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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. Do you see the human in you, and in the people you interact with? Do you see the Being in you, and in the people you interact with? Finding the Being in yourself is the first step toward realizing the Being in everyone else. When that happens, it is magical. Humans become humorous, with all of our idiosyncrasies. Beings become beloved, because they are us. What we see in others is, to a large extent, what we see in ourselves.
  2. Would you rather know, or would you rather be? Knowledge is the currency of the ego. It is voracious, the snake eating its own tail, and it never ends. It will never be satisfied. Just be.
  3. Anything, in excess, is unhealthy. That includes meditation and personal growth. Recreation is not only ok, but it is necessary. Recreation, in excess, is also unhealthy Why not try the best of both worlds? I recently played Walden, a Game, and loved it. Take the time to enjoy the reading rocks along the way, so much wisdom there.
  4. Not specific memories, but some people are born with old souls. It is obvious, even when they are children.
  5. Imagination is also reality, because it is created by God.
  6. Paleolithics are inferior to homosapiens, on the level of cognitive capacity. Not coincidentally, they were superior on spiritual capacity. They were less bound by thought, and more connected to nature and being, than most of us are. Personally, I choose being.
  7. Not sure that a paleolithic human would have a clue, but Einstein lifted the curtain of Oz. Relativity, really?
  8. The Mystery, which none of us gets, is the entanglement of ultimate and relative reality. It is not just ultimate. It is also relative. It all is. (Don't you love italics)?
  9. Free will is ultimate, changeless reality. Determinism is relative, cause-and-effect reality. It is not free will vs. determinism, but the entanglement of free will with determinism. The more you reside as a human form in relative reality, the less free you will be. You are just a pinball in the machine. The more You reside as God in ultimate reality, the more free You will be. You are the pinball player. Hint: Freedom is just another word for unconditional, all-seeing Love.
  10. Knowing is fool's gold. Concepts are a false currency. Directly realizing is being. God, I sound like a Yoda puppet, but still stand by it
  11. I see it as relative reality, which is perception-based, and ultimate reality, which is beyond perception. All of it is reality, just in different states.
  12. Perception is reality, in the relative sense. Ultimately, there is no perception, only being. The interaction of perception and being is the Mystery, but "we" are forever trying to solve it. The solution is to be.
  13. The perceiver is the perceived, the awakener is the dream, the creator is the creation. It is all God.
  14. Eckhart Tolle is a linguist, and quotes it frequently. More importantly, the truth of it is directly realized.
  15. Discovering happiness and freedom in yourself is the opposite of selfishness. How are you going to love yourself, and love others, when you are miserable and imprisoned? Selfishness is suffering. Love is freedom from suffering. Why do you believe enlightenment would benefit the ego? It is the realization that the ego is an illusion. It is nothing but a shadow that is banished by light.
  16. Is your ego guilt-tripping you about wanting to be happy? Lol, don't listen to it. The ego thrives on suffering. Freedom from suffering is the opposite of selfishness, and the end of the ego. It knows that, so why do you think it is shouting at you right now? You don't need a survival agenda, you just need to Be. Why do we struggle so much, without realizing that the struggle itself is the source of suffering? It's about unconditional surrender to Love, which is who You are.
  17. @Heaven The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. - Luke 17:20-21 Isn't it interesting that observation is meaningless, and Self-realization is everything?
  18. Insights 1-5 are conceptual awakening. Solipsism. Insights 6-7 are spiritual awakening. Love. ?
  19. It's all about vigilance. Don't let the ego out of your sight. It is always stalking, in the grass, looking for the moment when you are distracted, so it can strike. Realize that the ego will never give you peace. It is your worst enemy. It knows every weakness, and it preys on you relentlessly. Defeat it by loving it. See it for what it is. Be the light that you are. The ego is only a shadow, and it can't stand up to You.
  20. It's more synchronous than you might think. Living Consciously not only reduces suffering, but it greatly refines surviving. Your mind is more clear, your words more concise, and your deliverables are of higher quality. Doesn't matter if you are a musician, a scientist, or a carpenter; anything you do becomes better when it is born out of presence.
  21. Physics is the closest science comes to understanding reality. It reaches beyond the narrow band of human experience, and reveals the fraying at the edges of scale. Quantum mechanics and astrophysics prove that perception is reality, more convincingly than any philosophy has been able to do.