Bojan V

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Everything posted by Bojan V

  1. Nothing inspirational from this guy...
  2. @Moon Imo strong=healthy. But the illusion is the illusion regardless. I disagree with the notion of breaking down the ego. That would be only the afirmation of his existence.
  3. One way of looking at it is that there are many facets of the Absolute manifesting itself in seemingly relative level which we experience as "deeper". But of course this is not the same as deeper levels of the Absolute. I know one awake person who said that Consciousness is just a stage of higher development... There is always more. But this is beyond me...
  4. It seems we really like to avoid the shadow work. Becose without that our ego is always immature and weaker...
  5. Strong ego is achieved by total acceptance of the repressed shadow elements in our subconscious.
  6. I speak 3 languages. Slovenian, croatian and english. I also speak few local dialects but that is becose i live in Slovenia, on the border with Croatia. Also i discovered that many english speaking americans are just to lazy to learn other languages. They think all people should know english, which shows their inperialist mindset. Some americans even think Usa=world and either they don't know other countries with different languages exist, or they simply don't care. Also i am neither left wing nor right wing. Some people think if a person knows more languages he or she is most likely left wing. Not true!
  7. Let's be realistic. On average, we live, we get injured, we get sick, we get old, and we die. Some of us die immediately.
  8. Bentinho Massaro is an abusive guy. Telling people to f**k off, when people ask him simple question... He thinks he is something special etc. He himself said he was diagnozed with narcissistic personality disorder. Typical american pseudospiritual guy, full of himself. People just don't have any standards. Teachers should be honest, modest, humble, non-abusive, and not into exploitation of other people.
  9. I have no chalenge or frustration with Law of Attraction. This is a magical thinking, the remnant of the past era, and i don't believe in this illusion...
  10. This are wonderful news! Congratulations and i wish you all the best☺!
  11. A wonderful book about the future of humanity was writen by Sri Aurobindo. It's title is THE HUMAN CYCLE
  12. Sri Aurobindo and Mother Mirra Alfassa
  13. Omg. What a title of this post! Are you sure you got it? Or is it something else?
  14. @Leo Gura Hi Leo I knew one spiritualy awake man who had to deal with the same problem. He lived in Bosnia and Serbia. And he wasn't known worldwide, like you are. Only few people knew about him. He was such an unconventional person, even more then you are. Even when he was still a seeker, he was always viewed through the lense of at least suspicion, if not hate. He also criticised Tito and his communist regime in ex Yugoslavia and all religions as well! Of course he was a target from the government and priests as well. The war in the 1990s was very difficult time and he became refugee. But becose he was so outspoken about different types of unjustice ( at that time he was critical about the forest devastation), people wanted to kill him, but there were always few people who supported him so he always managed to escape death. Even after the end of the war he had to deal with Vahabi muslims, when he came back in Bosnia and later, in Serbia, the Ortodoks church was hostile to him. He said to me, that this is the destiny of all awake people. Maybe not all awake are in danger of being killed, but all of them are the target of hate or ridicule from ignorant people. But he always encouraged healthy criticism of his work. He passed away last year. So what i want to say with all this? Yes many people are being disrespectful and are demonizing you and your work, but there are few of people, me included, who support you and your work... All the best to you from Slovenia!
  15. @BlackMaze Whatever we don't know about the world represents the repressed unconscious aspects of ourselves. When we accept what we once repressed, there is no unknown parts of ourselves or the world. I wanted to offer more wide answer since this forum is about spirituality.
  16. Thinking that you are god is indeed a form of ego. Being and Knowing that you are god is a formless god.
  17. @BlackMaze All the secrets in the world are the projection of our unconscious onto the world. If we want to know the world's secrets, we must reveal our own secrets to ourselves. After this process is complete, there are no more secrets out there either. We see it through. You want to know if vaccine is safe? Know yourself and you will find out...
  18. Isn't this forum intended for personal and spiritual growth? Monoliths are just another human hoax and ego distraction. Inner work on ourselves is the most important thing.
  19. @dflores321 Yeah, out of your imperialist ass?
  20. @PurpleTree Yes, in the Now, but centuries can go by until that is realized...
  21. Conjuction is irrelevant. Many conjuctions are happening all the time and the world continues. It is really amazing how people believe in this sci-fi new age stories. Today, with the help of the internet, there is the posibility to check up online in what kind of new age stories some people believed to be true in the past decades. All can see for themselves, those stories never happend. But people are deliberately ignorant and they don't do the research. After the year 2020 is gone there are already some years, ready for future folks to believe in... 2024, 2025, 2029, 2032, 2056,2075 etc. I can imagine a guy claiming that 2032 will be a year of great transition to New era of Awakening and who knows what and ignoring similar past claims. Oh well...
  22. @datamonster From the nondual perspective this is certainly true. But from the relative perspective it doesn't happen in all people at same time.