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Everything posted by Mesopotamian

  1. @Gesundheit This is Shiite's HAj, with blood, trying to experience some of the pain of the ancestors, Screams PURPLE This is Sunni's Hajj, Very organized and clean. Screams BLUE
  2. I guess Shiite have adopt more purple beliefs, and their identity is different. They base their identity around being victimized. They weep and cry their Hassan and Hussain, they are delusional in terms of thinking that it is about Ali, and his sons, while let's face it, Islam is Islam, has nothing to do with Ali or his two sons and all the BS around their story. Shiite worship tombs of their Imams, this is a more stage-purple approach, while Sunnis at least don't buy into that BS The Shiite have a distinct identity, less stage blue, more of purple, cuz let's face it they are after the ancestors, they are crying the ancestors, not the message of the religion itself.
  3. I would love to see Iraq re-occupied again, and then there should be a plan to concentrate Iraqi citizens in certain areas of Iraq, and make the rest of the land a no-human zone. How about this?
  4. Iraq has a massive land area, and it is just normal take in other factors that it will he a hot bed for terrorist activities and organizations. After the double suicide attack few days ago, this is what how Iraqi government is responding: These people who are going to be executed belong to different tribes, and those tribes will develop anger towards what the consider an "alien, western supported political process". This will accelerate forming of new terrorist organizations and reviving ISIS, and in no time, Iraq will see rebellion in large areas of land, which means it will go out of control of government, and this in turn will lead to a new international intervention at best case, which will cause a new war-like situation.
  5. Source: This happened at the first full day of Biden's Administration. My comment: Situation in Iraq is still very fragile, no, This is not still a result of Americans "messing and destabilizing Iraq". The reality is that Iraq's land area is so big, and according to , "Present-day Iraq, comprising an area of 437,072 sq km (168,754 sq mi), Comparatively, the area occupied by Iraq is slightly more than twice the size of the state of Idaho" The truth is that it is hard to control this land with Iraqis still focusing solely on increasing numbers of security forces, recruiting over one million security personnel. Today's Iraq is a safe haven for terrorist organizations, and I can even argue that the latter are manufactured in Iraq. Honestly the lack of opportunities here, and the "Anti-Stage-Orange" mentality leads people to think to become criminals as a means of survival. I am doing my best to sponsor FB articles to teach people at least the importance of respecting the international laws, and any laws for that matter, in order to teach people how to respect a law or a convention or a constitution, all of are alien ideas to stage-red, and purple societies here. I believe this is the way to go, and to teach them the consequences of not respecting laws. I welcome any help in this regard, financial or intellectual.
  6. I've been conversing with Iraqis on Facebook on why some of them support the bombing of American embassy in Baghdad, and I've noticed that the first thing they face you with is all the black points of American history since before its inception, and they start to cherry pick on facts, like they will mention how the atomic bomb destroyed Japan, while neglecting that it was Japan that dragged America into war while the latter proffered to stay neutral. They would mention the war on Vietnam, while neglecting the whole cold war in general and the split in the world between communism and capitalism. So after tens of hours of discussions, I noticed the following: they actually think that America doesn't deserve this position in the world on the top of the pyramid economically and militarily, and thy want this to change that through any means possible. They do support that America get out of Iraq because they are accusing it of messing up Iraq continuously. Therefore they would support any means or any action, even if it is bombing embassies. They neglect the fact that the US is on the top of the pyramid today because there were enormous circumstances involved death of tens of millions of people like in WWII. As for me, I see that those who are against America, like folks in Iran and Iraq are criticizing it from bellow, because they want to re-shape reality according to their own wishes using terrorism, and I feel sorry that the world is unable to grasp this, and even disgusted when some people try to find explanation by going inwards. Of course those who I am conversing with are not the actual people who do terrorist acts, but they form the base for the arguments on which those act are implemented, probably folks who have even more radical views.
  7. Exactly! like I've spoken with some Iraqis online about this, and they agreed that that the British occupation founded Iraq, built streets, hospitals, schools, not the Ottomans. This is some of the wisest things I've read here on this forum from my point of view. The US's world domination is becoming a universal fact, and it proved to stabilize the world. We don't need to go against its domination in a direct way, but if we want to make the world a better place, we have to raise consciousness of people the way it is done on In the meanwhile, my country Iraq should have a chance just like other countries when all the terrorism within it against embassies and international presence stopped, even if it takes another war or assassinations like Sulaimani's Assassination. Terrorism needs to stop, and people like me need to be able to travel freely as soon as Iraq is yet again back to international family. I do agree, it could have been much worse than this if the US wasn't involved in my area for example Iran has nuclear technology, and it is stolen from the west. It will most likely be used to threaten the world peace, cuz this is the definition of Stage-Blue having stage-orange tech, what will they do with it rather than trying to enforce Stage-blue morality on the rest of the world.
  8. At this time, I don't even know that Europe or America are real places to visit. I've been under isolation for so long, and I used to travel once a year to another city, but now I don't due to the pandemic.
  9. That's such an anti-democratic, nonsense you are talking. why don't you come and live in Iraq, and try to see how going against international laws will make your country isolated from the rest of the world. You wouldn't want any embassy destroyed , cuz there will be great implications. Embassies are sort of sacred places, they are like the temples of yesterday, you can't just destroy them! They are symbols of mutual understanding
  10. You didn't spoke to those who are telling you that you have to comply or else they will put a bomb in your friend's shop. It is just English, nothing impressive here. Fact is that probably Filipino teenager girls speak more fluently than an Iraqi university professor. I've seen also a toast master online meeting in Iraq, and it was completely different what I saw, a mid 40 aged man is just struggling to read.
  11. I think it is a better more eloquent way to put it. It is utter BS to leave nations like mine unattended , they would just reak havoc in the world. They have messed up their own countries themselves before an external factor is added. I think America do care about Iraq, if you care about installing democratic system, then you do care about wanting countries to flourish through installing democratic systems. You wouldn't go and build their country yourself, but you install systems. On the other hand, you have to measure many things like A) are the people ready for democratic system? B) If they are not, what will happen in 10, 20 years if they are left unattended. Cuz ultimately, people want to perpetuate the movement of "train of humanity". Can anybody afford countries dealing out of this train? It is funny that some say that Americans come to Iraq because of the oil, and YES Countries with highly saught after natural recources, if not abiding by international laws, then how long it takes before a terrorist become their ruler and cause headache for the thest of the world? Only America is qualified for this type of work, cuz let's face it, America is the pillar of world peace after WWII, nobody gives a shit but America if resources like Iraq oil are in the hands of terrorists. In reality you would wish there's a state that would at least be able to prevent the resources from getting in the hand of terrorists right? well we have one, the USA, so don't go against this because you don't like how some are making money of selling weapons and getting rich, cuz the work is valid and it is needed and required by each human with a slight reason in their head.
  12. Fact is that they have been killed because of this uprising you claim America didn't want them to form. They were killed when a group of morons held guns and wreaked havoc. They were terrorists, because they would use vehicle bombs inside markets, and they would say if 50 Iraqi was killed, and one American, then it is the will of God, and they see it as success. These resistance movements are fake, and they are outlaws morons, and thank God that America is not managed by people with a mindset like you, because you would most likely give up to those terrorist, because you cannot define them well. Imagine those trump supporters would go crazy and make hundreds of car bombs with the aim to kill the last police low inforcement man in America so that they can bring down the current democracy just because they don't like it. This is WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US! Terrorist are willing to demolish all civil laws, because they think their "divine laws" should be imposed. They are incompatible with International laws as I repeated a million times. Even their hero figures are outlaws. Saddam Hussain was an outlaw. He didn't give a shit about international laws. Just keep the BS to yourself, cuz deep down inside, you do agree that ALL COUNTRIES SHOULD ABIDE BY INTERNATIONAL LAWS RIGHT?? What you are objecting to is A) The timing of intervention, cuz you don't believe in preemptive act. B) The money is made when the intervention is done. I dare you to say that you are OK with governments and terrorist organizations to break all laws and conventions, but you have to admit that you are against the timing and the money made when the intervention is happening. This way, you are enabling those outlaws when you detain the endeavor of your country to intervene and put an end to the reckless behaviors of countries and organizations. What does stand in the way of resolution is that Iraqis are inherently stupid and unerinformed. They are morons, as simple as that. I am telling you, that you have to entertain this idea also, there's a total wall of isolation on the minds of the people. Not a single Iraq except me knows that it is utter barbarian act to bomb embassies, cuz this is against all international laws and regulagions. Being an outlaw is a part of the identity of this nation, the elephant is so big that no one wants to acknowledge it! As simple as that, people are against any type of laws and regulations, and as the stupid spiral dynamics puts it, they are Stage Red, and Stage Purple people, they are not even stage blue!!! Check for yourself, do the research!!! Every single Iraqi except me think America is a criminal state and should be demolished, it is not only so many. And it is not likely to change, these ideas fuel hatred, and it will lead to another war soon after Trump is out. It is unbelievable that international laws are unheard of here, like unheard of, like people don't know about it, like they don't, like it doesn't exist for them , it doesn't exist within their reality, as simple as that! I cannot explain it more, cause it is literally what I am saying. I am 35 now, and I only knew what's a convention or a treaty and its important from Leo's episodes on Freedom. You have a nations of over 40 Million people, who cannot fathom that there are international laws, they are on basic survival mode, you have to check it out yourself. IT is not, its people are living in houses that enable total separations from one another with high wall, a neighborhood cannot function as a neighborhood in Iraq, and it cannot function as a country. Mosque are the only social institutions, and they cannot build a community, so we have no communities, just numbers of people struggling for their daily bread, we have absolutely no communities in Iraq. see the indicator yourself. Have a look on them, and you have to decide yourself if it qualified to be called as a country or not, Time will show when it collapse yet again and disintegrate, with new genocides and massacres on the way to happen very soon, maybe the day that Trump is out of power, and soft Joe is in the white house. I expect that this year the American presence is going to be out of Iraq .
  13. Look, you're not here, you are speculating, the reason you're mentioning is wrong. The truth is that simply : IRAQ IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH INTERNATIONAL LAWS. It is incompatible, like incompatible with statism, It is so important to me that you try to entertain the idea that it is incompatible with today's international laws that define states and countries. If you can see this, then you'll stop treating it as an equal country, or not even a country, because this is a great example that a map is not the territory. All your assumptions are grounded in a false fact that it is a country, and what goes on countries applies to it. Truth is that it is not a country. I know you've built up some of your life's identity based on Iraq is a country, well guess what, it is not! It doesn't meet the requirement to qualify as a country. You'll be surprised that it didn't even get its independence, but a British woman just decided that it should be independent, and named the first king! If you can try to see what I see, then suffering will be less for everybody. Although I suspect that you could do that, but when shit starts to happen very soon, sooner than you think, I need you to question your theory that what's happening is because the American intervention in Iraq. ----- I've been diving into people's minds and try to find what they are thinking, through FB, and you wouldn't believe. They think that all their problems stems from America, but then the difference from you is that they think America should be demolished, and they believe of tons of conspiracy theories about how "America is Criminal state", including how they faked Pearl Harbor incident in order to have a reason to use the atomic bombs on them and occupy them. I'de be more than happy to translate to you some of those comments I receive, demonizing America, and the aim is to stand against it and destroy it for the sake of global justice, and people who says so are not your usual jihadist, no, they are college professors. ------- America wants to impose international laws in one way or another, lets focus on the goal for a moment, it is a goal that you and me want to be achieved right? do you want a state that's not abiding by international laws out there doing all kind of shit? At least the international laws are something we can all agree on as far as I understood. Countries who are not abiding by it sometimes cannot even be considered countries, they are just territories with lose systems, governments who are unable to achieve anything despite the resources they have. As I said, try to entertain the idea that Iraq IS NOT A COUNTRY, and if it is, it is HIGHLY INCOMPATIBLE WITH INTERNATIONAL LAWS. IT IS JUST LOGICAL TO INTERVENE THERE FOR GREATER GOOD FOR HUMANITY. Someone will do it eventually. See you talk on Iraq as it was a country and that's a given fact, well it is not, the negative void that's within its drawn borders doesn't qualify to be a country. The society is not a society, we don't have any healthy society, but congregations of people who cannot grow their own food, we are totally isolated. Thousands of terrorists can thrive among our neighborhoods, and go undetected. I wish you incarnate in your next life in Iraq to understand what it is about. I am ALONE HERE. SO VERY ALONE, and there's no polarization you're talking about, cuz I am the only Iraqi who thinks like this, I am the only Iraqi lucky enough to reach to and learn. I hope I am able to spot some delusions after watching like 400+ hours of Leo talking, and I say you're delusional about Iraq, and Iraq also is a great delusion. It doesn't qualify as a country folks! So fucking big example of map is not the territory. Like from someone who is stuck there at the other end, I see what you're saying is just wrong about the US is a catalyst for terrorism. Thing is that there's a consensus that countries should be stable, and should function as a country, it should fit the definition of countries, if they don't then it is the responsibility of the cop of the world to intervene and try to make it work. US has done that since the WWII, and US can see when a country will be out of the groups of functioning countries. Don't you want all countries to function AS countries? When will you allow your US machine to intervene? is it when things are dramatically out of control? is it when one of those countries you call respect for and better policies have 10, 20, 30 atomic bomb? or is it better to predict the course and stop others from stealing this technology and using it to achieve world domination? Invasion of Iraq is legit, because it can't keep up, and doesn't qualify as a country as I mentioned a hundred times here, it won't take a genius to see that, Please have a look at my other post:
  14. That narrative is fucking my life and the life of millions like me, and it is the source of terrorism in the world. You're creating evil without your knowledge by adopting some of these concepts, and you are perpetuating the cycle that you're talking about. Gosh, I don't even know where to start. That cycle of weapon making, tax money, I am not in a position to agree or disagree on that, and I don't care at the moment, but let's assume it makes sense They are a threat to America, democracy and world peace, but you just don't know, but you act like you do. People like my hero George W. Bush otherwise has access to collective intelligence, something you do lack, and he knows better than anyone. My country is not small, and it is not even a country, it doesn't fit the definition, and the concept of a country is just forced down its throat. In reality it has massive lands and resources that enable terrorist organizations to flourish. We didn't earn our independent for example, the resources we have, we didn't earn them, we didn't develop oil technology, therefore we will be using it irresponsibly, you just don't know, and you assume that we are a nation that will develop like others. We don't fit that model. Iraq doesn't fit that model, go and see the indicators yourself. They do qualify to become incubators for terrorist organazations, cuz they are not countries, they lack the elements of what makes up a country, and they are very diverse, so (for Iraq) it has plenty of ethnicities and nationalities, they cannot unite. you have to be able to see that cuz your view is very shallow. You have to accept to a certain degree the outcome of US as the biggest country with access to intellegence. It is not my problem if you don't have any faith in your country, cuz this is fucking my life up, and I'll tell you why in a moment. That's the idiotic BS that you guys think, what if I tell you that for 10 years, there are explosions near my house, and I wake up on the sounds of them in the morning because TERRORISTS ARE LIVING HIDING WITHIN PEOPLE, Like it is very idiotic to me that you can't see that, you don't know that, and you assume that there's a society that will pure itself. THIS IRAQI NATION DON'T HAVE COHESIVE SOCIETY. Why do you think the insurgence lasted for years? precisely because terrorists were LIVING AND HIDING AMONG PEOPLE. You have all the reasons you're just stupid or delusional to see them and you don't want to take responsibility for the peace in the world. BECAUSE EXACTLY TERRORISTS WERE LIVING AMONG PEOPLE, OPERATING AMONG PEOPLE, YOU GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT, THEY DON'T, THEY PLAN BOMBS ALL OVER THE STREEETS TO EXPLODE NEXT DAY AND KILL PEOPLE AND AMERICANS AND EVERYONE AFFILIATED WITH THEM, IN CLUDING IRAQI SECURITY. IT COMES FROM YOU, THINKING THAT YOU KNOW EVERYTHING, BUT YOU ARE JUST AN IGNORANT WHO HAVE'NT READ ENOUGH, AND WHO DOESN'T Trust HER COUNTRY AND HER LEADERS, AND THINKS SHE KNOWS BETTER THAN EVERYBODY ELSE, WHILE SIPPING GREEN TEA AND EATING AVOCADOS. AGAIN YOU ARE IGNORANT, CUZ BOMBING EMBASSIES MAKES IRAQ ISOLATED ON INTERNATIONAL LEVEL, THOSE WHO BOMB EMBASSIES ARE NOT WILLING TO ABIDE BY INTERNATIONAL LAWS, THIS IS INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM, AND IRAQI GOVERNMENT ARE UNABLE TO STOP THEM, SO MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND WEST, YOU EITHER WANT TO FORCE IRAQ TO ABIDE BY INTERNATIOHNAL LAWYS, OR LEAVE IT, and IT WILL 100% BECOME THE INCUBATOR OF TERRORISM AGAIN, YOUR CURRENT MINDSET IS RUINING MY LIFE, BECAUSE THIS MEANS YOU ARE OK WITH IRAQIS BREAKING INTERNATIONAL LAWS, WHICH MEANS IRAQ WILL STAY ISOLATED FROM THE REST OF THE WORLD, AND ITS PASSPORT WILL BE THE WEAKEST IN THE WORLD, NOT A SINGLE STATE AROUND IN THE WORLD ALLOW ME TO ENTER WITH NO VISA, AND IT HAS THE WORST PASSPORT IN THE WORLD, WHCIH I CANNOT GET, BECAUSE OF DUMB ARGUMENTS LIKE THIS. THOSE WHO BOMB THE EMBASSY ARE DOING IT TO GET REVENGE BECAUSE THEIR HEARTS ARE FULL OF HATE TWOARDS THE BODY OF AMERICA, AND WHEN YOU ADOPT SIMILAR IDEAS, THEN YOU ARE SIDING WITH THEM, THOES SAME PEOPLE WHO SUFFOCATE INDIVIDUALITY AND THEY WANT NOTHING BUT TOTAL ISOLASION THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD SO THAT THEY CAN SIT AND HATE EVERYBODY ELSE AND HATE EACH OTHER.
  15. What caused them to hate the US is close-mindedness. All the US interventions are based on people not deciding their own fate themselves, because they are egotistical some of them, refuse to open their minds, and others are religious institutes who don't want to give up power or weak. America did throw down Saddam because he was weak and taking hostage large fortune and millions of people who are unable to get rid of him. Then the insurgent was because some of the morons shooting Americans and who work with them for years, prolonging the American occupation, ISIS happened because Iraq is inherently has big areas of land, and it is a perfect incubator for terrorist organizations. Killing of Suleimaini was to make it clear that diplomatic missions are a red line, it was very successful lesson, US's intervention in Iraq is a universal fact within the grand delusion we are in, some people refuse to accept it. That's utter BS. Saddam Hussain was breaking international laws, he viewd himself the national leaders of all Arab, invaded nations, caused one of the greatest natural disasters of 20th century by burning oil. He had to go right away , sanctions are there for a purpose. Fuck people, they are dying anyways , the truth is that international laws should be uphold and respected, don't talk to me about people and their life, they are insignificant comparing to preserving the international laws, or else, the US might have allowed taking over of Kuwait and then maybe Saudi after it, why you think it is not OK to do that? It is not my fucking responsibility to deal with this split and borderline you guys at the west are having, some want to uphold international laws and flow of oil, and some are worried about children's life. Make your mind about this please!! Your division is what's tearing us apart most. I want to understand what the fuck the world wants from us, people are dying anyway and you can't make up your minds!
  16. No you're wrong, precisely the mindset I want to go against. The Iraqi disabled the democracy theةselves with a law that instituted dictatorship of the majority in numbers in around 2010, announcing the winner is not the list that people elect on election day, but the list forms of combining the biggest two lists AFTER the results are announced. This gives time for further manipulation. The world gave up on us and started dealing with the new dictatorship emerged from this system
  17. The situation is critical, you'll hear another collapse very soon. Iraq is on another verge of collapsing. Foreign Policy just wrote: Iraq’s Economic Collapse Could Be Biden’s First Foreign-Policy Headache.
  18. This is another comment, directly from people who support to bomb the embassies once again, because they think this is the right thing to do: "Any words. When America respects the Iraqi people, we will respect them. As for treachery, your words are funny because the most treacherous country in the world is America and the most powerful force that destroyed the countries of the world is America from the use of nuclear in Japan, chemical in Vietnam, the Korean war and South Asia to depleted uranium in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen It is the one that for decades supported the most powerful dictatorships and its intelligence apparatus carried out the bloodiest coups in Latin America and Africa, and then any group from which we got out and the majority of the people with expelling the occupier and limiting its role in Iraq because it is the cause of the destruction of Iraq or is the occupation came to feed the Iraqi people with peace and comfort and distribute the two winds to them". I am putting this in front of you so that you need to know that people do hate America because they are biased and they are cherry-picking on facts, and they will cause their own destruction if someone won't stop them.
  19. So I am trying to make posts and just ask people to entertain the concept of the international laws and stop supporting firing rockets on diplomats I am telling them that one group (backed by Iran) is going against other's will and try to fire rockets at the embassy, and this is a violation for international conventions. It has to be stopped, therefore Trump ordered assassination of Iranian General, because he knows where this could go, and they had a bitter experience when the American Ambassador in Libya was killed, not a single president want this kind of embarrasement to happen. I am telling them that the current American presence is required and necessary, because it guarantees the international presence of other countries too and helps make Iraq less isolated globally, my argument was that if this (allegedly) biggest embassy, and most protected shuts down its doors, then all the other countries will go out, because imagine that French president says something bad about Islam, they would go and storm the embassy of France probably killing people there, therefore if you ever have a hope that Iraq doesn't go into global isolation, then you need the American presence in the country to stay, and you need nobody fires missiles on embassies. I had some positive responses, but then the negatives ones, which I am trying to translate here, so that it is might become clear what kind of mindset people who own heavy weapons has, while the government is unable to have a say over them, here's one: " The Holy Blessed Mobilization Forces (Militias backed by Iran) has one goal, is to keep the unity of Iraq and its peace and sovereignty of its land, but this will not be achieved when there's an American occupiers diminishing it's sovereignty in land and sea and air, and is standing as an obsticale against any step of rebuilding in different fields, and prevents the armed forces from owning any additional much needed powers, including air defenses (he needs this technology to shoot planes down) , and it prevents executive from getting support of any international expertise or regional, as well as supporting all the corrupted people in the government and thiefs and those who are involved in the political process from all Iraqi ethnic groups, and insisting on share of power (Which they blame for things going bad cause they want dictatorship back), and preventing any national agreement unless it benefits the occupation and Israel, and those who want peace with Israel, and so when anybody wants to justify the occupier (America) then he must belong to those politicians who are in government because the support of the occupier, and they have sponsored media channels that broadcasts nasty agenda that benefits the occupier and its followers. I don't want to make people uncomfortable, but to those who don't support American interventions in other countries, how's storming American embassies with rockets in other countries is different than occupying the Congress building? Why is it more accepted to protect the democracy in America, but not accepted to sponsor it in the rest of the world against those who want to take Iraq into a different direction by expelling all international presence out of it for example? As an Iraqi, I am very confused, and all I see is people who don't want to share the gift of democracy and freedom with my people, and I wonder if this work is left unfinished, is it going to produce a better outcome when conspiracy theorists and tyrants take over the country again? I mean this country is full of oil money, and if left unattended, it will be a home for terrorists especially because it has large areas of land that's hard to control, therefore, and international presence will always be back again bringing more devastating impact, so why do people only think about there should not be more blood instead of thinking in the direction of how to make a good plan for stability there, even if it also cost more blood, but the outcome is better? I mean for those who oppose the war, I see that it is going to happen, and wars will not stop unless there's a much bigger, and better understanding for what's going on. In other word, when the last war stops, if things are not resolved, then it is going to be repeated again soon.
  20. You might think that you don't need to know much, especially when things are going well with your life, but then something suddenly happens, something might be far away from you like a virus in another continent, and when it reaches you, you lose your job, and your country's economy enters into a completely different state, but they inject money into the market and you have hope that things will go back again one day, when the virus ends. Truth is that whatever state your country's economy in, it took probably ten years to to get there or more, it took sometimes decades or century for something to develop, and even if that thing has passed, in this case a vaccine will be distributed, then it is an utter delusion that we will be ending up in a state of being that is familiar for us. You think that this will not impact you, but if think about the infinite dynamics that changes the society, example when you used to manufacture something, but people stopped using it due to pandemic, not only that, but they discovered another alternative that works better for them. In this case, your expertise is not needed anymore over a night. I came to believe that a person needs more knowledge about life, not only that, but also be able to communicate well with the rest of the people, cuz ultimately, you need to not only care for your survival, but sometimes your survival depends on the survival of your species, so you need better communication skills in order to communicate your findings with them. I think this money-based economy gives us (or not) a window in time in order to develop the above, cuz it is not as solid as I think it is. We need to replace it one day after we do the necessary work to elevate our consciousness. Economy and money cannot drive us all to safety, and if more of us are ignorant, there's a point where it will fail and collapse.
  21. I am not a conspiracy theorist.
  22. In part one i discussed why I don't see Iraq as a country, and here, I am going to give an irrefutable proof that Iraq is not a real country. It goes like this: When the embassy of America is being under attack, why no one hold Iraq responsible for these attacks? cuz In reality, the attack is happening on Iraqi soil, and implemented by Iraqi outlaws militias who are openly bragging about what they call 'resistance for the American occupier', but then we see trump blames Iran for these attacks! Isn't that an implicit confession that Iraq IS NOT A REAL STATE? It is utterly baffling how you blame the neighbor country for something done on Iraqi soil. So when I tell you that my instinct tells me it is not a country, I know my instincts are true. I mean many evidence suggest that it doesn't qualify as a country. Yet from the way that I saw members interacting with my post, I sensed that the idea if a country or a state is like engraved in their brain, it is like a part of the fabric of the universe, and that also is baffling to me. Again my original argument that it's taking too much energy to make Iraq appear as a cohesive state, and that many massacres are and will be conducted due to insisting that it should appear as a country. I think that truly, identities of groups are on stake here. Think about how long you've hated on someone because of the war on Iraq, think about the long years spent blaming yourself for the supposed destruction of this fake country.
  23. I came to believe that Iraqis are malinformed. People have all sort of stupid notions. The idea of international conventions is alien to most of Iraqis. I am now sponsoring a FB page to educate people that the embassies are sacred places, they are equivalent to shrines in religions. I hope I can change the minds of people and make them see the importance of "not firing rockets on an embassy"
  24. This is interesting, this memo talks about intelligence about advanced rocket attack will be launched by "People outside the law" on American embassy via advanced rockets. It specifies the date and time before 3/1/2021 (the day of Gen. Sulaimani's killing). Also the place of launch. Memo directed to the higher authorities, office of minster, and offices of higher security executive leaders. It just shows how this is a fake country, cause you can set up rocket and launch them into the embassies if you want to with hardly any consequences. The delusional writer of this memo projects that there's an abiding law, which in theory there's, but it means nothing in reality. It's war ladies and gentlemen! Trump actually wishes that one single American dies so that he implement yet another military attack on Iran. This is the link of the article, by American Sponsored Arabic Channel "AlHurra" Here's the memo itself, although in Arabic, supposed to be classified highly confidential !! I mean Iraqi government has no fucking authority but on people like me! They can prevent me from renting a place because they are racist against single people , but they cannot prevent advanced rocket attacks, and they cannot keep a confidential memo confidential!! Now let's say that some pro-Iranian militia has implemented a sophisticated attack, and Trump decided to bomb Iran for that, does it really matter if this pro-iranians militia has its orders from Iran or not? Let's suppose that I do it and Trump fires back at Iran. In my opinion it doesn't fucking matter at all who does these act as long as there's a high level of aggression that's decades long. Had I been the Iranian president today, I would go on television and try to suck up for Trump and America, cuz these are the most dangerous 25 days or so in their modern history maybe cuz if any stupid thing took place, it doesn't matter who gave the orders, the same way it doesn't matter if Iraq had WMDs or not!