Bojan V

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Everything posted by Bojan V

  1. @mr_engineer Billions and billions of animals are suffering much more then people in Sri Lanka.
  2. @Leo Gura Isn't Nirvana outside of the dream? Maybe it is not God-realization, but somehow outside of the dream anyway. Jorge Ferrer's notion of the Ocean of Participation with many shores would maybe be a good description of this conundrum. In that description The Ocean of Participation would be God, and Nirvana, No-self, Heaven and all the other types of awakenings would be different shores of the same Ocean.
  3. @ThePoint Yes i just google it. There is an on-line service site, where all the therapists have their profile where it's possible to choose a therapist and then work with them either online or in person.
  4. @BuddhistLover Oh please! There are other countries much better then Usa.
  5. A Course in Miracles The Life Divine The Religion of Tomorrow Naša joga i prosvetljenje (Our yoga and enlightenment)
  6. @abundance You don't have to live in a developing country. There are other first world developed countries, your neighbour Canada is one of them. Or you can come here in Slovenia. It's very nice here?.
  7. @ThePoint I'm from Slovenia, so i don't know where you, in your country, can find a therapist. Here in Slovenia they are all online. We have different types of depth therapy - psychoanalytical, developmental analytical, jungian etc. I'm not familiar with IFS therapy, so i can't say anything about it.
  8. @ThePoint You are suffering a lot?.I am so sorry. I can only recommend you try a trauma informed, psychodynamic depth psychotherapy. Soon as possible. If necessery, maybe you will also need some medication prescribed by psychiatrist. The other important thing to do is a healthy food and excersize too. The techiques and methodes you've used in the past did not resolve the core issues of your difficulties. These are traumas, repressed, split off parts of your (relative) self. Their origin is in your childhood. The main solution to that is the therapeutic practice facilitated by a professional psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Also don't take any drugs or alcohol either. I hope that helps a little bit.
  9. @Salvijus Yes, you are correct. And yes i know that, I've completed the workbook twice. One funny thing... When i was practicing one lesson from the workbook i discovered one very interesting thing. It is very difficult to practice a lesson of forgiveness while sawing a log with a chainsaw?. I remember i was preparing firewood for the winter and i just couldn't properly do the lesson for that day. I had to repeat it 3 times the next two days to do it right...
  10. @Salvijus Oh i see. But what about after full dissolution of ego? That is what i would like to know your view about it.
  11. @Salvijus What is a final goal to you? I've read some stuff from Neo-Theosophy and acording to them what we call a final goal of liberation is only a beginning of higher journey in a cosmic sheme of things. What would be the ultimate Hight where there is no higher anymore?
  12. @Phil777 140 books? Wow, that's a lot. Do you read them one after the other or several of them at the same time?
  13. @Salvijus I'm sorry if i made you feel bad. That was not my intention. Respect
  14. @Salvijus I didn't know you are familiar with ACIM. ACIM is my spiritual path.
  15. @Raptorsin7 He is to pushy with Sadhguru and is using all the tactics other fundamentalists are using. All who do not conform to sadhguruism are wrong and in error.
  16. @Salvijus Samadhi happens when our illusions are gone. Nobody else can blow us into samadhi.
  17. @Salvijus I never said i am right. I said i don't believe blindly,i don't follow blindly and i don't accept anything or anyone blindly. Personaly i prefer spirituality which doesn't cost any money.
  18. @Salvijus @Salvijus His work and deeds don't speak for themselves. Just like work and deeds from Sai Baba didn't speak for themselves. I never accept "evidence" based on blind following. If that is a problem, i'm fine with that.
  19. @Salvijus Idealization of others has many forms. "Bliss" is one of them. Sai Baba had millions of followers, many still follow him today and they were also "blown into samadhi". I don't believe in any of this "avatars" and "gurus".