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Duality is a much-used word in spiritual circles. Everything begins with oneness. Then there is the very earliest level of separation called “individuation”. Deeper separation becomes “polarity”. The deepest separation is “duality”. This is a very simple explanation, though, and lacks detail. So please don't attach too much to this. The point is that duality is the deepest level of separation. So much so that deeply duality-conscious beings do not even know that they are in duality. They are too deep in the illusion to even think in such terms. They believe that all beings are separate. If they choose to be religious, then they believe in a God or gods who are also separate from themselves. God is "over there", somewhere else, doing things that they have no power to influence. Pure materialism – which is the theory that nothing but matter exists – is an example of a non-spiritual view from within the duality perspective. Those who ascribe to that view think that their own consciousness, mind, emotions, and being are all simply a function of their body and brain. They obviously also think that they are absolutely separate from all other beings. There are probably an infinite number of things that you could believe to be true whilst being of duality consciousness. Ironically, it is only once you begin to raise your consciousness out of duality and awaken to the realization that all is ONE, that you actually become aware of duality at all. It is only then that you might be likely to even use the word, "duality". You first become aware that there is oneness but you also feel as if you yourself are still separate from it. Such beings are sometimes called "awakened duality-conscious". Then, as you proceed with your awakening, you come to release your fears and limitations and know that you too are one with the oneness. And then, at last, you begin to awaken to unity consciousness and to God-realization. What really important to understand is that duality consciousness (which is the same thing as victim consciousness) is not wrong. It is, quite simply, a level of existence deep inside this separation reality. You can choose to visit there. It's just a choice. One possible set of experiences out of many. Greg
You cannot create something without having someone else create the opposite. Why? The balance of the oneness. This logically means that you should be grateful to every other being who is choosing every other thing that you are not choosing.
This enlightenment business is the most challenging thing you’ll ever do in your life. In fact, you may never get there. Few people do. Not in one lifetime. It takes many lifetimes to attain and still many more to implement and master.
Eternal Unity replied to ZenSwift's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You never know exactly when it happens. The transition. The magic. And you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line, then you would understand everything. You would see it all. Greg -
Worrying is pointless. For a person of continually elevated consciousness, outcomes and results are always consciously intended and never unanticipated.
Greg: Yes, I see. It is about the deeper truths not the surface things which, anyway are a function of our own individual perspectives. But then what is the point of even discussing the surface things? Why talk about dimensions at all if we might each have a different experience of them? Spirit Guide: What’s the point of a map? If you haven’t been to a place before and you don’t know what you will find there but you wish to navigate that area then you can do with a clear and accurate description from someone that HAS been there. Then you can make your own way through that territory with far greater ease. But the map is not the territory. It doesn’t look anything like the territory itself. It's just colors and lines on a small piece of paper. There is nothing on it which is at all like roads, rivers, mountains and trees. It doesn’t show smells or sunrises. It doesn’t show friendly people or angry dogs. Where to sleep in a tent on hard ground or new insights gained walking a long and quiet road or anything else that you might experience on the journey. From many perspectives the map might be considered useless. It is only if you are willing to open yourself to the symbolism of the map and understand that it is merely a description of certain very limited attributes of the land given from a particular perspective that it might become useful to you. Under those circumstances you might find it to be absolutely valuable. Once you have successfully crossed that terrain, is it possible that you might decide you can draw a different map? A better map? A map that uses different conventions? Maybe you can make a 3D map? Or a map that, somehow, shows smells and feelings? Is that possible? Of course it is! But you would not then come to the conclusion that the first map never was of any use to you. It is the one that allowed you to travel the terrain in the first place so that you could create your new map of it from your perspective. And that is one great reason for this conversation: to describe your reality to you from one perspective to assist you in discovering it yourself from your own perspective. If you then describe it differently from how I had, this does not invalidate my description - it adds to it. Shall we get going, then? Greg: Let's do it. February 5th, 2022.
True words often seem paradoxical.
Your task is comprehension: to pull comprehension and understanding onto your awareness, which will stabilize the energy of The One and generate the power to create. You can split your Self up and move through The One in many different directions. You call these varying movements through the Space/Time Continuum ‘lifetimes.’
All that matters is your experience. If it's real in your dream, great. Awakening is the infinite pleasure because you also experience joy and know that reality is your creation. You decide what is real. A very sensible thing to say. It represents the truth about you, dreaming or not.
@kray Guitar is awesome! Try to learn from a book for beginners, there are some of those. Learn basic chords and tunes to practice.
The choice to seek, to awaken the spiritual self, is, of course, free to each individual upon this planet. Not everyone is going to realize that.
Most human beings are focused most of the time on things that do not really matter.
You will come to know yourself as a creator being of limitless power. Time, space, energy and matter are all illusions created to make certain types of games work and could be easily manipulated. When you know that you are a part of the oneness, then the illusions only work when you want them to work. So these things become flexible. Then you see that time and space are the same thing. They are simply an illusory separation of things. Energy is created by this separation and flows between two or more points that were separated by the illusion of time and space. Matter is simply the result of holding patterns of consciousness in the flow of the energy. Up till now, you have believed yourself to be inside the illusion. You have looked at the forms that result and, not only have you believed these things to be real, but you have actually believed yourselves to be these forms. But it is not so. These forms, which result from the patterns, are not you. They are just your temporary creations. You will see that. You will see that you are the creator of your form. And then you will learn how to alter the forms that you create, to your will. I mean, you will be able to consciously create, or co-create, your world, your body and anything around you, as you wish. Then you will learn instant teleportation. You will be able to simply let go of a form here, where you are, and your body will simply disappear into nothingness, only to reappear from the nothingness elsewhere on the planet. Or, indeed on another planet, if you wish. All you need to do is hold your form's patterns in energy there and then you shall be there. Or, at least the form you are using to represent yourself shall be there. Teleportation is the favored mode of transport for high-order unity conscious beings throughout the universe. Neither space nor time will be an obstacle for you! And, of course, you will never again feel the need to die. Death is a very important and valuable tool for beings on the Karmic Wheel. It is quite normal for beings still on that path to get lost in their games and illusions and to lose sight of the greater purpose and goal of their journey. Not only do such beings get a little lost and confused, but they also begin to create a great deal of pain, fear and confusion for themselves. So, death was created to allow these beings to interrupt their passage so that they could, with some regularity, be brought back to their intended path. Death allows a means for the being to bring their journey to a halt and return to a higher consciousness for guidance and help. Without its merciful release, those beings would become very weary and traumatized. But, as you move into a state of being pure, radiant love, such release becomes utterly unnecessary. There will be nothing you will need release from. If you ever require rest, you may simply still your being and put down your burden and you will instantly find yourself in that state of blissful, balanced, harmonious oneness that is your truest nature. And for you this will be as normal as a night's sleep currently is. These are some of the general attributes of a life in true unity consciousness or God-realization. And being of unity consciousness is the same thing as being Love. The perfect, unconditional love of All That Is. Attaining such awareness and being of such high consciousness is not a limitation. You will not find yourself confined to a life such as I have just outlined. You might, for example, choose to reside in unity consciousness and, from there, make expeditions into the lower realms of separation and duality on missions of discovery or adventures of service for those who require guidance on the journey to God-realization. Or you could move through the portal of the oneness and go and visit other realities entirely. I don't simply mean other places in this universe or other universes, no, I mean other entirely different frames of creation. Creations, which do not operate at all like this one does. As you move from a place of oneness, you can enter any other realm that is within the oneness. And you may go and create there if you desire. This is all open for you to choose. You shall realize very quickly too that you no longer need a three or four dimensional perspective. You will realize that you can operate from outside of time. This means that you might want to maintain a life in one reality and, at the same time, explore and create in a thousand others. There are no limitations on you, save those which you place upon yourself. These are some of the general traits of the life of a being who creates its world entirely with love and who lives in a unity-conscious reality. It is what you can expect for yourself if you open your heart to love, and then stay the course on your journey to oneness. But they are only general traits and you will be free, of course, to choose other experiences if you wish them. As to the specifics of your life – where you will live, how you will live, what you will do – these, of course, are questions you will answer for yourself. I cannot tell you what you will decide. But I can tell you that you will be able, if you wish it, to live a truly sublime life. If you decide to surround yourself with others who are also of God-realized consciousness, then you shall feel nothing but soul-connection on all sides. You shall be held in the soft embrace of love all the days of your existence. You shall trust all whom you meet and your trust shall be returned. You shall seek always to give your greatest gift and you shall be loved and respected for your giving. And whatever your greatest gift is, it shall indeed be something worthy of your time and attention. And you will give your gift away with open-hearted generosity. You shall never need to ask, "But what is in it for me?" because all those around you will be likewise giving their greatest gift. And in an infinite universe, there is guaranteed to be someone, somewhere whose greatest bliss it is to create exactly the thing that you might think you want or need. Taking your need to them will be a gift to them! The fact that you have need of their greatest gift will bless them. And that will be the new economy of the new world in which you shall dwell if you choose to live amongst others who are of unity consciousness. You will give and give and give. And when someone takes of your gift, it will bring you joy. And if there is something you want or need, you shall simply have to accept it, as it will be offered to you. Your accepting it will bring the giver joy. Love shall be the currency of the new world of the God-realized, but the result of every transaction will be joy for all concerned. Greg
What is going on in people’s lives is because of what is going on in people’s minds. Words are creations of the mind. When you move from the conscious mind to superconscious awareness, you will find that there are no words for it. If you move to this level of awareness in meditation, during sacred dance or ritual, or by some other means, you will find in that place that there are only feelings (or vibrations). When most people feel something, they will immediately explore that feeling with their conscious mind and try to ‘put it into words.’ This may or may not be useful.
Greg: … And that was my Day of Silence. *Discription of my Day of Silence is in the topic post "The Yogi" at the Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality part of the forum, if you're interested Spirit Guide: Bravo, my friend! I am well pleased, and so very proud of you. This is beyond beautiful. And to think that you were worried that your heart might have nothing to say. Fortunately, you know better now. Greg: I have so many questions about all this. I don't know where to begin. Spirit Guide: You have done the work of being silent and listening to your heart and you have thereby attained the basic understanding that you need for us to be able to progress further on The Path. Greg: Where are we going? Spirit Guide: Let's go find out. I smile. Spirit Guide: The ideas I am going to present to you are all convenient fictions. That is to say they are one way to describe and make sense of your reality. They will have a great degree of validity but, equally, there might be other ways to understand your reality that might be equally valid to you. So enjoy the concepts and use them as you might need to but don’t get too attached to them. Remember this: these are DESCRIPTIONS of your reality. They are not your reality itself. And the reality they are describing is an illusory one anyway so there really is no point in getting too rigid about any of this. Let’s use a well-favored metaphor as an example: If you look at a rainbow – how many colors do you see? Greg: I think there are seven colors. As a child I was taught it goes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Spirit Guide: Alright. But what if I have very good eyes and great color perception and, in addition to those seven colors I can also discern crimson, peach, lime-green, teal and purple. Can you agree it is possible that I might insist there are actually 12 colors? Greg: You have eyes? I thought you were a non-physical being. Spirit Guide: I am non-physical but for the purpose of being with you on the same level in The Ladder of Consciousness with you and for us to have a dialogue, I am able to narrow my consciousness to your 3rd dimensional reality. That's how we communicate. This question actually comes at a very convenient moment for me because I am about to discuss – among other things – Dimensions. We touched on this before and you even did a written summary on the subject but this is going to be a much more comprehensive account. Greg: Okay. To answer your question I would say - Yes. I can totally agree. Because in reality there are an infinite number of different colors, aren’t there? Spirit Guide: Yes, there are. Unless, of course, there aren’t. From another perspective it is only white light that has been refracted in water droplets. Greg: So in reality there is only the one color – white light. Spirit Guide: Yes. Technically white light isn’t a color. It is that which includes all colors. If, however, you were to stand looking at a rainbow and say, “my goodness how beautiful the white light and water spray is!” you would get you some pretty odd looks. Because white light is not what you are perceiving. It does not describe your experience. You see colors. Then you describe it as seven colors. But that is just a fiction that you are inventing to conveniently describe your perception of your reality. It is not your reality itself, which is something quite different. But what REALLY is your reality? Greg: White light and water-spray, right? Spirit Guide: Yes. Unless it isn’t. From another perspective it is an interplay of creator-beings co-creating a dance of pure energy. Everything is energy. The light is energy knit into parcels that have been called photons and those photons are bouncing off the water. The water is also that same energy but this time it is knit into sub-atomic particles that are dancing together in a tight little dance as atoms of hydrogen and oxygen, which are clinging together as water molecules, which are clinging together as little droplets. But it all just energy. There is another perspective in which it is all just consciousness. It is all The One creating a multiplicity of points from which to experience Itself in new and different ways. That is, ultimately, what everything is. And you, taking a moment to marvel at the rainbow, are really a moment of The One putting on a show for Itself. You are the viewer and you are the mirror by which you are observing yourself. And once you have awoken to the reality of the situation you will come to see that you are also that which you are viewing. You’re the rainbow too. You, the world you are standing in and the rainbow are all The One experiencing Itself, observing Itself, creating Itself and loving Itself. And it is ultimately impossible to separate you from the body you inhabit, the planet you are standing upon and the rainbow you are observing because, indeed you are not a passive observer as you might think you are. You are creating all that you see. It does not happen outside of you for there is indeed no “outside”. It is all happening inside your god-like creator mind. Greg: What about the fact that this is not what I feel like I am experiencing. To me it is a rainbow in the sky. I don’t FEEL like I had any hand in making it. Spirit Guide: When you look at a rainbow, it does not appear to you as if you are The One creating all this for yourself. It does not appear to you that you are observing an interplay in consciousness. It does not appear to you as if you are observing energy or even white light and droplets. It appears to you as if there is an arc in the sky made up of a range of colors. But which of these descriptions are TRUE? Greg: All of them. Spirit Guide: Indeed. There are always layers and layers of truth to everything in your reality. Depending on how you are asking the question, who you ask the question of and the level of consciousness you are able to bring to the answer, you will get a different answer to the same question. You see, there is no one true description for how your realty works that will be true from every perspective. I will share with you how this looks from where I stand. But it is not possible for me to describe your reality in such a way that it cannot be described equally accurately in another. Some will read what I have to say and will conclude that I am wrong because I describe a rainbow of seven colors plus pure white light being the 8th. They will get in a huff and say there should be three colors, or ten, or whatever other number they are attached to. But what I wish you to see is that this is trivial. It is of no meaning whatsoever how many colors you see. This is a function of your own perceptions and it is really quite unimportant how many colors you or I are describing. What is important is what lies beyond that: The true nature of the reality that gives you the very temporary illusion of experiencing these colors. February 4th, 2022.
Eternal Unity replied to Verg0's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Tai-Chi is my favorite. Been practicing for three years. Yoga. Meditation. Contemplation & Self-Inquiry. (Picked that up after started listening to Leo in late 2019) I realized I've been doing it before for quite some time only didn't had a name for those practices. I used to call them "thinking about life" Cheers, Greg. -
The death of every person always serves the agenda of every other person who is aware of it. That is why they are aware of it. Therefore, no death (and no life) is ever ‘wasted.’ No one ever dies ‘in vain.’ The deaths of grandmas lying in sickbeds for years and the deaths of children darting into unsuspecting traffic and the deaths of AIDS patients and the deaths of test pilots and the deaths of people who died in peace and who died in violence, heroic deaths and deaths that go unnoticed - all deaths are elevated to the level of extraordinary meaningfulness, for every life touches thousands, and every death redeems them. So what is the message and the purpose of all death and of all of life? The message is what you announce it to be. The purpose is what you demonstrate it to be. You do that announcing and the demonstrating through the living of your life. You are both the message and the messenger. You are both the creator and the created. This much I can say to you: Life Itself is a glory and a wonder far beyond anything you have previously imagined and you, yourself, are a glory and a wonder far beyond anything you have previously experienced.
Love is the force that is pulling you back to balance. It is that which returns you to oneness. Love makes whole that which is fragmented. Love returns all the pieces of the puzzle to their rightful places. It is Love that allows you to see through the illusions of separation and to see, even for a moment, the divine in the eyes of another. Love is the drawing together of that which is set apart. When true, pure, unconditional love is one with your consciousness, then you will really see oneness wherever you look. And because there is nothing that is not of the oneness, you shall see to the truest nature of everything. You see through all illusions. You see that everything and everyone is a part of you, as you are a part of the All. It means knowing from your heart that everything is divine and that there is nothing that is not divine. That everything is perfect. That nothing is wrong. That all is worthy of your love and that there is no need for fear or other negative emotions. That is Love. And if you should come to feel that kind of love, then everything for you will be magically altered. You shall understand anew all the things that you previously thought to be bad or unacceptable. You will see light and love and glory wherever you cast your eye. And not because you are fooled – quite the opposite – precisely because you are no longer fooled. Because you cease believing FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). And because you know the light and glory to be true, so it will be true and so your world will be altered. You have always created your reality in every detail, from the very smallest to the very greatest, but now you will know that you do. Now you will move into conscious creation. And you will create with love. Love will be your motivation and love will be the tool of your creation. There is much else I could say about love. I could try for more compelling and eloquent words. But they would always fail the grace and glory of what love really is. Love cannot be understood. Love is much greater than the mind that would seek to understand it. Love can only be experienced. And once you have had even a small taste of truly limitless, unconditional love, then you will be forever altered. Your life's quest will be to return to that state of love. In that moment you will know that there can be nothing even remotely as important to you as existing in that state of union with the divine that is love. I can state this as clearly as this: If you truly learn to love limitlessly and unconditionally, then the kingdom of heaven will be yours. It is as simple as that. But maybe you don't know what that means, so perhaps I should paint you a more descriptive picture. For starters, you will know absolutely that you are part of the oneness and that everyone you meet, and everything you see, are also part of the oneness. You will see others in a very different way to that which you now do. You will see their light. This means that, at a glance, you will see who they really are. Sure, you will also see whatever metaphor and illusion they might temporarily be clothing themselves with, but this will not fool your eye. Like a beloved friend who wears a fancy-dress outfit, you will know the being for who they really are, rather than for the body they are inhabiting or the game they are playing. You will see to the truth of them. And they will see you too! You know that a great deal of the pain expressed by beings in our world is really just a deep desire to be seen. To be seen for who they really are. To be recognized. To be understood. To be loved as they are. Well, this is something that will be instantaneous and automatic. Each will see the other. All will be understood. All will be loved. Telepathy will not only be possible, but will actually become a normal mode of communication for you. If you know that you are, at core, the same ONE great being, then you'll have no trouble understanding that different parts of the oneness can share the same thought with Itself. If you think of another being, then you can bring them to your mind and instantly let them know what you are thinking. If you wish it, it can be so: instant mind-to-mind sharing of thoughts, feelings, experiences and ideas across any separation of distance or time. And, of course, if you wish privacy for your thoughts, that too is yours. Greg
Eternal Unity replied to Dabidoe's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I agree. It is more empowering to think of mental health as mental fitness. You are, that way, strengthening your mind. I have experience with my diagnosed disorder and doing mind-gym for 11 years now. -
Why think small and aim low when you can expand your consciousness, think infinitely large and aim for All That Is, for The ONE?
@kieranperez Thanks!
Eternal Unity replied to Eternal Unity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have told you that the oneness exists in a state of perfect balance. That the ONE is pure, infinite consciousness and that It is, therefore, everything and nothing. You are an indivisible part of the oneness and you exist as a differentiated being with various attributes because you are created out of various imbalances. These imbalances arise as you or your Inner-Self come to hold different ideas about yourself. You identify strongly with certain attributes of the oneness (I am this and I am that) and very weakly with other attributes (I am not these other things). So you are in a state of imbalance and will remain so until you identify equally with all attributes of the oneness, and therefore also with none. -
Everything that exists – including you, me, the chair you are sitting on, the universe we dwell in and every reality that has ever existed, in short, everything – is created with imbalances in the field of consciousness of the oneness. You see, if all is in perfect balance, then there is only consciousness. No forms, no individuals, no personalities, no creations, no realities and no variation. Just a perfectly, blissfully still consciousness. That is, one could say, the ONE at rest. But in order for the ONE to do anything, there must arise some imbalance. But there can only ever be local imbalance. All local imbalance must be re-balanced elsewhere in the ONE. So locally there is imbalance, but across the whole of the ONE there is always perfect balance. Not even for an instant can the whole of the ONE be thrown out of balance. This phenomenon happens constantly on our planet with the tides in the oceans. When there is a high tide on one part of the globe, it is balanced by a low tide elsewhere. There are local increases and decreases in the ocean depth and volume, but across the whole of the ocean, there is no increase or decrease.
All endings are happy. If you are not happy, then it is not the end. It's just some misunderstood pause somewhere in the middle.