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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. Directly deepening awareness, free from conditions, is beauty. It is true awakening, and it destroys the ego. It demands the highest cost, but also delivers the greatest reward. Exploring imagination is fine too, but if you lose awareness within it, you will continue to suffer. It's all relative, until you realize that the relative isn't real.
  2. Some day you'll say the same about alien intelligence and infinity of gods I do sincerely wish you the best.
  3. I remember joining the forum, and in my first thread being scolded by Leo for referring to the nonduality "theory". How dare I put the two words together, as if nonduality could be anything but TRUTH? Lesson learned: look to yourself for TRUTH.
  4. There's always more to imagine. It's the nature of the dream. Realizing how it is created does nothing to dissolve suffering. Realizing yourself does.
  5. I agree. Awakening is realizing who you are, and for most people it happens over and over again. Enlightenment is remaining awake within the dream. Lucidity deepens the more you dissolve. @Water by the River The challenge of marketing spirituality is that you constantly have to oversell yourself. Your paycheck is only as good as your latest, most profound insight. What comes after nonduality > alien intelligence > infinity of gods? Instead of selling water by the river, teach people to draw living water from within themselves.
  6. When you awaken, you realize that everything is an illusion, including even awakening. It's a dream, and the absolute chooses whether or not to experience it lucidly. It can do so, without suffering, and it's by the path of direct realization. If you just look within you, there is a brilliance that spills over every boundary. LOOK.
  7. If you truly believe that, why are you pursuing awakening? I understand your skepticism, but do you see that it is actually possible to see? Seeing has a price, but it's rare that the absolute decides to actually pay it.
  8. So nobody you've met lives according to the reality of their realization? That proves nothing, except that you've been surrounded by false mystics. They are the rats. Look for integrity. Suffering is not inevitable. Even a small step toward realization proves this. If you've learned directly, to suffer even a little less, you have deepened your realization.
  9. If someone realizes that they are PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, why would they continue acting as if they are not? Why identify as a human, and continue slaving after desires and running from fears as a human, if you truly realize you aren't human? Direct realization attenuates the magnetism of imagination. The quality of the dream is commensurate with seeing it truly. It loses its power over you, because you realize who you actually are. @Danioover9000 I'm referring to suffering, or the pursuit of false desires and fears, not to pain. Jesus was crucified.
  10. Consciousness has everything to do with the quality of your life. The more unconscious you are, the more you pursue desires and avoid fears, which only causes you to suffer. Why would anyone truly awake continue to believe that external desires will make them happy, or external fears will hurt them? Their behavior proves they aren't awake. Awakening is a profound and fundamental shift in how you engage with apparent reality.
  11. The deep truth necessary for integration is direct realization of who you are, and disidentification from who you are not. Once you truly see this, beyond the conceptual level, attachments naturally dissolve. It isn't beyond the ability of the absolute to lucidly live its dream. Telling yourself that your insights are so profound that they are beyond integration is self-deception and stagnation. The proof is in the pudding; true spirituality enhances the quality of your life. It isn't necessary to perpetually suffer, in order to survive.
  12. @ardacigin Realization is integration, and freedom from suffering. The more deeply you realize the absolute, the less conditional life becomes. There's no shortage of people (including spiritual gurus) claiming to be awake, but liberation from desires and fears speaks louder than words. Why would god, realizing itself, return to the illusions that it once misidentified with?
  13. Why does it matter whether an insight is true, if you don't integrate it? You can chase insights your entire life, and continue suffering in delusion, or you can integrate the truth of who you are and become free. Attachments are bondage, and lead to suffering. If you don't realize this, you aren't awake or AWAKE. I'm not a Buddhist, or a believer in any dogma, including nonduality.
  14. @ardacigin The key with insights through psychedelics, as through any other practice, is integration. When attachments are placed on the practice itself, either by clinging to the experience or by demanding results, it hinders rather than facilitates awakening. Insights are only useful to the extent that they dissolve attachments.
  15. Experiential insights, like those in psychedelics, are indirect and tend to further ensnare awareness in the illusion of its imagination. They become ends unto themselves. Only direct realization sets you free. The power of insight: How psychedelics solicit false beliefs Psychedelics are increasingly recognised for their therapeutic potential and ability to re-orient belief structures. However, the potential they carry for inducing false insights and beliefs has thus far been under-considered. Here, we outline the first cohesive model of how psychedelics induce false insights and thence beliefs, leveraging findings from cognitive psychology and computational neuroscience. Being able to explain and understand how psychedelics solicit false beliefs is crucial if we are to optimally leverage their apparent therapeutic potential.
  16. Socrates was the most honest of philosophers. At least he admitted that the human mind can't grok god. God knows itself, even while pretending to hide and seek itself.
  17. The genius of being a genius is that nobody can understand what you're saying well enough to disprove it Gödel was just pointing out that even genius mathematicians can't agree on a common set of assumptions. So not only is the body of knowledge built on a shaky foundation of unprovable assumptions, but the foundation itself constantly shifts. In other words, Socrates was right about knowing that we know nothing. Absolute knowledge is only directly realized. It's beyond the capacity of any conceptual mind (human, alien, or god) to comprehend.
  18. Within the dream, causes and effects are inescapable. Even when you see the dream for what it is, you are still part of the causal chain. Your role reverses, according to the direction of your gaze. Looking inward, you become free. Instead of reacting, realization allows you to respond. It sparks a chain reaction of the absolute loving itself within its dream. @Yimpa Waking up is where the dream gets good, you still have the inward journey to enjoy
  19. Realize the essence that bridges nothing and everything.
  20. Mathematics is a language which, when exhausted, eventuates in silence. Axioms are so relative. Gödel's incompleteness theorems are two theorems of mathematical logic that demonstrate the inherent limitations of every formal axiomatic system capable of modelling basic arithmetic. These results, published by Kurt Gödel in 1931, are important both in mathematical logic and in the philosophy of mathematics. The theorems are widely, but not universally, interpreted as showing that Hilbert's program to find a complete and consistent set of axioms for all mathematics is impossible.
  21. Socialization is suffering. It depends upon the delusion that you are different from others. When the absolute realizes itself, the idea of socialization dissolves. There's only integrity.