Eternal Unity

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Everything posted by Eternal Unity

  1. Meditation are for buddhists, Taoism is higher ?
  2. Thanks
  3. Yeah, it's expensive. Worth every goddamn dollar! Thank you, Leo ?? Fantasy novelist, here I come ?
  4. Oh man... thanks a million Awesome! I did add The Material Paradigm phrase only after hearing Leo in 2020. Besides that - all is original.
  5. Ego Communication Ego: Paramahansa Yogananda described The Experience of Cosmic Consciousness in the book Autobiography of a Yogi. To write about it would be Plagiarism. Greg: Yes, but since - thank God - I didn't use The Tool of Meditation, back then at least... I'm free to explain to my future students in detail exactly what happened. Ego: What if The Freemasons approach you? You know they will. You don't think they'd overlook an Enlightened Master walking the earth, do you? Greg: First of all, to be offered The Experience of Infinity is a very high honor in an of itself. Buddhist monks train for decades and does not achieve this experience even when they're eighty. Ego: Why not, Greg? Aren't they worthy? Greg: Well, nobody is more deserving than a true spiritual seeker. The thing is, very few ARE true seekers. Enlightenment does not bestow itself on a developing mind. Only on a mature, disciplined and fully developed soul. Ego: And you think you are fully developed, do you? soul? People believe we're in a random particle collided universe. The Material Paradigm. You think you can actually explain this? In public? In front of thousands of students? Live? Some of which will be your professors, your commanding officers, your spirit teachers, the people you loved and adored since before time was time. You're dreaming, buddy. A clear memory of a dream I had about 7 years prior, came up in my mind. Greg: Yeah, okay, I'm in love with Monica Potter. Satisfied? and anyway Eckhart Tolle did it. Ego: You're putting yourself in the same category with Eckhart?? What are you smoking, man? Give me some ?? Listen to me, Tolle dedicated decades of inner work for awakening and teachings, Not to mention 25 years BEFORE his Satori of intense spirtual work. He overcame things you can't even imagine Careful who you insult, boy. I took you for a professional seeker. I guess I was wrong. I stop my walk in the park. Greg: Why are you always against me? With whom am I communicating? Ego: You know exactly who I Am. Pondering... I. I, this I everyone talks about... Ego: I is you. Greg: Tell me something I don't know Ego: what kind of a relationship we have here, anyway, do you think!? I pondered this. ......... This came: Greg: That of a Master and Servant I control You! Be my loyal gentle pet. Ego: I'd like that. It's your monkey mind, fear and ignorance of the truth which blur my image. In fact I'll be more loyal to you than your dog, but since you still think it's too good to be true, you think of me as your most devout enemy. Think of me as an instrument with which you Design Your Universe. - Greg M, September 2011.
  6. Thanks so much! I'm on woke up at 4:25 in the AM writing 5 straight hours ?
  7. @Osaid Highly resonate with this, thanks ?
  8. Nothing creates consciousness. Is has always existed. If anything, it's the other way around. The Consciousness is The Prime Creator. Greg
  9. No self? Who am I then? Man it's mind blowing ??
  10. This one? One that I can't seem to get my mind wrapped around it. I keep in mind this was prior to the 5 meo discovery. But honestly, we're talking Leo here... So I won't say he changed his mind, per say, but you know, over 5 years have past... So, guys... any insights from you on Free Will, Freedom, Causality? Thanks ? If Leo could contribute his experience for the time between this video was made and today would be incredible! If he could find the time, that is, I know he's probably busy than ever with the new Actualized Clips channel and other projects he told us in his blog about. Greg
  11. Oh nice, had plenty of those ?
  12. Thanks for reminding me the strage loop video. It was very helpful! Forgot all about this concept, always like an Unreality u know.. I begin to have a glimpse of comprehension, or something,... I don't know.. Thnx ??
  13. Pretty much everything from Alanis Morissette The first 2 Tristania albums (Just read the Lyrics) 1998, 1999. Black Rose Immortal by Opeth (1996)
  14. ? Spiritual Ego, eh? Interesting...
  15. Everything is a CONSCIOUSNESS Construct.
  16. Lovely ❤ You're remembering. You're closer day by day to know Who You Really Are! That is wonderful! Greg ?