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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. An incoherent fool can babble a string of words realized as pearls by someone ready to hear. What matters is not whether someone appears to be enlightened, but whether in whatever way, they direct attention more deeply to the absolute within.
  2. The absolute beyond maya, and sometimes even within maya, understands that maya constantly changes and is never fulfilled. It is the kaleidoscope, and you are looking through it trying to understand it, rather than simply enjoying its phenomenal beauty.
  3. Your person is the intersection of the absolute and the relative. It doesn't have to be dissolved, only directly realized. When it happens, the light of the absolute clears the obstructions of the person, and the form becomes its transparent conduit. You don't have to fight tooth and nail for every inch of enlightenment. The more you struggle with it, the tighter the door becomes within the frame. You have to relax and it will open of its own accord. How do you relax? Realize your true nature, and deepen the trust. As long as you are sincere, the healing will happen naturally. It is inevitable, once the light begins to flow.
  4. It is always a surprise, but the knock that wakes you up is not always the same.
  5. @BlueOak ?Different life forms (maybe including Leo's alien) with eyes instinctively gravitate to each other's gaze when they meet. Maybe that's why they're called the window to the soul.
  6. Be careful of the appearance of spiritual arrogance. It's true that awakening comes at the deepest cost, but there is no superior path for the absolute to realize itself. The light finds its own way through the crevices of the contrived self.
  7. Aldous Huxley called it the Doors of Perception. It is opening and closing within yourself, revealing the angels and demons of your experience. Let it flow through you without resistance, according to the deep current of the absolute which is clearing it through you. The blockages will naturally dissolve in the light of absolute love. I'm sorry for your suffering. You are deeper than it is, and it will resolve.
  8. Expression is the imagination of the absolute. It is what it does to experience phenomena, and the apparent losing and realization of itself within the dream. The relative you typing a post on a forum on a planet in the cosmos is an infinitesimal example of this expression.
  9. Relatively, you are responding to me. Absolutely, you are one expression of yourself responding to another expression of the same absolute self. It is all the absolute, in apparently different forms and states of self-awareness.
  10. By that definition, which is the relative, of course things exist outside of your awareness. The person creates its own cosmos through its senses, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and actions, but so does every other person. The absolute is beyond definition, and nothing exists outside of its awareness. It is who you actually are, which is why I asked for clarification.
  11. Great, now please define what you mean by "you".
  12. @Consept Even arrogance serves a purpose. Look at how much introspection was driven by Leo's recent thread about being the creature with the deepest understanding on the planet. Everything, including Leo, is an expression of the absolute and can help it realize itself.
  13. You clearly defined objectivity. How do you define "your experience"?
  14. The Mind Illuminated is my meditation go-to. It is chock-full of techniques for developing a solid meditation practice. As for the specific meditation object and process, experiment and see what works for your mind. Focusing on the breath is distracting for me, but focusing on the inner body is sublime. Some respond well to guided meditation, but I immerse myself in silence. There is no proper way for meditating, except what allows your thoughts to settle and focuses your attention on the spaciousness within. Avoid extreme practice, impatience, and self-judgment. Learn to enjoy the process. With time, the light of the absolute will seep past your blockages into that spaciousness, until eventually it fills you and flows through you.
  15. Every sense can be a conduit to yourself, if it bridges the sameness of the perceiver and the perceived. You lose and find yourself within it. It's funny how forms perceive the cosmos differently. My brain often defaults to music when I'm not actively thinking, even when I am aware that it is just another thought. John Yates writes about sub-minds in "The Mind Illuminated", and apparently one of my sub-minds loves to jam. ?
  16. @sleep Enlightenment is a realization, not an achievement. It is the absolute awakening to itself, within the dream. It happens when the absolute is ready for it to happen. It's good that you are getting treatment on the relative level. As @Thought Art says, you need an intact mind before it is stable enough to withstand the cosmic forces of letting it go. Like making sure the kite has no holes, before setting it free into the wind. In addition to your treatment, I recommend trying meditation and seeing if it helps. Even now, you can find some relief from suffering simply by letting your thoughts settle, and focusing on the inner light which is what you actually are.
  17. I was thinking about him just now when I read the thread. Very DT. Even more funny when you realize that all of them are absolutely you, and may actually serve as a foil for your own self-forgetting.
  18. Like a filmstrip running across the unchanging light of the absolute.
  19. @Yimpa To me, life itself is a lucid dream. Sometimes there are dreams within the dream, and they also are lucid insights of the absolute. It seems to happen naturally in the harmonizing of the conscious and subconscious mind. Lucidity is experiencing the dream through a unified mind. I read words like these and am aware of how they sound on the surface. There is no guru and no teaching outside of your true nature. Look beyond them within yourself and you will see where they point. ?⚡
  20. @Squeekytoy Just calling out the attempt to conceptually deconstruct blockages, rather than directly disentangling them. They are not a problem to be solved, but a misidentification to be dissolved. I agree that blockages are bound by beliefs (conscious or subconscious), and letting go of beliefs is the realization of unconditional love, which is beyond beliefs. @Breakingthewall Yes, I have seen true horror. There are ancient demons, which are the last to go, but even they eventually dissolve in absolute love.
  21. If by deep understanding you mean direct realization of the absolute, I relatively agree. Absolute reality doesn't actually change, it only appears to change. These energy blockages occur because we resist or cling to experiences. The energy of dream experiences needs to flow through us, and we prevent it from doing so. It builds up like a pressure cooker. We resist because we believe it will keep us safe, or make us happy. In fact it does just the opposite. Like barnacles on a ship, energy blockages encumber the life journey. When the absolute realizes itself, it sees that it is infinitely sustaining. There is no need for seeking safety, meaning, or fulfillment outside of itself, because it is within and beyond everything. The solvent for the demons of the mind is not conceptual deconstruction, but the direct power of unconditional love, which is our essence.
  22. @Breakingthewall Lucid living, not lucid hibernation The relative is experienced, without resistance or misidentification. The tortured dog suffers less than the tortured human. Minds have the capacity to learn and avoid the appearance of threatening events, which is survival at the relative level. No animal clings to memories so severely as humans do, then again they lack the meta capacity to directly realize the absolute within. When I speak about blockages naturally and effortlessly dissolving, I am sharing my experience. It doesn't happen instantly, but it does dissolve. I don't understand how it happens, only that it does, and life is clearer and more vibrant because of it.
  23. ?It's easy to underestimate the cost of surrendering to the glory of the absolute. People naturally want an easy awakening, but eventually realize that this is naïve. The absolute is such pure love that only the unconditional descent into the darkness leads into its light. It wrings every drop of ego from the sponge, but replenishes it to overflowing with the water of life. Dissolving identification with the mind doesn't require releasing the person entirely. Instead, it is transfigured into a steed, which takes you to the tallest peaks and the deepest depths within the dream.