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Posts posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. 2 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    It is just my confidence that is the problem. 

    She said I look much better than some guys she dated and those guys are slaying she told me. 

    She dated total losers too. Why? They were jerks and bullies but fun and treated her like crap. 

    It is also not something else. Confidence in guys is really important for girls. 

    You do not gain confidence from the outside. Trust me.  After doing pick up for years and being able to have one night stands in the clubs, I did not start to have some real confidence until this year.  

    Confidence is an inside job.

    She has low self esteem.  Only low self esteem women date jerks and bullies.

    Don’t waste your time with her.  If she contacts you, fine.  But don’t reach out to her anymore and focus on yourself.  You have to get to a place where you do not care about having a girlfriend.  Then funny enough, you’ll get one.

  2. You should never look for anyone to meet your needs.  Anyone who tells you otherwise has some codependency issues that they have not worked out.  

    It is funny how people will be like “she’s not meeting my needs.”  Or, “he’s not meeting my needs.”  Who the hell do you think you are?  Meet your own needs.

    Or “She didn’t screw me right.”  You know, there is a saying for that.  Go fuck your self.  Even the most enlightened person has said that once.

  3. 38 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    It has been three days since the date and this is what I'm thinking about it. 

    • My external negativity and how I behaved during the date was a reflection of my inner world. 
    • Instead of being happy with my first date, and see the positives of having my first date, I only saw the negatives
    • I have already summed up the negative sides of this date: she rejecting me hurt my ego. And especially her saying I was the first guy she didn't sleep with while going home was a punch in my balls
    • Positives of this date: I finally got my first date behind my back. I got a reference experience. I find it easier to talk to other women now. 

    Some additional info I held back in this topic

    • I have a porn addiction and erectile dysfunction. Some part of me didn't want to have sex that night because I'm not fully recovered and there was a big chance I couldn't perform. My dick felt dead that day. 
    • Nofap community said that I should tell her about my erectile dysfunction. I didn't. I only told her about my porn addiction. I expected she would understand it because she is a sexually liberated girl but when I look back she wasn't OK with it. She referred back to it multiple times and was shocked a guy like me would have problems like that
    • This woman is highly sexy. I don't want to reveal too much info about her but when you see her she is a sex machine. This girl has all the options and is attracted to bad boys.  I tried to look from her perspective and I understand her completely: she wants a guy who is confident and I'm not. I'm highly traumatized, self doubting, and insecure.
    • If I would date her again I don't even know how to act. She says she wants a guy who treats her like a princes. I did. I made her dinner and stuff and she said she never had a treatment like that but when I listen to her stories about her exes she is attracted to bullies and guys who treat her like crap
    • Even right now she doesn't give me a lot of attention although she said wants to meet again but I just know for a fact that she keeps contact with guys who know how to be fun and know how to treat her like crap

    Yeah man, maybe you should not be dating.  You have major self esteem problems.


    Check out there six pillars of self esteem.  Start doing the Sedona method to release these negative beliefs.  Do shamanic tapping to release these negative beliefs.  Guided meditations.  By November you will feel way different.

  4. You have to remember, all are twin flames are your highest vibrational match.  Therefore you can have more than once twin flame.  This whole one soul in two bodies is nonsense.  Think about it.  Why would any soul in their right mind only desire to be in two bodies?  You got another twin flame coming towards.  Just got to do the inner work and allow.



  5. 3 hours ago, StarStruck said:

    I don't know how to solve it though. I read several books on it. It seems that going into relationships and letting things come up is the only way to deal with those traumatic/abusive cycles.

    Some people on this forum recommended I should focus on enlightenment before relationships. My lack of relationships is poisoning my quality of life, my life purpose and everything else. 

    Sometimes I think I just have a low IQ but my problem lack of attention. I can't focus on work when I'm in an emotional roller-coaster. I can't do enlightenment when I'm starving for intimacy and emotional gratification. Am I wrong on this?

    Currently I'm reading a book on shadow work and watching some trauma release videos.

    @StarStruck You got to see how you are coming across as needy.  Women hate neediness.  Does not matter how strong of a connection that you have with her, once she senses that, she will instinctually back off.  

    You have to get to the place where you do not need a relationship.  Where you can heal on your own.  Check out these books, the body keeps score, psycho cybernetics.  

  6. 3 hours ago, Bestversionofme said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 Actually when I started going to the bdsm events, munches, kink parties and made a FetLife account, I've met a lot of women who are into kink, bdsm, swinging. It's like another world. Doctors, lawyers, business professionals black, white, asian, old and young, single and taken. Married couples who just want to spice things. Young folks in their 20s. The thing about sexuality and couples is you don't know what people are into. So idk about that. I've seen some pretty wild stuff in person and not just on my web browser.

    Kudos to you for really committing to your fetishes.

  7. 1 hour ago, Bestversionofme said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 yeah I love femdom porn. That stuff drives me wild. If I were in a relationship I'd want to incorporate tantra, bdsm/ femdom/ maledom stuff, kink, maybe even on special occasions inviting another woman or man or couple in the bedroom. I guess I need to get rid of the shame of what I like but it's hard because these are taboo. Especially male bisexuality, female bisexuality is praised

    The thing is, you cannot expect a woman to replicate what you watch in porn.  Porn is not real.  

  8. 6 hours ago, Chris365 said:

    If you recognize the fact that you are already One with everything, including the things you seek, there's no more need for manifestation and the LoA, why would you need to attract what you already have?

    When you have a sense of separation from things, things you need, want, abundance, relationships, creativity, they become things out there that you have to attract to yourself.

    LoA is a good first step to realize "I'm actually participating in the state of my life".  A big step from being stuck with what you have, from the belief "I'm a victim", into taking ownership of your emotions and thoughts, you're participating, inviting things into your life.

    But it doesn't go deep enough.

    In Oneness, it is not an object I'm attracting, it is literally a reflection in a mirror. You and the reflection are One. The idea of the Universe reflecting back to you begins to point to something much deeper, not that you are attracting things, but that you are literally creating with your mind. And you are not creating it "out there", but whatever you create, you're experiencing through your senses. It is an embodiment of your own thinking, feeling, state of being, state of consciousness. Which means you're literally One with what it is that you're seeking.

    What you experience of the universe as it is, is completely happening within your Consciousness. Everything you're experiencing is a product of your Consciousness. That means that you are One with it, it is as much you in the waking dream as everything in your sleeping dream is you.

    Here is the thing about oneness. Oneness actually does not exist.  Spiritual teachers only say this as it takes you away from separateness.  Teal Swan made a great video about this years back,


    You are acting as if law of attraction is training wheels when you have to realize that everyone creates their own reality.  Your feelings create your thoughts and your thoughts create your reality.  The energy that you put out into the world is what you get back.  That is law of attraction.  You attract whatever dominant feeling that you have.  

    So it isn’t a matter of needing law of attraction.  You already practice it unconsciously.  It is a matter of becoming a conscious co creator.


    The key to being a conscious co creator is actually realizing that you have everything on the inside.  That if you desire an external outcome, you have to become it first.  Then your outer reality will match your inner reality.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Bestversionofme said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 But isn't that normal? Especially for a teen. I'm 26 , a millennial and this is the day and age of pornhub and xvideos. Unlimited amounts of porn. The youtube of porn. If I had to go sneak and find my parents vhs or dad's penthouse or whatever magazine was cool back in the day that's one thing. I was in middle school in about 07' this is pre smart phone but post youtube and beginning of youtube styled porn. Now kids can watch it on their smart phone as long as they have WiFi. How is that any different? If not worse

    No, that’s not “normal”.  It feels that way because our society is fucked up.

    That is the thing about porn.  You start off with the regular stuff, but you can’t get that “fix” so you go harder.  Then you start watching crazy shit and identifying it with your sexuality.  I have watched some bdsm and femdom.  I used to try to get women to do that shit to me.  I still remember this one woman made me squeal in horror as she bent my dick, asking me what I wanted after trying to get her to dominate me.  You see, that’s no good.


    Time to quit porn.

  10. 1 hour ago, susanyzm said:

    I believe in all these points. But it's something to be practised. The brain is hardwired for fear-based thoughts and actions. So consciousness needs to create specific habits for it to raise vibration.

    Here are some of the practices I'd like to share with you:

    1. Visualization and guided meditation. You can choose any theme, peace, money, relationship, letting go, health, etc. My recent theme is self love.

    2. Gratitude journal. As small as possible to gradually wire the focus on positivity. 

    3. Praying. I use it as a way for setting my intention for the day. 

    4. Mirror work. I point out small wins to myself in the mirror. Mirror has strong reflection power. It's the most direct way of raising vibration. 

    5. Say "Thank you" every time I make or spend money. 

    6. Share my true feelings by writing blogs. That's how I started my own discussion group on self love. It has become a small but solid base for my own emotional stability. 

    The most difficult part is letting go of expectations. You have to trust that the Universe manifest according to the level of your vibration, not exactly according to what you want physically. 

    I've so far manifested deeper connection with people, more stable and positive self image, higher hopes on life, and a healthier life style. It's not much. But it's quite a big manifestation for a person who has been living off self-hatred for years. So it works. The law of attraction is a magic wand that human beings don't know exists or don't know how to use. Thank you for starting this thread! 


    It appears as though we are on the same page.  I do five out of six of those everyday!  I used to write blogs, but I am more a fiction writer (songwriter/screenwriter/novelist) so I prefer to save the “juice” for that.  

    I have been using shamanic tapping for manifesting lately and this has been a game changer.  


    A lot of people do not want to see to realize that one actually has to be rather conscious to be a deliberate manifestor.  


  11. 20 minutes ago, K Ghoul said:

    ? Ooh I know this guy )) I went to a walking mediation he did when he was in NY, was somewhere in Brooklyn. He is awesome. And he does not touch money (physically lol I had to put the donation in a special bucket cause he wouldn’t touch it)

    To answer your question - I personally don’t date. I don’t see how one would combine these two things, you become literally not interested, and you can’t fake your way out of it. You just won’t want to date once you’re on this path.



    Wow, that’s dope.  Yes, he is cool as hell.  

    I am basically at that point.  I noticed with the last woman that I dated that I was subconsciously wanting out the whole time.  While I am open to a deep soul to connection, that would have to be something that comes towards me.  I’m done pursuing that.  

    Guess the only thing is sex.  I like the notion of having two to three friends with be benefits.  Dinner and sex once a week with each.  When they want to develop something serious, they can move on and just dump me.  No hard feelings.  

  12. Last night I revisited some videos by this monk.  I like how he speaks about relationships.  How there is no logical reason to be in one, how we all have bad in us (shadow self) and monks have found out that it is better to not bother with them.  That we have been sold a lie about getting love from other people and that fulfilling us and things like that.  Though he does say how it is more about your reaction to the relationship than the relationship itself and if you are in one, to be conscious.


    It’s interesting.  My parents never hammered in the idea of getting into relationships when I was growing up.  In middle school and high school I would only get into relationships because I thought that was the only logical move.  After a break up and a bad first date when I was 20 I went into pick up and did that for two years, had some fun and learned a ton.  After that I have been more into my career and just have dated/hooked up when I can.  I got into a long distance tho g once, but I was not into it.  Then I tried to get into something more serious again and got entangled with a straight narcissist and another woman who was at least narcissistic.  Both had that twin flame energy to them, so makes sense as I have changed a ton since dealing with them.

    When I got away from the last one, a trip on shrooms and month later I began to feel happy again.  I realized that I am happier without those women in my life than I am with them.  While I have become more active with online dating (sexual desire is a bitch) I have already laid out that I only am looking for hook ups and short term non monogamous dating at best.


    I guess I want to know for guys who are still looking to get into relationships, why?  What do you expect to get out of them?  It seems like the only legit reasons for a guy to get into a relationship is sex, domestic needs met or kids when they get into relationships.  My big aversion to getting into relationships or even serious dating again are the constant games and shit tests that women play.  Add that in with emotional attachment and it can become a narcissistic/codependent thing so quickly.

  13. I have used just about all the big dating apps and sites 

    I prefer cold approaching.  With dating apps and online dating, the women hold too much power.  They have so many guys hitting them up.  Also, you don’t have the ability to use all of your personality and charisma to charm them.  I am only using them right now because L.A is still on lockdown and I don’t drink anymore so bars aren’t my scene.


    My advice: join a dating site, get a good opener and message 100 girls a day.  Do not look for anything serious.  The cool thing about online dating is that you can state they you only want something casual.  Don’t take the women on there seriously.  Just use it to have fun.  

  14. 14 minutes ago, Consept said:

    No offence taken, im more taking a devils advocate role, in an effort to encourage people to have a look at their beliefs, i do the same with myself, but i understand why it may have come off it as it has. Of course stories and anything that leads you into spirituality and deeper meaning is great and that will be the path for some and probably was for myself, at some point that will need to be questioned to progress otherwise youll stay in the red pill pick up mindset for your whole life, or youll have a dogmatic religious belief for your whole life. But maybe that is the journey that some people will take and thats ok as well, but my perspective is if i see others in illusion should i at least encourage them to look in different directions, if they dont want to look then thats fine. Yes stories are great at conveying information, to be honest i find them much more digestable than hardcore science, however when they are taken on as truth that could be a problem, the presentation might be honest in that its fantasy but others could take it on as truth to fit whatever needs they want to fulfil.

    But i take your point that things need to unfold as they do and maybe its not for me to question things that i see as delusions, im not saying LOA is necessarily a delusion im just saying in general. I will say when ive had awakening experiences, what hit me so hard is the pain and suffering people experience being tied to beliefs, mainly the belief that we are a self, that brings so much pain and i felt a need to help people see out of that, but it is a very difficult task as the mind can feel a certain comfort even in pain. Ill also say that if the LOA lets you see that you dont have to be in pain by writing your own story then fair enough, i would just be concerned about tying yourself to any story as i see it as similar to tying yourself to the bible which can then be used to manipulate, i think there needs to be a certain level of consciousness to really be aware of what the LOA is and to also not get caught up in the dogmatic belief of it   

    What a joke.  

  15. 22 minutes ago, Consept said:

    Bro im taking what you literally used as examples of manifesting, you said LOA got you a studio film, fair enough and maybe your art will help people, maybe its completely self indulgent, i have no idea. But either way im sure there are some kids starving in your town or some kids that need help with jobs or whatever why not set some intentions to help them, i really dont get that if you 100% have the power to do these things that you would choose not to 

    So are you saying that I should not have any goals or desires?  And why can’t that studio film be a high quality one?  It is btw.


    Look at it this way.  Elliott Smith (who considered himself to be spiritual) is one of my favorite musicians.  His music changed a lot of people’s lives.  His music has gotten me through some dark periods of my life.  That is a huge service.  His music has saved millions of lives.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Consept said:

    Well you say you are of higher consciousness, high consciousness expressly is very self-less and so their life purposes revolve around helping other people, if you look at guys like sadhguru and mooji they want to raise the consciousness of everyone they can and also Saduguru especially has programs that help impoverished people. Only wanting stuff for you would be lower consciousness by definition because youre either not conscious of others suffering or you are and you dont care enough to help. So with regards to LOA if you are high conscious and you have the means to help through LOA which will definitely work, I dont see how you could just focus on minor things like material gain for yourself. 

    You should of course take care of yourself as well, but im guessing LOA is an infinite thing so you could do both as far as i understand it, so why choose not to help others or the planet or anything outside of yourself? 

    Hey man, I see what you are doing here.  Not going to work.


    First, I never claimed to be at the level of Sadguru.  I could get there.  Growing up, a lot of people thought I would be a shaman.  But that is not my thing.


    You are making a shit ton of assumptions without knowing a damn thing about me.  I am an artist.  Lately I have been focusing on my music and writing.  Both are meant to raise the consciousness of society.  I create both with unconditional love (that’s not even the right word).  That is how I give service.  

    If I was actually all about wanting stuff, I would create a low consciousness business and sure as hell not be an artist.


    7 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    That loa is a belief, that there are other people who do or don’t “believe it”, and then that it is something that could be learned & used...are reactionary thoughts. If those are breathed through & not acted upon, it can begin to be seen that loa is no more and no less what has been the case for you all along. It is descriptive of how reality is functionally appearing. What is referred to as ‘experience’ is one whole, which appears whole experience (extremely condensed version). The “person” is just vibration, and is of the experience, not separate of it. ‘They’re’ a ‘condition maker’, ‘in the middle’ of an unconditional reality, which what you really are is appearing as (The One vibrating & illuminating being the one whole experience). The first step to seeing this is already the case, is noticing your vibration (state of mind / outlook / attitude / intention / how you feel generally) is indicative of what’s happening (literally, what you are creating) in your life. It’s seemless.  If that’s too big of a paradigm leap, study quantum mechanics.  The initial challenge of realizing loa, is one’s own karma, and that there are not multiple beings / people. (Can’t attract for another...which is really clear throughout this thread.)

    Law of attraction and inner reconciliation are really intertwined.

  17. 5 minutes ago, Consept said:

    Heres my question though, and it follows what @Keyhole was saying, from your perspective if you believe in LOA it means that you have the power to manifest absolutely anything, if you set your intention and do whatever the steps are it will come to fruition, so lets say thats the case 100% no doubt. If you could do that why wouldnt you set an intention to end the suffering of all people, or raise everyones consciousness, or stop poor people dying because they cant afford treatment, you literally have the power to do these things and more, but your choices are to star in a studio film and get an audition. Why dont you or every other LOA believer set these intention and make these things happen? If it is a meta-physical law it will definitely happen so you are making a choice of personal gain over intentions that could help many other people. Why dont you set these intentions that could change the world for the better?

    What b.s.

    At the end of the day, you come first.  Even if you are a parent, you come first.  If you do not take care of the inner child, you will never be of use to anyone.

  18. 14 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    @Michal__ @Thestarguitarist14

    Well. This isn't going anywhere is it.

    Keep your fantasies. Whatever makes you happy. I'm happy for you. I leave this thread now.

    Hey man, it’s your life.  You can allow it to be as sorry as you desire.


    Just remember, when you are stuck in philosophies, you have no room for vision.

  19. 19 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 I don't understand why you think that setting a goal, having a vision about the end result, and working toward it is some magical law of attraction.

    Why do you insist on turning something normal and ordinary into something magical?

    That is exactly what the law of attraction boils down to.  But instead of thinking you can achieve something solely through hard work, you use the power of intention and let go.  There are plenty of actors and comedians who probably worked harder than Jim Carrey.  But you have never heard of them.  Go try it yourself.