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Posts posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. 11 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

    Law of Attraction works, but its nothing like what most of you think it is. Its not about sitting on your ass visualizing for a specific amount of time in a period, and than having it magically apear in your life. Its about changing your THINKING. You do the inner work of visualizing, affirming etc. Taking action every single day (Action of inner work), for atleast 60-90 days. You do it to imprint the new thought patterns into your subconsciouss, and than oppurtinies will open up for you, and than you can take the action of manifisting it (speaking of taking action in the real world.) 

    This guy gets it.


    Really, when I talk about manifesting, I am talking about reprogramming my subconscious mind to believe that I have what it is that I desire, breaking all of my resistance and making it easier to get what I desire.  Once I do this, naturally my energy has shifted, I will take different actions and people, places and things will line up in my favor. Carl Jung said it best “your unconscious will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

  2. 4 hours ago, Heaven said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 How’s it going for u?

    Did all your dreams become true?


    You should read what I post.  It’s taken be years to really be able to become a deliberate creator and understand it.  But lately, I have gotten good at it.


    Examples: When the pandemic started I was an actor and filmmaker.  While I used to be in a band and still played the guitar as much as I could, I wasn’t releasing music.  I started doing this Sedona method release to find out my heart’s desire, music came up.  I made an intention to release music.  Within a month I had two singles out, getting thousands of plays.  By Labor Day, I had my debut E.P come out, getting nearly 40,000 plays in less than a week.  I have also appeared in the digital journal, the global tribune and the daily herald.  

    I made an intention a few months ago to manifest a record deal.  Just got one last year.  It isn’t the deal that I exactly want, but it is a sign of things to come.

    Months ago I wrote down that l would  be starring in a studio film.  Just two weeks ago, out of the blue, audition comes to be for a lead role in a film.  After auditioning I find out that these film is being made by this big time writer/director duo who have worked with Tilda Swinton, Richard Gere and Julianne Moore.  

    Lately I have been using shamanic tapping g to manifest a house, car and unexpected money among other things.  I found a place that is working with me to get some home loans (something that I did not believe was possible), I have several options for cars that are at ridiculously low prices seemingly out of no where.  But most of all, Monday night I randomly see $600 deposited into my bank account. 

    1 hour ago, Someone here said:

    The universe doesn't grant wishes. 

    LOA is hoax. 

    That is a very stage orange thing to say.  You don’t even understand what law of attraction is.  It baffles me just how spirituality immature a lot of you are.  You don’t even understand what Leo says in his videos.


    31 minutes ago, TheSunKing said:

    It appears to be a polarizing subject based on the replies here. Personally, I have experienced coincidental manifestation. However, when trying to manifest deliberately, I have never been successful. 





      It is tricky to manifest deliberately.  I realized that I am only able to manifest deliberately when I give up all resistance, let go of all expectations, and leave it up to a higher power.  Then, things seem to fall into place. 

    @SoonHei Exactly!  

  3. 1 hour ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    Is law of attraction a sort of cunning back-door to focusing on creation?   


    In a way.  When you manifest, you are embracing the fact that you are the universe, you are a co create, and you create your life.  You are working with the energy of the universe to create the life that you desire.  We all do this consciously or unconsciously, so when you become aware of it, you become a conscious manifestor. 

  4. 22 minutes ago, dflores321 said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 yes two different flavors of the same thing, 

    I'd say if you're more of a visionary then visualization is good, if you're more of a in the moment get shit done now type then feeling your way now is good.

    That only applies if you're just starting to get into law of attraction or at least awareness of it. 

    In the end both are connected.

    I myself prefer the feeling state.  Like you said, it’s more of a “in the moment, get shit done” kind of thing and it also is more about feeling good instead of creating expectations.  That is the tricky thing about manifesting.  Like using certain affirmations.  When so I’ve says “I make 1 million dollars a year” they are subtly focusing on the opposite.  It’s so subtle, but that kills manifestations.  Language is critical.

    Speaking of affirmations, the right ones can be good.  Popular manifestation teacher Nevelle Goddard had only one: “I have a lavish, steady, dependable income consistent with integrity and mutual benefit.” 

    12 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

    The law of attraction fits in seamlessly with nonduality and meditation. Gotta be honest though, the first time I heard about it my reaction was "oh... fuck".

    The "present moment" seemed a much kinder introduction. 

    I would say so too.  And haha, the very first time I heard it I was like “wait what?  No way.”

    A great law of attraction teacher once said:”your point of power is in the present moment.”   

  5. 39 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    It was practiced when this thread was created ?

    Haha, truth.


    1 minute ago, dflores321 said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 you are living the law of attraction :). 

    I dont know specifics on how it's done, but the mind visualizes something then the body fulfills that visualization.

    Or another way of understanding it is that you're feeling your way towards what you want.

    Both are accurate.  Visualization is a very popular manifestation practice that people who don’t even know much about the law of attraction get into.  

    Also, I have heard a ton of spiritual teachers say that you attract your most dominant feelings.  So if you feel happy most of the time, you attract good things.  But if you feel bad most of the time, well...

  6. 4 minutes ago, rav said:

    You don't have to tackle. No one is attacking you.

    Because they dismantle your arguments. Or do you watch Game of Thrones just because 99% of your peers do?

    So it is about being and not having? Exactly.

    Can't life just be the way it is? Without being good or bad?

    So A. Einstein created a "good" life (for himself/for others)? Do you see any "good" in combining general theory of relativity with quantum mechanics? Or is that maybe just a view of physics that is subject to change in the next 100 years or so?

    What if I told you ( ;) ) that reality doesn't care whether it makes you happy or fulfilled?

    One cannot simply walk into Mordor and reshape reality the way they want to.

    Desire 1000% exists if you watch from within a world-view that is based upon desire.

    Friend, I am not here to attack you. I appreciate your input.

    But we're both thinking too much. :)

    1) No, not really lol.  Also, I hardly watch anything nowadays.  They don’t help my manifestations.  When you watch a tv show, you get tied up into the characters and their drama and think about this days later.  What is the point of that,


    2) Never said that is was not.  But there is nothing wrong with having desires.  You can also manifest emotional states, higher level of consciousness and etc.  For me, I usually focus on manifesting feelings.  If I can feel a certain way, certainly my outer reality will reflect this.


    3) It can.  But it is okay to desire to have a better life.  People talk about accepting your current reality for what it is.  Yeah.  But why do that if you honestly don’t like it?  Why not manifest a life that makes you happy and fulfilled?  You don’t have to be rich and BA e a super model wife.  But a life where you free freedom and security is a good place to start.


    4) Albert Einstein was just an example.  He did however, change the way people look at math forever.


    5) What if I told you that it is in the best interest of the universe to manifest your desires?  And you certainly can.  You would just have to be one enlightened mother fucker.


    6) Why live inside the world when we can live from a world that is within?

  7. 46 minutes ago, rav said:

    Very few folks are actually dictators.

    Yes. And there's some folks who actually (a word/concept you really seem to like) choose to abandon riches.

    So what does the conscious creator create? Something like a social system in which many people are forced without knowing to contribute to the welfare of conscious creators?

    Because then you are able to be conscious of the reality you create yourself.

    Or you could become aware of consciousness itself in order to realize that there is no desire.

    Choice is yours.

    I’m on my cell, so I will tackle your responses this way.


    1) So why focus on the edge cases?

    2) There is a difference between being poor and tapping out of materialism.  It’s all about mindset.  Being poor is a mindset.  You can have nothing but still be more abundant than some millionaire in silicon valley.

    3) A conscious creators create a life that is good for others and good for themselves.  Examples are Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Jim Henson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah and etc.

    4) Then if you conscious on the reality that you create, you can then create one that makes you happy, fulfilled.

    5) Desire 1000% exists.  Does it lead to suffering?  It can.  But it doesn’t have to.  Unless you are going monk, it is up to you to honor your desires.


    Btw, the key to manifesting is letting go of your desires.  Realizing that you already have them.  All manifestations start from within.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Tim R said:

    Sorry mate, but you missed my point.

    I can achieve just as much as someone who believes in law of attraction (belief is not very useful, is it?). 

    The things you want to "manifest" will manifest, but not out of thin air or because you simply thought about them.

    So yeah, it's just your work that brings the desired results into existence, there's absolutely no need to call it some "law of attraction" or to add some meaningless ideas like "universal energy".

    Why don’t I believe you?

    It is possible that you were in alignment when you manifested those things.  

    I love how people have this common misconception (I did as well) that it comes out of thin air.  It feels that way because you have let go, you’re not worried about what you desire happening and things work out.  Like, have you ever wanted something, gave up, and it worked out?  That is a manifestation.

    Sure, you can do things the hard way and just create through hard work.  But it will take you a hell of a lot longer and you will probably never truly be fulfilled.

    Stop being so damn closed minded and open yourself up.  Hell, Leo is basically talking about law of attraction in a lot of his videos these days.  You would understand that if you were awake at all.  He is just very cerebral about it.


    11 minutes ago, rav said:

    Do we? Then why are there people living asexually and "poor"?

    You ask: Why not manifest it? I ask: Why manifest it? Is there any reason?

    Very few folks are actually asexual.


    Being poor is a manifestation.  You may be like “why would anyone want that?”  Well, that is what happens when you are an unconscious co creator.


    And your question makes no sense.  Why be conscious at all if you are not going to consciously create the life that you desire.  Especially if you have had a kundalini awakening and a heart center awakening.  You can use your opened heart chakra to manifest the life that you desire.

  9. Just now, Seraphim said:

    Amazing! It's always inspiring to see people succeed with this. I'm part of a group who use it to shapeshift. I need to increase the power of my focus, to make it more efficient, do you know how I may be able to to that? Our teacher says we need to go into the state without thoughts and sends us many meditations with shaktipat for this purpose, but it's too difficult for me right now, quite addicted to thinking still... :) 

    Your teacher sounds awake as fuck.  Focus on peace.  For ten minutes a day, take three deep breaths in, then just focus on that feeling of peace.  That is going to be your most powerful manifesting tool.  When I am not doing my manifestation practices, I focus on being at a stage of peace.

  10. 19 minutes ago, rav said:

    Maybe the law of attraction is a concept?

    And where do concepts come from?

    If you were God (or the Universe for that matter) and able to manifest anything you wanted, would you manifest anything related to human attraction/aversion?

    Or would you rather manifest attraction/aversion itself?

    Would there be any "rather" for that matter?

    This is all mental masturbation.  At the end of the day, we are spiritual beings going through a human experience.  We all desire good sex, good money, freedom and etc.  So why not manifest it?


    5 minutes ago, Tim R said:

    There's woo-woo and then there's woo-woo.

    "Law of attraction" is the useless type of woo-woo. It's a childish fantasy, wishful thinking paired  with terms like "vibration" and "universal energy"... 

    "Raise you vibration to align universal energy in order to manifest whatever you wish for!" is a typical LoA thing to say. It's foolish esotericism and nonsense - and I am not saying this from a purely rationalistic perspective.

    Key thing about making the law of attraction work in your favor  is that you have to believe it.  If someone has your jaded, closed minded mindset, jack shit will happen for them.  

    Btw, it’s law.  Do you question the law of gravity?  It doesn’t matter what you say, the law of attraction is always at work.  You are attracting whatever is coming towards you in life right now whether you choose to believe it or not.

  11. I have just always thought it was interesting how a good bit of people seem to be connected to the universe, but never become a conscious creator.  Never ever become good manifestos.


    I have been working with the law of attraction for the last five years.  Truth be told, I was very hit and miss.  I say that it wasn’t until 2018 when I truly understood it and not until the pandemic when I began to be more consistent with it.  I have studied a few teachers, but Richard Dotts’ books have been the most helpful.  How to quit worrying and stop living has been the most helpful for manifesting money (Richard Dotts highly recommends this book) and it is not even about manifesting money.

    Basically: You have to drop all negativity 

    You have to have a high vibration 

    You have to set intentions 

    You have to release all resistance before taking action 

    Any action that you do take has to be inspired action 

    You have to maintain a state of peace

    You have to let go and be perfectly happy without or without your desire manifesting.  This is critical.


    If you are able to do this, then you will be in alignment with your desires and the universe will align people, places and things to bring these intentions to fruition.  This is because your actions are now backed by universal energy.


    It is amazing when this works, it feels like magic.


    When it all boils down to it, we are manifesting every minute of our lives.  How many of you are working with universal energy?

  12. 17 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    I think the being on the autistic on spectrum is a tough thing to deal with for men, including myself. 

    Simple things like making eye contact even with your own family members in conversation can feel uncomfortable and difficult at times. 

    It's not hopeless. Just sucks to have "high functioning autism" since childhood which impairs your ability to socialise well, leading to social anxiety, leading to more and more avoidance and making the problem worse. 

    The only way out is to take action I suppose. 

    I can't tell the difference between what's in my control or beyond my control with finding eye contact uncomfortable. And so that internal conflict of constantly beating yourself up with not living up to ideals takes a toll and wastes energy. 

    When you think about it, all men have an autistic brain .  I believe Leo said himself that the male brain is the female brain on autism.

    Also, you can heal yourself of any mental illness.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

    it really depends

    like, if you have very low confidence, social skills, bad life experience, traumas etc. you'll have no choice but to do a lot of inner work and a good amount of outer work to get to an average level. i don't think cold approach is the only way ofc 

    average sex life i don't think is that great anyways? i think the average dude sleeps with 1-2 girls a year? i think that might even be a little above average. 


    nvm according to this article is literally 7 over the course of their lives for the average person 

    The average guy sleeps with seven women during his entire life.

  14. 1 hour ago, Timur said:

    Thank you for your tip, Sir.


    But Okcupid and all those other dating apps besides tinder are not established here in germany.


    I tried tinder multiple times and just can say that the algorithm is fucked up! 


    On day one I usually get +-5 matches and +- 5 likes. ( most girls average/above average looking and one out of ten or twenty matches is usually pretty hot)


    But day two crickets...


    Day three crickets...


    and so on.

    There has to be another dating site.

    Dating apps like bumble and tinder aren’t the greatest.  But I am sure that there are websites that you can go on. 

    12 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:

    Life is not a movie. Notice how almost every guy has approach anxiety, it's definitely not a disorder. What you are doing is breaking social norms - Its your bodies way of saying "hey man if you do this you gamble with your survival" and its perfectly normal.

    Yes 1 in 500 women will probably sleep with you, she might be hot but probably has metal deficits like low self-esteem because she doesn't pick up on your out-of-line behavior.

    If you would go to work naked tomorrow your body would respond with massive resistance to not break this cultural norm, and you want to fight that low-level instinct and call it self improvement? Its fucking nuts, nothing more.

    So what you’re doing is the best alternative?

    The reason why people suggest pickup is that you will at least start to get out of your head and go into the right direction.

  15. 56 minutes ago, Timur said:

    Read what I wrote above.


    If you approach lots of girls, then you are doing something fundemantelly wrong.


    A guy who cold approached 500 women and gets one cool and attractive girlfriend, failed the dating game. 99 percent of guys having cool and attractive girlfriends never had to cold approach anybody. And no they also did not have to "socialize" with hundreds of girls.


    A good analogy to cold approaching and then getting a girlfriend out of that is this one...


    Imagine a girl or guy would come up to you and say: " Look at me I have a masters degree in physics from this great uni."

    But then you find out that this person needed 28 semesters for his/ her degree instead of 6 semesters. 


    That is the same game with cold appraoching. 


    Even if you get a cool and attractive girlfriend out of it ( equivalent to masters degree ), you are still the freaking moron who cold approached a thousand women to get her ( equivalent of 28 semesters).


    You just did something fundamentally wrong and invested waaay too much time for something which obviously was not for you.


    Dude, what kind of mindset is that?  It’s a numbers game.  It’s the same with auditioning, sales , winning at sports and etc. You are going to lose way more than you win.  Everyone is a loser in some regard.  Also, when I first got into pick up, I did a thirty day challenge.  I was 20 years old.  Started dating a woman before the challenge was over.  Probably had cold approached twenty women to get to that point.


    While, pick up has its limits and it is more of a phrase, it is great if you have very little social skills as well as no sexual options.