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Everything posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. I wouldn’t call good pick up artists total losers. What is your definition of a “great girl”? Because honestly, most women are attracted to loud, douchey men who drink, do drugs and like to party.
  2. To be fair, a lot of good guys do not get “great girls” (whatever a great girl is, it’s all relative). A lot of women are truly attracted to lower energies.
  3. Every time I close my eyes, I see the nails, I hear the cries.
  4. Any entities that you come across are parts of you that need to be integrated.
  5. I would say that ship has been sailed since arranged marriages became a thing... And it is not so much as I am saying to expect someone to have sex with you when you demand it (though a lot of guys believe this is how relationships work), but a lot of guys will only get into relationships because they would rather know for sure that they are having sex two to four times a week versus being single and having dry spells. Most guys do not have the game nor the energy to be single so a relationship is safer for them. That’s just a fact.
  6. I mean yes, everyone experiences growth from relationships. The problem is that most people don’t see this and continue to operate within the old relationship paradigm of neediness. I never said that relationships need to last forever. But last time I checked the point of a marriage is so that you just can’t leave. The fact that most people end up leaving that contract speaks volumes. What you are saying is very romantic, but is not the reality for most. Buddhism sees relationships as a way that you get attached to another. A source of suffering. Let’s be honest, most people do not want to go into another’s “soul”. They want to own a home in the suburbs and have sex. There is nothing wrong with that. But most people are not looking for relationships to achieve actualization. They are looking to fulfill needs and heal childhood wounds. At the end of the day, a relationship is a transaction. Marriage are legal contracts. There is nothing wrong with being with someone for domestic needs and sex. That is a part of the human experience. At least if you can say this you are being honest with yourself.
  7. What you are saying is a nice fantasy. A good ideal. It’s just not the reality. Most people get into relationships because of their attachment styles matching up which allows them to believe that they can meet each other’s needs. Throw in sexual attraction and you got some “love” and “chemistry”. Sadly, once the illusion wears off you have two people only staying together to satisfy their carnal desires at best. Which is why the divorce rate is at 51%. If people were to be interested in changing up the old relationship paradigm that would be one thing. Believe me, I tried. The problem is, it takes two to tango. So in a way, being single is better.
  8. When I say for you to say “I am looking for the right person” that is for the women. It really just communicates to them that while you are dating, you would get into a relationship if the right one appeared. Here is the thing, you do not need a girlfriend. Having a girlfriend would probably make your life a lot more complicated. I know that because of the pandemic people are feeling more lonely. But now is the time to really get into yourself and give yourself the love, happiness and fulfillment that you see. Because let’s be honest, most modern day women can’t even love themselves, much less another human being.
  9. I wouldn’t call it having multiple girlfriends. If they ask you if you are looking for a relationship just say “I am looking for the right person.” You are allowed to date as many women as you like. As long as you don’t commit to one.
  10. There are only three reasons to get a girlfriend/get married 1)Domestic needs (owning a home, cleaning, cooking,etc). 2)Having children. 3)Consistent sex. If you are not looking for the first two and don’t mind not having consistent sex then you are better off just going and looking for fun. You states some things that you believe you need to get a girlfriend. All those are limiting beliefs. While yes, those hold water with materialistic women, there are women who don’t care about any of that. Also, stop comparing yourself to the guys around you. I bet most of them also have mediocre relationships. Is that what you want? In your case, I’d suggest that you casually date two or three women. That way you won’t become so attached.
  11. Playing games will never attract you a healthy woman. Though, most PUAs (including myself when I was into this) do not care what kind of woman they get as long as she is attractive and says yes.
  12. I have been reading Johnny the homicidal maniac (Great dark comedy comic book, the first thing from the creditor of invader zim) And reading other things as well. This has been going through my my for years especially when Louis CK (before Metoo) said in an interview on fresh air how life is unsatisfying. Do you all believe this to be true? I will say that the older I get the more I realize just how shitty everything is. Most people, organizations, places and industries are either shitty, fake, or boring. Most people are out for themselves. The dating world is at an all time low. Some men are so stuck in their egos that they go MGTOW. Some do pick up and stay there forever as there that’s it. Marriage is a joke. I can go on. This is where spirituality comes in and it indeed help to see through the illusion. It indeed can make living easier. But will the physical ever be satisfying? Is that a futile pursuit?
  13. I remember listening to this monk on how suffering is more of a choice (he feels that the Buddha was misinterpreted), but it is pain that is unavoidable. I think it is more or less choosing things knowing that there will be pain involved, but it being worth it. Like, working on my album has caused me some fatigue. But it is something that I am comfortable. There’s no free lunch. With this pandemic things are going to shift.
  14. I wonder what Eckart is like off camera. Though he does seem to be authentically at peace with what is. His books are amazing. I think that we all have gotten so hung up on romantic relationships and relationships with others that we forget about all those other things. Also that the most important relationship that we have is with ourselves. Which is actually something to reckon with, being with yourself. Especially during a pandemic. Well yeah. There is usually a reason why I got into a relationship or dated someone or became friends with them. It felt good. But looking back, it’s only that they mirrored my childhood stuff so they seemed attractive to me (specifically romantic partners). I did this meditation that helped me get over two women I was seeing over the last year. In one hand was the good. The other hand held the bad. The bad our weighted the good. I do agree relationships help you spiritually. But it’s not all good. After getting ghosted from a woman that I was seeing (late August) I have completely changed. I don’t even recognize myself anymore. It is true that what the mainstream shows is bad. But I’ll be honest, I have never had a good relationship or a really good friendship. They all ended rather poorly. I also do not know anyone who has had a good relationship or a truly good friendship. Not saying that they do not exist. But they are rare in today’s society. I have been realizing during this awakening that I only had fun with people when I was having sex, smoking weed/doing drugs or drinking. And all were all short thrills. I quit drugs (not including psychedelics), quit drinking and haven’t had sex in a bit which has sharpened my emotions and my emotional intelligence. Anyway, most people (granted I live in L.A so take that for what it’s worth) are fake and are only out for themselves. I have been burned too many times I suppose. I have been there. Don’t worry. Darkness always comes back. You will just not overreact. Yeah, I am familiar with them, though I haven’t been studying Buddhism lately. You can say that my philosophy is heavily influenced on Buddhism. Particularly their views of relationships with others. The problem isn’t really not being okay with disappointments. I have had enough of them to not get too carried away. The problem is if this is all futile. I also don’t desire an “okay” life. I desire a great life. The best way I can describe is I made a song where I am talking about how things have gone wrong, how I wish for my childhood, how I feel different from everyone, how the past haunts me, but I refuse to let my hopes and dreams fade. One of the best songs that I have written (coming out 2021). It’s funny. As adults we are no different than teenagers. We all just desire fun. It’s just that society makes us believe that we can only be “responsible adults.”
  15. Your style reminds me of John Kricfalusi. Good stuff!
  16. It’s funny how we can all talk about spirituality and being, but when we are faced with the illusion, it’s always a different story. I actually went out to do this group hike/party in last night. They left without another person and I. There were these group of women dog walkers who we hiked with. The hike was fine and the other person who got left (a woman in her 40s) loved it and found a group of friends. It was meh for me, didn’t find the one chick that I was gaming all that interesting. Actually made me feel worse. I guess it’s a part of it. If you are as genuinely happy as you say you are (it is possible, though for most people that isn’t the case) then perhaps you had good parents l. However, you may have some repressed memories and have suppressed some emotions as no one gets out of childhood unscathed. I believe that the content that you consume can also be life affirming. As someone who not only consumes, but creates, I like art that is about facing life. All my favorite artist seems to be dissatisfied with life, or at least expressing some dissatisfaction. I would not call that nihilism per say. It’s more that we all have been taught that certain things as we grow up will give us happiness. But they never do. And so that leaves me to believe that life cannot be all that satisfying if by living it you will experience pain. First off, you don’t know me. Second off, I have had a heart center and kundalini awakening and I am going through another one right now. It is not all “lovey dovey and rainbows” like some would like to believe it to be. That is fluff. A heart center awakening usually comes with a dark night of the soul. And that can feel like true darkness. Saying life is fantastic is only an opinion. An opinion that most do not have. Even the most enlightened person would never say that. You say all this, but at the end of the day, everyone has problems. Leo has problems, Eckart Tolle has problems, Sadguru has problems. And this whole thing about relationships and friendships helping is nonsense. To put it into more technical terms, it is bullshit. That is just some things that we have been brainwashed to believe. You get married, but it is dysfunction that brought you two together and you only stay together because of your carnal desires. Friends only stay friends out of convenience, even if their friendship is toxic. And besides, I went out last night on a group hike and I felt worse (though it was not with the group that I was supposed to go with). Also, we are going through a pandemic. My therapist (who has some spiritual concepts, but is overall more 3-D) is really into relationships as I get further and further away from those. I do my thing, as you said, old patterns come in (going after after sex) and then when some bullshit happens I am pissed. That quote is interesting. A lot of people can be happy, but being happy within and without is a different thing. And doing that consistently is another.
  17. I have this tattoo that says “this world is cruel, but beautiful.” While I believe saying that life is inherently meaningless is borderline nihilism, there is truth to it. I would add that pain is a natural part of life. That perhaps life is about the kind of pain that you see fit to endure.
  18. The problem with all these things (I fast and do everyday) is that they gives you glimpses of it, but the effects are not lasting. The only things that I have found to be lasting are eft tapping, shamanic breathing and guided meditations. DMT to a certain extent as well. That was the main issue during counterculture. A lot of people got disillusioned with psychedelics because once the high was gone, they were back. Though I have been working on implementing work I learned on my last two trips.
  19. I like that quote. Basically that when I am in my ego then I am judging what’s going on around me. But when there is no “I” everything just is. Starting to believe that perhaps more “alone time” (if that’s possible, last night was the first time that I left my neighborhood in nearly two months) is needed. Part of me still feels as though something is missing. Part of me is still buying into the lie that society is telling me.
  20. That was really helpful. What’s funny is that I just finished RCR tapping for thirty days on lack. It helped a ton, but I most focused on money and only a little bit on other areas. Good reminder. Funny, last night I was hoping to die as I stuffed my face for the first time in ages. My tooth filling cracked and I was like wtf... True, nothing is permanent, this I know and understand. I guess right now the world is going through a “despairing cycle”. Whenever I am alone and just being, I feel great. But the more spiritual I become, whenever I enter the physical I feel disappointed. Especially if something does not go my way. It makes me wonder what the point it all is. A lot of people want you to be a part of the illusion as if it will make you happy. But it only makes me feel worse.
  21. I wouldn’t say it’s about wanting to be satisfied all the time or even comfort and closure. It is more like “when will this end?”
  22. Sex is great. But you can have sex with anyone. Including yourself. Having sex with someone is not that valuable when you actually contemplate it. Well, having a kid is valuable. But that’s it. Notice his reaction here folks. He is clearly immersed in other people’s energy that he cannot understand his own energy field. At this point, all he is doing is projecting. He preaches stage green, but he’s really stuck in stage orange as he wants to get things out of others. Notice how he has not mentioned what he gives his friends. Because he has nothing to give. Just smoke and mirrors. This is the real danger of self deception.
  23. All great artists are connected to source when they are creating. I dare say all great artist have to have a heart center and kundalini awakening.