Bojan V

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Everything posted by Bojan V

  1. @blackchair I think it will be easier for you to come out of your spiritual closet then it was for me to come out out of my gay closet?!
  2. @blackchair Hello neighbour?! I wasn't aware there are any people in Croatia at a Turquoise stage of development. You must be a living miracle.
  3. Ego is a denial of God. Ego is an illusion of separation. Ego is the illusion of a possibility that does not exist.
  4. A Course in Miracles is my favoured book.
  5. I am so glad there are few people here whos spiritual path is A Course in Miracles, just like mine☺️.
  6. Thanks for sharing with us your way of living. I've read several of your posts, about suicide too, but i am not sure what are you trying to say. Do you need any help?
  7. @Heart of Space With all do respect... It doesn't matter if you are gay or not. I am gay too and so what?! But you are trying to justify narcissism, to conflate it with enlightenment and writing messages, like the one above, to avoid the fact that you have to work on yourself. We all do. Many people on this forum can read between the lines and really see what is going on (without projecting their own stuff onto it). Try to work on yourself harder and then you will be closer to genuine enlightenment.
  8. @Heart of Space You can NOT be a horrible narcissist and enlightened at the same time. In fact this claim is a sign of narcissism.
  9. @Seemore Fascinating! Do you have any roof above your head? What about health care etc.?
  10. @SolarWarden While we are in exile, the pointers home are helpfull. Not necesserily. The intention is the meaning. If our intention is to go Home (or to remember we are already at Home) then every form (including ???) is the expression of that intention. If our intention is to stay in exile then every form (including ???) is the expression of that as well.
  11. Divine manifests Itself as It wants. It is an arrogance on our side to assume that we know what is the biggest or the best role for It to play on the world stage...
  12. @Godishere Some enlightened people are called to be shit-disturbers so that at least some of us can rise up and awaken...
  13. There are different reasons why many enlightened people are not publicly known. The public doesn't care about spirituality and enlightenment. Sometimes they actively try to supress or even kill these people. Some book publishers don't want to publish their writings, either becose they fear backlash if they would publish it, or are directly involved in suppresion. Some enlightened people are very critical of priests and politicians and of course that limits the posibility of the enlightened person to be public. Some enlightened people are known in their own area or the country but there is a language barrier, so many english speaking people are not aware of them. I knew one enlightened person who fits in all these categories. My advice, especialy for the english speaking population, is to learn some other languages and discover the richness and diversity of enlightened people all around the world.
  14. @integral How have you been practicing social isolation since birth? Is that even possible? How can you survive? If you want to share... if not, that's ok.
  15. @Eternal Unity Oh i am so happy about it! Unfortunately here few people die every day but hopefully by sommer it will get better
  16. @Eternal Unity What do you mean with this message?
  17. @Preety_India Yes i am aware of that. But there is the same issue with Astra-Zeneca. I am not worried becose of only a few cases of side effects.
  18. @Preety_India Why not? I've heard about the side effects few people had but i am not worried. I would only reject russian or chinese vaccine.
  19. So i live in Slovenia in rural area at the border with Croatia. Many people in my area had Corona virus, but most of them are fine. In the town nearby there were a lot of deaths in the home for elderly people. I think 40 people died?. In Slovenia are implemented the same measures as in the rest of the world. Imo the right wing government didn't do well with the distribution of the vaccines. The process of vaccination is way to slow and to many people died for such a small country with only 2 million people. And of course the right wing government is trying to supress free press and defund few independed state medias plus reduce some human rights. But i guess that is the way for the right wingers all around the world who are exploiting this pandemic. I just hope we will not end up in some authoritarian situation, like in Hungary and Poland. But i am optimistic we won't. I am still waiting to be vaccinated. My brother was vaccinated twice with Pfizer and my mom once with Astra-Zeneca. I will probably get J&J but i am not sure yet... I hope this pandemic ends soon and i wish all the best to all people on this forum???.
  20. I disagree with this false teaching. We do not receive what we desire. It's a common experience in our daily life. And where the desire for something originates? From childhood traumas caused by our bad parents. Healing traumas is the solution, and not our egoic desires for idolatry in any form.
  21. Maybe you should start with A brief history of everything. The Religion of Tomorrow is a book where states-stages and structure-stages are described in detail, including the shadow aspects of them. So if you're interested in the highest levels up to the Supermind, then The Religion of Tomorrow is the right book for you.
  22. @Holygrail Yes, we can say it becose we don't live in the middle ages, where ignorant catholic church invented the flat earth and creationism delusions in which some people still believe.
  23. This is all very interesting but it doesn't consider the american imperialism, killing people in other countries. This happens more or less constantly.