Yes, of course! Money is super important if you are building out your life purpose / biz / career. Money is what allows you to avoid becoming some devil boss's bitch slave.
I take money very seriously, even though it's not important in the absolute sense. You should be very prudent and strategic about money. Not to buy toys, but as a resource to enable your creativity. I am very pragmatic about money. You need it and it's not some evil thing. When you set up your LP correctly, money becomes a reflection of your creative output and service to the world.
Here's how you should think about money:
For more pragmatic biz advice, see my videos: The Psychology Of Small Business Advice and Money Psychology
I slept normally, about 8 hrs.
I just didn't have much of a social or family life.
I didn't do it for long. It took me about 6 months to become financially independent and quit my day job. But this is unusually fast. In many ways I got lucky. Most people won't be able to pull that off. But I was very creative and ambitious.
If you are creative, strategic, ambitious, and manipulative enough, you can achieve amazing results rather quickly. Although that does take a toll on your soul.