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Posts posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. 28 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

    Strongly agree with this.

    Meditation can be surprisingly effective in dealing with deeply rooted patterns that psychoteraphy and other contemporary methods fail to fix.

    Shamanic tapping is also amazing.  I have been doing it for a lot of different things, and the change is instant.  Do that for thirty days and you will be a different person.

  2. I remember watching a video from the youtubers coach red pill that everyone goes through an incel stage.  Meaning everyone has desired to have sex, but it was not happening.  I remember in late 2014 to 2017, I was able to hook up at a good rate.  2018?  Shit?  At the end of last year I got with two of the hottest women I have ever been with.  After that an ex came back (my “twin flame”) and messed up my head.


    Its cyclical.  You just can’t take it personally.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Barbella said:

    I don't know honestly. I'm hoping to develop feelings but I guess that's not how it works.

    Yes. He's actually my first time. My stupid ass thought that would make me feel more connected, but it didn't. I don't regret it though, he's a great dude.

    Our first date was my best so far, I thought he was brilliant but after some time I realized that I don't miss him when I don't see him, and his affection started to annoy me.

    You sounds like a very nice woman who means well.  

    I have to say, you have given this guy ample opportunity and he is not doing it for you.  If you truly do not see yourself being happy with him, it is either time to tell him the truth or  to let him down easy.  It depends on if you believe that the problem is you are him.


    You can work on this.  All it takes is two willing partners and communication.  

  4. 1 hour ago, Barbella said:

    Hey, I'm a 21 year old girl, and I have been dating this guy for more than 3 months now. I haven't been in a serious relationship before, and I have never been in love before. My problem is that I'm not sure if I am now. This guy is great, he is kind and has everything I would want in a guy, but the problem is, I think I don't have feelings for him.  I'm not dying to see him when we don't see each other for a while. I don't know if I should just ignore this, and see how things would continue, or should I be honest and break up with him. Because he is madly in love with me and I don't think it's fair to him. I don't know whether I'm just not the person who would fall in love so fast, or he is just not the one. 

    Ask yourself “why am I dating a guy that I do not have feelings for?”  Have you had sex with him?  Perhaps you can develop feelings for him.  But three months is a longtime.  Most women in Los Angeles write guys off after one date.

  5. 1 hour ago, Dodo said:


    I want to mention that me and this girl have a strong passion and attraction for each other. But unfortunately I am not evolved spiritually enough to meet her where she is currently. Meeting her has caused me the aforementioned shift that the guitarist is talking about. I was/am addicted to a lot of things and now I see clearly. Synchronicities keep happening and I know everything is happening for a reason. It all makes sense in hindsight. 

    Maybe once I have cleared all I need to clear, the Universe will bring us together. But selfless action is important, I must not clear in order to achieve something, that would be tainted with egoic pursuit. I actually have to completely let go of her, completely. So too I have to let go of my form identity. Brahmacharya is the way to find the eternal peace and Love of the Lord. Twin flame touches you, now your fire burns twice as strong even when she is not there. She was sent by God to do exactly what had to be done, otherwise the karmic cycle continues. 

    She really was like an instrument to get me to "awaken" or see the right path for this guy right here. Even though I thought I was very awakened beforehand (as if) :) 


    I think this proverb applies here

    "A woman's highest calling is to lead a man to his soul so as to unite him with source.
    Her lowest calling is to seduce him, separating him from his soul and leaving him to aimlessly wander the Earth.

    A man's highest calling is to protect woman, so she is free to walk the Earth unharmed
    Man's lowest calling is to ambush and force his way into the life of a woman. "

    Sounds like you are going in the right direction.


    Soul to Soul connections are meant to be a catalyst for growth in both people.  I am sure that she is going through an awakening herself.  Remember, if she was so “advanced” you two would be together.


    Perhaps you two will be reunited.  Or perhaps you will lose all feelings for her and meet someone better.  Time will tell.


    People need to realize that the most important love affair that one can have is with themselves.  A loving and healing relationship with themselves is the key.  I promise you, each and every one of us will have a loving connection with someone.  But, you do not need it. 

    1 hour ago, Roy said:

    Wow that's insanity, 15 years! What a colossal waste of time.

    This twin flame stuff is the definition of cringe. It's like people who never grew out of a 13 year old's naïve fantasy of what a relationship should be lmao. There are literally tens of millions of people out there (probably even more to be honest) that any one person is compatible with for a very deep, passionate, long-term relationship.

    It doesn't even take much digging to realize the kinds of people that are susceptible and fond of the twin flame stuff have either low self esteem/image issues, attachment/neediness issues, or a severe hole or lack in their life that's gone unaddressed.

    What's really happening here is a person has come into their lives that they really like and hit it off with, and because they conveniently fill the holes or alleviate some of the problems mentioned above, their mind seizes the survival opportunity to blow things out of proportion. It comes up with rationalizations and projects/creates a massive amount of fantastical stories about them being "literally perfect" or "the one and only" for them. It can even get to delusional levels like the story you mentioned with that woman.

    That's not to say those feelings can't be real and to discount the connection that's there, it's just that it will never put a dent in the Absolute Truth that everyone is completely 100% whole on their own and there is no ultimate destiny for any two people to be together.

    If it's really meant to be as some meta-physical truth then there would be a transcendent magnet like force, and there wouldn't be any doubt, complication, or hesitation and it would be a two way street every time. Not a one way like it is here for the OP.

    The experience he's described here should make something abundantly clear; He's lacking something (probably hasn't had a relationship yet? idk) and lost in the delusions and emotions that his mind has conjured up about this person, and he's too lazy and fearful to move on from the story he's created. He doesn't want to acknowledge that there are more options for him out there, it's too scary to let go of this and do that work.

    Let go. You're amazing as you are.

    Well, the issue is the culture.  It’s 80% of women who all they want to do is get into relationships.  Then they complain when it does not come into form, they call their guys “karmic twin flames”, etc.  They also believe that twins flames “must” get into a relationship (which is not always the case).  They completely ignore the kundalini and heart center awakening.  They completely ignore the fact that the love that they felt while they were in the “bubble love” phase was actually fit themselves.  The problem is that we have all been brainwashed in this society that you cannot feel love without someone else being there.  Which is a crock of shit.

    I have met one of my twin flames.  Dated her last year.  It was a hellish, but eye opening experience.  I learned a ton.  Most of all that I need to love and heal myself and not seek approval from others.  Even if it is a strong soul to soul connection.


    The twin flame experience is meant to expand the consciousness of both parties and it usually happens because both parties are too stubborn to change.  It’s really all about evolution.

    1 hour ago, Dodo said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 I think I have another twin flame also, whom I know since she was born and there is angelic synchronicity around her and she was born in 20/09/1999 (has birthday today) - I';ve even dreamt her as an angel before. My numerology main number is 9..

    This is from a medium/channeler that I really respect as she has been posting very relevant things ever since I met this girl and has been guiding me through spirit. I've placed the timestamp where my jaw drops.

    But I was/still am in my lower nature and I am only now seeing how I was doing the devil's work with all my addictions. I feel disgusted in myself and I really am not in the position to make anyone happy. 

    Until there is even a trace of the addict here, I do not want to be with any of my twin flames. Why would I? Why would I want to hurt them? :) I am happy that I am not with them, because otherwise they will suffer. 

    That is interesting, I will check her out. 

    And don’t worry.  If you don’t get j to with this woman, you will have another stab at it.  It will be an even stronger connection.  Just focus on yourself.  Love and heal yourself.


  6. 22 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

    That’s the point xD 

    Then why is no one but you laughing?  

    While I hear what you are saying, no one is saying to adopt someone else’s beliefs.  But I will say that most people have very limiting belief systems and within the twin flame community a ton of people get stuck for years.  I have heard stories like a woman who put up with a guy for 15 years who was terrible to her and ended up in prison because he was her twin flame and was told that she could only have one.  Or if a guy who could not let go of a woman who was his twin flame, despite not speaking with her for 15 years.  Or even worse, people remaining in relationships that they do not like because they believe that it is a karmic contract.


    Give me a break.

  7. @Keyhole Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

    Go ahead.  Report me.  I am not saying anything that is un true.  This is common knowledge that has been experienced by many people, including myself.  It is hilarious how you are projecting so much, mentioning cult dynamic (then what is or perpetuating stalking (no one is doing that, in fact, if I were him I would move on).  

    And no shit, no means no.  Again, your psychological projection is showing.

    Just because it threatens your belief system does not mean I should back down.  


  8. 4 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 Don't bullshit other people here.  The woman doesn't want a relationship with him.  Stop giving bad advice, and don't turn it around on me I have no time for it. You will not turn this around on me when what you are doing is not only wrong, but also misinformed and perpetrates delusion.

    Someone is getting into their ego.


    First off, just because she is resisting him does not mean that she is not attracted to him.  She may not want a relationship with him.  But that is not to say that there is nothing between the two.  It’s sheer arrogance to say otherwise.


    Secondly, you appear to be very close minded.  Jaded too.  Odd.  Women are usually the ones that go crazy for the twin flames stuff.  I suggest you watch Leo’s videos on open mindedness.  Perhaps you will feel better.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

    I gave the actual definition of what this dynamic is, but most of y'all are willingly ignorant to the point where it is a bit laughable.  On top of this, some of you are fueling this kids delusions about this woman, WHO WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM AND THINKS HE IS A PSYCHOPATH, which is irresponsible and unhealthy.   You all have no way of knowing if these people are "twin flames", do you?
    Some of you here are codependent and haven't even worked through it or admitted it to yourselves that you are using this dynamic as a way to further a codependent mental illness.




    If someone says that they have found their twin flame (btw, you can have more than one) who is anyone to say otherwise?  

    Besides the label does not mean anything.  He probably just met a woman with whom he has a strong soul to soul connection with.  That happens everyday.  Could be a twin flame.  Who knows.

    It sounds to me that you are trapped inside the old relationship paradigm.  How is that working for you?

  10. 13 minutes ago, Galyna said:

    There is more to it as per my reading. 

    But thank you for the feedback. I also read that twin flames are destined to separate at one point in their lives. 

    You are just reading fluff.  Check out goldraytwinflames on YouTube.  He is a 76 year old man who has been in union with his twin flame for years.  Best source for twin flames and soulmate info.


    Also, no one is “destined” to separate.  Separation is a result of one of the parties hanging onto the old relationship paradigm.

  11. 1 hour ago, Galyna said:

    Okay, I need to explore this topic better. There is a difference between a twin flame and a soulmate. But to satisfy a twin flame "rule" they have to have a huge passion and attraction. Read about it. 

    You can have huge passion and attraction for someone and hide it.  It’s called the “runner/chaser dynamic.  I will give an example.  I was starting to see this woman who I would label as a “soulmate” and we could have had the twin flame experience with each other.  It was obvious that there was huge passion and attraction.  But, she is in a relationship and for whatever other reasons, she decided to start playing games, trying to put me into the chaser role.  I tapped out.


    The label does not mean anything.  But I will say that twin flames often tend to get together and have a “mission” to do some kind of work to advance society while soulmates are just two people who have a strong soul to soul connection and play house.

  12. 10 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

    No one immediately thinks "wow Gandhi is so ugly" when they think of him. But lets be honest he's ugly as fuck. 

    To be fair, you’re probably thinking of him as an older man.  As a young man he looked average.  Most people unless they make an effort do not stay good looking forever.

  13. @ColeMC01 Here’s what I have learned as a guy who was called ugly in high school and now has four endorsement deals on Instagram with clothing and jewelry brands who approached me based off my looks.


    Its all about how you feel about yourself.

    Yes, people can be mean and say awful shit.  But it is up to the individual whether or not they agree with it or take it personally.  It seems like he has taken it to heart and has allowed it to be a part of his identity.  Even though it is only an opinion.