Bojan V
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Everything posted by Bojan V
Bojan V replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@PurpleTree I don't see anything amazing about that... -
It is an interesting question. Sri Aurobindo was writing about the future of mankind in his book The Human Cycle. He said it could take several centuries for this realization of the Supreme to happen. And not in all people at the same time! Just a significantly large minority of people which would influence other people. This would be the begining of the Spiritual Age of mankind. After that more and more people would be established in the Self and of course the journey beyond enlightenment would continue for some Selfrealized people plus the process of tranformation on the relative level. It can take centuries or even millennias for that to happen. But i am certainly open for some kind of collective Awakening to happen in this century. We will see...
Bojan V replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I certainly agree with the nondual perspective Leo is describing. But i would mention another (dualistic) point of view. Some people, who have had regresotherapy, are saying that the soul is becoming more attached to the fetus later during the pregnancy, never at the time of conception. But idk. I am certainly pro-choice and abortion is not a murder. If men could get pregnant, there would be abortions like on a conveyor belt. The abortion should be celebrated, not judged. Is this to radical for some of you? -
@PurpleTree There are to many heteros already. See how egotistical that is?
Bojan V replied to Kalki Avatar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So on December 21th 2012 nothing happend so now they are using same day and month prediction for this year? This is nonsense. Back in the 1990's there were stories about special dates and transitions to higher dimensions and 3 days of darkness. What happend with the evacuation by the Galactic Federation? I already chated with someone here about it. Same stories with a little bit different nuances are emerging again after 30 years? This has nothing to do with growing up and waking up! -
@Preety_India Haha! But i am being serious. I am gay and i think many more lgbt people from around the world in EU would be something really wonderful.
Bojan V replied to UnbornTao's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dodo I've read a whole bible and it's all nonsense. -
We in Eu should try to let in only Lgbt people. That experiment has never been done yet. So let's make it so!
There is no such thing as a premature ejaculation. A cum is always welcome, no matter when...
@Leo Gura Yes!!
Bojan V replied to Jordan Welsh's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Quilty prisoners should have a bad time in prison, but innocent prisoners should have a good time in prison?. -
It was an interesting post, thanks! I respectfuly disagree with you. I am gay and for me it's definitely harder to come out about my sexual orientation then politically. Personaly i am neither left wing nor right wing. And people in general tend to dismiss that. They think you need to be one way or another. But in rural area in Slovenia, where i live, it's definitely harder to be gay especialy becose there are many right wing people here.
@fluffy_fractalshard Decades ago in the 1990's here in Slovenia there was one new age magazine in which the stories, very similar to those you are describing, were mentioned. I was very naive back then and i believed it. The transitions to higher dimensions were described, Ufo ships from the Galactic Federation etc. Some dates were mentioned in the year 1987, 1999, 2012 and few others i don't remember... Of course nothing ever happend. It was all just a fiction. Just like the end of the world stories predicted every year for thousands of years... My approach is to get rid of the illusions, including the new age illusions, do the inner work and grow spiritualy. Nothing special will happen in 6 months, the world will continue and maybe few people will be disillusioned. After 6 months please tell us if you are still in 3D?. Respect...
I don't agree at all with this! Very young infants have a unified psyche. But becose of the bad parents and other important people in child's early life the fragmentation of the psyche begins and is eventualy completed already around the age 3 or 4. The children replicate the wounds their parents didn't resolve. Ofcourse the parents were traumatized by their own parents. The repression is the basic defence mechanism with which the child's psyche avoids the traumas inflicted by their bad parents. This is happening universaly on this planet. The solution to that is that we, as an adult people, gain knowledge about the human psyche and it's dynamics, so that we can reverse the damage by the process of reintegration of the shadow elements and become whole again. What this guy describes is the avoidance and not dealing with our issues. Inner work is a must, if we want to be completely healed. "Expansion", "higher self", "fun activities" etc. are just means to avoid the inner pain and deal with it. When we heal one issue our mood becomes better but later other unresolved shadow issues come to the surface to be healed. That's why our mood can go up and down. But this process has an end when our psyche is healed and whole again. After that the transcendence follows... So much nonsense is coming up from different "coaches", especialy from the Usa, and people believe them becose they want to become happy without resolving the inner causes of the unhappiness... Time to grow up and clean up! At least that's what i am doing the best that i can...
@Idandss Have you managed to access the book list by now?
In Spiral Dynamics there are no stages higher then Coral, not that i am aware of... But two other resources for further stages are the book by Ken Wilber The Religion of Tomorrow and the other is a website stagesinternational.com There is also one spiritualy awake person, Davidya, who has a blog davidya.ca. Maybe you will find some usefull things on his blog I hope that helps...
Bojan V replied to Conn-Sciousness's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Some people on this forum really believe in their fictional stories. To realize oness with God some serious inner work is necessery. We need to be more humble... -
After Union with God is realized, the stages of development serve as a framework through which Godrealization is manifested. There are more then 9 stages of human development becose there are no limits in God. Higher stages of human development are described more in detail in the book The Religion of Tomorrow by Ken Wilber.
You should give your Tv to someone else. Or just break it with a hammer. About the emotional issues... I can't recommend enough the shadow work. The other thing is you should try to walk in the nature.
Hello and welcome on this forum. But i have to say your writing is unclear. I don't understand at all what you have in mind.
Daniel Mackler's YouTube channel is great! Not many people are talking about childhood traumas caused by our parents! It's a great resurse for those interested in healing their traumas.
Bojan V replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What you're describing are the first signs of psychosis. I feel compassion for you. It seems you don't have much of selfreflection to be able to distance yourself from the content of your delusions. The psychotic episode happens when the repressed unconscious material emerges into your daily awareness. I my humble opinion, you need some serious shadow work and to start integrating traumas with your daily life. All your irrational images, sounds or ideas are a very complex simbolic way in which your inner wounds are represented to your awareness. You have a great oportunity to make a big leap on your path of healing, if you want to. It will be hard, but you can do it. You also try to eat properly and you should sleep every night too. I wish you well and speedy recovery! -
Bojan V replied to johncakecream's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@johncakecream Isn't it sad and tragic that China has chosen the worse from Europe? Communism is one of the worst European inventions. I remember, decades ago, at the times of the ex Yugoslavia, many people were of the same mindset as the Chinese people today. Many crimes happend back then, with hundreds of thousands people killed, especialy after the end of the second world war. But nothing lasts forever, and the communist regime will eventualy fall down, just like everything else... Unfortunately to late for many opressed and killed people... -
Bojan V replied to nexusoflife's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@apparentlynoself Yes, ex Yugoslavia was stage blue, and not only that. It was a pathological stage blue. Especialy in rural areas. -
Bojan V replied to johncakecream's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Maybe Trump will come here in Slovenia. Melania was born here and also we have a right wing Janez Janša as a prime minister. They would have a great time together?.