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Everything posted by Oppositionless

  1. It's hard to say whether this counts because I wasn't conscious of it, but my dad saw my "astral body" once. He said he saw me standing in the doorway of his bedroom, and when he reached for the light "I" disappeared and immediately woke up crying upstairs.
  2. I remember back in the old days I loved Elliot, bought his book and stuff like that. He's the one who got me into my first spiritual practice (breath work). It's a real shame. And makes me suspicious of all "spiritual people."
  3. Imagine a finite physical universe . It has nothing outside of it. Not empty space, but metaphysical nothingness. How could such a universe exist? Have you ever encountered a physical object with nothing outside of it? For something to be physical it must take up space, and must have other objects outside of it. an infinite physical universe seems like it could resolve the paradox, but it doesn't, physical objects can't be infinite. Because infinity can't be counted, can't be made physical . therefore physical reality is not really physical but an idea of consciousness.
  4. Do you think God can be proved through logic? Or just awakening? I had an existential crisis watching an atheist YouTuber recently, I tried to mentally go through my logical reasons for believing in God again and they all seemed to fall flat, and I think the problem is my arguments aren't supported by a direct consciousness.
  5. You're not wrong. Ive spent too much energy telling myself I'm helpless, a passenger. Time to take ownership realizing I have infinite will.
  6. What I willed is endless suffering and making the same mistakes constantly I guess. but I think I understand somewhat. I dunno, I just really want to be better. But maybe I don't want it as much as I want to stay the same. Because the suffering is its own kind of comfort . I don't know how to have a desirable social life without fucking myself with addictions and hangovers
  7. How can I be different? My argument for free will Cause and effect is a material process You are not a material process, you are outside of cause and effect But you are also not the doer So in a paradoxical sense, free will exists but there isn't a "you" to have free will
  8. Why did you allow me to love so deeply only to have it all taken from me?
  9. The Holographic Universe, the Zen Teachings of Huang Po
  10. I wonder if it's possible to use telekinesis to seduce women
  11. I actually love the entry for actualised . Org, it's clear cut and to the point . What I've learned is that I'm subject to fate . But I can also STOP whenever I want. That's a very new development thanks to ralston
  12. God is absolute stillness, he doesn't need to worry about minor details. That's one aspect of God, you're God, and you're conscious of yourself.
  13. I know I'm going against the grain of the forum when I say this, but I don't think anyone knows. Yeah some people have done breakthrough doses of psychedelics , and some people have flatlined and come back, but just look at all those experiences... they're all different. So all I can say is that your after life will probably be a reflection of your current life.
  14. Yes! There were two discoveries recently in Britain . Ichtyotitan severnesis and Aust Collosus. The jury is out as to whether they are the same species, but regardless they're massive. Size estimate for Aust is 175 tonnes. Even if it doesn't reach large baleen whale size (size estimates in paleontology tend to go down rather than up for some reason), it's certainly way bigger than the previous record holder for largest toothed carnivore , the megaladon shark. if you look at the jaw structure, it's actually remarkably similar to sperm whales, so their prey of choice was probably giant squids. Current depictions, I think, are going to be outdated soon as we discover that they had blubber like modern whales. The current depictions are way too streamlined and bony for a massive animal.
  15. Even better if you're wearing really nice clothes, just say you deal coke and live in a van.
  16. I think the point is that other minds only difference in content, and content is ultimately unreal, so in the absolute sense you can't differentiate them
  17. I haven't given a shit about spirituality lately as I've been focusing all my energy on pickup but this thread ignited something in me and I feel that I'm at a point where it's time to forget about game and focus on the mysteries of existence , all that ego shit can sort itself out .
  18. Dean Radin seems to believe telepathy phenomena can be explained by quantumn nonlocality. I found that out when I listened to Entangled Minds on Spotify. Maybe I'm overthinking and perfectionist when it comes to epistemology, because honestly QM itself calls materialism into question lol.
  19. It's not just that I stop talking, it's that my mind becomes so attuned that it's damn near impossible for me to talk. it's not as specific as the true nonverbal people in the podcast I mentioned. It's more like, I will randomly read the vibe of the room and I might be able to intuit what someone is about to say. An example is that I randomly started thinking about pirates while high on a car ride and my friend started talking about pirates
  20. I spend a lot more time thinking about whales and dolphins. And giant Triassic Ichthyosaurs. These are the two largest groups of animals to have ever existed. Blue whales can reach 200 tons, and some upper estimates for giant ichthyosaurs, the ichthyotitians, place them on par with blue whales. In my mind it's a toss up as to which is larger, the whales have the efficiency of filter feeding on their side, but the ichtyotitans have the slower reptitlian metabolism. Livyatan was a giant sperm whale that competed with megaladon, and Orcas are , in my opinion, the most dominant oceanic predator we know of, past or present.
  21. Do you think psychic phenomena really deconstruct the materialist paradigm? That to me is the more important question. I used to think they definitely did, but the more we learn about quantumn mechanics the more I think materialists may be able to finagle a physicalist explanation for them. So I now believe the only way to truly deconstruct it is to awaken.
  22. When I smoke weed I become nonverbal (I'm on the spectrum I think, and weed pushes me over the edge so to speak), it's the reason I want to quit. But regardless of that, I have noticed that I become telepathic (in my experience, idk if it's real). But something that confirmed to me it might be real is listening to the podcast The Telepathy Tapes which is about 24/7 nonspeakers and their telepathic abilities. It's a pretty good podcast, kinda new age for my taste but definitely interesting.
  23. Social intelligence is how you get money , very many important lessons. Good friends can point out blind spots in you. A lot of this pretty elementary and not developed , and important