes we're rigid when it comes to letting life unfolds, for example, do you bow to somebody whom you think is stupid? are you willing to go along for a bit with them and let them take you and guide your life? or is it the opposite, once you label someone as stupid, you try to avoid them, cut connection with them and move in a different direction?
  5. they kinda let life unfolds though.. most of the time people tend to buy into other's agenda.. Characters in novels don't go and take courses and set their eyes on achieving and such for example.
  6. From my experience, one tip is not to try to control the narrative of your life too much. Yes we want to grow in character, yes we want to go higher the spiral, but we also need to live the story of life too! Try not to isolate too much for the sake of growth. Expose yourself to the story of life too..
  7. Many of us find themselves stranded, and unable to make it in this world, and would want to believe that we need to succeed and be able to support ourselves, but success isn't for everyone, and I've known may people whom their sons and daughter don't need to work, but they make them do so, and it's basically a means of control (Keep them busy) and driven by fear and insecurities. However it makes no sense if your dad makes millions of dollars that you need to engage in capitalism yourself, but rather than you need to raise your consciousness level and try to heal the world, especially that there's no excuse today when resources like do exist. All you need is to learn how to tap into your family's money, and have some of that in order to use it to survive, while you yourself try to become a better human being and maybe one day you will be able to heal this world and lessen the suffering of it's people, animals, planets, and ecosystem. For the above purpose, I would use games, and use arguments against those that they push onto you. I would take ownership of the whole situation and think in the direction that if my parents are stupid, dumb, selfish mother fuckers, but they have tons of money, I need to be able to have access to that money, rather than staying miserable and working my ass off just to be able to physically survive.
  8. @Vrubel yea but "earning" is a loaded concept... Why not try using "hoarding" instead?
  9. @Vrubel @royce because you liked my previous post
  10. The reason why they put laws against money forgery because it's a finite resource. Also they picked papers and coins with special drawings so that they won't be easily duplicated, yet they did put laws against those who duplicate them. What's the implication of that? Money mostly can be a safe investment of your life in highly stable times, and when the world gets complicated, and there are many wars and conflicts, money can even lose it's value in so many different ways. In difficult times, it becomes difficult to make money, precisely because everyone thinks that it's going to make them safe and try to hoard more of it. Rather, you need solutions that are out of the box, try to embrace the big picture thinking. Money is a finite resource means that any money you hoard is going to be denied to other people who might need it more than you do. The game of money is unfair anyways, and there are those who just snap into place and start making money from the get go, and there are those who are marginalized and alienated from society who can't make money even if they try. Also try to imagine you're not living alone! and we're all living at the same boat, and the boat, the society, sinks, you are going to sink with them! Would you rather sink while you're poor? or with tons of money that you've made? At least if you were poor, it means you must've invested your time elsewhere, probably you've made connections and you're going to spend your last minutes with the loved ones, but if you're rich, even your family is going to blame you for not doing enough, so you'll die alone!
  11. Money in the world is limited after all. You can't forge money too. so if you make money yourself, it's taken from somebody else's pocket right? so why not take it from your parent's pocket?
  12. Thank you for moderators. Please continue to support free-thinking and also re-open my post:
  13. Let's think about it, What do majority of undeveloped countries (Muslim countries included) do? What are some of their values are? And one answer is that it's survival-based, ultra-moralistic societies. And what tend to happen with those kind of society is that oppression becomes the norm. They tend to oppress free thinking, and free speech, and that would in turn suppress creativity, to a degree that people just race in order to fill a job that give them food and work in the only available field more or less, the survival business. The thing with that though is that there are only limited seats that can be filled. The country has few job spots, and you can only have certain amount of people filling those spots, but when it comes to creating new sectors of business, this is non-existent! and that's because the lack of freedoms! You can't create something new when all your society is brainwashed to think that survival is all there is out there! In my opinion, when you support the right for nations like Palestine to exist, you're already genocide dreams and killing any hope for progress for those nations. You're basically wanting to keeping them in boxes that are called "Countries", hoping that they will progress somehow maybe, knowing what type of values they're operating under. Those countries indeed need freedom, and need some push back against the prevailing values there. Their youth need protection, and you have to wonder, what's the point of supporting other nations to thrive while their sons and daughters are going to be brainwashed already, multiplying in number and thinking that survival is all there's out there!
  14. If I had been a Palastanian young guy, I would feel I am doomed! war and rocket bombarding me, and I won't be able to say that I want to stop this madness and that I want to live anywhere in this world, and that I don't care about the right to have a state! Had I attempted to express my true feeling, I would probably be executed by my own people!
  15. @Rafael Thundercat I listened to 4 minutes and I don't like it, it's mixing up spirituality with rationality. I don't particularly like this blend, but however than you for sharing!
  16. When you think of isolated tribes, the Amazonian tribes come to your mind, semi-naked men with bows and arrows, and half naked women carrying children. However, in this modern world, there are nations that are just like this, nations who need for message to get through, and as a somebody who lives in the middle east, I feel that middle eastern are some of the nations that need enlightenment. I feel I am no longer interested in asking what's in it for me and how can I get rich and make money, but rather I feel that it's my duty to try to enlighten people, make them stop their wars and dogmas, however, as an Iraq, I have no protection at all, and I can be imprisoned if I ever caught trying to preach for something that goes against the general narrative. I feel that stopping the wars and unrest waves isn't impossible, however I can do very little while I am in Iraq. In the past I used to create posts that are directed towards the older population, and I used to pay for ads for that, however these days, facebook asks for identity verification for posts that tackle social matters, and moreover, it display to the audience the personal profile that's sponsoring the posts. However, at the end of the day, I also feel that even if you try to stop people from fighting and make them see another perspective, they will try to be inclined to do other type of low-consciousness activities. It wouldn't matter a lot unless they have a deep desire to grow. So maybe, leave them have bloody fights?
  17. That's very true, and so many people want to compete with Dubai, and fueled by egos of idiots like the ones who was killed. The have some high rises complexes and they think this is all what it would take to become like Dubai However, this is just even a small part of the city, and it's ruled by iron fist, nothing like what's in Dubai. But if you come to Dubai at least you can see some tangible organizing in life. You would rarely see a car emits tons of smoke, and no backup generators all over the city too. So however you might be thinking, corruption is on a whole different level in Kurdistan. Also it's interesting that Pakistan has attacked sites in Iran, while Erbil people are weeping and announcing 3 days mourning for the fucking corrupt businessman!
  18. For me personally, I feel that Iraqi Kurdistan will seize to exist very soon as the Iranian-backed militias starting to advance to it's capitol Erbil, likely meeting very weak resistance from Kurdish forces. Fucking Kurdish leader's reaction to the latest attacks wasn't putting together a military show, but just stating to Iran: "Our patience has limits"... I mean
  19. In this regard, I would say you're very very informed. However, the thing is that Kurds are corrupt also, so very corrupt, and Erbil is not a livable city. Examples, Poverty is rising and inequality too, and Kurdistan is been turned into mafia-like business Kurdish government doesn't regulate even the traffic, and they want to maximize the ticket numbers because they want to make tons money out of that. Hiding the traffic radars between bushes, so that it "hunts" the speeding cars, and make thousands of tickets per day, and they also grant driving licenses without tests sometimes. People in Erbil this winter have very limited power from the government, and they have to rely on backup public generators, and in the city there are hundreds of generator powering it's neighborhoods. Which makes the city air very polluted with smoke from hundreds of generators. The businessman who was killed was one of those who are building high rises, sucking power from the already scarce , and then also installing more giant backup generator. Government is corrupt and one last example, is when they said they're giving a deadline for vehicles that emits smokes, and after that, they're going to fine their owners if not fixed! So fining everything and just making money out of everything. Also no regulation for life whatsoever, you can have a loud motorcycle, and get away with it, no one will stop you. So therefore I feel the US can't back such a corrupt government, not for a long duration. Kurds leaders are stupid also! highly ultra corrupt! they have business with Iran and Turkey! even though those two states are bombarding them, but do they even close borders or do anything of a significance? Kurdistan presidents are just stupid! they're meeting today with American ambassador who visited them instead of taking shelter in a bunker after yesterday's attack! Like I haven't seen such stupid leadership since a long time! They truly can't even take a stance because they're corrupt!
  20. For me this seems only like Kurds have been used as sort of mercenaries though. For me, that's no difference than when USA was trying to build Afghanistan state or army.. I recall Trump was asked about Kurds, and he gave a compliment in his days, but Biden, I haven't heard him say the word 'Kurds' as far as I know. On the conttrary, news that Iraqi Kurdistan officials were pleading the US to support them with their struggle against BAghdad, but they're met with silence. It seems that you're arguing from a military place only, however when time comes, the US can let go of it's insignificant allies.
  21. The US doesn't give a fuck about Kurds though these days. The sentiment that kurds are allies is dying.
  22. @Nabd yeah yeah. You seem to know everything buddy.. As if you were sitting with Iranians when they decided to attack. You seem to know very little about power dynamics too.. If i was Iranian, I would try to finish this silly entity that's Iraqi Kurdistan right anyways. There's no better time than now because it is invasion season in the world if you hadn't noticed. It is now or never
  23. @Nabd I feel you do have some blind spots yourself too Yeah, I am interested in stabilizing the countries a bit.. we just want some stability now! That's not true at all.. Some revolutionists they have been murdered, but then look at the Capital riot, police didn't try to use all their forces and murder the attackers.. also when law enforcement disappers, it's natural that stores get looted! when saddam hussein fell, iraqi people started looting everything.. I have to say, I participated in that in a small way too! Try to have a look: I feel this is not entirely true, otherwise they would shut the American State Department entierly!
  24. All golden analysis and advice! thank you
  25. I don't know why you're trying to judge the whole experiment though.. you have millions of people on FB for hours every day, and sure you can reach specific audience and feed them some counter-arguments. Although they're "educated" as they put it, but does that mean they don't have any blind spots? maybe sharing new perspectives with them?