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About Svetoslav

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  1. College/University Programs
    College/University Programs
    A list of some of the top degree programs relating to Consciousness/Spirituality/Transpersonal Psychology for our college/university aged members. Hopefully others can help find more than I currently have researched:
    The Alef Trust's Masters in Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology Sofia University's Masters of Arts in Transpersonal Psychology The California Institute of Integral Studies' Online PHD in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology (Among others they offer) Ubiquity University's Integral Transpersonal Psychology – Foundations Course (Among other high quality courses they offer) Life University's Master of Science in Positive Psychology  
    Please, this is not an area to discuss whether someone should/shouldn't go to college/university, these are simply the better courses that exist currently. If you have one to add please comment below or DM me the link

  2. Understanding People
    Understanding People
    Ever since I was a kid, the overarching theme of my life has been to understand 'Why people are the way they are?' and 'What is the peak of Human Development?'
    Apart from being a peoplewatcher all my life, I quenched my curiosity with books on Astrology, Jung, self-help, biographies of great men and from the past few years, Personality types systems (Jungian model, Freudian model, Myers Briggs, Objective Personality System, Enneagram, Big 5) and Developmental models (Self-Actualization, Spiral Dynamics, Piaget, Hero's journey, etc.)
    It is clear to me that while each individual has a unique genius, strengths, challenges, and blindspots; there are identifiable patterns to one's journey and the awareness of those patterns alone could rapidly accelerate one's growth in all domains of life. 
    I have decided to dedicate a good part of my life identifying and drawing those patterns, or 'Archetypal paths of Growth', and offer them to the public in an accessible, implementable format.
    My job is that of a Cartographer. I explore the terrain, evaluate where the landmines and the oases are, and design custom maps - so that everyone who takes the journey spends less time walking in circles (or getting blown up) and more time climbing. 
    This journal is a scrapbook for quotes, bad diagrams, half-baked wisdom and insights, and interesting tidbits I find on the internet.

  3. Weed and Microdosing Psychdelics for rising your Basline Consciousness
    Weed and Microdosing Psychdelics for rising your Basline Consciousness
    Are you talking about yourself or your idea of yourself, such as in a future...? 
    It’s easy enough to compare an apple to an orange, but how are you comparing your baseline to your levels... without leaving presence / direct experience / actuality, ‘going into’ mental abstractions of a you in a past or future?
    Where does a you even get these baselines and levels... let alone who’s doing the ‘locking in’?
    Sounds like you’re believing comparative thoughts, as if actually comparing yourself to... yourself...?  
    If the ‘next few levels’ are in a future.. you can see the future?
    Maybe that is present experience... just being mistakenly identified with? Misinterpreting thought (appearance) by believing self referential thought. 
    What is it like to experience ‘a couple years’?
    To be ‘in time’?

  4. Socialising as an introvert
    Socialising as an introvert
    I have had the same issue. We have INTJ personalities lol. Or thats at least my judgement because I've been going through the EXACT same confusion as you in the past few months.
    First: Watch Leo's video on: Sameness vs Difference and contemplate the two deeply
    What you will find is that sameness and difference are a matter of perspective and are completely relative
    The thing your ego doesn't want you to see and deny profusely is that you are in a community with beings who are different from a certain point of view, but also exactly like you from another. Right now you are only seeing the differences because thats what your mind wants you to see. 
    And the boundary that makes up the difference between your idea of you and 'other people' is completely virtual.
    Even if you found someone who had the same interests as you, you would still find a way to differentiate yourself from them because this is how the INTJ personality survives. 
    After we get rid of this thick virtual boundary even for a moment, social interaction and even small talk becomes effortless (:0 IKR)
    Whats helped me:
    -acknowledge that you are a whole that is also part of the larger whole of mankind and life at large (Not just THE whole period). 
    -try to look for and admit to yourself the similarities between you and others rather than nitpicking the differences
    -discipline yourself to try to talk to people who you are most comfortable with and just try to surrender to the moment without trying to calculate and understand everything. Just kick back and have a good time
    -try to get out of your head and bring your awareness into the outer world (You may notice your mind likes to escape into the inner world a lot).
    -let go of the need to be superior to others. (Especially with our intellectual knowledge  )

  5. psychedelic stocks
    psychedelic stocks
    If you are low on money and just starting in investing/business, then I recommend Rich Dad Poor Dad and Rich Dad's guide to investing by Robert Kiyosaki. These will be fundamental for building the right mindset to building assets and business. 
    If you are looking to fully manage a portfolio for the best returns, then I recommend The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. This is probably the best investing book of all time. It will teach you a aggressive, defensive, mixed approach. It will be a fundamental tool for value investing.  If you were to really want to go deep into it, then get the Security Analysis by him too. This is the guy who taught Warren Buffet. This is by far one of the best possible resources. I would say a must read before even buying a single stock on your own. This book alone has made me a 124% return in one year in my Roth IRA. 
    There is one book on Leo's book list that is fantastic for a defensive portfolio. It also helps with building a proper mindset around money in general. It has all sorts of advice for what to do before selling, when to sell ,etc. I would highly recommend buying the booklist even if just to get this book. The tips in this book have helped me get rid of my anxiety around investing. As well as help me have a more balanced portfolio.
    If you are investing through 401k plan, then Speculator Vs Investor By John C Bogle (Founder of Vanguard) would be a great read. I feel like this one did not have any of the most hard hitting stuff however, if you are just an aggressive stock picker, then I think this would help balance you out. 
    For someone who is really a novice and not looking into it much, then go for Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins. That will be good for just anyone with a 401k. 
    All of those books are stage orange. The one from the book list is quite stage green/yellow though. 

  6. Resources on Emotional Literacy / Emotional Intelligence
    Resources on Emotional Literacy / Emotional Intelligence
    List of 300+ emotions and definitions: AGFLAP-CAP List of emotions (Used for example with The Sedona Method): List of Emotions from Byron Katie (to be used for example with The Work): Also available in many more languages by clicking on the download button on this site:  
    @Nahm shared this Emotions Scale:

    (somewhat similar to David Hawkins Map of Consciousness:
    Bodily Map of Emotions: