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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. Hi Lilia and welcome to the forum. I can't speak to God-realization as Leo teaches it (he does have a book list which has proven highly valuable to people). For me, the source writings of mystics have been the most enlightening. Deep The Wisdom of Insecurity (Alan Watts) Untethered Soul (Michael Singer) Being Ram Dass Eckhart Tolle Deeper Kahlil Gibran The Dark Night of the Soul (St. John of the Cross) Song of the Enchanting Wildwoods (Longchen Rabja) Deepest Bhagavad Gita Dhammapada Upanishads Tao Te Ching Bible (especially Genesis/Psalms/Proverbs/Job in the old testament and the gospels in the new testament) I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj)
  2. I like your mirror analogy for the cosmos. It is bound by the frame of relativity, but anything within its frame can be expressed. It is infinitely imaginable, but everything imagined is still a reflection of the absolute.
  3. The absolute creates apparent boundaries when the cosmos is born. These apparent boundaries dissolve back into the absolute when the cosmos dies. Boundaries are the appearance of separation, but absolute reality is seamless. Beyond the cosmos, there are no boundaries.
  4. Enlightening is the dissolving of apparent boundaries, or the deepening realization that there are none. Love is the end of enlightenment because it is the absolute realization of this.
  5. He didn't kick me out, I stepped down. He was gracious then, as he is now.
  6. @amanen Enlightenment is the ever-deepening realization of the absolute, within the dream. It only ends when all boundaries entirely dissolve, beyond even the barest indentation of separation. In other words, the end of enlightenment is the absolute realization of love.
  7. Freedom of expression increases the deeper the absolute realizes itself. Even in the unrealized state, it is still freely choosing to be in this state, but its capacity for expression is limited. Absolute freedom is infinite expression. Beyond expression, the absolute is neither free nor imprisoned.
  8. @RebornConsciousness Given your username, surely you know the answers already You're mostly correct that the awakening of Leo or anyone else is irrelevant to direct knowledge. What you might not be considering is that it is all the same absolute, realizing itself in various ways, and sometimes it uses awakening within one apparent form to catalyze awakening within other forms. I agree with you that people shouldn't be banned simply for having different perspectives, but most of the time Leo only bans people for being insincere or stagnant. Despite our disagreements, he has been remarkably tolerant of my presence.
  9. Direct knowledge is deeper than epistemology. The mind can dance circles around it, but it will never understand it. It is the absolute realizing itself, beyond thoughts, beyond emotions, beyond sensations, beyond perceptions, and beyond experiences. There is no language to express it, only holy silence. Direct knowledge is not limited to the form through which it is realized. It dissolves boundaries, and expands from the initial locus to resonate with the absolute within and beyond all forms. It is the stone of absolute solidity which is tossed into the cosmic lake and creates ripples extending outward and beyond the lake.
  10. Even that question is answered when you directly realize the absolute. Hint: Awakening isn't what most people think it is.
  11. Just an observation that the more advanced a form is, the easier for the absolute within that form to become entrapped by its cognition. The human brain is brilliantly deceptive, and the absolute has to shine more brightly to break through. When it does though, the luminosity outshines any other form.
  12. God fools itself all the time. If it didn't, awakening wouldn't happen within the dream. The third eye sees beyond boundaries, but not always, especially in an online forum.
  13. I'll save you the homework. The only question that matters is, "Who Am I?". When you directly realize the answer, all other questions disappear.
  14. As someone that has lived through hellacious decades of self-doubts, yes it is possible to be free. When you deeply realize that the addiction to the mind is always destructive, that it only strengthens your demons rather than dissolving them, that it steals all of your energy and leaves you empty, this realization is the beginning of the end of suffering. It brings you to the gate of the absolute within, and when the self is ground down to a sliver, it is finally small enough to pass through to the other side. That is when the unconditional flow and love of life truly begins.
  15. I entirely agree. Even the smallest experiences are incredibly amplified in the sober state of the absolute. Instead of being labeled pleasant or unpleasant, they are simply energetic expressions. Still, there is space from these experiences, which happen through you but do not define you. Your blockages dissolve. The stability is inner trust. What I am finding is that the flood from the infinite is so intense that I have to close the door a little just to moderate the flow. I know it sounds like bullshit but it's true. If the light is too bright, it blinds you. You have to pace it. If psychedelics work for you, I'm truly happy for you. Believe me or don't, it's unnecessary here.
  16. Just for fun... Awareness is the stream and consciousness is the localized current within the stream. The banks and rocks are the cosmos.
  17. Even within human experience, there are different frequencies of awareness. For example, the Hindu model is 3 tiers: 1) Tamas - torpidity, darkness, depression 2) Rajas - activity, energy, desire 3) Sattva - clarity, purity, love The absolute is beyond all states, but interesting to see how it progresses in realizing itself.
  18. @Breakingthewall Lucid living is infinitely deeper than the mind realizes. Freedom from suffering is only the starting point. The cosmos flows through you, at the highest highs and the lowest lows, without resistance. I'm not into symphonies so much, but I will never forget listening to Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. It was an awakening within itself. Navigating the dream in the flow state is like that, only on an infinitely vaster scale. The treble and bass notes of maya are supremely vibrant, beyond anything that was possible when the absolute misidentified with the mind.
  19. Even now is partially an illusion. It's true that the absolute realizes itself within it, but ultimately it is beyond time. There is no absolute past, present, or future. Now is only the expression of the cosmos, and even it dissolves when time, matter, and energy collapse. The absolute is within the cosmos and the void, but beyond both. Realize this and the attempt to understand the mystery beyond direct experience is Don't worry about the absolute getting bored.
  20. Instinct and thought are both biological, but instinct has the benefit of being wordless. The vast majority of life is closer to the absolute than most humans because of this. The absolute has the capacity to realize itself more deeply through us, but at the price of being entirely entrapped.
  21. He was beyond turquoise. Call him any color, and he would laugh.
  22. @Jo-Niet The absolute takes the depth of each realization by testing its expression within the cosmos. In other words, the proof is in the pudding. Realization requires the absolute price of surrendering identification with every desire and every fear. When you sacrifice the self on that altar, the light of the absolute will flow through you without words.
  23. Regardless of religious tradition, mysticism is the direct path to releasing every identification, including the idea of being a mystic. If you want to compare it to colors, it is white, it is black, and it is beyond both.
  24. Hey don't dis the Nahm. He is sincere, as I'm sure @Jo-Niet is as well. Sincerity is the path of the absolute to itself, however unique it may be.