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Posts posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. 2 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

    Okay, maybe. There are just better priorities to set i believe.


    So racism isn’t important?  Got it.

    2 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:


    I wouldn't go that fat.

    Of course you wouldn’t.  That would require you to judge him and yourself.  If you knew his history you’d know this to be true.

    All white people benefit from white supremacy.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

    if she got nothing else to do with her life

    Except for starting in a network television show and hosting a podcast.

    She may not be in Rogan’s league, but she has been in three hit shows, one of which was a cultural phenomenon, films, and is still working at a high level in Hollywood.  She’s one of the top 3% of women in that regard.

  3. She made a long thread about it

    I have to say, Joe should be worried.  As a black man I like Joe and I watched his Instagram video and he’s done a good job of not being to right or too left but right now it appears that it is going to become political.  Well, it already has. 

    I do like how people are still holding others responsible for any hints of racism like Sophia did here.  Shows that racial tensions are  if go be high until black people get what they deserve.

  4. Realize that there is no such thing as the “one”.

    Realize that “love” for women is what you can do for them and how you make them feel.  Most women do not love you for initially.  If they do it’s usually down the road.  If she is ever not happy with you she will leave you.

    Meet more women.

    Stop thinking about women and get on your purpose.


  5. @something_else Too bad a lot of men are addicted to porn.  There are no real positive benefits to masturbating, particularly to porn which lets be honest, that’s how men get off by themselves.

    1 hour ago, vladorion said:

    Saying that "you will never get enough sex from a woman" does no one any good, just installs negative beliefs in someone who will accept this idea. Focusing on fringe cases (there are a lot of women with high sex drive, not just a few, as well as there are a lot of men with low sex drive) has the point to show that the above idea is simply not true.

    No, I don't know it. And you don't know it either. That's what you believe. Women want non sexual attention on a superficial level. The reason why women don't have sex at every opportunity is not because they don't want it. 1) Women are more picky about who they have sex with. 2) Society stigmatizes and slut shames women for sexual promiscuity. 3) Sex is more dangerous for a woman: she can get pregnant, raped etc. 4) There are esoteric/energetic reasons why sexual promiscuity is not good for women, which many women intuitively feel. 

    You clearly lack experience with women and to be gynocentric.  No reason to continue this conversation with you.   Good day sir.

  6. 4 minutes ago, vladorion said:

    Typically. That's not the case for all men and women. That's my point.

    And the idea that women want non sexual attention and not sex is not true. Women want sex too.

    Focusing on fringe cases and exceptions does no one any good.

    And do not put words in my mouth.  I said what women really want is non sexual attention and you know it.  Do joy conflate that with their desire for physical intimacy.  What you cannot seem to grasp is that women are in an abundance of sex egress every guy outside of Drake and Leonardo DiCaprio is not.

  7. 28 minutes ago, vladorion said:


    Which doesn't mean that men always have a higher sex drive or are more obsessed with sex than women.

    "A woman will never provide you sufficient sex" may be true for Leo but not true for many other men.

    Men definitely have higher sex drives than women.  For men sex is a huge source of validation.  Attractive can have sex anytime they desire.  What women want is non sexual attention.

  8. 24 minutes ago, puporing said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 It's a coping thing I mean you simply can't have sex on demand even if you have a bf/gf that's not how relationships work and that could turn pretty toxic and potentially abusive. But yeah overdoing it can also make you unproductive/unable to focus so balance is key like anything.

    There are some anti-depressants type pharmaceuticals that lower your libido but there are side effects so I wouldn't recommend that unless it's really extreme.

    If you are not getting your sexual needs met from gf/bf to the point that you have to masturbate then unless you are a real sex addict you need a new gf/bf, point blank.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Willie said:

    He’s a stand-up comedian and MMA commentator. Those are the things he can claim expertise on. He’s entertaining to listen to, but why do people take him so seriously? That’s what causes harm, IMO.

    Same with Alex Jones. Why does anybody take him seriously?

    It’s because mainstream news is so full of shit that he is a lot of people’s source of news.

  10. So I wanted to share this as I have seen a lot of desperation on here and a lot of old school pick up style thinking that to me is not keeping up with the times.

    2017 was the year.  I had done pick up from 2013 to 2016, 2013 in D.C and the other years in L.A.  At my peak I was cold approaching seven days a week.  By the end of it about three to four max.  I mostly got one night stands with women I met in bars and clubs and dated here and there, but mostly I was a wham Bam thank you m’am kind of guy.

    Fast forward to 2017 I decide to not to do pick up anymore.  Instead I decide to join an acting class (I am a working actor both on camera a d voice over), join meetups and go to bars and clubs on the weekends.  At this time I did not have a car either and lived in Hollywood so I was either on the train or walking.

    This was by the far the easiest time that I had with girls.  I was at one point dating three at a time.  A lot of attractive women were showing interest in me, I hardly had any flakes, I was just bouncing from one woman to the next.

    What was it?  Here is what I thinking was.

    #1: I stopped leaving the house looking to meet women.  When I went to acting class I did not try to chat up the girls right away.  When I went out on the train it was the same deal.  I had a new job and some friends there and was really focused on that and some creative projects.  This definitely took any stank of desperation that I had.

    #2: I built a social life of abundance.  I was doing something almost everyday.  Three tones a week I was in Kung fu class, once a week acting class, I was hanging out with my co worker, went to a party every Sunday night, went out to bars and clubs every Friday and Saturday.  I was going out so much that my social calibration was extremely high and by law if attraction if you go out a lot you will bump into women who find you attractive.

    #3: My overhead was lower.  My rent was cheap so I could spend more money on things.  This is big.  I don’t care what of game you have, certain women do not like to deal with brokes.

    #4: I was seen with a lot of women.  Social proof is huge in getting women.  A big reason why I was getting a ton of women is because I was seen with them.  I’d be in acting class talking to a woman and another would see me and she would show interest.  Or at a meet up I would be talking to a woman and another would see me and make herself available.

    Adam Corolla said it best: women like guys who get a lot of women.

    #5: I had a good social circle.  I had some good friends that I would party with, a good group on Sunday nights that I’d party with, and friends from work.  How do friends help you get girls?  What it is that it keeps you social and keeps your mood up so you are so needy when you meet women as you have gotten some basic needs met from  your friends.  

    #6: I wasn't dependent on night life.  While I during the period I did date some women that I met in bars, most of the women that I dated and hooked up with I met in my everyday life.  Be it acting class, Kung fu class, my Sunday parties, on the train, at work, meetups, camping and etc.  This is the best way to meet women if you want to have relationships as you will only be dealing with women who have a high level of interest in you which is everything.

    Now granted my years of pick up primed me for that.  I will never forget the summer of 2017, tons of good times with some fun women.  The only thing that held me back was I was not truly happy deep down and it destroyed a potential relationship with a cool chick,  Later that year I lost my job and joined another acting class where the teacher (a woman whereas the first was a dude) decided to teach with fear and anger and that put me into a depression and from 2018 to 2019 my life has been very up and down.  I was getting the groove back in 2019, was seeing two women and focused on the wrong one, got back down, then was getting my groove back right before Covid hit and I am getting back into this groove now.  Even in my down years I was still able to date and hook up with attractive women just by going on and being social.  While I did pick up I did natural game so I think that helped a lot as well.

    So what is all this to say?  It’s all about your energy at the end of the day.  Rather than be so focused on getting numbers and jumping into bed with women, just build a social life of abundance.  Once you do that you will start being more and more around women which will give you social proof, your mood will shift and this shit will feel easy.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

    Yeah, well it’s looking like there’s nothing much that they can do about it in the long-run. More and more black and brown people keep moving into the South. Furthermore, they say that by 2045, whites in the USA will no longer be the majority. Also, manual farm labor is getting replaced by industrial labor.

    I think that’s why they are acting out so much.  2020 was a huge L for the “bad guys”. They see that their white hold on the nation is coming to an end.

  12. 25 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

    I see. 

    So, the South probably needs to catch up on industrialization and racial integration in order to reduce a lot of the racism down there.

    That would help.  Charlotte and Atlanta shows that the South has potential.  White supremacy is what is holding the South back. They don’t want to expand because they fear that it will become liberal and other races will take their jobs.