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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. @TrippyMindSubstance Does awareness interpret, or does it simply see? In meditation, the difference between awareness and interpretation becomes clear. The thoughts and emotions that come and go are not who you ultimately are. @Godishere Yes, conceptualization only occurs within the dream. It is still Consciousness, but in an apparently different state of Self-awareness. Ultimately, it is an imaginary line since there is no separation. Even writing this is a form of conceptualization, and doesn't adequately describe Consciousness. No words can. At best, they point to Consciousness, but it is meaningless until it is directly realized.
  2. Interpretation is conceptualization. Consciousness can't be conceptualized, only directly realized. Instead of trying to figure out the now, be it.
  3. I feel the more translucent you are, the more powerful your teachings will be. Consciousness teaches through you, like a light illuminating the room through a clear lamp. Teachers that rely upon personal charisma can draw big crowds, but they tend to get in the way of their teachings. As @Endangered-EGO said, the teacher meets the student when both are ready. Consciousness has its own cadence, and when the time is right, the teaching will happen effortlessly.
  4. There is a saying in the Upanishads that "Words turn back frightened." This is especially true when words are used to describe ultimate reality. Inevitably, they invoke paradoxes, and confuse more than they enlighten. Spiritual teachers may use words as pointers, but the words themselves cannot make someone see. The most powerful teaching is the presence of the teacher, beyond anything that might be said. Ramana Maharshi is known for simply sitting in silence.
  5. You are asking a question that can only be directly realized. It is beyond conceptualization. Your mind will never provide a satisfactory answer, and you will only see it by discovering the Self within. The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery. Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations. These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gate to all mystery. - First sentence of the Tao Te Ching The cosmos is a necklace created by Consciousness, which it wears, without identifying with the separateness of it. The form of the necklace, and the materials that define it, are still Consciousness, but in a different state of Self-awareness. Ultimately and relatively, it is all Consciousness. There is nothing that exists separate from me, Arjuna. The entire universe is suspended from me as my necklace of jewels. - Bhagavad Gita 7:8
  6. The ego can only be temporarily satisfied. It's like Homer Simpson in hell, being fed soul donuts for eternity, and never feeling filled. Chasing after perpetual happiness within an impermanent cosmos is insane. Desire is fine, just don't let it define you. Realize the Self within, which is beyond desire.
  7. @Flyboy Well said. Meditation jailbreaks the mind. You see beyond the screen, to the machinery in the underworks, making the movie happen. As awareness, it becomes clear that thoughts and emotions come and go, and are not your essence. There is only serene spaciousness.
  8. It is more profound than that. There is no "you" that is alone. There is no individuality. It is all Consciousness, in different states of Self-awareness. Solipsism is the idea that only "you" exist, and everything else is an illusion. "I" am a figment of "your" imagination. The reality is that all individuality, including "you" and "me", is bound within the dream. Evolution and devolution only occur within the dream. Ultimately, there is no change, and realizing this within the dream is the end of suffering. Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. - A Course in Miracles
  9. Are you familiar with solipsism? I see it as a step in the spiritual path, but not the summit. Ultimately, there is no individuality. There is only Consciousness, creating the delusion of separation. A famous quote from Einstein, in a letter to a rabbi who suffered the loss of his 16-year-old daughter: A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.
  10. Because it is all the same Consciousness. The idea of being somebody is worthy, as long as you don't take your individuality too seriously. Have you ever had a lucid dream, where you realized you were not the character within the dream, but still went along with it for the adventure?
  11. Rather than asking, "What am I?", consider asking, "What am I not?". Neti neti means "Not this, not that". It as an ancient process of Self-inquiry, where you gradually peel away the layers of the onion until you arrive at your ultimate nature. Is the essence of what you are your physical body? Is it your thoughts? Is it even the idea of "you" as a separate entity? Meditate, and find out for yourself. ?‍♀️
  12. Consciousness is being everybody, while ultimately being nobody. In a way, yes, you are playing a joke on yourself. When you realize the punch line, all you can do is laugh.
  13. @Preety_India Wishing you peace and happiness, wherever your journey takes you. If everyone was enlightened, there would be no judgment, but most people are not. All you can do is focus on realizing the Self within you, and don't let the ego of others drag you down. Ultimately, we are the same Consciousness, pretending to be @Preety_India and @Moksha and every other being. The most beautiful moment within the dream is when your eyes open to the spaciousness that You are.
  14. Everything created is only relatively real. It evolves, and devolves, within the dream. As Einstein discovered, there is no absolute reality in the cosmos. It is all based on perspective. When the Bhagavad Gita and other spiritual texts say that God is changeless, they are referring to the ultimate dimension.
  15. Ultimate reality is changeless. Thoughts about getting better, evolving, and infinite enlightenment are bound to the dream. You are the supreme, changeless Reality, the one thing to be known. You are the refuge of all creation, the immortal spirit, the eternal guardian of eternal dharma. - Bhagavad Gita 11:18
  16. @hyruga Agree, mindfulness is misleading. Mindlessness is actually closer, but still doesn't capture it. As pointers, I prefer Spaciousness, Stillness, and Presence.
  17. Keep an open mind. Let it go if it doesn't help you right now, but realize that could change down the road. There's a reason meditation has been the mainstay for mystics over thousands of years. I had no interest in meditating when I was younger, but it is now my primary spiritual practice. There is no universal path to spirituality; you have to find what works for you, and stay adaptable during the journey.
  18. Meditation, when mastered, is pure awareness and spaciousness. There is nothing to be tricked by. Thoughts, including even the thought of "you", are clearly seen as such. Meditation enables them to go Deeper and deeper into consciousness, From the world of words to the world of thoughts, Then beyond thoughts to wisdom in the Self. - Katha 1.3.13
  19. Mindfulness meditation is not about using the mind to overcome the mind. Clearly that would be self-defeating, since the conditioned mind is unable to cure itself. It is about focusing attention on the meditation object (breath, inner body, etc.), without being distracted by the mind. Thoughts and emotions come and go, but they lose their gravitational pull. The mind is seen for what it is, and its neuroticism becomes apparent. You no longer identify with it. You are Consciousness itself, and simply by being present, you provide a healing space for the mind. Attachments to the phenomenal world begin to dissolve in the light of awareness, and as they disentangle, their energy returns to your essential Self.
  20. The more God-realized you are, the less judgmental you become. As perceived boundaries dissolve, there is less of "you", and less of "them" to judge. Eventually, you see that it is all the same Consciousness. After stepping out of the cave, and allowing your eyes to adjust, what is left to judge?
  21. Sensitivity is intuitive spirituality. It is the realization that there isn't just "me", and that there is a sameness between "me" and "them". Dive into it, and you will dissolve.
  22. I agree with @Consilience. Psychedelics can jailbreak your mind, but only temporarily. The steady flame, where you are free from suffering regardless of circumstances, is developed through meditation. Drugs can show you what is possible, but they are incapable of keeping you there. Swimming upstream requires integrity, courage, and resolve. There is no shortcut to the other shore.
  23. Resign, and for the next 15 days be present. Use it as an opportunity for spiritual growth. You are more likely to grow in a storm than in a cave. Radiate sincere kindness and space. If you really want to leverage it, realize that your boss is the same Consciousness that you are. See beyond the personality to the essence, which is who both of you actually are.
  24. Love, in the ultimate sense, is profoundly beyond the human emotion of love. Ultimate Love = Seamlessness. There is no separation, no selfishness, and no superiority. Sub Ek: It is all One. Everything is loved not for its own sake, but because the Self lives in it. - Katha 2.4.5
  25. It is all the same Consciousness, in different states. The appearance of created things is mythical, but their essence, which is Consciousness, is real. Everything confuses those who regard things as separate from the Self. Brahmins, kshatriyas, creatures, the universe, the gods, everything: these are the Self. - Katha 2.4.6