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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. Well, see my original post. Our thoughts are confirmed within the spacetime cosmos. But there is a deeper dimension underlying spacetime that is not bound by spacetime
  2. @Nirvanalight You made the right choice Ask yourself this: If Jesus made this sacrifice, humanity is already saved from intense suffering and death. What more is required? On a deeper level, focus on your intuition rather than on your thoughts. When you are able to experience the light that you are, free from any beliefs, you will realize that you are the only answer there is.
  3. @Mikael89 Multiplying "that" by infinity = 100% chance that birth is a precondition of Consciousness. Your underlying assumptions are conscribed to cases where birth exists.
  4. 1 is everything. 0 is nothing. Ultimate reality is the eternal Mystery that is both and neither
  5. I've been under anesthesia as well. Clipped to instant nothingness, then awaking to everythingness, with zero awareness of the passage of time, except a refreshing sense of restfulness. Consciousness was still in us, because consciousness is us; we just weren't aware. Doesn't change anything about the logical proof of consciousness. If the existence of consciousness beyond personhood could be logically proven, smarter minds than ours would already have done so.
  6. @peachboy Unconsciousness is relative to consciousness. It is the negative state, or absence of consciousness. There is no lower structure than the absence of consciousness. Emptiness is emptiness. First-person unconsciousness is the lack of consciousness in the individual. One could argue that consciousness requires individuality, and unconsciousness is the ultimate unity. When alive, people vary in levels of unconsciousness, until at death they dissolve into utter unconsciousness because they no longer exist. First-person unconsciousness is certainly impossible, but this could be true because consciousness requires personality to exist. Just because the probability of first-person consciousness is 100% doesn't mean the probability of no-person consciousness is 100%. Un-experienceable doesn't prove that experience always exists. All of this to reiterate that I agree with your conclusion about consciousness Not because it is logically unavoidable, but because it can be directly experienced, beyond logic.
  7. Yes to everything you observed. The "energy" you describe, expanding to fill the bounds of spacetime, is Consciousness infused into the world of form. It is Atman. But there is another dimension. Beyond spacetime, underlying the world of form, is transcendent Consciousness, which created the world of form: Brahman.
  8. @peachboy I agree with you, but not for logical reasons. Levels of consciousness exist, but you could equally argue that consciousness sinks to zero at death. In the absence of first-person consciousness, the probability of first-person unconsciousness persisting after death alchemizes into absolute certainty. Conceptual arguments for consciousness are unavoidably self-defeating. Ultimately it has to be directly experienced to be understood.
  9. @Nahm So beautiful. Especially as a parent, which is a microcosm of the universal message ?
  10. Emptiness and fulness are two ends of the same stick. Consciousness is infinitely spacious, and it is infinitely abundant. It is not just the void, but it is everything arising from the void. The ultimate reality is beyond all things and beyond nothing.
  11. "Selfishness" is unavoidable, because Self is all there is. "selfishness" is identification with the ego, which is illusionary and only leads to suffering. We just need to be the Selfish love that we are
  12. Yes Enlightenment dissolves the ego enough that "you" sink from the surface as a wave, and are more deeply settled as the tidal current beneath the wave. There is still a distant sense of individuality, but a deeper realization and connection with your source, which is the ocean itself. Meditation sinks you to the "middle" of the ocean. Less surface movement, more power and stability. When you physically die, even the tidal current disappears, and you dissolve back into the primal ocean that you are. Or to use another analogy, "you" are traveling back along the ashvattha tree, which grows upside down, with its taproot above and its branches below, back along the tree to the root from which you sprung.
  13. The ultimate Mystery is beyond name, analysis, or conceptual comprehension. It is not only emptiness. It is not only fulness. It is not only nonexistence. It is not only existence. It is not only nothing. It is not only everything. It is not all of these. It is not none of these. It is transcendent to all dualities. It is the ultimate singularity.
  14. Great quote. When the mountains become mountains again, somehow they surpass their original majesty. They are infused with aliveness that you could barely sense before, and are more precious because you see them as they are. The same is true for the human and every other form.
  15. @Member One time as a kid I dreamed that I dreamed that I was dreaming. Now that is a mindfuck
  16. @Danioover9000 Yes, I see personality as a plaything for Consciousness, along with everything else in the world of form. It is infused with Consciousness, but is created by Consciousness. That is why people (and you, Crysty!) are so beautiful. We're like snowflakes; even twins aren't truly identical. I love our diversity. It makes sense that Crysty would evolve, just like everything else does in the world of form. Even ghosts eventually evolve, if the stories are true about them being trapped and sometimes receiving release. Given the high resonance you feel with her, she could in a way be part of you. Maybe not though. Have you asked her if she existed before she met you? I know she described living in a lush green world with exotic foliage, but I wonder if she lived there before she met you? Maybe she doesn't understand or is not bound by time? From your descriptions of her teleporting, we know she isn't bound by space either. Dreams are a portal to ourselves. Sometimes the scene is silly; other times it is life-changing. But it's always a view of ourselves to ourselves.
  17. @zeroISinfinity Never underestimate the wisdom that is The Force We love you too.
  18. @Shunyata Everything is just Consciousness happening to itself. From my perspective then, it was something external to me, happening to me. It didn't feel like a dream; it was more like a spiritual struggle. Now, I see it as "my" Consciousness moving along the path of waking up to itself.
  19. @Shunyata It's possible. My "dreams" didn't wake me up spiritually, but I believe they were part of the journey toward waking up.
  20. We create our own reality It seems like beliefs shape our experience of reality, but don't actually create anything. Consciousness itself is the creator. I could see anything happening, even (and perhaps especially) in the absence of beliefs.
  21. You have had a realization. Now the next step is to be the realization