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Everything posted by SamC

  1. Amazing video to practice how not to judge and react against spiral dynamics stage orange.
  2. I belive the best would be to be open to them about how you feel when they do this roasting game's. If they are not understanding, you should ditch them and move on. Thinking about it... who wouldn't feel shit if you have a game where you're trying to put people down? That's so immature and stupied. Honestly, ditch them anyways - find better friends. These are not people you want to be around anyways It is 2 weeks left. If they start, tell them that you don't want to partake In this game and tell them why. If they start blaming you, leave the fucking table. In other words, practice setting boundaries. That's one of the keys for now, and for your college life.
  3. (: You are right! (: You being aware of it is enough. Be aware of what you're doing, feel into it - do what makes you feel good and notice why you´re doing it and then take action in accordance to eat. Also, consider do try to not meditate sometimes if you notice that you´re super afraid of not meditating. I know I know, it´s very contradicting, but the reason why is because it is super context-sensitive. it´s a paradox. Leo is right.. I mean how do you think I realized this?? by consciousness and awareness of course but which then, funnily enough, made me realize that my approach of forcing it didn´t work. That´s why you should continue meditating lmao, but at the same try to find out ways so that you can break this cycle. one way is being " AWARE OF THIS DYNAMIC"... Conciousness is currative and the foundation ect ((: ( See what I did there Lmao)
  4. Yeah (: @fopylo You´re scared of not being enough and therefore try to fix yourself. Do you notice however that you´re trying to avoid fear by raising your conciousness? I used the exact same tactic man... I tried to cure my low self-esteem by meditating every single day ( forcing myself to do it). It became like an OCD where I had to do it in order to be enough and cure myself and where I had to become more conscious to solve my neurosis. But, the fact of the matter is this... THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU and the " needing to" mediate and raise your consciousness feeds into this negative feedback loop. Look at this feedback loop model and you will see. " I am not good enough " ------ " I need to change myself in order to be enough -------- I should meditate to change myself --------- If I don´t do this I will not be enough and then I will be unlovable, worthless or whatever" This is what you´re doing. You think you´re solving your neurosis but you´re not. You are MAINTING IT, instead of solving it because you´re acting in accordance with it. That said, you shouldn´t stop meditating because of fear of being driven by fear, because that will also feed into the dynamic of you not being good enough. Instead - meditate and do it and everything else in life because you love it and because it feels awesome and because you want to. Discover what you want and then go after it, if that is getting girls, consciousness, success, money, or whatever pursue it. Let your inner compass be what makes you feel good, not the fear of not being good enough.
  5. yeah, and why is it bad to be fucked? what will it mean if you wouldn´t unfuck yourself?
  6. Because it is short-term. Playing the ego game will make you happier in the short term while playing the consciousness game will make you happy in the long term +the happiness that is created will be grounded in something sustainable.
  7. The last thing I'll say is this. They of course won't but the question is, do you honestly feel like they won't fulfill you? To me, it sounds like you're trying to get self-acceptance and consciousness so that you then can pursue the outside world with love + at the same feel love and peace... Almost like, " imma fix me first, and then I can function normally and be enough"... Which reminds me of myself lmao. You know best what's best for you, but be careful. Leo has many times in his videos mentioned that it is important to get your lower needs in check before going all buddha style because even though you know they won't fulfill you, you will deeply crave them. You can´t become conscious and loving if what you´re pursuing is based on avoiding what you fear ( not being good enough/ not accepting yourself". Notice how trying to get somewhere else and becoming conscious in itself is a crutch and based on the idea that you´re fucked up... which is not love, but fear GL my man
  8. @fopylo I am not saying you shouldn't meditate. Meditation is amazing and 100% foundational, but that doesn´t mean that you should neglect the material world and your basic needs. I mean, how are you going to have the time and passion to meditate when you´re stuck cleaning dishes at Starbucks 8 hours a day for 10 bucks an hour? How are you going to get enlightened when all you deeply want is a hot witch sucking your pe,pe? Focus on both, for sure, do some meditation and shit but be strategic about it, have a plan, and don´t dismiss your lower needs. Discover what you want and how you would want to impact the world and exhaust those needs so that you can transcend them later. Meditation and spirituality won´t go anywhere, save it for later when you have a better foundation to reach the higher dimensions of life.
  9. 1: Contemplate why you compare yourself so much with other people. 2: You don't know how they feel or how their life is. You're just assuming shit. 3: I understand that it is super frustrating to feel like you're not getting the thing you seek ( self acceptance/ self love). It must feel very discouraging and disappointing. Relize that the journey is long and that it entails going thorough a lot of shit and pain. Sometimes you will feel 100 times worse than your friends a couple of days/ months because you're on this exact journey. Shredding your ego TAKES.FUCKING.TIME. Lastly Focus on the material stuff more. Don't meditate 4 hours a day. Do that later. Make some goals, discover what you want, take Leo's LP course, do shadow work, seek out a therapist and get your basics rolling. Gl man, I am rooting for you. I know it's though, but hang in there.
  10. Yeah but it becomes strange loopy. How you perceive it to be is your ACTUAL experience in a limited consciousness RELATIVE perspective which makes it relatively true and able to explain how you feel when you´re in that exact situation and state of consciousness. This means that the feelings exist and are true with a small t on truth and that they are a part of our perceived experience of reality, just like my glass right in front of me is percived even though it doesn´t look like that from an absolute truth perspective.
  11. It all depends on how we look at it. Everything is relative (; What is true in this relative perspective is those feelings. What is absolutely true is another question which basically is how the world is without us projecting anything to it.
  12. @wwhy For sure but that doesn´t mean that my feelings of being misunderstood or hurt are invalid. They are there. I understand why it happens, and I am sorry that they have to experience that but the guys who express anti-woman ideas can´t help it, just as little, as they can´t help themselves to not react against it. They have the right to feel that way and express whatever they feel. It´s okay. They are allowed to feel misunderstood, angry, sad, hurt, and frustrated + expressing that fully, just like I have to right to express how that, in turn, makes me feel. This whole sex war dynamic is in reality just a basic negative feedback loop that puts hurt on hurt, and I believe the first step to go meta on it ( and seek out a solution) is to acknowledge how it makes us feel so that we can learn that we basicialy experience the same type of distress and negative emotions from both judging the other sex and being judged by the other sex. Both sides feel misunderstood - so I think it´s time we try to understand each other.
  13. Next YouTube video - how to go Mega, part 1
  14. as a guy feel terrible misunderstood from this discussion regarding that men are this and woman are this way. It's a very black and white, biased way of looking at a complex situation. "Men here are underdeveloped, they are this and that way and normal guys are not this way and woman here are for higher values while men are here just because they are less developed ext" I mean come on, that's super judgemental and dividing and puts men on one side and woman on another side + put men and woman down. Many men and women are interested in higher ideals and conciousness and truth yet at the same time have low self esteem and what not. The one doesn't have to exclude the other one. I agree with a lot on here. A lot of men here, myself too, have low self esteem issues and struggle in the daiting compartment and should work on integrating the anima, and shadow, and conciousness, and learn how to relate to woman better and the world and find his masculinety and yadi yadi yadi yadi, but that doesn't mean that we are here and you girls are up there or that we should be judged as " less developed'. A lot of girls here have similar structure problems in their psychie, while maybe not a guy's equivalent for that structure problem and I suggest that that's why the gender wars happen and why this is a sensitive topic for a lot of girls here too. A lot of men and woman on here are very very insecure. Not just men, not just woman and that makes it so that the two see something in the other sex which is not accepted which than creates this whole dynamic of judging and hatred. This is a very sensitive spot for myself, I can tell. I am biased, I am triggered, I am hurt and I take responsibility for that, but I also take responsibility to express my emotions and thoughts regarding this. I can't see this clearly, but this is how I see it, and therefor in a sense - this is my justified truth.
  15. @diamondpenguin Step 1 - You take 5DICKiO - dmt Step 2 - Your dick becomes enlightened because it realizes that it was an Elk dick in his past life. It works because facts and logic destroy the dicks ego which makes the dick become limitless Hmu, if you want a 25 % discount ?. Find out more on
  16. *cough cough* This would make for an amazing life purpose.
  17. @CultivateLove Damm, I thought I could use that as a way out )))): I am defeated
  18. @Cireeric LP statement: Developing life changing pills for people to realize the power of God. Making dicks longer.
  19. I am super right-brained and intuitive by nature and because of that my left-brained thinking is really poor ( Probably because I rarely use it). That said, I am currently in a face in my life where I am actively studying math and left-brained thinking almost every single day which of course got my systems thinking brain wondering." Huh; I wonder if this will aid my self-actualization work in any way?". Maybe I will gain something more from a larger perspective than just becoming not extremely terrible at math". There exists honestly a lot of doubts in my mind that developing my left-brained thinking more will be that useful, yet, it still feels reasonable that there could be some awesome benefits that I haven´t even considered that could emerge from becoming more logical and left brain oriented. So what do you guys say? How does left-brain thinking aid on the self-actualization/self-transcendence journey? Are there even any benefits at all? If there are, what are the benefits of left-brained thinking? @Leo Gura
  20. Because Yellow starts to realize that forcing others to change is not loving, nor solving the individual and global problems ( It only creates more problems) and that one instead should search for real systemic, core solutions. Yellow still cares, but see through a lot of greens delusion. That's my answer. Note that I am probably around 40 percent yellow 25 percent green and 35 percent orange and I still have a lot of integration of green left, so take that into account. Also, yellow cares about the injustices, it´s just that yellow don´t try to solve it activist style.