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Everything posted by Mesopotamian

  1. I used to listen to videos on the podcast, few years back, it was all fine, but then recently the download speed has became very frustrating. An episode can take a half an hour, with speed varying between 500kb and 30kb, and this is how I know it is not my connection. Now the podcast apps has this cool feature, where you can skip the silent moments, and it comes handy when you try to go through an old episode fast, especially when Leo recommends watching it within his new videos. I hope there's a solution to this problem soon.
  2. Seems like a nice city, and one of the major cities in Finland. It is interesting how with all the scientific advancement at your country, but the total population is no more than 6 Millions! in Iraq we are almost 40 millions right now, and increasing at an alarming rate. We don't even have 24 hours electircity but people are having kids anywyas.
  3. There are infinite ways to live life. You can make your world small, you can expand it. You're most welcome! What about your world? what does it like?
  4. He's just an idiot, Americans will come back to Afghanistan sooner than he thinks. That's when ISIS takes hold of the country after swallowing the Taliban
  5. I came here to write about my suicidal thoughts, but I decided to have a look at this forum, and I noticed many people are thinking about the same issue. Here are my tips to deal with suicidal thoughts: - Whenever you think suicidal, run for 10 minutes, and notice how your day gets brighter for the next two days. - Whenever you feel the world is against you, remember it is most likely a "know-how" issue, and take pledge to learn about reality a bit more. - Read books about influence, and seduction, in this way, you will learn how to influence the world and people around you in a way that makes your life better. Here are four books: "48 laws of power", and "The Art of seduction", by Robert Grene. Also "Influence" and "Pre-Suasion" by Robert Chaldini" -Watch videos 3 times a week. - and finally, be patient, this ignorance that you enjoy isn't only yours, it is in fact accumulated from several hundred of generation throughout the history of mankind, so be proud that you will be a part of the solution.
  6. I'm recently learning the hard way, that I need to appeal to people's values, and at first I find great resistance inside of me, because I think to myself then I have no value by myself alone? but when days pass, I can find ways to appeal to people's values. I am thinking that I should work for a cause of plastic-free city where I am, and this way people will just start to rally around me, and money will pour in. Do I think that plastic is the biggest issue or the right way to start in my city? absulotely not, but then probably tens of people are willing to accpet me just because I appeal to their values. People are selfish, and if it takes you to align to their values to get their love and acceptance, then maybe you can find a way to do so!
  7. Yes that's the same exact feeling that I get. And nobody seems to understand my situation. Better to learn some influence techniques so that we can make our situation better
  8. @Preety_India @Marcel It could also be chemicals in the brain! Take your ass out and start running, guaranteed you'll feel 50% about life and yourself. the idea is that you reach a degree of fulfillment in life, and this has two components: 1- The chemicals in the brain for short term relief 2- some degree of control over your surrounding people and circumstances, and that can be achieved through learning the dynamic on influence.
  9. Can you give examples of this manipulation that's happening with you ?
  10. I've been following the for a while, and I reached to a conclusion that Leo, and also along with many members believe that Nations like Iraq and Afghanistan should be left alone to decide their fate and to go up the spiral. For me as an Iraqi, I can't see that happening without intervention of some sort. Iraqi nation can fight and eat the flesh of each other and not move a single step up the spiral, simply because they don't have to! Moving up the spiral takes efforts, and it doesn't happen naturally everywhere. When the west became a capitalized region, they literally invented capitalism from the ground up, their nation has grown with it. When the US invaded Japan after WWII, they took control of the education sector and started brainwashing children teaching them the new values of capitalism and democracy. But what are the chances of transformation happens in Iraq automatically? Probably 0.001, and you might ask why? Well Iraqi people are happy! so why change? They'll fight, steal, and kill anyone who's unwilling to comply to a system where the riches stays rich, and the poorers stay poor. Majority are even anti-west. I've conversed with hundreds of people over the internet. They think that America is an evil country, and they think that the only solution out of their situation is for America to adopt a new moral system that's more humane... And while they are right about this point, they also think that they should live in a bubble, and not making any attempt to work things out until the US is reaches that state. And while the Iraqi officials go to Washington and meet with US officials, ordinary Iraqi citizens can't stand the name 'America', they also hate Israel, and think that America and Israel are one, conspiring on them in all possible means. They think that the American Embassy is a center for aspionage, and they think that it is OK that pro-Iranian militias to "resist" the American presence in Iraq. These Iraqi people can't grasp the fact that when the US decide to intervene, it happen on a haste, and without through planning, like when America dismantled the Iraqi Army after the invasion, they think that this was deliberately happened just because the US hates Iraq and wants its destruction, while the reality is that it was done on the fly by the American military governor back then. They are living in the victimhood bubble where every decision is done against them, for the sake of their destruction and misery. They can't see anything outside that bubble, not a single Iraqi, not two, but probably 99.9999999 percent of Iraqis think this way. On the other hand, we have Facebook, a state-of-the-art propaganda machine. We can teach them not to take things too personal, and that the US is unlikely to adopt a more humane international policy, and that they should not wait for that to happen, instead they should try to make an effort and work with the reality as is. I've developped this model of brainwashing, and I've been doing it for more than a year now, with great results. What's nice about it is that when I read tens of the comment on any of my articles, I get a clear picture of what's the main theme or idea that my audience is thinking, and in my next article, I start to debunk any fallacies they have, and so on. It is an endless cycle of idea exchange and dialogue. I think this should be the future for peace-making in the world, because this is how it works: We have the older generation, and they hold the torch of knowledge and wisdom of any nation, mostly tribal stage-blue people, and they control the rich of a country and decisions, and many of those people have social media accounts, and many of them are educated individuals. When I target the 50+ years old folks, the fathers, the grandfathers of the nation and leak some fresh prespectives, they will start to let go of their dogmas, and that in turn will have a very positive effect on the rest of the nation. I believe there are two ways to change, from the ground up, and from up to the ground. When Leo is doing these videos, he's probably hoping to see the results in like 40 years to be reflected on the world, but what about if we take the already educated 50+ years of any nation, and just give them enough knowledge to make them pass this bottle neck towards a more open horizon! Honestly, do you think it can be done this way also?
  11. With all the warning in the start of the video, I was actually intimidated, but when the video progressed, I found many fulfilling answers to questions which I had for years. Example I was hating all the humanitarian workers who come to Iraq in order to put a small patch on a great wound, many of them with loads of NGO funds most certainly from capitalism money. I was irritated because they actually think that their work in Iraq is going to make a huge difference, thinking like if they can only infect many people with their ideology. Now I know that 'Oh', they are simply unaware how this NGO humanitarian efforts works and who pays their salaries. One more step towards less arguments. Also when I used to discuss certain points in society, many people come to attack me in return, but now I became aware that what's important for a society is not fairness, or love, but for the system to survive, while many people identify themselves with the system. Thank you Leo
  12. Have you ever considered? The new international order that's imposed by the allies after WWII is not compatible with nations that are less developed on the spiral, yet there were much efforts to enforce this system through the UN and also through multiple wars, like the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. Many would blame the US for invading countries, but what else it is supposed to do? leave some pockets here and there to become safe haven for those who will use all available resources to destabilize its endeared international order? Humanity needs to reach to a time where we can let go of this utopian stage-orange vision of sovereign countries altogether, cuz it is not working! Here we have Afghanistan, and it is ready to fall back to Taliban the moment the last US soldier leaves, and the US is now totally OK with that. They called for negotiations with Taliban in Doha in order to facilitate the transfer of power, cause what the heck? they're going to have control anyway! I expect a similar fate when the US let go of Iraq, they could call the Ba'th party (Saddam's party) or ISIS in order to have talks in Doha before they withdraw their forces. Nations of countries like Iraq or Afghanistan are truly incompatible with international order, they are still entrenched in stage-blue religious thinking and values, and can't begin to fathom cooperation that's not based on the principles of their religions. There's clear dissonance between their secular government, and the rest of the nation, in which the first tries its best to run a country like any government would do, but the people don't believe in what their government is doing, and they always measure things against the teachings of religions, starting from internal affairs, and ending with the country's relation with the rest of the world. At some point, the government will ultimately fail, or the forces that's supporting it (The international presence in Iraq for example) will get out and leave things behind, what will happen then? Shiite of Iraq, now backed by the US are refusing to modernize and let go of their stage-blue-purple mentality, and they're kind of right about that, cuz why would they want to let go of this while the international forces are baby-sitting them?
  13. There's a time when these old folks have been exposed to many sources which give false information, for example, here in the Arab speaking countries, with majority of old generation isn't fluent in English, they always count on the mainstream media, a small percantage of population who controls the narriative, they translate what they want, and attach their opinions. It has became a broader industry here to try to interpret the motives of western countries. Millions of man hours for example has been spent on trying to find the motives behind every decision that's made in Iraq, example. the decision to dismantle the old Iraqi aarmy. While the truth is simple: The west, including US doesn't put much care in trying to come up with decisions in the context of dealing with small nations. Imagine a typical Iraqi 50 eyars old man who is not familiar with the above facts, but for lsitening to thouseands of hours of bullshit analysis, ha has developed unmached hatred to the west. He passes it to the newer generation, and make sure that the education system in place doesn't speak any good about the Americans. I totally agree, I've seen this happen in my life many time, and made me priotiries educating myself. But on the big scale of things, I think it worth trying to try educate the masses. Capitalism and other systems are constantly trying to brainwash the masses.
  14. Not at all, nothing could guarantee the transformation of those countries to modern nations. One factor I think of always is that the real possibility of contribution of any nation in modern science science can only make their progress possible. Example, Israel. There's no other nation in that region that contributes more to modern science than Israel.
  15. I know you are an advocate for higher quality education, but i didn't mean that. But rather to target current groups of influence with a dialogue. Like in Iraq, I am targeting the male senior citizens age 50+ directly on Facebook within key provinces. I think in any given group of influence, there are the intellectual leaders in one hand, and those who copy them on the other. But probably the actual influencers of a group and the source of its coherence are not those at the higher positions, but rather some ordinary folks hiding within the group itself disguised as flowers. They are sort of like pillars for the group and post of is collective ego. They are fully aware of their important role, and willing to defend the idiology intellectually when needed. They don't show themselves all the time, but rather let the puppets, the group leader and his assistants, and the copy army lead the show. If only we can target those and challenge them to step in to a debate. Cuz after all, the coherence of a group depends on overall sense of righteousness perpetuated by a small percentage of its followers in my opinion. Targeted advertising works here! I can target any group of senior citizens with series of articles which help them see ab newer perspective, and allow them to engage with a debate with me in the comment section, where it becomes my playground. After I answer 100 comments, i get a sense of direction of what's needed to be written in my next article. I address the top five mental blocks that my audience have, and the cycle repeats itself until i am able to put off any fire that was perpetuated by lack of better understanding.
  16. It's not a dream, it is tapping and conversing with the collective ego. If you plant a seed of ideas in a smaller percentage of a population, I believe this will do miracles.
  17. Hello Leo! I believe I wasn't precise with the term 'Brainwashing'. Please forgive my language insufficiency. But you can read what I meant. I would think that the situation would be similar if you create a sponsored ad campaign for one of your Insight blogs about an urgent issue targeting the red states citizens, say age 40+, the ones who already established their life, and are living mostly to embody and defend their values and dogmas. Then a conversation is on, where you can make them notice what's hidden by their blind spots, and the suffering that can result out of that. For me, I have to do this, because I think it is easier and better for my survival purposes to help the old generation understand, which will be reflected instantly on the ground, than say teaching 15 years old kids. I can't afford the latter.
  18. What a stupid idea to expect defeated generals to come back and shake hands with their conquer, that's some of the most stupid shit I've ever heard in my life, it hasn't happen in history before.
  19. The enormous amount of force I believe which has been used against ISIS and AL-Ba'th made them go underground or disappear from the scene, also ISIS, and with the discontent of Iraqi people with how their country turned out to be (loads of corruption and disastrous infrastructure) the old forces might get revived in no time. At least the public will stand still when the government that every Iraqi hates (except me) will go down the drainage and collapse. The mindsets of the general public is fucked up in Iraq, an average citezen has this utopian image of his country, being the best, the greatest the one who has thousands of years of civilazations, "We" as they claim "have taught the world how to read and write", "but then came this imperialistic America, criminal state, and spread its evil on the world, they bombed Hiroshima, and fought Vietnam, and now they are sabotaging our country". "They must be the source of all evil, and we have to fight them, cause the free nations of the world will be victorious at the end!" !!! "Because God is with us, the right is with us" This is how they think! there's no way they're changing their mind and seeing any different truth. Since that Iraq is a miserable place today, they blame the US for everything, and they're demanding that it ends its presence here, even though the last time this happened, ISIS sweeped the country over a night. Iraq is a fake country, I believe this will continue to happen unless someone invades and completely subdue Iraqi nation to its knees, like how it is done with Japan. Iraq has never gained independence itself, and cannot run itself by itself, cannot stay afloat. Iraq is not even a country, is it a country where its cities are isolated with hundreds of checkpoints? It is not a country I am telling you. There's no freedom of movement within the country, there's no freedom at all Iraq is like North Korea, but with the exception that there's internet access, but then you have to spend huge energy, and daily hundreds of people dying in order to keep it looks like functioning. There are almost 10000 civilian died in the operation of regaining Mosul according to Amnesty International People are dying everyday in order to keep the utterly silly idea of a country up and running, what do you know about the high cost? I am telling you, the moment the US goes out, Iraq will be dismantled , and right now, it is a prolonged suffering for its people, who are pushing against any attempt to make them join the international community. Iraqi nation is spoiled, they think they are kings, or sons of kings, and they are so important that the whole world is conspiring against their "golden" country, they feel very entiteled and they think they are the best nation of the world. The American presence or protection has spoiled us. When someone sees that America has a presence here, they stop taking security seriously, and in fact, when things go wrong, they accuse America, the one with the gun. Many believe that America has created ISIS and Alqaeda and unleashed them in Iraq, and almost 100% Iraqis think that Hillary Clinton has announced that America has created ISIS, what's the chance of a fucked up nations who's its wise men think like this to survive the real ISIS when they are left alone? Chances is zero they survive it, and that's what happened on 2014 after America withdrew its forces. They can't decide nothing, completely fucked up mindsets, spoiled, entitled, even lost and paralyzed. ISIS took 1/3 of Iraq within a week in 2014 with very advanced propaganda and war psychology plans, and from that date until now, the stupid Iraqi nation, along with its leaders and politicians think that killing and executing, and restraining freedoms is the way to go. Their best pride moment is when the Shiite Imame ordered the formation of a new popular mobilization forces, thinking that in numbers, they're going to prevail. The Shiite are lower actually on the scale of Spiral Dynamics, they are like stage-purple and stage-red Shiite are lower than Sunnis, cause they have these elements of believing in multiple Imams, sort of multiple Gods, and also their rituals are crazy purple. In that sense, the Saudi and Emarati already free of stage Red-Purple mentality.
  20. No not at all, at least not according to a certain speed, don't fool yourself.
  21. Why is there Someone who's signature is the Mmotto of Islam within this forum ?
  22. They might do it on a whim. Iraq is not modernizing after all, and the coast of keeping it looks like standing up on its feat has its toll.
  23. NO I don't think so. There are places like Iraq, where the stage-blue is so strict that you don't have the necessary freedom to progress to stage-orange on your own even if you want to. I live in Iraq, no family, meaning no chance for me to open a business, I live in a hotel, I have a roof on me, but I cannot open a business, cuz there's no family, and when you don't have one, then you miss a special residince card, and the latter is requiered in each and everything you want to do, example, you can't open a bank account without it.
  24. Today's state system is a stage-orange if we measure it according to SP principles, it is based on economy, and while I got the impression that Leo thinks that going stage-yellow is the way to go, I see that many of the countries should be transformed into stage-orange, and then green. And there should be much bigger efforts to push towards achieving this purpose. Iran's acquisition of nuclear power is no difference than Hitler's acquisition of same, and I believe this should be prevented at all cost, sooner is better than later. Iran is a stage-blue, and people who are in charge of weapons there are stage-red war lords who seek world domination. No stage-blue or red nation should have nuclear capabilities. I can only imagine the disasters that Biden's administration will facilitate in few years from now, there will be much wars and genocides in the Middle East unless they continue the pressure on Iran and work towards making their nuclear dream a thing from the past. Those people are simply incapable of enjoying stage-orange mindset, the kind of mindset which grant them the capabilities to put safety first and to handle the nuclear technologies and bio technology with care. Today, media and US intelligence are talking about how the Corona virus research was done in (level-two security) within Wuhan lab of virology, which is the same level as when you sanitize your groceries when you bring them home, wearing a glove and a face shield.