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Everything posted by Mesopotamian

  1. Throughtout my interactions with my fellow Iraqi citizens on Facebook, trying to convert them to adopt a more peaceful attitude, I am faced with some kind of ignorance that I don't know hot to decipher, and while for example people in the west say that the intervention in Iraq in 2003 has led to nasty stuff in Iraq, an average Iraqi citizen has a completely different view. For example the following Iraqi thinks that his country is a failed one because of the politics of the United Stated, and he traces that back to the World War I. Here's what he says: America and the West caused the destruction of Iraq, the region and the world. First, World War I and its repercussions, which brought woes to the world and Iraq, and Iraq was killed because of it, and the British occupation entered the region and Iraq, and what happened to Iraq as a result of the occupation. When Iraq was liberated from the military occupation, the intellectual and economic occupation of Iraq and the region began until the Baath Party came to power through the aid of an American effort. The American Ba’ath and all its achievements started the war with Iran for eight years, killing millions and destroying the economy and billions. The occupation of Kuwait, which destroyed the infrastructure of Iraq, and now we suffer more than a hundred thousand dead, gone because of the occupation of Kuwait and the destruction of two countries completely. The stage of the American siege on Iraq, which left hundreds of thousands of people due to the lack of medicine and food, especially children. The stage of the American occupation in 2003 and the killing and destruction of the rest of Iraq in its entirety, and the destruction is still going on until now. This is a summary of the crimes of America and the West against Iraq, the region and the world. Only hitting Hiroshima and Nekzaki with nuclear bombs is clear evidence that America is the enemy of nations, and America's brutality has not found an equal in history. The fake media like your post will not shine the black face of America on the extent of its existence, as it crushed and exterminated an entire people of Indians and Native Americans for their malicious interests. America's face is black and no one will ever appreciate its whiteness. Truth is that many of Iraqis do blame the west and America for their failed countries, and I am sure many of other third world countries citizens think the same, demonizing the west, unaware of the possibility that science has created, and the long-lasting peace that humanity is whitnessing now after the WWII has ended. Please advice me, how can a person like this comentator reaches this type of delusion, and how can I start to disable and dismantle it.
  2. I think that you shouldn't pick a point in history and blame it for the failures that follows.
  3. I think yes, I would do that, somebody has to do it, and it is a responsibility to take action twoards keeping stage-red people at bay. I do preach in my sponsored FB posts against Iranian-backed militias in Iraq, so far things are going good and they are loosing their support.
  4. @DieFree That's absolutely right and true. So sad.
  5. When you spend 500 hours watching Leo's videos, and reading around 20 good books, I suggest you just forget about relationship with the other sex completely. It is just impossible to have an honest meaningful connection with someone who haven't done the work. This is why many sages choose to stay celibate when they progress in their journey. I've distanced myself from dating for more than a year now, and I can see that there's no way that I sit through and act as if I care to establish a relationship with someone who is way less exposed to the material that I've been exposed to. Like there's no way I can be close to anybody who are willing to stay the same, have superficial replies, and ask silly stupid questions. When you open up to someone like that, they think that there's a problem with you! they start to give you advice! Like I was chatting the other day with someone, and she said "What's wrong? you seem to have something wrong in your life" then ended her conversation with "Try to stay away from toxic people"! I started to think that only less developed people are able to afford to connect and have a relationship, and of course the vast majority of that ends in a disaster for both of them.
  6. I mean I have to live with people who are utter morons, and yet smile ate them every day. I am only glad for this window of internet which is enabling me to have some freedom and access to people who can listen. Here's my new post:
  7. Thank you for your support! I am angry of course, I have fears inside of me, I need to regain my freedom and independence. what if this Iraq went back to war soon again? When I can regain a room to wiggle and escape, then I can be less angry I guess
  8. some of my findings: Many Iraqis are not peaceful, they take the conspiracy theories as dogmas, and they invent new ones on the fly
  9. I need help to start teaching my folks to become a bit more peaceful. Intellectual help. I need to shift the mentality of violence in Iraq towards the peaceful side.
  10. Thanks. Now you see what i see, this is good. I will learn to speak to the values of whom I engage with. It is easier to get their attention this way
  11. @Nahm @Hulia @flowboy People who are engaged with family and relationships can't see the dark side of that. If you have time, my other post talks about the danger of letting family values go unnoticed, in some places, family values can cause unneeded suffering, no time or space for meditation, and total enslavement, which means low-consiousness population, which means faster global warming, and lots of new wars.
  12. The teachings that Leo does almost always include discussion/talk about Stage-Blue values and the moral system they are indulging in. I would like to make the argument that no one is able to see clearly the damage of something unless it is in it is in its extreme state. I am a living example of how the war on Iraq was working to achieve its goal and bring freedom to an oppressed nation. I was lucky to find my way here to this community, however there are millions of other fellow citizens in my age who are unlucky and still prisoners of Stage-Blue moral system. I would like to share the points which I consider very damaging to my nation and for the whole world if in case they are not freed ASAP. The case of my nation is extreme, a young person from childhood is indoctrinated to give full loyalty to family, to the point that it is forbidden by the state and not allowed by the community that anybody lives alone in a house or an apartment with no-family, no one literally gives permission to rent a home for a single man or a woman, and we have sort of a racial slur against single people here. What's happening now in places like Iraq is the proliferation of families to its maximum potential, any guy or a girl that's above age 20 should make it a goal to get married, or else they will be living with their parents for the rest of their lives due to the system. The crucial thing is that truly, no progress in the society is going to be made this way, and this is due to the lack of individuality. In order for a society to progress, we should have individuals who are free to move, free to live wherever they are, free to go out and in whenever the wish (unlike now, where a girl cannot stay outside her family home after sunset), only when freedom is achieved then we are going to see people come up with vision in order to advance the society. These stage-blue societies have forgot the importance of meditation, and they deny their people the right to do so, even when the founder of the religions were meditating all the time. Muhammed had his first revelation when he was meditating in a mountain, Jesus went 40 days in the desert to conquer his ego, yet the moral system that's in place now forbids that! -------- The whole argument behind no intervention mentality is "Let them develop on their own pace", but sadly this is not possible, it is not going to happen now because of all of the influence forces like the Internet and Satellite TV that are adopted/imposed on these nations, so they are no more a separate part from the rest of the world. Here's my question, When are we going to treat the rest of the nations of world as we treat our nations? Some of us do that now, some of us give themselves the rights to travel to those nation and contribute to influence them, and some of us rage wars against them already, why there's no conscious efforts to intervene by people like us? I think it is a only a choice we are making, not necessarily a proper one. ------
  13. I guess it is the values that have to be dealt with. How bad it is at your country? Can you walk in into a real state agent and rent a home alone if you're a young woman?
  14. I appreciate you're trying the more soft approach on my ego, and yes I think I am able to smell any attempt to alter my beliefs. Up until this moment, throughout my interactions with all the people that I've met throughout my now almost four decades years, especially women, I am not offered a chance to be in a relationship with someone in a way which can help sway me an inch to the other direction. In fact the biggest shocks of my life was because a woman lied to me and was cheating with someone else while claiming that she loves me. I didn't sleep for five days straight after I learned that she was a liar and faced her with that. When reflecting on my past, I can see that I was in one of those relationships only because I wasn't conscious enough, and they all ended up badly because that's what was destined to happen anyways. Even when I re-visited them through available materials, photos, and videos, I wonder how I was able to put up that time and not end them soon enough. There are some beautiful moments in a relationship as I mentioned before, but now the scheme kicks in, and I can't unsee it, like when I have to act in a certain way to be generate the attraction to a woman, and I had to play, or act, and see and wait whether or not she will choose me or let me into her life. I now see that as a double, or triple deception going on here. It all leads up to my sperm ending up into her uterus in order to bring a new life to this reality, and after the baby comes to this life, then it becomes our job to raise it up! If I can be concussions about that, then I expect the other party to be conscious too. It is a fact: Anyone who wants to save the earth and do good to humaniity, they should stop bringing babies to this world! Can a woman be conscious enough to let this desire die in her? I can, but can any woman develop a degree of control over her emotions?! I doubt so You see, not only I am against a relationship just for that sake, but I have many reasons, or walls as you call them.
  15. This is a live example of Leo's idea that arguing and debate won't work. Thing is that it feels great to cuddle with someone in bed, feel their bodies, and go to animal mode during sex. I've experienced all that at some point in the past, however, I would like you to entertain the idea that this pelican might have different circumstances surrounding him, and he has just broke through into the down direction in a way that you can't possibly imagine, and on top of that, there might be some validity to the method of life down here. When you feel all the world is against you, you won't want to put yourself on a path to create more human beings from a sperm and an egg.
  16. No, I was just saying, what you've mentioned sounds like a movie, magic, tribal stage-purple magical stuff . It seems that you're trying to appeal to the 'hope' circuit in my brain, or imagination. I am way beyond that. I iterate once more, seems that I can within the reason actualize my needs. Why do you want me to get back into delusions? You seem to be trying to paint a picture, and then give me a fake choice to accept or reject it, whenever I give you my answer, it means that I'm buying into this delusion that you're trying to paint for me right? Why would I do that? why would anyone with some degree of control over their live go back and buy into delusions once again?
  17. I refuse to go meta on this, it is good to live in the dogma level, because this is who I am, this is my true believes, and many just seem to be threatened by it, therefore it could have some validity to it.
  18. Hope, what is hope? for me, 'hope' is yet another mainstream abstract idea, I am surprised that you're trying to enter from this door. It is yet another delusion in my current paradigm . I've had fucked up parents, witnessed four wars during my life of less than four decades in Iraq and many waves of terrorism. I've had many other experiences that I am uncomfortable to talk about in this regards, chased women for almost 15 years, and had lots of traumas from that. And now I'm making sense of all of those and more due to an OK English language skills, and a bit of luck that brought me here. At a certain stage, I think I've started to have a vision of my life, and then actualizing those visions, so far so good. I am at a point in life where very few little things do surprise me, just occasionally. That would be no more than Disney movie I can assure you that going to the realms of dream is sometimes enough to have some love, which is what I am doing now, I occasionally take "Alpha-GPC" and go there, get some love, and it's enough! There will be a time when most of us will do the same.
  19. Yup... Nevertheless, I've met people from other parts of the world too. I have one British (Stage-Orange) friend only, the rest, we had clashes when they tried to impose their values on me. Specifically after relationships didn't work for me in the past, and after many tries, I now choose to deliberately close myself to intimate relationships. I choose that I don't want human life to continue, because really, relationships is all about the continuation of human race. If you can deal with your emotions, if you can satisfy your sex needs, if you can travel in the realm of dreams and get some love from there, then what's the point of giving so much just to be in the presence of another person?
  20. even in this age of information and connectivity, it is a lost cause that you try to find someone to have a relationship with, even if it seems that there's big opportunities in hand, I believe the reality is otherwise, unless you're willing to give up too much of your personality, and self-esteem, and agree to play the game. There's still few percentage of people who can connect like we're doing here, and lots of factors to be in the right place, at the right time for that connection to blossom into a relationship of any kind. I've been traumatized in the past by some of my relationships. so I want to protect myself from that, but also, I can see a scheme here, at this moment in history. The number one reason for relationship is the continuation of life, human life. I simply choose to opt out of this scheme. If I had the choice, which I did, I choose to end life, human life, bring it to a conclusion.
  21. @flowboy Could be hurt in the past by 'all of the above' if that option is there, however, I feel like being distant from family life for my third year now, it is very clear to me that there's ine in a million chance i will be able to develop an honest relationship with an under-developed person, I would consider someone from q power village who haven't done any work as a person who's not that corrupt, but the forces of mainstream media which takes you in other direction are strong. Anyone would need many years to free themselves from forces of brainwashing of society, and multiple years to elevate their consciousness beyond that. Living together is about harmony in the way the partners think and their views on life at the end of the day. This harmony won't exist if both of them haven't done the work to an equal degree, and the staying together still is going to be resolved when an external factor present itself and force one of to partners operate by what they think true principals. This might not be so obvious where you come from where people are more developed but in my mind, it makes her of sense and it is crystal clear, almost holding it as a dogma at this point. Could be because of the high contrast between me and the people sounding me.
  22. Sex is more like an orgasm to be made, and there are some intensities for that orgasm, sometimes you can achieve higher density even if you're doing it solo. I've been on and off for some time, and I now think that there's a double deception going on when it comes to doing sex with partners. You're deceived when you have to work for it, the attraction and so, and then you're deceived again when you get it thinking that you've achieved something marvelous when in fact you have been scammed to give away your sperms, and lots of personal respect. It is weird how we refuse to get naked in front of anybody, but during sex, not only we get naked, but we acts like dogs and sticking our things in different holes like other animals do, and then we call that victory! Exactly, this is what's happening here! I can relate to that, it took me a long journey, and a pandemic lockdown to stop seeking those pleasures.
  23. I think this is debatable, if you have access to it, then it can be perceived as a need, but if you don't have much access like in my situation, you might find other coping mechanisms. For some, having a sink in home and a tooth brush is also a need, but for people living in the desert, they can do without that. I would like to know how to differentiate between attachment to something, and the undisputed "need".. you think there's a line?
  24. I won't defend my post, think what you want to think about it, and accuse me of anything, you're free to do anything you want. I am not engaging in this nonsense. Peace.