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Everything posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. You know what kind of racism that I am talking about… Racism is about power and white people have it politically, financially, and socially. It’s called white privilege and it isn’t going away. That’s why I can’t be racist. I could call a white guy a cracker and he’ll laugh while he gets a great job opportunity. But a white guy being racist towards me could ruin my career easily.
  2. White people are in power. 66% of the U.S is white. White privilege is real, especially with white women. Why do you think race equality is still an issue? Because there ain’t Jack shit that is equal between a white guy and I in 2022.
  3. Was about to say the same to you.
  4. I’m black, I can’t be racist because I have no power over anyone, especially white guys like Leo.
  5. The context was racist as it was a judgement towards other people.
  6. See, there is the issue. I live in L.A, a very liberal city like Toronto. When you live in ultra liberal cities it’s easy to forget that a lot of the world, especially North America, is not like that. Canada in particular is very progressive while the alt right, hard right wingers, and old school Bible Belt southern conservatives are holding American society back. Systemic racism is the biggest issue and then social racism right behind it. The best way for us to get past this is to not tolerate whatsoever. I don’t care who you are, if you say something racist you deserve the scrutiny, especially people in the public eye like Leo. And I don’t think Leo is some hateful racist sp it isn’t a matter of me being satisfied by his response. It’s more about him holding himself accountable for who he is.
  7. Why don’t you stop being racist?
  8. The world is 1000% intolerant just go to the southern part of the U.S and the southern part of any part of the country, the world for that matter. Racial equality is still a huge issue. This is why we have to hold others accountable. Perhaps Leo has a shadow in race? People have lost their livelihoods for saying this word, last year’s NASCAR champion lost his job, sponsors, and was banned for one year for saying this and lost his homes. It’s a word that shouldn’t be in your vocabulary. Sure, it’s one thing if you are in the middle of a story and you say it in context, but to put it in a video, especially in the context as he was judging others suggests racism on his part.
  9. Man, is a real cult.
  10. As a black guy I say no.
  11. It is interesting how much anime seem to touch upon spirituality. But some actually will dive into it. The most spiritual Anime series dives into spirituality is Mushishi. The star Ginko is pretty much a shaman/healer in ancient Japan. This feels less like an anime and more like Japanese folklore. Episodes go from dealing with dreams, to spirits and etc. Great show. Slow paced and very spiritual. Worth a watch. Wolf’s Rain premise is very much in line with Buddhism dealing with past lives and reincarnation. In this series, worlds are extinct, except for four who transform into humans and are searching for paradise. I watched this anime when I first got seriously into anime and it was the first anime show that I had to do some serious analysis on. When I think about it, this show introduced me to enlightenment as their search for “paradise” turned about to be their search for enlightenment. The score/soundtrack is also amazing, very spiritual, high vibrational music by one of my heroes, Yoko Kanno. The Monogatri series is interesting. Even though it is obviously in Japan, it is immersed into the occult. The lead character is half vampire, the lead female is taken by him to an occultist who aided him to exorcise a demon from her. Full Metal Alchemist is very much intertwined with obviously alchemy (the creator said that she studied alchemy before creating the manga) hermeticism and the occult. Mob Psycho 100 is all about psychic abilities as its lead is a kid with extreme telekinesis abilities. Norgami has all kinds of Eastern spirituality in it. The Melancholy of Haurhi Suzumiya was actually the first time I ever thought of the idea of me being God. I was really getting into law of attraction when I watched that show and it really actually help me a little bit looking back. Ghost Hound (created by the same creator of ghost in the Shell) goes into astral projection. As far as movies, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away are obvious. But Makoto Shinkai’s work really dives into eastern spirituality in a modern way. His backgrounds alone give you this spiritual vibe. He is more about love. Movies like Five Centimeters per second and the Garden of words show this. But his most famous one, Your name (highest grossing anime film ever) is perhaps his most spiritual in a lot ways as it is really about twin flames. And obviously, Ghost in the Shell delves into a great deal of different philosophies and spiritual concepts.
  12. I just find it interesting that when I talk to people about filling their own needs with self love, self approval and etc most people seem to be like “why?” Is it perhaps that they think that if they love themselves that they will be alone and not get into relationships? Funny, the old saying is that cannot love someone if you don’t love yourself. If anything, self love can deepen a bond and not maki g a relationship about fulfilling each other’s needs. This society seems to be okay with the relationship paradigm of dysfunction. Makes sense with the way the world is today.
  13. I just think it is funny that we’re here because we are self actualizing and getting away from ideological thinking yet I see so many guys here either desperately wanting one or under the impression that it something truly special and a key to actualization. Look, if you want a relationship because you have dated a long time, are tired of all the b.s that comes with dating and have met a woman who you genuinely like and are highly attracted too and she is feminine, is highly sexual, does not give you shit and cooperates, that’s great. The thing is, most of y’all just want a relationship due to a scarcity mindset because you are not getting laid, you are lonely and you are bored. You believe that a relationship will fulfill you. It will not. Relationships (this goes for women too) will not make you happy. In fact it will probably do the opposite. You guys have parents who have been married for years. When was the last time you saw them act lovey dovey? But you see them arguing all the time. You know why guys like Drake and Leonardo DiCaprio don’t settle down? It is not because they are lower conscious people. It is because they have such a high abundance mindset that they do not need a relationship. And when they do have one of the woman gives them too much shit, they leave. If you guys could go out and get the women you truly desire and date three to five women at once I guarantee you that you would not even think about a relationship. Why? Because you would automatically have an abundance mindset. But instead you settle for decent looking women and mediocre relationships that drive you crazy. But forget about women. Let’s be honest, women (people in general) are not that special. The majority of people are just out for themselves and a woman will drop you in cold blood if it suits her. Women are just a cover for how you feel about yourself. How you feel a sense of lack. How you feel like you are not enough. Your lack of confidence. Your lack of self worth. How you cannot even enjoy your own company. So the next time you are like “I need a relationship” why don’t you try to figure out what is really going on? You will probably discover that you feel empty and that a relationship will not fill up this emptiness.
  14. So let me get this straight, because I have an idea of a woman that I would get into a relationship with that does not fit the feminist paradigm (let’s be honest here) and I am speaking facts about women, that means what I am saying is drenched in subtle sexism? And do women see or care about how men have to deal with their shit? Of course not. So why should men? This is why most men are hopeless. Most men are doomed to get jerked around by women their whole lives. @Space not that I care, but I have warnings for saying a lot less. I have never directly called anyone dumb on here.
  15. @Arcangelo Much appreciated. Guess there will always be push back with nuanced thoughts. @Keyhole It is funny. Most people are only going into relationships because they feel that they cannot meet their own needs (hence neediness). But when they step and realize that they can, the desire for a relationship fades away. It is never about the relationship. It is always about healing wounds. How is that dehumanizing women? So I should want a women who annoys the hell out of me? There are already plenty of those ?. You clearly hold women on some kind of pedestal. Women do not hold any kind of special place in my heart. I see them for who they are, respect them and enjoy them. But I do not feel the need to act as though I cannot speak frankly about them. Show me a guy with a good past with women and I will you a guy who has a successful relationship.
  16. Again, what is with the projections? You do not know what kind of healing and self work I do. So I’ll give you a hint, it took a lot of healing work for me to get back into this point. What you see now is a guy who is emotionally detached. It is funny you keep saying “go inwards” but if I did not do that already I would not be at this point. Basically instead of be only concerned about controlling my reactions, I am going to take shit by the horns and do things my way. You (like a lot of people) seem to believe that if you are not with the relationship “program” then you must be wounded. Guess you do understand women huh? ?.
  17. I also want to add that this is for guys who are struggling. Guys who lonely, depressed and etc. Guys who believe that a relationship will fix their problems. Sure they can just hop from one failed relationship to the next and learn the hard way. Or never learn at all. But if they listen to me, then perhaps they can save a lot of time and a lot of pain on their journey and even get into a good relationship one day. But they may not even want to get into a relationship at that point. All I am doing is shinning the light on holes that have been there for years. Anyone who has done pick up knows these truths all too well.
  18. What a projection. But hey, I must be doing something right. Again, I am stating the truth. Why date a woman who you see as a six or a seven just for her personality? You will not be into her and be too scared to break up with her because she is probably nice since you are not overly pursuing her (funny how that works) and you don’t want to hurt her feelings. When I said that I was basically saying for guys to go after women that they are attracted to. The problem with this society is that if you are not kissing women’s asses then you are sexist.
  19. Not true. Outside of women only two guys are calling me out. Yet that is most guys? Look, believe what you want, I don’t care. It is your life. But I just think it is lame to claim to into truth but when someone is spitting hard truths (don’t blame me, blame Mother Nature) some people get upset about that. And are your posts not just a self deception? Why are you so focused on me? Perhaps you should be asking yourself “why is this post triggering me so hard?” Because you clearly don’t give a shit about me.
  20. Hey man, I am just saying the truth. If you have a problem with that, that is on you. Just because I am spiritual and into this work does not mean I have to buy into society’s beliefs.
  21. Bahaha. All you do is project when you do not know a damn thing about me. I am not about to tell you my life story. But let’s just say I was into pick for a few years in my early twenties. So I learned a ton about women. After I decided to stop actively doing pick up I made an effort to be more in the middle (basically knowing the truth, but acting as though spirituality would make a difference). Boy, did I learn a lot. You talk a big game. But at the end of the day you cannot best human nature. Chris Rock once said “most people ain’t shit”. That is the truth. The point of this post is to get guys to not focus so much on women. Notice how I said if you are just tired of dating and have found a woman who you genuinely like, are attracted to, is feminine, doesn’t give you shit and cooperates then getting into a relationship is cool? The problem is that 99.99% of men do not either think that way or have that kind of patience. Even a relationship like that is not going to be some kind of safe haven. Women in relationships cheat all the time. You will just never catch her. Hell, I have dated women who were in relationships before. Right now I do not see myself getting into any serious relationships again. Might change when I want to have kids. But that would be more of a “business” decision as I do lot believe that anyone can truly love another outside of their kin. I’m just focusing on my spirituality, my purpose and my coin. I am dating though, college age women at that. It’s a lot more fun than a relationship ?. And what about the rant thread about needing friends? So if I were saying “you need a relationship!” would that be okay? Who is the one truly projecting here?
  22. I believe a lot of people miss that point and are obsessed with getting into a relationship. Not that a relationship is anything special these days. But if you are going to get into one, at least do it consciously. Most guys are just struggling and get into a relationship with the first woman who gives him attention. A lot it has to do with their fear of lack and a lack of confidence of being in the dating field. Imagine if everyone only got into healthy relationships. If everyone felt fulfilled. If everyone was doing self work. This would be a different world. Though I do not believe that one can truly love someone outside of their immediate family members. That would unconditional love and no human being is emanating that. For example, most of us love Leo right? But if God forbid something happened to him we would be like “gosh that sucks” but move on with our lives. Versus if your mother had something happened you would feel awful, even if you hate your mother. People love how you make them feel. Not you. It is important to make that distinction.
  23. When did I ever make a post about this before this? And what do you know what I do with myself? Last time I check I don’t owe you a report on my healing and self work. It would be neediness if I were saying that you all need to get into relationships. I believe I am triggering your shadow of needing to stay inside the old and outdated relationship paradigm. Really? Again, when have I posted a thread about this before? I may have talked about this, but hey it is the truth. You have a problem with it, then you are the one who needs to grow the fuck up. Why don’t you take some responsibility and turn your ass inward? Right. Haha. Do you even read this section of the forum? The posts here range from “I am so lonely, should I get a girlfriend?” to “my boyfriend hates my taste in music” to “I cannot trust my girlfriend.” Where the hell are all these people participating happily in relationships? All I see are most frustrated guys trying to believe something that is not even real. And getting more frustrated with that. It sounds like you have issues with the truth and making a paradigm shift. Glad that this post has woken you up. Now that you are angry why don’t you turn inwards instead of projecting your childhood into me? I respectfully decline the invitation to join your hallucination. Period.
  24. Human nature is human nature. LOL. That’s it. I need to become a Chad.
  25. Can you learn from painful experiences yes? Have I learned from bad experiences with women and grown? Yup. Got me here. However, you do not need to do that to grow. You can learn from the mistakes of others. Like if I told you that I was dating a narcissist who just treated me like shit and gave you her characteristics and you met a woman who was like her would you date her to “transform spirituality”? No. I would hope you would have learned from my mistakes But alas, most people only learn through pain.