Bojan V

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Everything posted by Bojan V

  1. @BipolarGrowth I wish you a speedy recovery and good health! P.s. I like your nails. They are fabulous!
  2. The Life Divine-Sri Aurobindo A Course in Miracles-Helen Schucman Naša joga i prosvjetljenje-Žarko Karišik Durmitara
  3. @Kalo Mental illness is NOT similar phenomenally to mysticism and spirituality. And certainly the "reality" experienced by schizophrenic in psychosis or in mania is NOT real and Absolute reality at all! They are polar oposite to each other! We have to let go all illusions and delusions if we want to experience the Absolute reality. Why are you and some other people spreading this misinformation about mental illness and enlightenment? Is it on purpose or what?
  4. @levani If you don't care for the people, then why are you here on this forum?
  5. @The Buddha If he is an avatar, then i am too.
  6. Gabor Mate is great and i look forward to watching this documentary.
  7. Finaly, yesterday i got my first dose of Pfizer. No side effects at all.
  8. Mental illness is NOT full on enlightenment. Also the need for saviours is just one of many defences against unresolved childhood traumas. We need to make many important distinctions between different states of consciousness and between pathology and health. Also we need to be compassionate while doing that. It is irresponsible and wrong to equate mental illnes and enlightenment.
  9. There are few people on this thread who are either dogmatic, fundamentalist christians or just trols.
  10. Now that you've experienced "awakening", i hope you won't post anything antisemitic anymore.
  11. At the time of ex-Yugoslavia, when Tito, the authoritarian leader, was still alive, they had to postpone the flight he had becose several military pilots saw Ufos. Of course pilots didn't tell that to the public at the time but later that story came out. Also there was another incident where military airplanes were sent to intercept the Ufo and one of the planes crashed down. Also some civilian pilots reported the Ufo sightings as well. The communist regime at that time was very interested in Ufos and they were conducting the investigation of these and other incidents...
  12. HELLO new mods?!
  13. I am gay, and I've never heard about it. Is this some kind of american invention??
  14. @platolol I don't have any guru, regular or iregular.
  15. Well since integrating my own shadow matters to me i wanted to know how that goes in your own life in relation to deconstruction. I always want to learn new things.
  16. @The0Self @The0SelfYou said you've achieved total deconstruction. What happend to your unresolved repressed traumas in that process? Is your psyche whole and healed or it is still fragmented? What i am asking is how is the process of deconstruction related to the integration of your painful aspects of your relative self?
  17. @The0Self How is your "total deconstruction" related to your unresolved shadow material?
  18. I've seen many people on his YouTube channel are Qanons and some believe Trump will come back.
  19. I am waiting to be vaccinated since January. I hope i'll get it soon.
  20. @platolol He wants your money.
  21. @Leo Gura Great analogy, with multiple layers of meaning?!
  22. @Salvijus I don't think so. I don't use any drugs and i don't worship Leo or anyone else. Many other people here are also sober and think with their own minds. Your conclusion is false. Or maybe you're joking...
  23. About Osho... Osho is the Buddha of the 20th century. There was a cult around him, created by Sheela and few sheep but he himself was pure.