Bojan V

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Everything posted by Bojan V

  1. @Epikur What is your point? Slovenia, where i live, also have 2 million people and today we are developed country.
  2. Namibia is a developing country now as well. But you should check out more about Africa by yourself. And why are you mentioning gays? I am a gay man and i am telling you, you are using homophobia in Africa to downplay African people. Many on this forum can read between the lines as you can see above. Something is fishy with this...
  3. I am neither left wing nor right wing leaning person so i am in peace about this specific issue.
  4. @Gesundheit As i've said i don't believe in this type of magical thinking. The repressed unconscious material is the stuff that i need to work with if i want to really change myself.
  5. @freejoy I know what i would do. I would stop the rapists in any way possible.
  6. @Gesundheit It was a bad self-help book. A psyche doesn't work that way. Most of my thoughts have never turned into actions. None of my actions have ever turned into patterns whatever the patterns are. My patterns were already established in my early childhood mostly by my parents. Same thing with the habits. My identities were established in my early childhood as well. My thoughts do NOT dictate who i am and my overall experience. They certainly are part of my experience but so are many other things. I don't believe in this type of magical thinking. It's imported from the Usa and there are better self-help books around the world then the one you mentioned.
  7. @freejoy Do you assume that only an adult woman can be raped? What if a man or a child are raped? Rape should always be stoped and the rapists punished.
  8. @zeroISinfinityI like my "self referential" thoughts and i will use them until Enlightenment happens. Probably even after that. I respect the insights other people have, but i don't believe it blindly. If i would say "I am God", i would have to be God with all of his omniscience and omnipotence down to the physical.
  9. @zeroISinfinity I should test you?? Ok tell me something about me that nobody knows, except me. For full omniscience and omnipotence it should be possible to manifest in a human form.
  10. @GreenWoods Nice try☺️. Still to many people claim they are God and yet they(they as "God") can't do anything and don't know anything.
  11. @0ne Many people claimed they realized they are God. But i always doubt that. God is infinite, endless, omniscient and omnipotent. I would claim i am God only if i could create or destroy the universes and if i knew everything. My question to you is how close is your Realisation of God in relation to omniscience and omnipotence?
  12. Sri Aurobindo's explanation of Reality is the best, but only our direct Realisation of Reality will reveal to us why the things are the way they are...
  13. There is no explanation needed but some spiritual teachers did explain things. Sri Aurobindo is one of them. And his explanation is superb imo.
  14. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Perhaps you should stay away from mushrooms, as sugested by other people, untill you stabilize your psyche. In my opinion it is to much risk for your health. You don't need to experience another psychosis. Also you don't know what effects on your wellbeing will have the interaction between antipsychotics and mushrooms. Stay safe and well as much as possible??.
  15. To many of you guys in the West are focused on the well known gurus, Eastern or Western. There are other authentic spiritual teachers around the world. I knew one person from the Balkan area who was enlightened, but of course unknown to the world. In some way that was a good thing becose he was more available to people who really needed his help. What i am trying to say learn some other language other then english and search for authentic spiritual teachers in other areas of the world.
  16. What kind of practice have you been doing for many years?
  17. @Dodo If i remember correctly this happend to you two months ago? Your messages were wild and i was worried you had some kind of psychosis... I am glad you are feeling better now.
  18. I've read a whole bible and i disagree. Of course bible comdemned homosexuality. This is unfortunate and terrible. And this condemnation of homosexuality in the bible affects me personaly, becose i am gay. I am aware of the newer interpretations of the bible but this is light years away from the minds of the people in the rural area in Slovenia where i live. Bible is just a bad writen book.
  19. @The Buddha Your personal opinions and feelings are not reality. For example i don't feel any grace in you but i can be completely wrong. We tend to project our own unconscious aspects of ourselves into the world. I prefer to deal with my own shadows. Maybe you should too... *This is my personal opinion and feelings* ?
  20. I speak Slovenian, Croatian and English language.
  21. Here is a link to the article. It is in slovenish language but i hope you can translate it with Google. I was trying to do that but i wasn't able to copy it here. Please let me know if it works.
  22. Few psychiatrists here in Slovenia are using the writings of Parmenides to help the patients who experienced psychosis. Theire approach is called phenomenological psychiatry and with the writings of Parmenides they try to help their patients to identify the experience of transcendence and also the process of psychosis. It's interesting and i need to start reading Parmenides to learn more about it.
  23. @Chance Cunningham Thank you for sharing your experience with us! It touched me deeply somewhere in my soul... ???