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Everything posted by Moksha

  1. This is true. Also, it is inevitable. The world of form demands duality. There is a necessary polarity in all things. It is not like God can choose only love, beauty, and order in the world of form. There must also be hatred, ugliness, and chaos. Each necessitates the other. Even at the polarities, God still infuses everything. The joining of nonduality with duality collapses into the incomprehensible reality that is God.
  2. You can see it, with spiritual eyes. The dream senses recede, loosening perceived cohesion of the energies defining each entity, and you realize the lively spiritual energy connecting everything.
  3. This is a key insight from Elan, that I have been trying to communicate, with less eloquence than him. Some of us here have realized who they are not, but have not yet realized who they are. They realize unmanifested Consciousness, but have not yet realized the joining of unmanifested Consciousness with manifested Consciousness. The individual is the paradoxical point where the transcendent and relative dimensions intersect. It is Brahman embracing Atman, within the world of form. Perfectly not understandable. It is a trap of the mind. Don't fall for it. This is precisely the Mystery of God that the Tao Te Ching warns us about. How can timeless, infinite, reality intersect with time, space, and illusion, without losing integrity? How can enlightenment be a process, constrained by sequence, if Consciousness is inherently unconstrained and beyond time? This is why it can only be directly realized. There is no name, concept, math, logic, or philosophy capable of capturing it. Art, music, poetry, nature, and inner exploration are better pointers, but even they can only point. The cosmos is not only an illusion. It is the holy joining of illusion with reality. Consciousness, as nothing, infuses itself into everything. Nihilism and solipsism only see part of the face of Consciousness. They are missing the most beautiful part, which is the spiritual communion of Consciousness, connecting all of us and all things.
  4. That helps, thank you @Haumea2018. My sense is that personalities can be somewhat fluid across categories, depending on circumstances and the individual, but the underlying processes are helpful for introspection.
  5. @gettoefl @Beginner Mind ? I forgot one creature: the @Nahmtopus. ?
  6. Intelligence, as any other force, is neither inherently good nor bad. Like attention, it magnifies what it touches. Focused on illusion, intelligence entraps you further. Focused on reality, intelligence intensifies the light of Consciousness.
  7. Thanks all, after reading through some of the descriptions I'm even more confused. If I had to order by function, for me it feels like: Introverted Intuition (Ni) Extraverted Intuition (Ne) Introverted Feeling (Fi) Extraverted Feeling (Fe) Introverted Thinking (Ti) Extraverted Thinking (Te) Introverted Sensing (Si) Extraverted Sensing (Se) The intuition thing is confusing me the most, because internal vs. external feels like a false differentiation. I experience it as all the same.
  8. Looking at the descriptions of Ni, Fe, Fi, and Ne, I am definitely Ni and Fi. Maybe that's why my J/P are closer, compared to the other 3 dimensions.
  9. Having a personality type is different from identifying with it. Enlightened people have personalities, too.
  10. Conceptual profundity is self-contradictory. There is no truth in concepts (including this one). Spiritual profundity is directly experienced, and difficult to describe with words. In other words, don't try discovering profundity outside of your own direct experience.
  11. Adding a question to the mix: Have any of you noticed your personality type change as a result of your spiritual journey? I have been an INFJ most of my life. Just took the test and I'm now an INFP (although J/P are closer than the others). I think the change from J to P is mostly because I am less hard on myself than I used to be.
  12. I have never tried psychedelics, and probably never will. I will let those that have speak to their experience, just realize it isn't mandatory, or even preferred, for many people.
  13. Now you are speaking my language Good luck on your spiritual journey.
  14. Key insight here. This deep realization, that our thoughts cannot be satiated and will never truly bring us happiness, was the moment I decided to pull out the Jenga block supporting the precarious tower of my conditioned mind.
  15. @BipolarGrowth No dogma here, just direct experience. Any belief is just that. At best, it can point you toward the experience, but it can never be the experience. Lies don't become truths when they are revealed. They dissolve. If you have directly experienced God, you realize that it is infinite love, wisdom, light, and intelligence. These are God. These are you. There is no need to be a sixth density wanderer when you are already God. ?
  16. Good catch. Don't think the answer, realize it.
  17. The ego is the lie. It thrives on comparing itself to others. Don't let it fool you. It will always disappoint you. Diversity is its illusion. Love is its nemesis. You can still be Conscious in the dream, just don't identify with it too much. The Christ that you are is infinitely more beautiful and unconditional than anything you will find in the world of form.
  18. I feel that karma is simply the accumulation of our attentions. If we attend to the world of form, we identify with it and through it, and thus we magnify the ego. If we attend to Consciousness, in ourselves and in others, we magnify the light. Consciousness and unconsciousness are both contagious. It is attention turned inward, or outward, magnifying whatever it observes.
  19. @Keyhole beat me to it. Who is this "I" that is better than some other "I"? You are Christ, and so am I.
  20. God is unconditional love, and is completely free from fear. Is God an idea to you or have you directly experienced it? When you feel God in you, and in everyone else, the illusions that you suffered so long begin to dissolve. Unconditional love frees us from our own attachments, and frees others from the attachments we try to place on them. We realize God in ourselves, and we realize God in others. It is the only way to be free. Does that mean when you awake that you will hold a gun to your head and pull the trigger, because you are utterly fearless? Of course not. When you are awake, you have no desire to pull the trigger, so why would you? If you are trying to prove how fearless you are, that is just the ego posing as God. God loves you, and loves everyone else, unconditionally. God is fearless, and God is not a fool.
  21. There is no individual free will, but Consciousness exercises free will through the individual.
  22. Just finished watching it, thanks @Adamq8 In the last while, I have been resonating with identity being pure data. The phenomenal world is a variety of energy forms, but identity itself is pure data that interacts with, is grown by, and actually shapes these energy forms. The shaping of these forms, or its karma, in turn shapes the data bundle. Consciousness picks up one of these data bundles, and experiences phenomena through it, until the energy forms no longer sustain the bundle. The data bundle then goes dormant, until Consciousness picks it up again and matures it further. Personality is like a seed that is brought to life by sunlight, water, and air. Its data template dictates what it becomes, as it interacts with its environment, and in turn the template is shaped. At least in the phenomenal world, maybe the map is the territory.