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Everything posted by Oppositionless

  1. yo… this shit will make you trip OUT whatever they’ve cooked up over at the Monroe institute , I applaud them, this is like the original gateway experience tapes on crack. I’ve had telepathic communication with a female spirit, damn near astral projection with mininal effort, the most lucid dreams ever experiencing alternate timeline. I can’t wait to try this on some special k or mushrooms. this just in: the human brain most definitely produces small amounts of dmt. I verified it.
  2. this is the type of relationship I want
  3. NASA astronaut claims aliens prevented nuclear war. https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/nasa-aliens-nuclear-war-stopped remember to thank your guardian angel every now and then (the fact that Im still here after all the stupid stuff Ive done is proof enough for me)
  4. in India touching the guru's feet is considered a great honor
  5. salvia, mushrooms, and of course datura might lead to this state most reliably
  6. that's what the book Siddhartha was about. A man who is born a Brahmin in India, becomes enlightened at 20, and then has to spend the next 40 years figuring out the other stuff. Some people just do things in a different order, no big deal. The beauty of life is you can't cut any corners. You gotta do it all if you want happiness. I'm 23, for the first 20 years of my life I prioritized existential stuff at the cost of everything else. by the time I was 21 I was the sterotypical stoner with not much going for me, turns out I was still suffering. Found a life purpose in music and then programming, got more or less sober, and now everything is starting to come together and it's amazing. The myth of spirituality is that you can just magic-eraser all your problems away by waking up. actually it's the other way around: to achieve the deepest levels of awakening you first gotta deal with your problems, find a life purpose, learn how to be social, etc. Leo has a great video called burning through karma. and Teal Swan's video on spiritual bypassing, also good.
  7. reality must be infinite, because there is nothing outside of reality which could limit it there must be something rather than nothing, because nonexistence… does not exist consciousness cannot be material, because the properties generally accepted to be found in matter, are not present in consciousness, and the properties found in consciousness are not found in what is called matter. this has been called the hard problem of consciousness in the last 20 years, but Leibniz was talking about this same thing hundreds of years ago. I still don’t know how to prove that everything is consciousness, but I have become conscious of it. somewhat. for instance, I briefly become aware of how I am creating my reality whenever a really strange and unexplainable synchronicity occurs, then I forget about it. I might need some 5 meo to really get it. the realization that everything is love, that is something I still haven’t verfied. but it makes intuitive sense. because there is not death (since consciousness is immaterial), it make sense. it just hasn’t fully clicked yet.
  8. getting shot out of your body is relaxing? lmao I kid I kid
  9. I need a rave fam
  10. easiest method is to make a vape cart. that way you can keep hitting it while you’re already tripping. or yeah, as leo said, drink that shit. idk about you but vaping dmt is usually not fun for me. it comes on so strong and its just a mindfuck with little to no takeaway.
  11. ahh shittt this was already posted my bad
  12. Side note, I find it quite interesting how daniel ingram mentions occult powers in his book and even claims to podsess some, but he still doesn’t know what God is. it’s like he’s clinging to a form of materialism despite all the evidence to the contrary
  13. please pray for physics girl
  14. don't be stupid with psychedelics. and don't trip if you're a teenager. when I was 19 I thought it was cool to drive and go to the beach on lsd (it isn’t). I feel like I have an entirely new brain than I did when I was 21 (Im 23 now)
  15. the ones even more conscious than leo, don’t participate in online discussions, don’t care to share their insights with others, aren’t writing books, etc
  16. life, eternal cycle of creation and destruction create prosperity, create god, create money and drugs, create pleasure, create bliss, create the self exnilo just cross out non-being and write in God.
  17. burning through karma — not super into pickup, very interested in free love and group sex. like — life partner, plus group sex — love doing drugs (not just psychedelics) all drugs, especially weed, nicotine, and coffee — becoming god in a way that gratifies my ego, especially becoming god so I can be one of the greatest musicians of all time, help people wake up through music, be recognized as a genius
  18. forget andrew tate, listen to thesingleguy
  19. dreams are the perfect analogy for explaining how reality is constructed food taste good.
  20. probably 6 hours of this shit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XirQ_P3PP_o&pp=ygUUZG10IHN5bW1ldHJpYyB2aXNpb24%3D
  21. getting flashbacks to the first time I tried weed from this story, handbiting, screaming and everything God that was a horrible experience lmao obviously he took way too much and probably didn’t even know what dmt was. thats a recipe for disaster
  22. “brutalizing toads makes that shit hit different” -some hippie as psychedelics go mainstream God-realization becomes shockingly common. High virtue remains as rare as ever. if a zen devil ever becomes president all hell will break loose.
  23. You do. you just don’t know it. the world is being created by your perceptions at all times.
  24. ever since I started using my laptop for music rather than my phone I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut. Obviously it’s because I don’t have a midi controller. using my laptop keyboard has definitely hindered my process. but it’s okay cause I was learning just how to use the DAW for 6 months or so. Now I’ve gone from just learning the basics to the optimization stage . that means a midi keyboard for music, and learning vim to navigate vscode much more quickly.