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About Biscuit

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  • Birthday 07/20/1994

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  1. I find many of Bashar's methods to be impractical. For example, he once suggested that listening to a Beethoven masterpiece could bring a person to a state where they would naturally find the right path to health. How could someone exist 300 years parallel to our reality?, yet have an open contract with earth in near future
  2. Incredible, you can explain things without the need to know certain elements, can you demonstrate this ability
  3. Can you share more, can you then pass it to someone else, is clairvoyance future seeing or is it something like the third eye
  4. Hello everyone, I'm fascinated by the concept of channeling and have explored it quite a bit. I've watched numerous Bashar and Kryon channels, and I've read parts of The Law of One. I've even attempted to channel myself, but it didn’t seem to work. What are your thoughts on channeling? How do you discern whether someone is genuinely channeling or just making it up? Looking forward to hearing your insights.
  5. personally speaking I've never knew what love is until i did mushrooms, I've meditated everyday for a year or so never skipped a day, all the work I've done sure helped me be less egoic and more self-loving, the questions remain still of how to reach the higher states of consciousness and what if there's a heaven after death .
  6. great, I'm also starting the life purpose course soon, i didn't complete it at the past
  7. From sudan, I live in Saudi Arabia
  8. Does listening to the chant 'Om' (🕉) help with relaxation, focus, and spiritual purification? And Does listening to chants like 'Ganesh Mantra' help in removing obstacles, and does 'Om Mani Padme Hum' contribute to spiritual purification and well-being?
  9. Person b is evolved because he/she can take on many perspectives, when you apply spiral dynamics to humans, there's something called first person perspective all the way to a 5th person perspective which is yellow, yellow can take many perspectives that's way it's above the lower stages, there are natural hierarchies not a human construct, if you look at the bee hive or ant colony you'll see
  10. Hello everyone, I recently came across a website with a Spiral Dynamics quiz. It asks a series of questions and assigns you a stage on the spiral based on your responses. I had my brother take the quiz, and he scored Yellow, but I’m fairly certain he’s more Orange/Green. What are your thoughts? Do you think this quiz is legitimate? On a side note, I think the percentage of people at Yellow has been increasing globally. For instance, the video below featuring Joe Rogan and Elon Musk has over 68 million views, and both of them are considered to be at the Yellow stage.
  11. For lsd 150 ug is a good starting point don't go over that for your first time, my first lsd was half that dose, for mushrooms 5 dried grams on an empty stomach like terence mckenna used to say, and remember there's no going back after lsd trip and if you are sensitive to psychosis you might reconsider psychedelics.
  12. I dosed up to 750 ug, without seeing any visual at all
  13. I've ordered in the past a kid asked for an exchange of bitcoin, I had to go and exchanged credits for a bit coin and didn't get the substance, personally I haven't experienced 5-meo-dmt as of yet, I've experienced lsd,mushrooms ?, I feel as if 5-meo-dmt can wait for bit, taking my time to integrate what I've got from mushrooms.
  14. I'm a shy person, why?, it's the way I am, I consider my self to be an introvert, there are times when I feel open and want to express like now, you asked for a reason, I think they above comment are true shy people development they shyness as survival strategy, yet at the same time it's a terrible strategy to go about life, my told me I was this way since birth, I hope that answers your question.
  15. Music, I’m passionate about music, I love listening to music, many instruments from many different cultures, I don’t make music however I love music, to me this is life’s greatest gift to us.