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Everything posted by Mesopotamian

  1. Oh OK, it is a slang didn't know that. But yes, we've in certain sense mastered the survival aspect. We have a country, agriculture, houses, electricity, communications, aviation, and F-16s. This was done with tremendous help and support from other countries, and with internal struggle. It's about time to let loose the morality. Last week, a guard assaulted me while taking a photo for a dog near a governmental building, then took my phone, and drag me to the security detail there, they forced me to unlock it and searched my phone. These stupid men can't fathom that there are hidden cameras that anyone can use and take videos for hours undetected they I want to, but they breached my rights as a citizen. In Iraq the concept of a citizen is almost doesn't non-exist simply because men are stupid! As soon as the stupid guard saw me kneeling to take a photo he ran into me like a mad dog, and even threaten to beat me. This is on the opposite side of a building, that's surrounded by concrete walls like a fortress but full with art located in the center of the city where thousands of people go by each day.
  2. I think we have reached in Iraq, and many Muslim countries to the stage were we don't need these rules. We have mastered the survival aspect. Now the family culture is causing over-population or abnormal population growth since the marriage culture brings with it the need to have children, first, a first child, then many other follow for different reason, could be that they think they don't want the child to grow alone, or they need a child of a different gender...etc My father had my mother pregnant twice after me just because he thought it is cool to have a girl, and his wish wasn't granted at the end!
  3. Hi Leo! I guess that's right yes. But I guess that those who can sustain modern-states are mainly able to do so because they don't suppress the sex drive. Can you agree to some degree?
  4. I just finished the how to get laid episode, and there's something in me that prompted me to object on this work. I think you should have stated clearly that that your advice work in some countries, not everywhere. Your Pakistani prince guy would never be able to score in Pakistan or in Iraq, but he had to come to a more liberal place. If you had to leave Dallas for Vegas to get more quality girls, then people in many other parts of the world should simply give up. The structure of the society determines if this works or not. Women at stage blue or lower will have the morality filters, and they become numb to pick up attempts. I met a British girl few months back and she was a Muslim, we went out and she started to talk how she loves children and how her Muslim mother always reminds her that the clock is ticking, just out of nowhere she was talking about children, and her mother checking if I am interested to marry her and have children with her, and this is not an Iraqi girl, but born and raised in the UK but still tied to family concepts. For Iraqi girl, she would never ever let you sleep with her until you marry her. Your advice work more on stage-orange, and above, and even if someone like me tries to go out and approach 30 women per week, they will most likely be stage-blue, with families, mother, father, a tribe, and we will talk needlessly on the phone cuz she can't go outside her home without a solid execuse, It will be impossible to go anywhere or achieve anything in life let alone having sex so it is a waste of time.
  5. Looking back to that, I think that he might have absolutely no idea that love and marriage are separate things. He was thirty, his family ran into my mother's family by chance, two visit exchanged between the families, and someone, probably his father or his mother said to him let's ask for my mom's hand, and then their love story began, then marriage, then having children. So he might not known other path at all. He sure never spoken or gave validity to other methods, I've never heard him say "lover" for example
  6. @Happy Lizard Thank you for sharing it. I am hoping I'll get good value with live example that's close to my living circumstance
  7. It is precisely how you described it, but probably saying so because I've been fed through media the things that I've been fed. How do you know about the process that you've described? I mean it is Spiral Dynamics, but where can I find what you've mentioned? These concept can help me with inspiring the change where I live.
  8. FIY, when you are 12 years old, you are segregated after finishing elementary school. You loose your female friends, the few of them who at one point in time liked you, you don't see them anymore forever sometimes, then at the secondary school, your hormones kicks in, and you become crazy, cause there's no way to meet a girl, not a girl you like, but any girl at all. You're doomed if you're socially without skills. Love is a forbidden word, liking someone becomes forbidden to you. One time I summoned the courage and told my dad that I like someone, he kept silent, we drove for a while, then he uttered "you are too young for this thing". I've been driven crazy at some point in my life. The morality was a big wall against me, and my lack of social skills back then didn't help.
  9. The concept of dating means a girl has a freedom to talk to whomever she wants, go out with whomever she wants. In countries like Iraq, the structure of society keeps an eye on a girl 24/7 she cannot go with whomever she wants, not even to drink a coffee in the middle of the day. Some will still try, they might have jobs and can steal an hour and go out, or maybe they are students, but in all cases they have to hide that from their families. And did I mention, singles are not allowed to rent homes, nor hotel rooms. In most iraqi societies, a man can only go out with a girl after they are officially engaged. Engagement comes prior to everything. You can't take a girl out for a coffee unless there is a session for the tribe where her mother, father, uncle brother.... Etc approve you as a future husband. Even engagement has a different meaning, it is not like you propose to a girl, but it is an approval process by the family and tribe upon formal request by your family to the girl's family.
  10. Lol, I am pretty sure these terms are irrelevant, so I am a westerner now right
  11. @Leo Gura I have so much trauma in my relationship with women that I just want to start crying if I think to write about that. I could write a book about how 90% of people I knew personally have fucked my psychology when it comes to this part of my life. I've had tons of observations also, and yes I feel extremely lucky to have access to your videos and get to watch them as you get them out. My latest attempt to get laid is to is to work on a long-term strategy to get laid cuz that I realized that I have to work on my seduction abilities, and for me it is a war-like situation, a game of the mind, it has very little to do with appearance, or how you carry yourself, confidence..etc cuz when talking about the things a women needs from a man, providing protection, food, shelter..etc, it seems like iterating mainstream sort of ideas and conventional wisdom which in my opinion hardly works outside liberal societies because what happens in societies like mine (the rest of the world) is that you lose the openness of women that they do enjoy in liberal societies in many different ways, even though there's night life in some under-developped countries, it is not for everybody, but a very small strip of the society.
  12. I am pretty sure it dating is a Western concept. My grandfather, my father, and my married brother did not date, and me, I watched hundreds of western movies when I was a teenager, but couldn't figure out precisely what dating is, until I met up personally with people from the west, saw this in my own eyes happening, this is when I learned what's dating is all about.
  13. Someone has to write about this. Is this a comedy sketch? Facebook changed its brand name to Meta One of the most unfavored websites to Leo adopts the label of one the most loved concept to him.. Sometimes your worst nightmares come to live!
  14. Few months back, and while I was trying to sleep, I suddenly been shifted/visited/transformed into a completely new and different dimension, a dimension where blackness is so black, and there's only energy, and almost no visuals, but I could still see the outline of things as I remember now. I wasn't drinking, I have never taken psychedelics because we don't have them where I live, and that wasn't a dream also. The thing was very real, almost to the degree that horrified my psyche, and my memory experienced a total blackout. In fact the incident did disappear completely from my conscious memory for the next 24 hours then came back again. The incident's duration wasn't long, and I can estimate it like three seconds. I went out of body to the other dimension, got scared like hell, came back to the body, forgot about it for 24 hours, then remembering it again. I never asked for it to happen, and I can't replicate it, it is not a reoccurring thing, and I don't meditate even that much. What the hell was that? anybody else?
  15. @Seraphim Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I hope I can remember to stay calm in case this happens. I remember I also felt presence of others, but it was too short that I didn't move much in that space. I can't answer if it was another dimension, or dimensionless, I have no idea how to distinct between those concepts. I am only assuming it was another dimension because the experience felt nothing like I've ever known or encountered in my life. Also it was too short, but there was a movement, I moved in that space out of "the portal" , but then everything collapsed. I can't say it is a void no, there was energy, even if everything was black, but there was a visual field too, this is how I remember, but then it doesn't make sense, cuz everything was in black. I have no idea. I guess you can call it so, but can you elaborate a bit more?
  16. @Rainy Sparkle thank you for sharing your experiences with me. Pretty interesting what you've gone through especially seeing from three perspectives. I think I know about the state between being asleep and awake. I am familiar with that, I can sense it sometimes, some light dreams come, but then I can pull myself out if them and remember that I am also still half awake. I had lucid dreaming before too, but this, incident in hand is a whole other level. My psyche was shocked, not me the rational mind. The rational mind remembers the shock and can't forget about it easily. You wake up terrified from a nightmare for example, you sense that your body is sweaty, and feel heaviness on chest But my psyche in some level was so shocked that it refused to even form a memory of what happened, only after a day or so, a memory became accessible to me. I remembered the scene i described, and the horror that followed. If it was a dream, this works backwards, you dream about something and if you don't record the details on paper as soon as you wake up, you forget about them easily.
  17. I agree it does affect the results to some extent. I didn't want healthy red for example..
  18. Here's the test link: Here's my result: Never expected to have this much of healthy Yellow, let alone the healthy Red I think I live a double life where I have to tend to my basic survival, hence the red, but in my private life and the time I have to myself, I am more of a Yellow.
  19. I don't think it is something you can reach. It is not a destination. Also i don't feel I've achieved something extraordinary. Probably the yellow score is because I can now see through some of the BS presents in lower stages.
  20. Yesterday, I've just finished watching video "Why Valuable things require development over time". What an amazing episode, it goes with the essence of the book "Mastery" . I've just felt hopeful, because I was always regretting my years wasted before I started my self-development journey. However when he said that "It is better done later than never", and gave many examples and ideas about that, I just felt hopeful again. I am 38 and I've started the work around 5 years ago. Hopefully I'll reach good milestones within the next five years, and I'll be only 43 then. We can't do anything about the past anyways, and I feel that on the other hand there was little that I could do to navigate the vast self-help world before Leo showing up with his holistic approach to education which helped me form a big picture thinking and approach to this field, and that in turn will help me choose wisely what I want to pursue rather than getting lost in nfinite possibilities. Thank you Leo
  21. @SQAAD The regimes in these third world countries are fragile, Ghadaffi was an idiot. When the protests started against him, he decided to go to the streets and protest with those who are protesting against him! From's prespective, he wasn't anticipating that thugs that are less developped could kill him, still blinded by those loyal to him.
  22. We might never ever know what this child means.
  23. I don't know if I do care about the truth. If I say yes, then I'll have to ask myself, does the truth serve my survival? because all I care now is my survival. In this sense, it seems that I care about the truth with small 't' because maybe truth is the opposite of falsness, and the latter will always lead me to suffering and delusions. But if you ask me if I care about truth, I would like to tend to say, not really.. but again, maybe I care, but I don't know that for sure!