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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. Enlightened beings don't fall back to sleep. That is what differentiates them from people that are only awake. The Buddha, Jesus, Eckhart Tolle, etc. are always awake. Consciousness can still ebb and flow in them as it is needed, but the light is always on.
  2. @from chaos into self Consciousness created you for a reason. Of course you should honor you. There has not been, and never will be, another form like you. Consciousness is dreaming through you. The impermanence of personality doesn't devalue it. To the contrary, its uniqueness is what makes it special. When the personality isn't opaque, Consciousness shines through it, and the colors it casts are beautiful.
  3. Very rooty. Perhaps the root of suffering is desire, and the root of desire is ignorance. When we see truly, we no longer need to desire, and therefore we no longer suffer.
  4. @Origins ? Consciousness is Truth. But it does love to dream ?
  5. Consciousness is all there is. When you strip away everything about "you" that is impermanent, the only thing left is Consciousness.
  6. Maybe science is approaching the realization of Consciousness. Check out some of Donald Hoffman's videos, very cool stuff.
  7. Ultimately, there is no I.
  8. You are right, for most of us. People fall into and out of sleep. It seems that the more they awaken, the longer they stay awake, until finally they no longer sleep. It is like the spiraling ascent of a mountain, passing into and out of the sun, until you are finally high enough that there is only sun. A second path is more precipitous and rare. There are some who awake in a cataclysm of Consciousness, and then stay awake for the rest of their lives.
  9. To be fair, I haven't heard anyone insist that psychedelics are necessary for enlightenment. They just see them as a tool for unlocking the hive mind, and Consciously diving past the interface and into the hardware itself. I agree though. Psychedelics aren't necessary, and many people have woken up without them.
  10. We have no free will, because there is no we. Consciousness is making all the calls.
  11. @SilentTears ?? The direct experience of love, like you have had, is Consciousness itself. Whether people call it God, or Consciousness, or Tao doesn't matter. It unites us, illuminates us, and is us. When the dream lines dissolve, it is all there is.
  12. @krockerman Just the opposite Only reality is permanent. Consciousness is all there is. Everything else is the dream. When you realize your-self as no-self, you no longer suffer.
  13. @Corpus Concepts, labels, and language are unavoidably dualistic ? They never quite capture reality. Very thorny. The more you struggle with them, the more bloody and entangled you become.
  14. Desire is the source of suffering, because anything that can be desired will never deliver enduring happiness. We chase after transience, as if it it has the power to make us whole. It is insane to seek permanence in the impermanent. Consciousness is the end of suffering, because it is infinitely and always abundant.
  15. @Eren Eeager @Username You could well be right. Maybe the reason Sadhguru rejects both the introvert and the extravert labels, is the same reason enlightened people tend to reject all labels. Categories are inherently constricting, and Consciousness is free. Consciousness has no personality, so the more transparent a guru is, the less of any personality type they are likely to display.
  16. Consciousness is the only reality. Everything else is part of the dream, including all concepts. If you conceptualize illusion as the opposite of reality, that would create a duality. It's more like Consciousness is real, and dreams arise out of and dissolve back into Consciousness. The challenge with conceptual understanding is that it is based on a fundamental misidentification with the mind. As long as you are trapped in conceptual understanding, you can't bootstrap yourself out of your mind. It takes a higher Consciousness to make that leap, which is the process of spiritual awakening, and the realization of spiritual understanding.
  17. Conceptual understanding is the accumulated conditioning of your sensations, perceptions, thoughts, actions, and experience. It has nothing to do with reality, and is the opposite of reality. Spiritual understanding is the direct realization of Consciousness as the transcendent unitive field, infusing every dream form with its essence. It has everything to do with reality, and is the opposite of illusion.
  18. I don't know him well, but he doesn't self-identify as either, and discourages the label. He strikes me as extraverted in his teaching style, his lifestyle, and even his attire, compared to someone like Eckhart Tolle.
  19. Probably a strong streak of those colors in spiritual seekers, but Consciousness shines through every personality that will let it. Sadhguru is no introvert. Ultimately what matters isn't the personality of the seeker, but the transparency of their personality. Personality only adds flavor.
  20. Enlightened people don't lose enlightenment just because they work for a living. They are actually happier and more productive than unconscious people. Eckhart Tolle talks about publishing The Power of Now, and having no idea if it would appeal to any more than a handful of people. If it didn't, that was totally ok. He would have happily lived as a tomato farmer. That is what a modern Buddha would do. Your only task is to stay Conscious. Consciousness is not going to guide you to starve to death, at least not until your dream is done.
  21. @lmfao I agree, and the same change in flux state seems to be true for space. In meditation, or any other Conscious experience, the flux state becomes more aligned with reality. Time and space are illusions, and the more Conscious we are, the closer we come to transcending them. Our awareness expands outward, and the illusions of sequence and distance collapse, until we realize the unitive state of Consciousness that is reality.
  22. @Corpus In The Dhammapada, Siddhartha made an intentional choice. He realized impermanence, and decided to discover permanence. It feels right, but every story is only a pointer anyway.
  23. @Javfly33 The ego loves posing as a Buddha, and yes there a lot of BS Buddhas. If you think you are a Buddha, let go of that thought, and be a Buddha Consciousness creates things for a reason. The Buddha taught others because Consciousness wanted that. He knew that everything is a dream, but Consciousness still loves to dream. Probably more than anything else, it loves waking up to itself within the dream, and teachers help that happen.