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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. I hear you. If you look at the research, most people have at least one awakening experience during their lifetime. Many have multiple awakenings. Enlightenment is when the awakening is so ego-shattering, that your spiritual eyes stay open, even within the dream. When that happens, you will know, and nothing anybody tells you to confirm or deny it will make any difference.
  2. I wonder how close it is to enlightenment then. I can't extrapolate to other realms, but in this realm, lucid dreaming as Consciousness is the end of suffering. The Buddha seemed to see all realms, but maybe he limited his teachings to this realm intentionally.
  3. Every form is inevitably transient. The only changeless reality is the no-thing that was never born, and cannot die.
  4. @James123 The Mystery is the entanglement of no-thingness with thingness. Consciousness is no-thing, but it localizes itself with time and space, creating the infinitely diverse illusion of things within itself.
  5. Psychedelics are like mini-catastrophes to the ego. I can see why psychonauts ride them. I hope it ultimately helps them suffer less.
  6. @Javfly33 When you get it, you won't have to ask others if you are right ?
  7. I've heard Tolle describe his awakening, and you are 100% correct. It was violent ego death. Awakening isn't always catastrophic like this; it can also happen as a long, slow, intensely suffering burn, that finally collapses the structure of your egoic self. Even then, you still have to toss the remaining timbers of your conditioning, one by one, into the flames. Judging anyone's spiritual journey is usually the act of a fool. It is typically hypocritical of the ego, to judge someone else for not being free of itself.
  8. Hi @ajai, I only directly realize Consciousness as Love. As a pointer, I understand dharma to be the intent of Consciousness.
  9. @deci belle The dharma of buddhas is love. Don't make the mistake of dismissing what I have said as aesthetic fascination. There is nothing more beautiful than Consciousness realizing itself. To dismiss this realization, and its expression, as "boring" is to paint a giant target on your ignorance. If you have seen spiritually, you understand that Consciousness is love. It is not a mere virtue, it is its holy self. I have realized myself, and you, as Consciousness. And yes, we are beautiful.
  10. Read this:
  11. @Gneh Onebar Does the realization that he is god make him feel special? If so, it isn't a realization.
  12. Maybe there is no highest level, only the collapsing of the infinite dream levels, into the singularity that is Tat.
  13. If you feel the breeze as a physical sensation, recognize it for what it is, just like your thoughts, without identifying with it. If you are able to feel the breeze, resonating with who you are, realize it. Consciously, you are the same as the breeze.
  14. @Chimera Relative love is beautiful, but only relatively so. The best and purest love is already who you are. ?
  15. The ego flexes itself as the god of gods. The true god is the still point of the cosmos: At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.
  16. @ConsciousOwl10 It makes perfect sense. Until it doesn't. Not to be cute, but there is a pointer in your last sentence. Silence and staring into space. That is more profound than staring at your hand. If you are able, let your thoughts recede, and ask the simple question. What is observing the thoughts?
  17. Do you realize what transcends personality? Is the realization conceptual? Is it emotional? Is it ultimate?
  18. I've only seen 3 of Leo's videos, but in the famous one, where he posted his psychedelic "ego-death", he admitted that he had no ability to change his bookcase.
  19. If by reality you mean transcendent reality, No. If by reality you mean relative reality, Yes.
  20. Welcome! Can you explain a little more what you mean here? If I understand correctly, are you looking for a thought that will justify the purpose of life? If so, is it possible that your purpose could be found in something other than a thought?