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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. That is a good mental process and a correct realization. Through meditation, you can make the journey deeper, beyond conceptual thinking and into the dark depths of the subconscious, where you directly realize the essence of who You are.
  2. Creativity arises from Consciousness. The more Conscious I am, the more creativity I channel. All true artists are one with Consciousness.
  3. Hello @Sleeper and welcome to the forum. For me, it is less about fighting thoughts, and more about recognizing thoughts for what they are. The power is in being vigilant, just enough, not to identify with your thoughts. You are the Watcher. Don't become so engrossed in the movie that you forget who you are. I promise you, the thoughts are only a distraction, and will inevitably disappoint.
  4. Relatively reality <> Ultimately reality. Beyond time, space, and change is infinite love. The dream worlds are fine for what they are, but don't mistake them for transcendent truth.
  5. Analyzing isn't the word I would use, since it implies being stuck in your head. Diving into yourself through systematic meditation though, can lead to insight. The ancient gurus practiced neti neti, which means "not this, not that". They examined each aspect of themselves, the body, the senses, etc. and discarded each layer that was not the core of who they are. At the end, at the center, all that remained was Consciousness.
  6. Preach. Relative reality is worthy of honor and love. ?
  7. Another cosmic joke Attachment is pain and joy. Duality serves a purpose. Ultimately though, it all is reabsorbed. We create and destroy. The secret is dreaming lucidly. Enjoy the dream, but don't get too attached.
  8. Isn't it ironic that the singularity everyone desires is the singularity everyone already is? Lucid dreaming means realizing yourself as unconditional love, even within a relative world that only offers transactional love. Listen to the world, and suffer. Let go of the world, and be. The choice is yours. How do you choose to play the game of life?
  9. I love life the most when I am present. Simple things, like studying a fallen maple leaf, or drinking a cold class of water, or listening to the rain, invoke profound joy when I see them Consciously.
  10. @TheSource Yes. God is nonduality, and God dreams duality. Ultimately, it is all one. Lord of the gods, you are the abode of the universe. Changeless, you are what is and what is not, and beyond the duality of existence and nonexistence. You are the first among the gods, the timeless spirit, the resting place of all beings. You are the knower and the thing which is known. You are the final home; with your infinite form you pervade the cosmos.
  11. Anxiety is the arsenal of the ego. Expect it to fight, tooth and nail, before it finally dies. Let go of the past and the future, which are lies, and ground yourself in This, which is all there is. Nothing that is real can be threatened. Take peace in this realization, and be.
  12. When the mind is released, with its insatiable voracity for validation, one understands that one already is Love.
  13. @JayySur Every story is bullshit. You are the storyteller.
  14. Who is letting go? Instead of grasping for control, and fearing being stuck, let You be.
  15. This is the instinct I mentioned, and encourage you to trust. Whatever can be created, should not be trusted. Inevitably, it will always be destroyed. Ultimate reality is uncreated, and beyond destruction. It is who You are.
  16. Trust your instinct. That which is uncreated cannot be destroyed. Do you see? Creation is only relative reality. Ultimate reality is beyond birth and death.
  17. A guru is nothing but a construction sign. ? You are the source.
  18. Illusion is relative reality, parading as ultimate reality. It is still reality. This deserves to be honored, not dismissed. There is Mystery, and "we" will never solve it, because we are it.
  19. The deepest realization of Truth is not needing to chase exhilarating fantasies to feel alive, but resting in the realization of the infinite Peace and Love that you already are.
  20. You have moved beyond solipsism, and realized the divinity in everything. It is humbling, loving, and integrating. Your True Self is the same True Self that all of us is. And yet, mysteriously, we exist as individuals, in this relative world, and the experience is here. We created this for a reason.
  21. The mind demands security, in an inherently insecure world. Embrace the space. Socrates was right. It's like leaving the cave, and allowing your eyes to adjust to the light. Once you see clearly, it isn't scary any more. It is love, and it is beautiful beyond what we could have imagined, back in the cave.
  22. Mind = ego. I have learned not to trust my mind. Instead of grasping, be. You have integrity, bro. Fly.
  23. Thank you. I have been trying to communicate this, which you did eloquently. ?