James Accolade

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Everything posted by James Accolade

  1. In my head science is about approximating to reality the best we can based on current resources and tools (considering mathematics a tool). Now if I have two self-consistent theories about something. How do I know which theory is more scientific? If what i assumed in the beginning is true its whichever one can explain more of reality better. Like how we say Einstein's gravity is more accurate than Newton's gravity and yet both are considered scientific. But lets say if I keep on modifying the Newtonian framework such that it matches whatever results einstein's gravity predicts. Now again which theory is more scientific? Or is the whole thing Science and im being silly for asking the question of which theory is more scientific
  2. Wait....is it not possible to develop ambitiousness within yourself? or does wanting to become more ambitious a sign of ambition?
  3. A few weeks back I stumbled on systems thinking and was wondering whether or not it is something we can develop mastery in. Like can we set a goal to be able to master systems thinking and become proficient in solving systemic problems?
  4. Thanks! Will Read
  5. Hey @Leo Gura, In your life advice part 2 video you made a point of setting standards. So I decided to set some standards in my own life but what I ended up finding is that I tend to get overly critical when I don't meet my standards and begin getting very frustrated. I begin getting angry at myself for not living up to my standards. This goes against loving yourself(in the ego sense). So my question is what do we do when we don't live up to our standards? How do we exactly try and love ourselves for who we are and try to correct our mistakes at the same time.(I am kinda new to this stuff so my emotional distinctions are not fine enough)