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Everything posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. I think that’s why they are acting out so much. 2020 was a huge L for the “bad guys”. They see that their white hold on the nation is coming to an end.
  2. So, I am originally from Maryland and used to go down south every Summer for vacation. I used to also race go karts and am a NASCAR fan. Bubba Wallace, the online African American in the sport and someone who I used to know years ago got big for getting the confederate flag banned in NASCAR and fighting for racial equality. There was an incident where a team member saw a rope tied like a noose in Bubba’s garage stall, reported it to NASCAR, they told Bubba and NASCAR made a huge deal of it. The FVI eventually found out it had been there with another team so it wasn’t a hate crime. Ever since then then the die hard fans in the south have been booing him and calling him the N word. He gets a ton of hate on social media as well. He just released a trailer for his docuseries on Netflix and the amount of racist responses are appalling. This is just a symptom of a bigger problem: the South is racist. Like all of South Carolina is racist, outside of Atlanta Georgia is racist, Alabama is racist, Mississippi is racist, Tennessee is racist, Louisiana is racist. Why is the south so far behind. I have to believe that Fox News is a big part of this.
  3. That would help. Charlotte and Atlanta shows that the South has potential. White supremacy is what is holding the South back. They don’t want to expand because they fear that it will become liberal and other races will take their jobs.
  4. Bingo. The South has NASCAR, Atlanta, Charlotte, Orlando, Miami, Nashville and that’s it. Outside of that it’s pretty county for the most part.
  5. They both have rural parts. The North is just very liberal and industrialized. The South is rather poor for the most part and there are way more boondocks out there.
  6. Andrew Johnson. He really derailed the South. Huge racist. That is pretty much it. The white people who aren’t racist grew ip in diverse cities. When you get a bunch of white people in one area alone for years and years you get racism, which explains NASCAR’s fanbase and their racist problems. Thigh NASCAR is changing.
  7. They have a strong hate of the North down there. The old guard is very closed minded and ignorant. You can’t talk about race or religion down there. Also, there is just a casual racism that is there. Even in some info my southern who’re friends.
  8. There is so much wrong with your post that it is sad. First off, I basically grew up in the south, have friends who live in the Deep South and still go there. So don’t tell me about the south. Secondly, you clearly have never been to the south. Georgia is all red outside of Atlanta. Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi (the confederate flag is on their state flag!), Louisiana and South Carolina are straight red. Virginia is blue and North Carolina is purple but that is not the Deep South. Like Charlotte North Carolina is liberal but if you go to Greensboro North Carolina and you are a black man driving a Black BMW you are getting pulled over. I have had friends move out of Nashville, Greensboro, Raleigh, and Metro Atlanta and the reason that they cited was that it was too racist. The cops racially profile there like motherfucker. Confederate flags are a big deal in the Deep South. It’s died down since Trump is out of office, but go to Myrtle Beach in the summer and you will see a sea of confederate flags. Texas is the Southwest and really its own thing. Austin is dope but that part of Texas isn’t really the south. Even then Texas is still mostly red.
  9. You do realize that the Conservatives as a strategy have taken over the south right? That’s the Bible Belt. The hard hard right wingers are all out there
  10. Tbh, it’s a waste of time to do online dating now, male or female.
  11. In short, nobody wants friendships anymore. Everyone is more into networking and getting something out of someone else. If they see that you are if no use to them they just go about doing their own thing. It is rather sad. Pink Floyd was right, no one has a real friend.
  12. Hitler wasn’t even considered a good painter. He couldn’t draw faces. Says a lot.
  13. As I previously stated I agree a lot with what the red pill says, particularly about intersexual dynamics and marriage. It correlates with my experience. And you are confusing dating women in your 20s with dating a woman who will treat you with respect and be feminine and submissive towards you. Let’s be honest, most women in their twenties and early thirties nowadays are not very feminine, friendly, fit, or submissive to men 18-35 unless that guy is genetically gifted, has a ton of game, or is rich. To say that your 20s is the easiest time to get laid is not only intellectually dishonest, but is a direct slap in the face to guys who cry at night because they are so lonely. I mean, if this was true then why do so many guy get into pickup? Hell, I did it for three years. It just sounds like to me that you are still stuck in the old paradigm , which is a very dangerous place to be. Be careful before a woman takes advantage of you.
  14. Why the hell was my reply to this deleted but this troll’s stays up? What a crock of shit. How the hell is this on topic? To repeat: we are here to reproduce. I want to reproduce. I want a helpmate. You know nothing about women. Get help.
  15. I agree with a lot of what the red pill says but I am not a red piller in the sense that I want to have a family and I believe the community gets negative. I am sure as hell nit MGTOW.
  16. Pot meet kettle. Men 18-35 have no leverage in dating and if you had dating experience this would be self evident. A hot 25 year old woman has her pick of the litter. Are you saying that all women are gold diggers? Because you do realize that all (feminine) women want a man who can provide for them right? A gold digger won’t do anything if you don’t give her money up front. Don’t confuse the two. If you want a beautiful woman who will cool, clean, and take care of the kids then we’ll, you gotta retire her. She can’t do all that and work 40 hours a week. Dating is dead in the West. We are in an extremely superficial time and men must act accordingly. If you choose not to change then suffer the consequences.
  17. The best thing you can do is just accept it. Accept that you as a 27 year old man have little to no value. Accept that the women you want are on top and they have their pick of the liter for now. Accept that you are going to each shit. But remember that you won’t die. Remember that some women will have empathy for you and will like you. And remember that when you are 35 and making over $100,000 a year that the roles will be reversed and you can get with 25 year olds then much kore easily.
  18. Because it’s fun to watch.
  19. As an artist (actor, filmmaker, musician) I believe we make out as a way to confront the human condition and as a way to be present in the moment. When I am acting, I feel a strong spiritual connection. I have entered another reality. When I write I feel like I can confront my inner demons head on but in a creative way. When I make music it feels like just another extension of my emotions. The best art is when it cuts through the left shed of your brain to your right side and goes to your heart or soul or both. I think of people like Hayao Miyazaki, Stanley Kubrick, Marlon Brando, Daniel Day Lewis, David Lynch, Haurki Murakami, Jimi Hendrix, Elliott Smith and Prince as great examples of true artists.
  20. No wonder people think that is a cult. When you start going down the road of nonsense such as this then you need to get a reality check. OP is clearly really lonely and needs therapy.
  21. I think the whole world needs one. But seriously, overly spiritual men are the worst. I mean here you are, refuting my real life experience because of your feelings. Real men don’t do that. That’s what women do.
  22. You are such a troll that it’s sad. I noticed you backed away when I called you out for having no dating experience. You sound like a bitter man who knows he doesn’t make enough money to get the women that he wants so he believes that pick up will save him. You will not get any better than where you are right now. I guarantee it. Sad thing is that I could help you. I actually have experience in a big city dating women. But you are too closed minded in your pool of sadness to reach out. I remember why I left this forum. The worst kind of men are on here.
  23. Yes. A lot of people do. It’s called being a grown man. Log off and try it one day. And it’s not about getting laid. It’s about me creating a network of men. Getting laid is not my priority anymore. When I want to get laid that night I go to Hollywood. I want to build a strong social circle which will include women. Social circle game trumps cold approach any day.
  24. What is wrong with you guys? What is with the psychological projection? You know what I do now? I go out to get dinner Friday night, network a little and look for specific women to approach. Then I hit up a bar, hang out, and will apoeoshuyomce again, specific women (women who are alone, not a lot of make up, fit, dressed conservatively. These are women who are actually serious about finding a man). Then Saturday I go to an event to network and if there are women there, great. If not, cool. Sunday I go to a cafe which is a great way to meet some “competitive” women. Notice how I just live my life now? It’s not structured to where I have to approach 30 women a week and have to go clubbing every week. And my life is actually improving. Pick up in it of itself will not improve your life. I implore you to do just to see that you won’t be happy.