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Everything posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. I am able to go inwards first, resolve the issue internally and the it ceases to be a problem externally. So basically instead of focusing on success, I am focusing on growth. At this point, I am showing up in the world as someone who does not need someone to fulfill their needs. I will fulfill my own needs and connect with people who are on my level.
  2. Anything that is worth while takes effort, including a great relationship. Dealing with your inner issues will change your whole life. You will see the world differently and people will see you differently. That in it of itself is an act of self love. First off, you have to make friends with loneliness. I have always been a loner and I never really feel lonely (though you can feel lonely around other people) so this was easier for me. But you have to get to a place where you feel good with your own company, That you don’t need someone else to fulfill you or make you happy. I started by doing Teal Sean’s self love challenge. Which is this: I asked myself, what would someone e who loved themselves do? For one year. This alone got me on that journey. After that different guided meditations, yoga and eft tapping have deepen my love of self. That is not to say that I don’t have the desire to merge. What it is now is that I realize that this is my ego and return to the present moment. Mindfulness is a great way to practice self love.
  3. I have never been into conspiracy theories. The thing about them is that if you are into conspiracy theories you have to be conscious enough to understand that you want them to be true. Most be are not do conscious.
  4. You said some interesting things. You say that you try to live yourself, but it feels fake. The reason that it feels fake is because you have not dealt with all your issues. Self love is not all about rainbows and sunshine. It is about taking care of yourself and have self acceptance and self trust. When you can achieve that, you will be authentic. Naturally if you can’t live yourself then someone loving you will feel good. But what happens when that person stops loving you? You are worse off than before. Self love is never boring if you are doing it right. Your view on dysfunctional relationships is telling. I feel like a lot of people feel that way and that is why a lot of people are stuck. It is way worse to be in a dysfunctional relationship than to be alone. Funny, I sleep better alone haha. Society is built on relationships. No relationships, no society. That is also why our society is so messed up. We have too many bad relationships going on. Monogamy is just a belief system that fits society’s narrative. The only time that things changed were in the 60s and the hippie movement. But once Charles Manson started killing people that ended things real quick. If that had not happened who knows? We’re due for another counterculture movement. Technology has put us more and more at a distance from each other. People ghost one another, people text instead of call, people don’t want to leave their homes, people just sit and watch tv believing that they will be happy. Things are pathetic nowadays.
  5. Yeah...I prefer to go to a Buddhist monk for that answer. Too bad there aren’t any on YouTube. Oh...wait...
  6. I would say that everyone dies things because they think they will feel good. That is usually their ego talking. Like when I get a sexual urge nowadays, I recognize that it is my ego that desires to fulfill it. True. But you can also look at it this way: self love is much more attractive than self loathing. Again, I am not saying to not go after sex and relationships. But to put it in perspective. I wish I had done that. I probably would have had more fun when I was a pick up artist instead putting a ton of pressure on myself and feeling like shit if things did not go my way. I look back and the times that I was successful were times when I was not chasing but was comfortable with myself and just putting myself out there. Funny, sometimes I would just tell myself “this is a practice night” and something cool would happen.
  7. My response was:”what do you mean by that?”
  8. Fair points. But I would also say that you can have a strong bond with a lot of people. Though I get the vibe that most guys here are only looking for sex and don’t even want the strong bond. I really like how Eric Fromm talks about about self love in his book “the art of love.” Teal Swan’s definition of self love. She says people who love themselves do things that feel good. Simple enough right? I know that all this chasing after sex and relationships does not feel good.
  9. I know for me when I became a “player” I got way more attention from women.
  10. What grade did you drop out of school?
  11. There is a reason for that. Hard to awaken while you’re homeless. Jim Carrey and Jewel are both very spiritual (Jim is certainly awake). Both were homeless and I doubt that caused them to awake.
  12. Most homeless people are not blissful and ecstatic.
  13. Great cop out. Why do you come on these forums? You have to be the most closed minded person that I have ever come across in the self improvement/spiritual community. Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. People like you only learn through pain.
  14. Maybe not $150,000. But they are white conservatives who probably are not on unemployment no? And the healthcare industry is huge. There is a ton of money to be made in that industry.
  15. You aren’t getting it. If you are only trying to have sex with that woman, are desperate and feeling lonely, then yeah, you cannot say whatever you want. But, if you actually have a connection with her, are independent, confident, non needy and fun, then you can say anything to her. This is where inner game comes in.
  16. Dude... Did I say not to say anything? What I am saying that it is not the words that win her heart. It is the subtext behind the words and her emotional response that do it. For example, I have acted on stage, movies and television. Any actor who is worth their shit will tell your it is not about the words. It is what you bring to the words that pull the audience in. Acting and making women fall in love with you are very similar. You have to recognize that women navigate life with their emotions, not logic. That is why so many guys get frustrated with women. They approach them from a logical point of view when it needs to be an emotional one.
  17. No, only inexperienced men/stage orange men think that way. Go ahead, keep trying to say the right things to a woman. You will never get her heart. Probably won’t get her pussy either.
  18. There is your starting point. Start some inner child healing ASAP. Your inner child (like all of ours) has been beaten, bruised and battered for too long. She needs attention.
  19. I don’t think you have any idea what romantic love. It is never about saying the right things. Words are what never reaches a woman’s or a man’s for that matter, heart. Romantic love is simply a strong attraction that occurs when two people’s attachment style fit to a tee and they believe that they are in love. Two people think that they are the next Romeo and Juliet even in fact one is a love addict and the other is a love avoidant so their damage matches perfectly. Then they get married and two years later they hate each other. Relationships today are so dysfunctional.
  20. Yes. Somewhere along the line (usually it is a parent, but it could have been anyone) you felt abandoned and internalized it. And now you find yourself having the same kinds of relationships and friendships over and over again. It is because you have not dealt with the root cause. You have to go back and see what happened, heal from it and then and only then, will you be able to move forward.
  21. You must date some terrible women them. Not saying what you are saying is not true. But it is only true for low value women.
  22. The problem is that some time ago when you were young you were probably shown disloyalty so now you have been attracting that into your life. Some good ole shadow work will do the trick.
  23. The only people who will vote for true (outside of some outliers) are white conservatives who make $150,000 or more a year and do not care about the common man.
  24. Musician here. And I have done a lot of drugs. I will say that I remember taking shrooms and playing the guitar at 19 and it was right then and there that I felt that I understood music. I stopped drinking and doing drugs (well, I still do psychedelics, but for spiritual growth and healing). I remember working on my first single on my debut E.P. I was rather high the whole time. A month later I listened to the song and was like “whoa, I thought that I took out the key change?” The guitar solo also felt so psychedelic and improvised in a way that I have yet to be able to replicate sober. But I have been playing sober since late May now. I have been working on my entire debut album sober and I like it. I feel like I am putting more energy into it and being more conscious with my creativity rather than unconscious. So far, I’m really happy with it.
  25. I went full green when I lived in San Francisco and San Diego. Tried to apply that when I moved back to Hollywood. Yeah, right. Naturally went into yellow is this city is full of systems. I grew tired of being a cog in the corrupted Hollywood machine.