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Everything posted by SamC

  1. @Rilles Turn your scepticism towards your scepticism. Right now you're trying to prove it doesn't exsist. Entertain the idea and see if you can notice a difference in energy between men and woman. Stop theorizing and trying to quantify it, investigate if you can feel some differences in the quality of the energy.
  2. @Vido Been there done that bro. You might wanna look into the term enmeshment trauma. I think it might help you gain some clarity about your self worth issues.
  3. Stop being with her and move on. The end.
  4. @Richard Purdy This is not a twinflam relationship - this is a karmic relationship. I went through something similar last summer with a girl who was a covert narcissist aswell. I can't or understand your pain bro, but I've been somewhere similar.. and I know it is probably one of the most painful things to go through. Keep your head up man, this two shall pass.
  5. Well said fish. I Second this.
  6. @Preety_IndiaPractice practice practice and read lots of books where this writing style is present. Also, there surely must exsist books and courses that are designed for this endeavor. Google and YouTube around, and see what you can find Also, do you mind sharing what the name of this brain disorder is? I am curious
  7. Are you also addressing the shallowness of guys who get rejected by girls because they are needy and not confident enough? That's the exact same thing, but the opposite side of it. Men are ruthless with looks and woman are ruthless with personality. Both men and woman are shallow af and will forever be. @Etherial Cat
  8. @Etherial CatLike the guy's height? Short guys are seen as less attractive than tall guys just becuase they have bigger bones. Omg, how ShALOw. What are we? a piece of MeAt?
  9. Good (: I am happy for you
  10. @Preety_India It all depends on what the needs of both are and if it's communicated or not. My point is that Sexual intimacy is important in a romantic relationship. The important question however is how much is enough for both to be happy and that's were communication comes in so that both are satisfied on that compartment of the relationship. If it is not satisfied for both people than the relationship will not be as good as it could be and sometimes even lead to bigger problems that the two should deal with if they want to develop the most conscious relationship possible. For most people regular sex is an important need, that must be meet in order for the relationship to feel good. If one or both partners have another preference, than that's becuase of preference - not becuase the level of conciousness or emotional maturity.
  11. The amount will vary. The point was, If you're not having sex at all on a semi regular basis ( whatever you both agreed you need) than problems will occur. When partners never have sex or super fucking rarly have sex and both are in their reproduction prime and there is no communication about it, problems will occur. Sex is also a basic need that doesn't disappear, unless you're fucking buddha.
  12. @Preety_India Game B that Leo talks about is basicially tourquise ( or maybe yellow) daiting. Tourquise people basically doesn't exsist so it's kind of useless to debate how to create such relationships... Especially if we ourselves is not even there yet. That said, how to do green/yellow dating is an interesting discussion. I believe the most important thing for such relationships is understanding the other person and working on the problems that both have collectively and individually. Understanding and listing to the other partner is crucial, otherwise the misunderstanding will grow and come out In ugly ways. Otherwise, it will be hard to reach the deepest forms of intimacy and the relationship will fail sooner or later. Furthermore, I believe continuing having regular sex throughout the relationship is important and also counterintuitively having an dynamic where both parties are allowed autonomy, space and alone time.
  13. I hear you and understand your point of view. I disagree on the, it's time to integrate the feminie again though. It's time to integrate the feminine and masculine at the same time and allow both polarities to fully express themselves. The problem is not masculinity or femininity, the problem is the need to repress any of the two. Men need to feel like they can be men and woman need to feel like they can be woman. Not true at all. This is true for woman, not men. Men need sex in order to feel that deep deep intimacy with the girl while girls first need to feel that intimacy that you're talking about to than have sex. It's the opposite dynamic. Than again, I might be completely deluded - so I would love to hear what personal experiences you've had that tell you the opposite. Wanna share?@intotheblack
  14. @intotheblack No, the last generation was woman repressing their femine side becuase they had to become masculine in order to make it in the society. Now, the pendulum have swinged and woman/ the feminist movement do the same thing that men did to to the feminie energy becuase they was so hurt by the toxic masculine energy. Most woman here claim that the men in this sub forum have a problem with to much masculinity... Actually it is the opposite. Most men on here struggle with attracting a girlfriend, aka struggle with the masculine polarity. Of course the guys who haven't had success with woman are obsessed with sex. What else can you expect.. But that's not becuase they are not feminine enough... that's becuase they suck with woman which is becuase they probably struggle to convey the masculine polarity. Lastly... guys need sex for intimacy, girls needs intimacy for sex. Don't forget that... Maybe it is you that don't understand the masculine energy.
  15. In which video did he say this?@Rick1
  16. Very good insigths. Thanks What are girls seeking in one word? Love of course but in what form? Containment? Security? Able to Express? What's the first word that pops up?@Preety_India
  17. Becuase it's from the female perspective. Girls see it as a natural beutiful unbiased process where two people meet each other and fall in love just because they are perfect for each other. It obviously isn't like though becuase the factor that often makes or brakes the opportunity for a sexual relationship, is how well the guy can game. For girls it feels like that becuase they don't have to do the work in the attraction face.
  18. Being afraid of acting from insecurity is in it self insecurity. In other words, do whatever you want. Drop the " I have to do" / the shoulds and instead do what makes you feel good. If you notice you're insecure, don't beat yourself up for being insecure... and further, don't beat yourself up for beating yourself up. Figure out what you want and go out and get that and If you're insecure/ come across as insecure.. stop caring about you caring about that you care that other people see you as insecure and start accepting everything you feel. It sure is. I have been thorough a long face of this when I've been forcing myself to do stuff and to be a certain way. Than I had a existential crisis when I realized that I hadn't " grown" shit and just repressed myself ( which is still growth cause that step was neccesary to get to the next step).. In other words bro, I know how it feels. Its though but you will figure out your path. If this realization makes your world dark, just remember. The sun comes back again. "You're not the one you see, you're so much than that. When it's night it's hard to see but it's not the darkness that you are, you're so much more than that" If you want to talk more about this, feel free to PM me. @Farnaby Here are some videos that have helped me a lot in stepping away from this dynamic.
  19. @Farnaby its fake growth. If you're scared of not being confident enough than you're by definition insecure. The goal should not be to be confident, the goal should be to do whatever you want and not even think about being confident/alpha/ good enough because you don't even care if people see you as confident or not aka You just do what you want to do. It's really hard I know, I struggle with this aswell. It's important to note though that this also includes you not caring about the fact that care or hate yourself for being insecure. The key is to accept that you don't accept that you accept yourself and do what you want to do.
  20. I know bro. Keep your head up man. You're not alone
  21. It obviously is authentic if you want it. Don't resist it, let it be. Some part of you wants that thing because it feels like it will get love that way, and that's okey. Notice how repressing that makes you inauthentic. Investigate and be curious about what that need is. Contemplate about it. See how you can meet that need within you and why you have that need. Give this part of yourself love and healing + meet its need. Is this your inner child/ shadow that is speaking? Get familiar with who this " part " is. Ego is not bad, only ego makes it so
  22. I would focus on your lower needs before moving up to the spiritual goals. Are you financially free? Have you figured out your Life purpose? Do you live your life purpose? Can you get laid/ a girlfriend if you want? If the answer to all or some of those questions are no, than start with that. Of course, continue meditating and all that kind of stuff but set your priorities right. A self inquiry practice for most is not the right start. Most need to burn the karma first. That said, there are no right or wrong answers, but be careful to not fall into the highly spiritual but my life sucks trap.
  23. As the title. Important to note, I live in Sweden where the university education is free + you get some money. My goal is to master psychology and than do public speaking. Will becoming a psychologist be worth my time? ( according to you guys, I want your thoughts) Thank you? @Leo Gura