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Everything posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. This is a strong psychological projection. Another psychological projection. Whose to say that the person in question is not? Look at many great filmmakers. A lot of them are lone wolves. Can can command huge movie sets with hundreds of people everyday for months and in some cases, years. There is nothing that anyone can give you thar has value. Leo said this himself in the “how to stop caring about what other people think” episode. One of my favorites of his. People who have mindsets like this should revisit that episode.
  2. For me, eft tapping, the Sedona method and guided meditations focusing on things like clearing negativity, limiting beliefs, feelings of self worth, self love and self love gave helped. And absolutely. Staying neutral will do this naturally. But to stay neutral, you have to clear out negativity.
  3. Check out the books, six pillars of self esteem and you can heal your life. Their audiobooks are on YouTube. Psycho cybernetics is great as well.
  4. @PurpleTree @TheSunKing The reason that you two are probably not seeing results are because of underlying negative limiting beliefs that you probably have. That is the issue with affirmations. They only work if you clear out negativity first. If you don’t, then you are just trying to be positive when you are not and it just cancels out what you are doing. It is better to clear out negativity and just be in a state of neutral rather than to focus on being positive. You will achieve more results that way.
  5. I use his stuff everyday. Basically any law of attraction teacher is influenced by him. He probably explains the law of attraction in the most pragmatic way possible.
  6. I have found that to be true. Before I began to truly embody stage yellow I loved partying it up every weekend (I would go to raves, bars, clubs, drink and smoke weed with friends) and I was heavily focused on my friendships. Then after this woman who I was seeing royally screwed me over, the pandemic happening, my awakening and me seeing my friends for who they are, I realized that they were dragging my emotional state down. Funny that you mentioned friends being a distraction. During the pandemic I have been super productive both in both spiritual and physical realms. I asked myself what changed. I took my focus off of other people and put it on myself. While I wouldn’t say that I personally feel too much loneliness, I do enjoy learning about my “darkness” and doing shadow work. I believe the biggest moments of growth that I have had have been all alone. I believe that a big part of growing up is to realize that no one or nothing can fulfill you. That this is an inside job. You also mentioned having a high quality group of friends. I find that the way to go about that is to not worry about it. Focus on yourself. The more you love and accept yourself the more attractive you become. You’ll want nothing to do with immature people and only focus on people who are on your level so to speak. It’s funny how the less you want or need something the more it comes to you.
  7. A lot of people find solace in being in a group. We are by nature tribal after all. It is safer, there is a loss of identity. I have looked back at my past friendships and relationships and have also realized that due to my own dysfunctions I was attracting these kinds of people in the first place. Which goes back to what I was saying how we all have bad inside of us which is why people clash. You know, I find a lot of these people who claim to be green as fake. I remember that I was in an acting class and this female teacher basically was posturing as this highly advanced green person. At the time I was more orange and had gone through some issues. Anyway, she was forcing me to do these melodramatic lame scenes in hopes that I would conform to her way of thinking. She even got very angry and yelled at me a few times when it was becoming clear that I was not interested. I had to put my foot down and make it clear that I was not into what she had to offer. Looking back, she was a false prophet. She just wanted me to be able “love” (funny joe people will use that for devilry) and shit so that I would have been easier to deal with. She did not care about me at all. These are delusions that people stuck in green have. I believe that when it boils down to it we all must value the relationship that we have with ourselves first and foremost. We must come first. When you do that usually you realize that you don’t need anyone. Funny, the less I desire friends, the more friendlier people are to me and the better interactions I have. I imagine it is because independence and boundaries comes from self love and self love is attractive. Also, when you are diving deep into spirituality or even just trying to achieve success, friends are a luxury. When you look at the lives of truly spiritual people or successful people they do not have many if any friends. I look at someone like Haruki Murakami who is quite spiritual and successful. He and his wife have been living a closed off lifestyle since his thirties. He is not concerned about having friends. Just himself, his wife and his craft.
  8. Not triggered at all. Just calling it like I see it. There is a difference.
  9. You sound less like someone who actually embodies Green and more like a normie who still wants love and acceptance from other people.
  10. True. To quote Elliott Smith: He's so unhappy inside He's serious with everyone And he thinks he'll win you with his angry kiss Acting like he has no needs Wanting you to watch him bleed Some people do act like that. With or without spirituality and that is certainly a self deception. In a way, saying that there is no need for friends in a nuanced thought. When I say it I am saying it from a spiritual/egoless stance. I am sure there are people who will at that and just do the same thing, even though what they really desire are friends. That is why it is important for everyone to follow their north node. Some people are at that lower stage where they need to drink, smoke weed and okay video games with friends. Some people like myself have been there and done that and are more focused on themselves and their impact on the world. I just don’t care for people acting as if friendships are the answer to your problem. Or relationships for that matter. In fact, friendships and relationships will give you more problems. To quote Elliott Smith one more time, there is where I’m at: Why would you want any other? When you’re a world within a world?
  11. Maybe you are just not as developed as you believe yourself to be? And people who are depressed and lonely usually desperately want friends. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
  12. Eh. He is preaching this green mindset and is closed off to the idea of transcending the need for friends. It is dangerous to say that you “need” another human being. Seems to be stuck to me.
  13. Next time you masturbate, observe the woman. Repeat the part of her body that you are focusing on like “hair, hair, hair.” Or “ass, ass, ass.” When you do this, you will see what you are doing for what it is. You won’t even become hard. You will see that you have to be unconscious to jerk off. Also, don’t beat yourself up. The reason that you still do it is because you feel shame. So you keep doing it because subconsciously you desire to feel better. But you feel worse. See how it’s a viscous cycle? So, if you can see it for what it is, love and accept yourself as ell as wipe out the shame, you’ll naturally begin to steer away from it. One day at a time.
  14. First off, you do not even know who I am so do not act like you know where I am at. Secondly, I left Hollywood (which is more green than people give it credit for, it’s just mixed in with unhealthy orange for a year and lived in the Bay Area and to a lesser extent San Diego specifically to be more green. San Francisco was an interesting experience as that is a very green city (though told me that it was even better before the tech bubble came in). But the work environments there are very green, very community based and I was able to truly sink into that. I also got away from the “hustle” and was able to focus on relaxing more. I also got more into environmental issues and human issues. Still am to this day as I donate monthly to Doctors Without Borders, The Nature Conservancy, The Grand Canyon, and the National Parks Foundation. Fast forward I am back in L.A with this green mindset. I had a new job working for Doctors Without Borders. I tried to implement these new green concepts with coworkers and friends. Did not work. I then saw that Hollywood is truly a system, not just in name. Since that realization I have transitioned into Yellow. A big realization that I have had is that nobody is nice. Nobody is bad either. But nobody is nice. Nice is just a mask. Once the pandemic happen and I had my awakening I started dropping my toxic friends and haven’t looked back since. I have been exploring the systematic nature of society. The “broom of the system” if you will. I only replied that way to him because he is acting as though green is where it’s at when it is not. Leo warned us about this in his first spiral dynamics video on how people justify getting themselves stuck in green.
  15. You do realize that there are levels past Green right?
  16. LOL, enjoy your hallucination.
  17. I mean I just would get high and drunk or trip on psychedelics with my friends and have conversations. There were fun times. But cannot call it more fulfilling than success. They do not pay my bills. None of that is valuable or fulfilling. I suppose it is good if you are able to just be whole you are with your friends. But out of that, everything that you are getting from your friends are just values that you are attributing to them. Because there is none. There is no intrinsic value in any kind of relationship. All relationships have turmoil and the bad ones can lead to your doom. There is no such thing as a nice person. We all have bad within us and that is why we all clash. When you turn inwards and become a meditator you feel a more general love for humanity and you simply do not desire to have any entanglements with other people if you can help it. And it is hilarious that you say “maybe you are stuck in stage orange” when you are the one who listed all that you have gotten out of friendships. A truly developed person would not seek to get anything out of any friendships. They would appreciate their friends for who they are. As an artist I love all of the people who enjoy what I do. But they will never know me. I will never know them. What I do is our only form of communication. And let’s be honest, most consumers are not in a very high state of consciousness. So perhaps you are overvaluing friendships? Not making friends is not poverty. That’s actually funny. About a month ago the racer Kyle Busch said that Joey Logano has no friends. Logano’s comments were “I have business relationships and I hope that they’re good.” Logano just won and got into the final four while Kyle Busch is winless and didn’t even make the next round. I guess those friendships that Kyle Busch has helped him out a ton. And hey, not everyone is independent or autonomous.
  18. Yeah, you are still ignoring what I have said. What about all the people who did just fine despite having no friends in their industry? Tell me, what value have you gotten out of your current friends? After my awakening I realized just how toxic those people were and cut them. My productivity went up through the roof. I wonder why? There is no intrinsic value in friendships or romantic relationships for that matter. Though at least with romantic relationships you can have sex. Side note: For fun I was listening to this analysis on that old cartoon show, rocket power (I am in the entertainment industry) it is funny how that show is centered around a brother and sister and their friends. But their friendships is so toxic for the most part. It appears to be more of out of convenience if anything. It’s a 90s show so people back then had less emotional intelligence, particularly children, but it was interesting how that and other shows showed this meanness that these so called “friends” had with one another. Most people are jerks. You have to remember that.
  19. First off, I love how you ignored a bunch of points that I made. You’re a champ. Secondly, you would need to have friends in your industry who will be able to help you. That almost never happens. Look up “successful people” most of them did it on their own. Sure, they met the right casting director, the right producer, the right investor, the right sponsor, etc. However, those are business relationships. Also, it’s better to not intertwine friendships with business. Of course you said that. Nobody needs friends. You can have friends. But you do not need them. The only people who believe they do are not developed.
  20. Why are you focusing on others spiritual bypassing when you should be focused on your own? That is a rather big self deception. One thing that I have learned is to focus on myself. It does not matter what someone else is doing.
  21. I work in Hollywood, so it is a little different. If you hustle enough, you’ll be fine. You get an agent (have one) and you can create your own opportunities. Also out here, the only time a friend would come in handy is reading a script that I have written or doing an audition with me. The latter is a little easier to get done, but almost no one wants to read a screenplay. Haha, nobody fixes anybody up with anybody anymore. Just doesn’t happen. In the dating world, you are on your own. Your stance is rather arrogant and short sighted. You are basically saying “well, it is too hard to do anything in the world on my own so I need friends to get things done.” That is not the case at all. Plenty of successful people get where they are through their talent and will power. You don’t need friends to do that. Sure, there are people along the way that you may have a business relationship with. But it is because you do good work, not because you are friends. Two good examples come from NASCAR. NASCAR is a sport where most people get in theory family. But there are two drivers named Ross Chastain and Matt DiBenedetto who did not come from rich families, have both professed to not having any friends in NASCAR (though Matt DiBenedetto seems to have one now) and Matt DiBenedetto actually has no sponsors of his own (meaning he brings no money to any team he is on which is unheard of nowadays). Yet, they both have been able to achieve their dream of racing at the top level for good teams. Why? They kept their heads down, did good work on the track, fans started to like them, the right people noticed, they developed business relationships, and they delivered results. It is as simple as that. No friendships required. You are also forgetting independent contractors, people work run online businesses, small businesses and etc. Sure, if you desire to be a normie, you need friends. If you are an entrepreneur, the wrong friends will hold you back.
  22. That sounds about right. Most people want to grow up faster than they ought to only to miss their youth. Oh for sure, especially the creator of Ren and Stimpy’s (John Kricfalusi) relationship. The woman said that he only liked her for her body, mind and the fact that she was an animator, but that was it. Also he was the Howard Stern once and Stern was talking about a character of his named Sody Pop that he thought was a hot chick. John Kricfalusi interjects that she is 15. Creepy. Too busy slaying rich dicks. He’s very underrated. Has a very natural style. Very intelligent too.
  23. Really? I mean, I have dated some older women (I’m 28, last woman that I dated was 39), but it seems more like younger women get with older men. It seems like younger women like older men. I have also noticed that high school girls seem to become obsessed with me (it’s annoying) and young women 18-22 are more interested in me than women my age. Most young women who date older men probably have some daddy issues plus are more than likely in these weird power dynamics (see Mariah Carey being married to Tommy Mottola, or the creator of Ren and Stimpy getting a 15 year old girl into animation and then dating her). Rockstars have been known to date or even marry under age girls. From Elvis to David Bowie to Steven Tyler. I think a lot of young women get over sexualized and find the young men around them to be immature. I knew girls in high school who dated grown ass men. And Damn lol. She seems like a player. Having fun. DiCaprio is my favorite and Depp is top three for me.
  24. Maybe, but it is also a natural thing for all men. DiCaprio just has the ability to dimply go with it. I’d argue that we are not meant to grow old with one another. Human beings used to die when they were 40. Be married into old age is a relatively new thing. Most women don’t take younger men. seriously. However, if you are a 40 year old man who makes over $150,000 a year, has a nice home and car and are single, women 20-25 is where you will first look to for a good time. Or even to develop a relationship for that matter. Actually she was his ex, Suki Waterhouse. She was 21 when they dated. His last partner who he had a kid with is 34.
  25. Yeah, but most women are not on The majority of women who are stage orange at best see him as the heart throb from the Titanic to this day. I can’t blame him for desiring to be with young, vibrant women. If most guys could, they would as well. Bradley Cooper MWR his current women when she was under 21. But no says anything about that. Maybe because he seems less like a player. Some guys are better off not settling down. I mean, he has been in long term relationships so I am sure that he has seen something in some women. But the party does not need to stop for him. Depp was in good shape with Vanessa. But he got lured by Amber Heard’s beauty. He’s still paying for that unfortunately.