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Everything posted by Mesopotamian

  1. Iraq was never blue in its history probably. At the most cases, it was under red leadership disguised as blue (Saddam Hussain) but then it regressed basically to a modern version of Purple right now. Adjacent houses with high walls, no community organizations, tribalism, you name it, only with added flavor of modern technology, and crappy copies of western educational universites.
  2. @Leo Gura you've put much love in trying to reason with him, and showed much love with taking your time writing this post. From the conversation that you had it became clear that he doesn't want to stay, yet he's unable to put it in words.. or probably he's on psychedelics probably most of times? Or Stage Torquise? Who knows! I admit I was trying my best to understand what he means when he was replying to my posts. Most of times I fail.
  3. Iraq, Once More, There's this notion in people's mind that progress can or should happen automatically. Iraq today is a collection of homes, with no real sense of community. Mosque isn't a community, it helps people gathering five times a day, but it is pretty much useless. In a sense, Iraq is in a modern version of stage-purple, where people live in small communities (mainly homes and houses), even within the cities, but they have been introduced to modern technology, cars, electricity, medicine, you name it. They have incorporated this technology in their lives while keeping the other aspects of their belief systems intact. The push to freedom is needed, and who's better to do it than the USA? These traditions of freedoms that this country enjoyed needs to be pushed and imposed on other countries as well. The US doesn't need to develop further and adopt socialism like the Scandinavian countries, but they need to keep pushing freedom worldwide Bush style. The modern social countries at the first place wouldn't exist without the new world order that's sponsored by the US for the past 75 years or so. The US needs to shove freedom down other's throats, because the modern technology is making people's lives miserable, they now have the means to proliferate and thrive thanks to the capitalism which made survival less challenging, while keeping the same old belief systems. That's the ultimate hell! Stage green people don't care about the advancement of a community or a country, all they care about is for the latter to have the appearance that they are functioning well, yet truth is that staying afloat is not even achievable without the development of societies of any given country. Why as a stage-green person care for a country to appear functioning, you feel the guilt of any consequences of an invasion or an intervention, while you know deep down in you is that if the society of that country isn't developed, they're going to regress back again and cause suffering for themselves in endless possible ways? If anything, this approach is keeping countries in a bottle neck, preventing their advancement to new better life. People should start caring about dilemmas equally, allocating the same amount of care to decentralization in North Korea for example, as well as expanding freedoms of free speech in Iraq. Why is it different that people are afraid of nukes, while not afraid of absence of freedoms in other countries? are they truly believing in borders? because if so, then 9/11 proven that borders won't even protect you unless everybody is having similar values as you or your country do. Nothing will protect you unless you share the love that you have, that's freedoms with others, in a masculine type of style sometimes if necessary. Or else, just stop selling technology for people immediately, isolate them, take their countries and borders recognition back, and grant them the freedom back to start to develop naturally, instead of shoving technologies down their throat, and hindering their natural course of development, and then sending money through NGOs to deal with the disasters that this situation helped to create.
  4. Maybe this manipulation is needed to keep the country afloat? last time the US wasn't in the leading nation of the world we had a World War going on! Imagine if someone as Bernie reaches the white house!
  5. The American intervention in the Middle East as I've recently read hasn't begun with Bush invading Iraq in 2003, and there were many attempts to manipulate Iraq, for example supporting the continuation of the Iraqi-Iranian war in the 80s. It makes more sense that some super power would come and anchor itself in the Middle East post the oil crisis in the seventies. The objective was and still to avoid such crisis from ever happening again, and if you were in Bush's shoes, and you have the world's most powerful army under your command, and you are from Texas, with a spirit of a cowboy, and also probably involved in the oil industry, you'll find it hard to resist the temptation to intervene and oust Saddam Hussein's regime, and especially after the hit at 9/11. America is at the cutting edge in governmental development, and you can't compare it to any other country in the world. The American have refined this modern governance system over the course of the republic's life, and to be attacked at 9/11 was yet another wake up call, a call to exert more power over the world, especially those countries who are trouble makers, and who are unable to go with the flow, and adopt stage-orange values. You cannot compare the governance in the US with the governance systems in the Scandinavian countries, the latter wouldn't be possible without the American dominance over the world, an anomaly that only made possible because of the help and support from the United State's governments post World-War II. It's not realistic to start to draw comparisons in this regards, it is as absurd as comparing the achievement of an artist in a peace time with the achievement of his grandfather who was in a bloody war and shot and killed tens of people. Probably the governments of the Scandinavian countries are only a demo of what governments can be probably hundreds of years in the future. Iraq isn't even a country, and everything is bestowed on it, the border, the governance system, even our laws are copied mostly from the UK. The Iraqi people haven't invented the oil, so it is not their oil. It is humanity's oil. And people who say that this or that shouldn't have happened, they are just immersed in wishful thinning.
  6. Imagine a big machine that's running. And it is inside a giant box, locked from all sides. You can't reach to it, you can't do maintenance on it. With time it will break down. Until that you can live and for with the situation and even like it, but deep inside you, you know it will break down within short period. I need to get out and flee once more in time before that happens
  7. From where I am siting right now, "Iraq" I can see that countries are the ultimate dualities. Why people are taking these countries as if they are real? why people are going crazy about that? I am doomed, and I need help before my country Iraqi is set on fire again. It is someone's job to help me get some freedom. I need $120 K in order to purchase a new passport/citizenship and gain some freedom of movement back. It can't be the case that I am sitting here, alone, with no one who can entertain some of these higher consciousness ideas, and I am totally cornered. My sage red-blue society is cornering me, and I am living only physically inside of Iraq. All my life is associated with projects outside of Iraq, I gain money through the internet that's paying my rent, and my friends are foreigners, and I participated in many projects that are originated from outside Iraq. The internet is something that's influencing my life, and the apps within the internet These apps don't take in account my future sometimes, they want to make money, and I have to depend on pure luck. They work for me when their interest is aligning with my interest, which is not the case at all times. I even used to have a chance to post on facebook some of the higher consiousness ideas to my people, but now that is banned, and facebook suddenly banning any political opinion from being advertised without ID verification. Basically the whole world would see who's sponsoring a political opinion post. I can't go out on the street and shout my opinions, that would be a suicide. The world is conspiring to keep the illusion of democracy in Iraq because that serve the oil industry, while the democracy here is a joke. They will just leave iraq to chaos when the oil is no longer needed, and it will become worse than Afghanistan, a threat to the whole of humanity The whole world is conspiring against me. I need to get out to a safer area, at least I would have a chance to speak up without fearing to be silenced. At least I can be able to translate some higher-consciousness ideas to the people of this troubled region without the fear of getting dragged to prisons or murdered. I need $120 K for passport + air ticket + some money to help me stay alive for a year to come until I can find a job. ------ It I ironic, that even if I see this country concept as duality , I need to pay to get a passport and citizenship!
  8. NO, That's not the way to go. I'll have to save myself. Leo's doing his best by bring this kind of wholistic approach to knowledge to existence which has a potential to transform humanity for the next decades and even centuries. I am frustrated yes, but I consider my writings as an input or a feedback, something to be taken in account, sort of thought exchange.
  9. Fine, I'll try to do what I've been doing for the past 2 decades I guess.
  10. @Leo Gura the united states is supporting a criminal regime in Iraq, where you could get tortured and killed just because your name resembles the name of a terrorist, this is happening on daily basis, people in the prisons are dying without trial and on the base of suspected name resemblance. Here have a look at this:
  11. @Leo Gura that's what I've been doing for the past 18 years or so , taking it easy, thinking outside the box, but they won't let you do so, they will just go after you and won't let you live in any bubble of peace that you try to live in My rage was so big to be contained lat time when ISIS risen, but no one has learned any lesson out of that. Everybody wants to have the illusion of a working state, even if the cost is human suffering
  12. I am already a freelancer Leo! I've chosen this after I dropped out of college in 2003, I said I'll become a web designer and help rebuild my country, there will be many companies that need websites. My father looked at me with disdain the first time I received $200 for a website, He was thinking that I am really wasting my future and a golden opportunity to gain a degree and start having loads of money. My family couldn't appreciate that I dropped out of school because I was scared because of the terrorist things that were happening towards minority back then, and all the beheading and daily explosions in the city. I've started to get in the shadow, corner myself, and when I felt a bit safe and decided to put my phone number and address of my friend who owns a shop as an agent, terrorists called me and asked me to host a website for them, or else they would bomb my friend's shop and kill him by putting an IED in his shop. I tried to live in my own bubble of peace, and it wasn't working But also I had a bigger rage because all I wanted to do is to love in peace and it wasn't working! My rage and anger was so big to be contained. After the the ISIS chapter started, and I am now internally displaced, but also any different person who's not either having an income from selling things or being state employee or having a totally victim mentality is in a place of being suspected a terrorist. You get it? in this place I live in, people with positive outlook who are trying to do something out of nothing are not appreciated. I've been pulled many times and even humiliated and searched just for trying to take a photograph and do art! My family at one point has threatened to go to police and claim I am a terrorist just because I was talking that this injustice situation was too obvious that it will lead to ISIS rise, they told me that they suspect I was working with ISIS that's how I knew that they will attack the city, therefore it is their duty to report to authorities that their son, me could be an ISIS member! I'm cornered, and they are not letting me live in peace. I have 10 mosques the hotel room I am living in, and they all blast their sound at me five times a day! I am thinking I want to go to the public square and burn the Quran and let them drag my body all over the city! Owning crypto is criminalized last year, this is what they do here, criminalize, ban, jail, anything different and new isn not welcomed.
  13. This is the only place that can appreciate the type of stuff that I used to publish on Facebook. Would anyone appreciate that I publish about how countries and borders not to be taken seriously and that people should look beyond that? The western civilization is based on the statism doctrine. I am also not gay
  14. No there's no chance for that. I am under moralistic people they won't even let me open a bank account to receive any money from outside Iraq. They need me to prove that I have a job inside Iraq so that they know where the money is coming from BEFORE allowing me to even open a bank account. They don't differentiate between someone doing freelancing and being a terrorist whom is funded by someone outside party. They could put me in jail if I recieve transfer from outside Iraq and torture me. Also they need a resident lisence before opening a bank acount. I am not married, and not the government or any one would give me permission to rent a house. Singles are like gays 3 hundreds years ago, 3rd degree citizens in the worse country. This wouldn't work. I wouldn't waste a minute of my time going that way. Either someone marries me, or give me a grant or wait for my parents to die so that I sell their house and purchase a new citizenship. I need to get freedom of movement within the next 3 years
  15. @Bojan V Thank you! Good questions. I need to purchase a second citizenship from a Caribbean island country, because my passport is basically worthless. I am trapped at some of the lowest pits in the world. I need a new citizenship to just help me skip this. I can, but very few countries I can get to. Non of my neighbor countries allow entrance, then I have to go to Malaysia, one country that's a bit stable, and then I will find restriction waiting for me because of my passport. I won't be able to work, while people with better passport can land on any country and start teaching English and make a living!
  16. @Ash55 Hi there, I am from Iraq. Don't get discouraged by your surroundings, Keep watching Leo, develop your personality, get high self-esteem. forget about meeting stage Turquoise people, instead you need to meet stage-orange people, businessmen, because you need to get your financial situation handled. Good luck
  17. I've found out that in today's world, I don't worth anything to anybody unless I mean something to them, and I sometimes feel sad about that, because in certain moments, when everything is crumbling around me, find myself barely surviving day to day and struggling, taking care of my body and physical existence, while at that moment of weakness, I am unable to 'mean' anything to anybody. Also I found out that it is easy to get someone's attention when you try to cater for their values, you really start to mean something to them, which opens the door for me to establish new relationships after showing some interest in their values, but again, I feel like I am lying inside, and I am sort of putting a mask, or using others' weaknesess in order to gain such relationships In the lights of the above, the idea of unconditional Love starts to play in my head, and I feel grateful today that I am able to love more lately, especially when growing and consuming quality content from, I can now see how narrow the love of people around me is, and also be able to expand my 'love domain' or capacity to be able to love things/people around me, even though they mean little to me.
  18. Great! but change might not happen on its own, it has to be some factors that speed it up.
  19. I was born and raised in Iraq, and in this stupid country, where morality is the number one priority, people grow to form dysfunctional societies. As I am progressing in my self-actualization journey, I found out what could be the number one reason for that, which is the separation of boys and girls in schools in teenage, and in various fields of life. When I was in elementary school, I was already shy as my parents were, and I had a crush, in fact many, but I couldn't do any move, not even talking to her out of shyness. I still have dreams of me talking to my childhood crush like once a month at least. At age 12 where separation begins, I was admitted to the boys secondary school, and I spent 6 years there. There were no girls, just us boys, and that was a horrible experience to me, stripped me of the very few female friends I was talking to in my elementary school. Now I firmly believe that this strict separation stops men in Muslim countries from growing into adults, because they live a live where they are not challenged to gain the heart of a woman. When men grow up and ready for marriage, all they have is to have a job, sell something, and make a little fortune, and then this little fortune allow them to ask for the hand of a woman, any woman indeed. The bride's family do not assess him based on his personality, but based on how much money he has, and whether or not he will be able to provide a shelter to their daughter. Sex is one of the powerful, if not the most powerful drive for human advancement, and Muslim men get sex for free! all they have to do is sell something, get money, and acquire a wife! Can you imagine? Whole nations of Muslims don't have adult men, but rather grown-up children! You might as well drop your hopes for stability in such countries.
  20. In the same reason I could say that you are brainwashed to think that Arabs are not inferior! Don't buy into this propaganda that the intervention of the west is the cause of this chaos.
  21. Why can't people stop taking the blame for others' failure? If you really think they are capable then you don't need to repeat that to me. Everybody is capable to a certain degree. I won't say that the west has messed up my country and life, that's just an absurd idea, and a stupid one also. It assumes the stupid foolish idea that there's a developmental line, and everyone is bound to follow it and get up the ladder.
  22. I have misread before. I guess Iraqi nation is diplomat yes. Thanks for sharing this passage. I have seen the series but I don't understand that model well
  23. @Happy Lizard I would say Iraq is in the opportunist and below. Can't even qualify for diplomat. that's relative to other countries. But me personally, and after years of self-development, I think I have a little bit of everything on the list.
  24. Hi. I don't know about the difficulty in developing yourself in different places, could be that the process has the same structure nomatter where your starting point is. As for the situation in Iraq, You already assume that there's a developmental line. I don't think there's one. and you should never assume there's one. Iraq is most likely to disintegrate, not to progress. Breaking News! Dozens of countries will disintegrate and disappear, because the modern statism system in itself is dysfunctional and stupid.
  25. I guess yes maybe? I don't know. Underdeveloped men produce a retarded nation at the end, We are unable to face the challenges that face us.