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Everything posted by Oppositionless

  1. one day I’ll have a proper breakthrough out of a bowl. one day I’ll get married. one day I’ll do everything.
  2. think of a middle ages peasant going about their life. they live a brutal existence, but most of them don’t commit suicide. they instead create more humans who live in a slightly less brutal world. fast forward today, humans still deal with overwhelming amounts of suffering but most people don’t kill themselves and for the most part people who try to and fail are glad they failed. and I thought life was the problem. Lmao, fuck no. life is beautiful.
  3. my previous experiences were extremely uncomfortable, tonight’s was joyous because I said YES to it and went deep yesterday’s trip I took a fat blinker followed by another big hit and got absolutely dickslapped. tonight I titrated, taking 3-4 second drags a few minutes apart for 10 - 15 ish minutes
  4. how could I ever fall prey to addiction again? after all, now I am a changed individual weed was never my problem, the problem was always fear what I thought was god-realization was just ego inflation now I know God is Quiet
  5. my thought process exactly. my trip felt like the people who claim to be abducted by aliens, when they get put on an operating table and the aliens are performing all sorts of experiments on them, coming out of it was like waking up from anasthesia I didnt so much see the entities as felt their presence
  6. Ive only done nn dmt and haven’t broken through. on my last trip I hit a cartridge for about 15 seconds total. I got to a place that people call the “waiting room” / crystal wall. an entity gave me the choice to break through if I wanted but I chose not to , was afraid . I’m curious to try 5 meo because it seems cleaner,I think nn dmt freaked me out because the idea of seeing entities is scary to me. nn dmt felt eerily similar to being thrust directly into the peak of a 5 gram mushroom trip. ego death plus entities. are you more afriad of dying or of the unkown? nn seems like it targets fear of the unkown, of travelling to astral landscapes while 5 meo is more about the fear of death
  7. AI and technology being used to enhance psychic abilities. interdimensional travel. People who’ve been abducted by aliens talk about this. Every part of the creation holographically contains the whole. access to unlimited information, which naturally leads to infinite love and compassion.
  8. I am That by Nis
  9. I used to want the world to end like ThanosXL. Now I know it’s all Good.
  10. I like science people. I think a lot of science people are sad because they think they are robots. The multiverse is real, but it's an infinity of experiences not universes. infinity is every possible experience. look at an object, it could be anything . right now I'm looking at my laptop. now close your eyes and imagine the object. imagine it as clearly as you can. what's the difference between the object you see and the object you visualize?
  11. I am eternal, with nothing at stake.
  12. a celebrity is still just another brick in the wall. forget about recognition and just do whatever the fuck you want.
  13. I am a cannabis addict. during the 3 years of my active addiction I experienced hundreds of awakenings, as well as hundreds of terribly awkward and anxious moments. I thought I could read minds, I thought I was a god, I was convinced people saw me as a christlike figure. I thought I could bang girls with my mind. I thought I could have anyone I wanted. The most important lesson I learned from my use and abuse was to be careful what you mean when you say you are God. is the ego God? in my experience, the real-deal God realization will be absent of any”one” to claim God-status. In my perverted understanding I, myself, was a visibly godlike figure, supremely annointed individual. After returning from rehab I tried some ketamine and got a big taste of the complete absence of self. Holding onto that crown was , that god-status was painful as hell. Never Again.
  14. Weed has a tendency to take over your life if you let it. It’s strong enough to make you realize you’re god but it’s almost like the ego becomes god. my opinion of myself gets projected on other people. you can get paranoid thinking that everyone thinks you’re god. thats in addition to all the normal things. not having.a job, being antisocial, being content with boredom. when your ego thinks its god you become supremely lazy. girls hit on me constantly but im so focused on being god that i dont even notice. i had to get sober to see that Im not gay. Im god the divnine joke is that NOTHING is PERSONAL
  15. Got to film a porno with my fwb and friend the other day. Did a POV shot of me fucking my fwb and filmed my female friend pegging my fwb. we were gonna do a scene where my friend pegged me while my fwb sucked me off but I got neevous. life is good.
  16. once you realize that nothing is personal you will forgive everyone
  17. if you want a long term relationship become an angel and attract an angel. it doesn’t matter what she looks like
  18. The gov of the United States has effectively turned a blind eye to marijuana at this point. In 2018, when the Farm bill permitting hemp products to be sold over the counter, we got CBD. The market had to test the waters first. Delta 8 was underground, you could get it online. In 2020 we started seeing alternative versions of THC like delta 8, delta 10, thcp, thco, etc being sold in smokeshops and gas stations. Then came delta 9 thc edibles and now high thca "hemp" (anything with less than .3%delta 9thc* ) being sold online. *definitely just weed bred for low delta 9 as weed naturally has delta 9 at only around 2% anyway. now we wait to see which states are gonna crack down on hemp. don't expect dispensaries or dealers to be going anywhere
  19. leaving for retreat in a week feeling nervous and good I’ve lost all trust in myself restricting free will temporaily to gain more control. addicted to short term pleasure as a coping mechanism for a lack of intimacy due to fear of intimacy. hmmm
  20. Thus there is nothing waste, nothing dead in the universe; no chaos, no confusions, save in appearence. We might compare this to the appearence of a pond in the distance, where we can see the confused movement and swarming of the fish, without distinguishing the fish themselves. Thus we are that each living body has a dominante entelechy, which in case of an animal is the soul, but the members of this living body are full of other living things, plants and animals, of which each has in turn ita dominant entelechy or soul. Monadology, 69-70.
  21. there's nothing wrong with wishful thinking it's normal to hold onto a belief because it's comfortable maybe the best belief is the one that makes you happiest truth = happiness ???? Moreover, it must be confessed that perception and that which depends upon it are inexplicable on mechanical grounds, that is to say, by means of figures and motions. And supposing there were a machine, so constructed as to think, feel, and have perception, it might be conceived as increased in size, while keeping the same proportions, so that one might go into it as into a mill. That being so, we should, on examining its interior, find only parts which work one upon another, and never anything by which to explain a perception. Thus it is in a simple substance, and not in a compound or in a machine, that perception must be sought for. La monadologie (17) https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Gottfried_Leibniz#The_Monadology_(1714)
  22. country with a homeless problem? build houses, put homeless people in them.