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Everything posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. @Gesundheit Truth. It is like how if you watch dating coaches on YouTube women will comment with “who hurt you” (well, they know what the truth is) whole men never do anything like that on female dating YouTube channels. Well, I’ll say that I have been healing. I can honestly say that I have no bitterness towards women. Here is the thing. I got into pick up when I was 20 going on 21 so for the next three years I learned a lot about women. Over the last year I made the attempt become more in “the middle” thinking it was the “right thing to do”. Wrong. I only got fucked with. It is a long story. But lately I was been looking back and wondering how I was when I was at least feeling good and confident. It was when I was living my life like this. When I just had a devil may care attitude about women and did not try to act as if there was something there that wasn’t So I did already try to let them go. Did not work out for me. There are plenty of women with mental illnesses or cluster b personality disorders. I am not putting down women, simply stating facts. Women are not the “pretty little angels” that society wants us to believe. Anyone who has dated a lot of women know this. Hell, A list celebrities are probably tired of dating women. I know how relationships work. Two people who are looking to fill a need. They get together. Feels good at first. The woman begins to lose attraction for the man as the man becomes annoyed by the woman and loses trust. The woman steps out on the man. The woman then finds a new guy and says “I think we need some space”. Sounds right, right?
  2. I may sound like that because I am being blunt, but I am not bitter at all. Nor am I in pain. If I was then I would just be on reddit. As someone who is about the truth I love this knowledge as it does serve me. It allowed me to wake up from the dream. To not buy into society’s illusion.
  3. The key word is honest. Men will at least he honest about their experience. Most women are not honest about the experiences that men have with women. Like it is rare to find a woman willing to admit that women are cutthroat.
  4. It’s not over generalization. It is the truth. Btw, men are not much better.
  5. Not saying that all women are bad. That’s just how most women are. Cutthroat. I don’t blame women either. I accept that. It’s Mother Nature. Btw, women being cutthroat does not make them bad people. There is no “bad” in the universe.
  6. What? Where did I say that being masculine means treating women like shit? What you are saying is nice in theory, but almost never goes down. You know why? Because a good guy gets with a woman. The woman is bored as the guy end ups just being a provider. She then meets an “alpha male” (I try not to use those terms) and has an affair with him. This happens everyday. But no one wants to talk about this. Of course men fuck up in relationships all the time. Like getting with women who do not see them as an “alpha male” but just as an provider. Basically getting into relationships with women who do not have high attraction for these men personally, just their stability. The sex and intimacy will be off and those women won’t ever really “love” (I don’t believe that someone outside of your immediate family can love you, but only love the way that you make them feel) those men. And MGTOW? Please. MGTOW only whine about women. I am basically say focus on yourself and date. What are you even saying? You see how one sided this is? All guys want women who will cooperate with them. Facts. Funny how the more one focuses on themselves the more people places and things gravitate towards them.
  7. @evgn That is a good self observation. Some part of you felt that she would heal you. But no one can heal anyone. @No Self It is almost like a misery loves company with society. My own mother and other people have suggested that I either hate women or my favorite, am gay for not being in a relationship. Even though those people are/were in lousy relationships. There couldn’t be that I am fulfilled own my own is there? It is funny how this society is so bent of monogamy. King Solomon had seven hundred wives. Human beings are built to be polyamorous. You can have sex and not be in relationships. But yeah, a lot of figures from history focused on their life purpose over their carnal desires, which is ultimately the way to go. I believe that a good balance is that you are on your purpose and women are a small part of your life. The thing about Eckart Tolle is that he went through a ton of pain. Makes sense that he sees value in failed relationships. I am not saying to avoid those either. But I am saying that there is no need to set yourself up for failure. @Preety_India I mean, this is really to empower guys to not trap themselves in a scarcity mindset. Also to see that there are alternatives. It not about “pumping and dumping”. It is about guys actually honoring who they are and their desires and not succumbing to their lower selves. Women are definitely smarter than men. I agree. That’s why guys need to be careful with women. They can be dangerous. It is not that different from when I am out in the back country and don’t want to be mauled by a bear. With the way society has turned out, it is not an accident. This whole “relationships will help you grow” is bullshit. Most relationships actually set guys back. Guys have lost money, drive or even killed themselves over failed relationships. Whenever I talk to homeless people a lot of them say it was a woman that got them to that point. Living and “making it” in the world is a challenge enough. No guy needs a woman to challenge them and give them shit. Also, do you want men to become feminized? All guys are the end of the day want a woman who cooperates. Meaning I text a woman “hey, lets get go out Friday night at seven” I just want the woman to say “sounds good! See you then!” That happens sometimes. But no, most women just want to play games or even just go ghost.
  8. That is a loaded question. There are a lot of reasons. Women do not know what it takes to attract them. Women say what they want (a nice, good man) but tend to go after something else (bad boys, guys who are challenges and can stimulate their emotions). Most women (not all, some women will be honest, Anna Faris on her podcast spits the truth) will just say things that are more in the favor of women than men. Women tend to be more relationship oriented than men as they are usually to looking for one which is not in the best interest of men.
  9. My dude, you are going about this in a way that is setting yourself up for failure. Yes women are insecure and need validation. That is why women who want to be approached will just give you looks, prolonging he’s stares, get close to you, or say something dumb. They are unconfident and afraid of rejection. But do you see how you giving her validation gives her what she wants? After you validate her enough why would she need to do anything with you? Those guys that a woman has around and are complimenting her are called orbiters. She is not having sex with them. I dated this woman once who had like five guys who were straight up orbiting around her. She would make fun of them and joke about not fucking them. She just used them for validation. While a good personality is cool, do not let that be the first thing that you consider. You will not be able to stay attracted to a seven even if she has a heart of gold. Here is a secrete, six and sevens have way more guys going up to them than nines and tens. Why? Because of guys with the same mindset as you. You need to ask yourself what do you want. Sex? Love? (Ha!). A friend?
  10. Nah dude wtf. Compliments are like brown nosing. She knows what you are trying to do. It is like when a guy at work kisses the boss’s ass. They can see what is going on. It lowers your value. And why do you even talk to decent girls! Go after women who you see as hot. Women who are an eight and up to you.
  11. Do not ever let a woman get in the way of your passion.
  12. Hold a masculine frame Be playful. Push pull (naturally). Don’t be super agreeable. When you are with her in a intimate setting whisper sweet nothings into her ear. Don't over validate her/put her on a pedestal (no compliment her). Strong eye contact. Kino. Be suggestive with the way you talk. You just need to have an edge. Allow women to see both the light and dark in yourself.
  13. Nah. I am not even looking to get into a relationship. But if I did, I would only do it that way. Unlile most guys on here I do not live under the illusion that you can actually be in love with a woman and have a healthy relationship (anyone who has ever been in love knows that while it is an amazing feeling, women begin to lose attraction for you and it is the beginning of the end. She probably never loved you anyway, just wanted your validation). I am about the truth, not done lovey dovey nonsense.
  14. Don’t ask women for advice on women LOL.
  15. That’s easy to fix. Do not allow yourself to be seen as a friend. Meaning, do not act like a friend. When you are in her face, hold a masculine frame and be sexual. Perform kino when it feels organic. Say suggestive things. Hold strong eye contact. When you talk to her, look at her lips sometimes. Look at her tities sometimes. Basically you got to not give a fuck about her approval.
  16. @Strangeloop Check out my thread “Choosing signals paradigm”. Should help you out.
  17. @Karmadhi Funny, I actually play the piano... See, this the issue with most guys. They make getting women sound like climbing Mount Everest. You place way too value on woman. Ever think of the fact that there women who are already attracted to you? Suck at flirting? Guys are not supposed to flirt. That’s for women. You just show up with a masculine frame and be playful. Suck at leading? Hold a firmer masculine frame. Suck at making moves? Again, this goes back to masculine frame. You probably have some issues around self sabotage that can be addressed through guided meditations. Suck at showing a girl interest? #1: You do not want to do too much of all. All you are doing is validating her and she is just going to treat you like shit. #2 Women are not stupid. If you are talking to her, she knows what is up. #3 You are probably talking to sixes and sevens. Women who you could have sex with once but that’s it. You are not working on your sexual charisma. Talk to women who you see as nines and tens and watch how easy it is to show interest. Don't approach? When you cold approach (a woman doesn’t even know you exist) you are only validating her. Only approach women who show you choosing signals. You will never get rejected that way. Shy and serious? No problem! You don’t need to be done super outgoing dancing monkey. Women like guys who are mysterious and can hold a masculine frame. Not saying to not let loose. But you don’t have to be some overly emotional guy. That is just a waste of time. You are being a cornball/goofball trying to make her like you. Do you think that a guy who gets women gives a fuck if a woman likes him? The biggest thing you can do is adopt an abundance mindset. Once you can do that you will cease trying so hard, stop giving a fuck about the outcome and things will work out.
  18. That right there is your sticking point. You are not at 0. You do have value. You just need to believe in yourself.
  19. @Karmadhi I get what you’re saying. But as far as social skills go and improving them, your best bet is to use visualizations/guided meditations and then when you meet women who like you (don’t be so worried about approaching women, look for women who are into you) just talk to them. There will always be some level of fear. But you get used to it and see it for what it is. Leo’s dating advice is nothing special and is actually a bit beta maleish imo. You do not need to be an overly emotional guy to get women. In fact, you are just validation g her when you play her game.
  20. Yeah. Be the best version of yourself. And do not settle for less than what you desire.
  21. Pound for pound the best dating coach that I have come across. I see a lot of guys here struggling and basically saying “I’m so lonely! I need a girlfriend!” So I am going to help you guys out. This may seem like a bit of a stage orange/achiever level approach. But, it is what it is. Basically, you need to raise your sexual market value. But how? It is not hard at all. First off, self improvement helps. Work on your maturity. Stop playing so many games with women. Work on holding a masculine frame around women. Get in shape. Basically work on yourself. This will allow for you to get more choosing signals from women. This will make the bulk of your work attracting her a lot easier so you do not have to kiss her ass or be a dancing monkey. Next, date the hottest woman that you can get. Your idea of a nine or ten. Do not date women that you see as a six or a seven. There are many reasons why not. But basically you will just be settling for a woman that you are not even that attracted to and you will feel bad since she’ll probably be nice to you. Also, you will start to believe that she is the best that you can do. If you are my age (28) or younger or a guy in his thirties that looks 28, date college age women. When you are posting pictures of you and the woman on Instagram, taking her around town and whatnot, people will take notice. It really is not that hard to do. Times are tough with the lockdown so I suggest online dating. These steps alone will get you out of your rut. Hope this helps.
  22. Well, Senator Susan Collins won Maine. Not good for the Democrats attempt to regain the Senate.
  23. Truth be told, Leo is the last guy I would take dating advice from. Check out Alpha Male Strategies (by far the best dating coach on YouTube) or even Corey Wayne.